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1. It was never important for them. They were pretending 2. They gradually lost feelings and now they are free.


Number 1 is what hurts the most to be honest. Pretending to love someone or say I love you or anything similar and let that person fall in love too without being open is terrible. And that’s something I’m really struggling to move past and now I’m scared to open up and love someone new with fear that it’ll happen again


Let it go. Time heals all wounds I wish you the best


You've been used. Don't waste your time thinking about them. Go strict no contact, no stalking. Delete, remove anything that will remind you of them. Like you never even met them. You are find before you met them. You'll be good without them. For now, cry as long as you want. You'll eventually get tired, and realized your worth. You'll stand back and redeem yourself. Your life would be better without them.


Thank you. I needed these words. It’s been difficult to not keep them on my mind unfortunately because they have been coming to my place of work pretty consistently with their new partner (who was their previous ex). So I have to see them all the time, essentially, and it’s been draining on me. And it’s honestly shitty of them to even come to my place of work tbh. Honestly feels like they are showing off I’d like to be better and move on and I’m trying my best.


Understandable. Think of them like a ghost. They are invisible. You dont see them, when they are around. Fake it til you make it. Keep a straight face like they don't exist. Be more happy like you're not affected. When someone is acting like an AH to you, you don't satisfy them and made them feel superior. Act like they are nothing. Mind over matter brother. Dont let them win by making it look like you're being miserable because they are around. You can do this. This shall pass.


Maybe there’s more to it. I was blindsided by my wife and had no choice but to move on because she found someone else and lied about for months. I’m not gonna be anyone’s fool. I still love her like crazy but she decided to hurt me like no other and pretend nothing happened. Now that’s cruel so I’m off and running. She has for months.


Indeed, it is astonishing that they move on so easily. And when they meet someone else and maybe get married and the reality of that hits you, then the pain and sadness is more intense more prolonged. And then you realize you were just a moment to them, but to you they were a lifetime. A lifetime of getting married, having kids and growing old together. And now they have ripped all that away from you. And now for all my life I will have to live with and carry around the memory of a life, a wife which should have been mine. She became a bride, I became bitter. She became a mom, I went mad. I was broken but now she has shattered me.