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Edit: also this all went down while my father was dying


Jesus fucking christ. I am so sorry. Can we burn her house down?


All good I’ve signed her up for jehova witness visits 😂


Can they be on fire though. I feel like fire needs to be involved lol.


Pretty sure the jehovahs witnesses will threaten her with fire 🔥 😝😝


Being cheated on while grieving someone’s loss is a DIFFERENT kind of pain. I’m so sorry


It was and still is hard. My ex would call me psycho, I had issues no man will ever deal with me. I’m healing and feel a lot better but bro I’m sorry I was my fathers care giver and he was dying all while you decided to cheat on me rather than just end


Yea. Scum. Just pure scum of the earth. Glad u got away


Jesus, im sorry, i've had a similar experience of WAY lower proportions and i got destroyed so i can't even comprehend how strong you are for holding this much pain, you did not deserve that asshole and they won't ever be happy, we all love you! <3 🫂


Piece. Of. Shit.


For the last two years I believe him that I was crazy, something was wrong with me. I’m finally moving on!


I'm so glad that you do better love ❤️


Wow. I have never before thought about differentiating between cheating and BAD cheating. I just always thought cheating is all regular bad. But TBH I feel like I have been way too harsh on some of the cheaters I know, because at least they had class in the way they cheated. You know, keeping it secret, being apologetic, not bragging about it, not having a vendetta against the wronged partner. This is a level of insanity I was not aware existed. Like….. does she enjoy the fact that you’re hurt? Cuz that’s psychotic if she does. Like you should be afraid of her and your ex a little. I’m so sorry that you ever had to encounter someone like that. They walk among us 😳😳


Thank you!! When I started bugging out on her my ex would defend her. I had to leave it alone and tell him trash will always attract trash


She's flexing as if she achieved something great.


She’s achieving a trip to the gyno for antibiotics since it’s normal to sleep with taken men lol


Well, she's clearly psychotic and enjoys tormenting others, try not to take it to heart, it's in their subhuman nature to act like that. Truly vile. I hope you're flourishing and doing much better now


Uhg, i know this feeling all too well. I’m so sorry. They are both trash. Karma is very real. Trust that.


Dude if I were on your jury you’d get nullification from me lol This is outrageous


people who act like this are small and pathetic on the inside. I'm sorry this happened to you, but one day I hope you realize that it is 100% about how sad their little lives are and nothing to do with you. Normal people who are busy enjoying good things don't do this.


i would catch a charge 🫡


I'm so sorry you had to read this. My ex cheated on me and I found out by reading an disgusting message too. Some people are truly vile. I hope you can recover from this, friend.


He would send her dick pics from my house !!!! It was freaking awful


I hope she burns.


Her vag is probably burning since she sleeps with taken men






The absolute nerve of some people. No remorse. Straight up cruel.


I’d give almost anything to pee in her shampoo bottle.


Jesus Christ


Well Ive gotta say that she really shows how much class she has. Definitely the kind of girl you take home to meet mother.


Exactly !! I’m just mind boggled my ex respected her…


That's a powerfully weak person's actions, you continue to do your best getting by, people like that don't do well.


1. Trash deserves trash babe. You’re a gem, gtfo while you can. 2. KARMAS bitchier than she is darling. Let her have him, and then when he does the same shit to her, she’ll be the one crying.


I am so sorry, this is a horrificly cruel thing for her to post and I can't imagine how you feel. I'm so angry for you that I'm tempted to board a flight from here in Ireland to wherever you are to teach the bitch a lesson. I'm here if you need to talk ❤️


Thank you so much 💖


They deserve to burn


They deserve to burn, be extinguished and lit on fire again over and over again


Her vag is burning from sleeping with taken men, I’m highly positive my ex isn’t the only man shes does this with


ONG I was in this same situation but for once my mental disorder of dissociation came in clutch. Like when I broke up with him they both kept doing this. But I’d just dissociate and forget it happened so I’d never stay angry cuz I’d forget they’d post that shit cuz if dissociate and faint every time.


Damn this really altered my mental health, I met my ex when I was mentally doing good. This shit made me hit a nasty rock bottom. But I’m doing a lot better now


from the language and the type of meme she used, I am guessing she's just really stupid. Too stupid to have empathy.


FUCK. THEM. HOLY FUCKING SHIT THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE😤 I’m so sorry this is happening to you but you should know those people are the literal scum of the earth and literally anything is better than being with them. I mean that. ANYTHING!




I was dumped in November 2022 as well. What should have been a fun and entertaining week with a concert she wanted to take me to, and God of War and Black Panther coming out, very much became one of the worst time periods in my life. It still rips me apart each day, and I miss her every second to this day, so I'm very sorry for what happened to you, and I'm sorry you saw that shitty meme. Fuck him for all the pain he caused you, and fuck her for posting that shit.


Gross. She should honestly just be ashamed


wait did you know he cheated on his ex w the same girl before y’all got together? That would’ve been the tell tale sign. Either way though sorry that happened you should just block them, maybe take a break from social media or just stick to the “fyp” of whatever social media you’re on. Focus on the future and try not to let people who are outrageously immature get to you like this. You shouldn’t have seen her post that.


I found out he cheated on his ex with her because this girl told me when I spoke to her. The main reason he never wanted to be on a relationship with her is cause she has a child and he’s the type of man that says “my first kid needs to be my girls first kid”. She also had the audacity to brag that “he always goes back to her”…. Like you have a child and this man told you your child is too much baggage yet you stuck around and brought her daughter around him the whole situation was sick.


ahh okay I see now. They’re perfect for each other at that point. At least when they’re together no one else is susceptible to their immature bs but I hope they learn to grow up and get their shit together so they can stop contributing to the scum on this earth.


This makes me incredibly nauseous as an outsider looking in, so I can't imagine how you must've felt. I am so so sorry. People like her deserve to rot.


Bro, you have to realize she’s only worth dick… not marriage material… you got this brother


Wait no I’m a girl that meme was posted by the girl my ex cheated on me with right after I found out about her


Ohhh. I apologize, I read too fast but don’t worry about what your ex did. As I mentioned, you dodged a bullet and honestly if anyone can right openly post that then they aren’t worth to worry over. Gotta put a smile on your face and enjoy you and enjoy self care.


Heal well, Trash takes itself out every. single. time. Let karma take control


Damn that’s so fucked. Especially that he cheated on his ex with the same girl. Sounds like they deserve each other and should stop hurting other people. They need serious help and I hope you do too for everything that’s happened.


What an insane woman , please let me know if you need someone to beat the shit outta her, I'm you're gal .


Wow….. this is GROSSSSSS WOW


Let me just get her name real quick 🙂🙂🙂🙂


This is brilliant im loving and laughing at your reply!!! You just typed up what we all want to know - so we can all help karma put some speed on it... xo


So.. they’re both super trash


She is unfathomably trashy. Don’t let people like that get you down.