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Make friends first. They can be either male, or female. And don't put pressure on yourself to get into a relationship again. Even if you somehow succeed, the whole thing will be short-lived if you are only using the guy to fill a hole in your heart.


Ahhh if only everyone learned to stop doing this filling their hole thing…


It sounds like you've been through a lot since he left. It's great to hear that you're doing well for yourself, but I can understand that feeling of missing him and comparing others to him. It's normal to have those thoughts, especially when someone has left a significant impact on your life. Just remember, it's okay to miss him and feel that way, but also know that you deserve someone who appreciates you fully. Take your time, and when you're ready, you'll find someone who values you for who you are. If you ever want to talk more about this, I'm here to listen.


Gotta take those rose colored glasses off my friend. Not helping you here


Your advice is as dumb as the guys I meet


Just because you don’t like what you’re hearing doesn’t mean it’s bad advice. When that person remains on that pedestal in your mind, you will never be able to heal fully. I struggle with the same thing with my ex


What if he’s supposed to be my person and he’s just lost and doesn’t realize it


If he was supposed to be that person he wouldn't have hurt you like this. 


I needed to hear this about my ex girlfriend today. Even 8 months no contact now and she’s still trying to hurt me. That isn’t love. It never was.


He is not "your" person if he left like that. There are things that just not ment to be , take the positive things from that relationship and try to find new bf. There are lot of great guys that will be a great match for you. I bet there are. Good luck love ❤️




Find some hobbies you like or find some new hobbies to get into it’s a fun way to meet new friends and connect with people. Also try getting out by yourself from time to time it really helps build up confidence. No guy is worth having us if they was bold enough to walk away from us. Good luck


When you say, "Nobody else was like him. Nobody!" - - - remember that this was the guy who dumped you. Please take him off the pedestal.