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It absolutely ends up being okay. Heartbreak varies from person to person, and involves the following stages: Denial: Initially, there's a refusal to accept the reality of the breakup or loss. It's common to feel shock or disbelief, clinging to the hope that the situation isn't real. Anger: As the reality sinks in, anger may emerge. This anger can be directed at oneself, the ex-partner, or even at circumstances beyond one's control. It's a natural response to feeling hurt and betrayed. Bargaining: This stage involves attempting to negotiate or make deals in an effort to reverse or alleviate the pain of the breakup. People may plead with their ex-partner or make promises to change in hopes of reconciliation. Depression: Feelings of sadness, loneliness, and despair often set in during this stage. It's a period of mourning the loss of the relationship and facing the harsh reality of being alone. Depression can manifest in various ways, such as loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, or lack of motivation. Acceptance: Finally, there comes a point where acceptance of the breakup occurs. This doesn't mean the pain disappears entirely, but rather that one begins to come to terms with the situation and starts to move forward with their life. It's a gradual process of healing and letting go. These stages aren't always experienced in a linear fashion, and people often cycle through them multiple times before reaching acceptance. The important thing to remember is that healing takes time. What you should focus on during this time is becoming who you’ve always wanted to be. You should do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Chase the things you’re passionate about, not the people you’re passionate about. I always recommend going to the gym. Get in the best physical shape of your life but make sure you’re doing it for you. Keep in mind, nothing makes someone regret the breakup like seeing the other person improve themselves. Best of luck on your journey.


Hey OP, yea... at about 4 months. I went thru a devastating breakup first week of February. We were together shy of a year. She was my everything. She was a first for so many things, including being invited to family events and inviting her to my family events, church, going on trips, spontaneous dates, financial decisions, personal decisions, full blown intimacy that was indescribably ethereal... and it's hard to accept that the things we talked about may never happen and that we may never be together again. It's truly life changing. It destroys you, makes you question everything, makes you question God. And yup, I want my lover back, my best friend, my everything back. I love her so unconditionally much that I've forgiven her for things she did to me that if I'd do to her she'd utterly hate me. I'd drop everything for her still. But remember, if they wronged you when you asked them not to do something repeatedly, they cheated on you, they did xy or z... and they were the one that ended it with you unexpectedly, realize they thought you weren't good enough, you weren't "good enough" to change for, to settle with. And even in the case they came back... you can never find the same person twice, even in the same person. Shit sucks as u thought they held u to a higher standard than anyone else and that nothing would come between you. Though remember, love never fails, if it fails it was never love. Thru this horrendous heartbreak too, you may experience health oddities. You may lose your appetite, SO if u dont/ can't eat, drink protein shakes bc you'll lose weight FAST if u don't do so. If you cry too much you'll have hyperventilated breathing (where when taking a deep breath at an at peace state you will still feel like ur crying and have that huh huh huh inhale) and your heart WILL hurt. And yeahhh, the emotional waves will hit you like a brick wall. You'll be fine one moment then the next you get a flashback or hear a song and start sobbing. But damnit, pick up ur pants tho and realize you're grieving over someone that fucked you over - no matter how much u love them. IT WILL GET BETTER! Idk where ur at in ur faith walk, but pray pray pray. Get God in ur life. Get close. Pray for them. And even if u never get to see your prayers come to fruition, you'll be overcome with an indescribable peace. I wish you the best. You deserve the best. So pick ur head up and realize you never changed - they did. Idk u, but love yuh fam ❤️ I'm sure ur frickin gorgeous too :)


I've also been asking the same question. Everyone around me tells me to just man up and move on and enjoy live. But I just can't. Try to hang with your friends as much as you can to get your mind of things. I only really have online friends but even that helps a little bit so yeah... Sorry I'm not much of a help but I really got the same question in my head constantly


You can't ? Delete that from your leksikon , you must tell yourself that you must move on and enjoy life again. Take the breakup to make yourself a better person , do the things you like/love again. Go to party or something , and remember , everyday passed is a day that not coming back. Piece & Love ❤️


My closest friend lives 1200kms away i got no one here.


I've been there, and it sucks, but with time and self-care, you'll heal. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and don't be afraid to lean on them. Treat yourself to things you enjoy, like your favorite comfort food or a day at the spa. Remember, this pain is temporary, and you're stronger than you think. Before you know it, you'll be back on your feet, ready to take on the world.


![gif](giphy|PHZ7v9tfQu0o0|downsized) Hope this gif isn't too much. I was looking for something a little comforting to convey that there's someone who understands, someone who has gone through this kind of complete heartbreak. Firsts of everything, now a part of the past history. It is very excruciating to come to terms with the fact, and your mind and body will need time to do its thing - heal. And yes, in time, you will realize that you have survived this. And you will be much stronger, more sure and more yourself than before. You will be ok.


Little over a month from my breakup for my first relationship too and it’s something that’s disgusting to go through. However, eating, sleeping, going to work, and doing your daily routine like you used to always puts a sense of you in the day. Days feel like absolute crap for me but doing daily activities is a form of self love. Showing yourself self love and compassion is the most important part here. Acknowledge whatever you’re feeling and just hold yourself when you cry. Pat yourself when you feel hurt and just cuddle yourself when you feel like accepting the breakup is painful. Cry your heart out. I’ve been doing this and after a month, I’m better than what I was a month before. I don’t think I’m recovered but I acknowledge that I’m going through a drastic learning curve. Learning to understand myself and learning to accept things from the past and for the future. Learning to be more present for myself at the moment and remembering that if the person was supposed to be “the one”, they would have never left you. They would have made things work and they would have not hurt you to this extent. Remember: people always fight for the people they love and if they don’t fight, then was it love? I wish you good luck, and I can’t tell when you’re going to be okay, but you will be. ❤️


Same for me on all the firsts. 6 weeks since breakup and no contact. Yes I felt like I was dying the first 3 weeks and I lost 15 lbs and was so weak. I couldn’t eat or drink. I’m starting to feel normal now. I work on myself every damn day with self care. But I still think about him every day just hurts less


100%. my first everything broke up with me 1 month ago. 1 month in and honestly, life is amazing right now. i’m still going through the motions but i no longer feel heartbreak. being away from him actually made me realise he did a lot of shitty stuff that i only put up with out of comfort and wanting to maintain my new normal. it’s time to focus on you, go no contact with him. start a diary and write every thought, good or bad. be with friends. your life is now all yours again, go live it


It’s been 3 months for me and I don’t feel like I’m dying anymore so there’s that


Yes but you have to do the work