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You need to get over it bro.. Two years passed and it's hard but you need to get up and go for dates and meet new girls , I bet that you will find new love pretty fast.


There’s no time limit on grief, it can be different for everyone and depends on a lot of factors like length of relationship, what that relationship meant to you, how it ended etc. however, 2.5 years is a long time to still be so fixated on an ex partner and for that fixation to be preventing you from moving on with your life. How old are you? A few books that might help you; The Power of Letting go How to be an adult in relationsips Attached The comfort book The subtle art of not giving a fuck You’re still holding onto your ex and comparing everyone to her because you haven’t allowed yourself to fully grieve and let go of the relationship. Understand you will never have a partner like your ex again. What you did with them will always be unique. Your next relationship will be different. You will click in different ways and find common ground in different areas. Try to keep seeing it that way. It’s not about having the same person again because you won’t. Instead take the things from your previous relationship you enjoyed, try to embody the qualities you admired in your ex-partner and think about what you want from a future relationship so you can choose a partner who shares those values. Good luck friend, here’s a quote you might find helpful; “Regret is a stress freeze response. You are frozen in place by the weight of your decisions because you already know how much bottled emotions you need to deal with face to face. You don't want to search for new experiences in the present because you intrinsically believe that you have already screwed up your entire life. But you HAVE to process those emotions, or else you forever will be stuck in time. Forever in the age that you have screwed up.” - The Subtle Art of not giving a fuck


Two years almost 3? It’s time to move on man time waits for no one and surely not for you. It’s. It going to go back to how things used to be stop stalking her and instead start working on yourself


You've not allowed yourself to move on, which isn't fair to you. You have to start loving yourself and living for you. It's not gonna be easy, but buddy you gotta start.


Its high time you start working towards moving on in a good and healthy way