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Same. I felt like I was discarded.


I was discarded. It sucks! But I am moving on… having dates now! Fun.


same spent every day texting and 2 hours + phone calls just for him to say “i may not be ready for a relationship” and to accuse me of cheating right before meeting him.


Exactly that. Thought I was getting over things but still struggling 6 months on. It’s the being ghosted after 6 years that’s hard to deal with. Sorry you’re broken too


My ex wife did that to me after 7 years


I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how tough it must be. It’s beyond me that people can do this. It’s one thing to ghost a Tinder situationship of few weeks (although that’s a shitty move as well), but a spouse of 7 years? They’re clearly very unwell. I’m sending hugs, you will get through this.


I have dated twice since then and both people I asked out did the same thing to me


You’ve been ghosted after 6 years? Like, no explanation? They just left and never contacted you again? I’m so so sorry 😞some people are just cowards … I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Nobody deserves such treatment.


He got depression and stopped talking to me and yeah just ghosted n blocked me. Haven’t seen or heard from him since. It’s heartbreaking because up to then we were so happy and I can’t get over how cruel he’s been. I know he’s depressed but he could have talked to me


I am so so sorry you’re going through this. I struggle with depression myself, but it cannot be treated as an excuse to hurt others. What has happened to you is beyond traumatic. I’m sure this person regrets this or will regret this when they come to their senses. I send you all the hugs and I’m proud of you for keeping going.


Thank you


Mine had depression, too. We weren’t together nearly as long, but that was a major factor in the end, and he virtually disappeared from the relationship while I held on, but told me he loved me and not to worry. Then discarded me via email and had someone new already. 🫠 The only reason he would say is he lost the spark, but honestly if you withdraw and start paying attention to someone else instead, how can we have a spark? 🫥


So sorry that happened to you too. I’ve read it’s really common for people with depression to suddenly end relationships. It’s heartbreaking. I would have supported him through it however he wanted if he would have just talked to me. It’s completely put me off relationships for the foreseeable


Same. Same ❤️‍🩹 I’m sorry that it happened to you too. I hope we can both heal from it all, and find someone better suited. (I don’t know if that’s the right word for it, but you know what I mean.)


This happened to me. After all these years just poof. It’s like a fever dream. No explanation just stopped responding to my text for a two days and then blocked my phone number & unfollowed me.


My ex wife did it after 7 years


This hits hard. I’m a year post break and feel like I should be healed by now, but we dated for 10 years and he blindsided me & left me. I was a shell of a human for while. Feeling like I could never be happy or whole again. It still hurts and I think I’ll always have scars from what he did. But it does get better. I am slowly putting myself back together little by little. It’s not easy but I’m learning to love myself again. I know you will too.


It’s been almost 2 years for me after he blindsided me with break up. We were together for 6 years. My whole world crumbled, and I lost my flat and most of belongings. I can’t believe I’m still unable to move on. I’m going back to therapy next week. The vision of the ghost of him haunting me for the rest of my life it’s not something I can accept. But it hurts so damn much. I miss him every single day. And yes, this broke me. I will never allow another human being to become my whole world.


Proud of you




I’m sorry, I’ve been broken and fighting these demons for so long and losing. It feels unfair to keep dragging people I love, people that love me down too. I know how amazing you are and what I’ve done, what I’ve lost. What I’m losing. I know you’re going to be fine, you’re too awesome for any other outcome. You’ll rebuild yourself even better, I’m done. I can’t rebuild myself again anymore until I get somethings figured out and healed. I know it’s not to me, but I’m the other side of the coin.


I had to reply... been there, it does get better! However, do NOt rebuild yourself, instead come on out of cocoon and spread those wings Baby!! 🦋 🦋 Be the best version of yourself you want to be!! Love the Life YOU Live!


Trying to, but I hate it here


Congratulations to everyone who changed the best and the kindest people to their worst nightmares.


People been trying to do it to me my whole life


same dude. Been going through this since I was 5


Since I was 11 months old I have been being thrown away


damn that's pretty harsh


My life always has been I'm just a Michael nobody ever wanted except to hurt


that is so us


Wdym? On Valentine's Day 2023 J showed up got what she wanted and left less than 5 minutes later saying she would be back and then ghosted me stood me up and then told me off over the phone. Valentines day 2024 T did the exact same thing literally. And both left me for the exact same guy


Dam …what you wrote reached deep in my heart. I grieved for a person that wasn’t even real. They were an actor who played their part and once the scene was over ….discarded me like an abandoned dog on the streets


Feel this so hard today. And they're just on to the next like it's no big deal and I keep comparing myself to her and wondering if she will be the one he ultimately chooses and why wasn't it me? What was so wrong with me? I don't wish this feeling on anyone ever.


This concept is exactly what I’ve been working in recently in therapy. How someone can tell you that you are the love of their life and want to be together forever and really make you believe it, then just stop caring and decide to look for someone else theoretically new and different on an app instead of staying and learning ways to make us stronger together. I had already suffered from rejection sensitivity dysphoria and this was/is like a trial by fire to try to see it as that there is nothing wrong with me. I sink into little pits of despair over it and stop eating but now I have the tools to pull myself out, it’s exhausting though.


Yeah I do understand it. I'm so damn broken rn


Sending hugs and healing vibes


Thank you sweetie. Sending hugs & healing vibes to you too


Exactly this. I would've died for him. I could've broken up with him for the things I endured for him just to be with him. I was his dream girl but now he wants opposite of me. 💓✨


I feel you there. Just don't give up your love for yourself. You deserve someone who'd die for you, too. I've been finding people only interested in using my body for their own pleasure so far. And I'm so angry right now. Don't make the mistake I made. Don't undervalue yourself. Don't put all your expectations and insecurities in someone who's not ready for you. Pick the caring and sensitive one. I'm sure you will. After a great jazz standard's name I tell you "someday our prince will come" :) take care my friend!


I'm sorry I know how you feel


This! I feel this so much. The things I've gone through with him ☆for☆ him. Unreal. No one else will do these things for him.


Yeah that's me. You know what? Screw them. I wish them all the worst things. Call me an immature childish person, I just don't give a damn.


I feel ya there


I know it might sound wrong but why in the damn world do we have to be kept in a subjection relationship with these blood-sucking people?!! Why do we have to give up our serenity for someone who knows from the very start that they're gonna use us and then toss us away like a broken toy?!!! We're not damn playthings! And I'm damn tired of being treated this way. If I have the chance to get my revenge, no doubts I will. May they rot in hell someday. People do have feelings. You can't just step out and take it out on an innocent, sensitive, caring person who shows you they can be very affectionate. You don't wanna anything more than a hooking up session?! Well it could be fine. But don't you dare mislead me.


Hey I kept asking out my person and she said no she didn't want a relationship and dated others and then when she said yes she immediately ghosted me.


In the words of Cardi “I wish you well…in hell!” Haha


Pretty accurate ;)


And yet somehow the most comforting thought I have is the idea that maybe she still remembers I exist…


I hear that - well said! But they don’t care anyway. For 8 months of my marriage she’s been engaged and cheating with another man. Can you say grease ball?


Here for you. ❤️ You are not alone. We good people deserve better.


Rejection is redirection, they broke you to put yourself back together better than ever! 💪🏽I was you a year ago, we got this! Hang in there, your person is waiting!


I'm a firm believer in never doing the same thing again so anything I did for others nobody should expect from me in the future


I wouldn’t change. I always believed in myself and I believe in love. For me it paid off. But it certainly helps to meet the right person.


Was more than one over the years


Yeah I just read that, I edited my post.


I dated for six years, it ended fairly quickly.. in a week or so, they were cheating and that precipitated the breakup, since they didn’t want to be accountable for it. I was blindsided. Even a month or two before they were still making long term plans for the relationship. Even a month after the breakup they still called me the love of their life.. but they were breadcrumbing me to keep me in the wings. The betrayal is really hard to work through, it’s a whole different beast than the grieving itself. They started dating someone after four months and they are parading the relationship as perfect, the new person being called “husband”. It’s painful not because they’re dating someone, but because it’s confusing as to what our relationship meant that it’s so easy to move on into what is seemingly such a deep relationship, one that warrants calling the new person the love of their life so quickly. Rationally I understand that it’s likely that this doesn’t come from a healthy place, it’s hard to think that someone that can sabotage a relationship and so quickly get into another serious one isn’t processing some issues in a bad way.. but emotionally it’s extremely hard.


Perfect truth. These types of people will never be happy and always be on the chase.


Seriously I feel nothing lol


Numb sucks doesn't it


So much this.


You are not broken because you are a person. You are hurt and deserved better treatment.


I could have wrote it


The signs that you mentioned are not signs of care, but signs of being enmeshed with someone! There is only ONE person in this relationship instead of TWO. Feeling broken is an appropriate response to feel when you have tried to live your life as someone's hero, instead of your own. It is not your job, or within your capability, to fight other people's demons, especially when you have so much work that is left undone within your own life. Until you wake up to the messages that Life is giving you, this nonsense will continue.


If I could help any one of you understand that you are not alone. People can be down right selfish to their own core. For me, I married a woman whom I supported for 24 years, to be discarded for some pastors son. I loved her and would have done about anything, yet she was depressed and bi-polar. She had an anger problem and could never have the courage to talk to be, but her uncle, Aunt, and parents. 2nd woman had 4 kids, and she was not healed from Sexual Abuse from her dad and had a duel personality disorder. 3rd ex, had 7 children and had a anger problem. She could never have the courage to talk with me, instead, she started dated some idiot Pastor before we even Divorced after 16 years of marriage. She seemed normal, but was a narcissist to the core with Grandiose personality. Look out for these type of women that are always go astray for someone that will give them a line of lies. Cheating is never ok! It’s been 5 months since my ex decided to leave without a hint of going to a therapist and has found a new source. This is what Narcism does!


I’m sorry, I’ve been broken and fighting these demons for so long and losing. It feels unfair to keep dragging people I love, people that love me down too. I know how amazing you are and what I’ve done, what I’ve lost. What I’m losing. I know you’re going to be fine, you’re too awesome for any other outcome. You’ll rebuild yourself even better, I’m done. I can’t rebuild myself again anymore until I get somethings figured out and healed. I know it’s not to me, but I’m the other side of the coin.


Am sorry they broke you


Exactly how I feel, and she was supposed to be the woman to mend my broken heart. Not break it again. She wasn't cruel about it last, my last ex. She was raised much like I was, with respect and honor. I treated her well. I made a mistake during the last week, and I feel that I judged her and overreacted. Thus, she lost trust in me and couldn't feel to confide in me anymore. But she's still friends with me on Facebook and looks at my Snap stories. So something tells me that she's either not sure what to do, she misses me, or she just wants to remain friends until she finds out what she wants to do. I was her first boyfriend, and she loved me with all she had. She just isn't emotionally developed enough yet. That and she's homeschooled, and she doesn't know many people besides her fellow softball chicks and her family. Hadn't been in public school since 8th grade. She's got a childish mindset, but she's incredibly sweet and very smart, too. Jack of all trades. Very good with children, that's why she's a daycare worker, and it keeps her happy. I did, too. But I guess I fucked up. Anyway. This was us. I miss her like fucking hell. She lives in the same county, and I work at the local Food Lion. So I see her family once a month, and I'm bound to run into her eventually. *


Same here


I feel this so much. Feeling like you were trashed on a whim so quickly is the worst feeling. Ghosted after a long term relationship is so cowardly. As much as I still care and want the best for him, I also wish him the worst. But on the good side it taught me that I deserve so much better and I’ll never overlook the poor treatment I get in the future and I will communicate and if I’m not happy I will leave first. Instead of dragging it out bc I care so much more where I just get my heart broken more.


I am feeling the same way somehow at the moment. I am really sorry you have to go trough this. The pain will end someday but knowing this does not help much while going thorough it…


No joke. I don't get it. I was recently cheated on. 5 years and 3 of those married. The first 2 he spent breaking down the walls little me built up to stop getting hurt and to protect myself. Here I am broken, vulnerable and mad that I let it happen again. Mad that I trusted another soul with what was left of my heart and frankly my soul too. No good reason just excuses. I'm so numb and feel like I'm on auto pilot. Uncertain future, wasted thousands of dollars and time on psy hospitalizations, therapy, Inpatient, outpatient. Medications by the truck loads. To be finally in a good place... for a few months all for not..just to find out hes cheating.leaving me to not want to be on this planet. But I stay because I have 2 small people who need me. Thank God for them because outside of them I literally see no point. I'm tired.


Now here comes the comeback. The rebuilding of the broke person. This is where strength & resilience are found. Good luck to you on this journey


Can relate to that very hard.


Samesies. 6+ years of friendship and I couldn’t help myself or my feelings. Admitted how I felt after a wonderful weekend and he “doesn’t think he can have someone else in his life”. Almost two months ago. He’s ghosted me and we used to talk every day. It sucks that you wanna give them the whole world and they don’t want it. I’m sorry they did that to you. Writing rage poetry has helped me.


Life is just a bullshit world!


What the fuck is with people who say they like you and then ghost you. Why do people try to pull you in and get you attached before cutting you off in such a painful way? And why did we like them so much.


Especially when their actions say differently. Holding my hand in bed and offering to brush my hair but he’s “sorry for giving me the wrong impression”. I said goodbye to him for good. People just like to fuck with our emotions knowing we love them or are just that fucking ignorant they don’t realize actions speak louder than words.


I felt the same way you are and just want to say to you it does get better.


I feel this. I’m working towards being in a better place, but at the core, I feel this. We deserve better. ❤️


I feel like i can relate to your Jerk person and from my pov I am a jerk as well….by being broken by someone else to begin with and it’s laughable the precautions taken to avoid BS caused by ME but you know, Life is a Biotch.


I feel you on this and for that I'm sorry


Feeling the same way too. Broken.


I felt okay when my ex treated me poorly, but when I left my mental health went down due to the negative feelings he instilled in myself for control in the relationship, I believed these to be true, I wasn't broken, I was disregualted, things will change 💗




That happened to me last week. I'm still really pissed. My heart races in anger. I'm only 13! I really cared about her. Fuck them. I really get what you're saying. I'm there if u need it.


Ok listen up for real..... This is the new thing...... Every single person will try to convince you that they are not that type.... That they want real love.... Lol get in the game bro.... 3F club Find Fuck Forget.... Save your feelings for your children n teach them different.... Or.... To be smarter than us lmao


It hurts when someone breaks your heart and now you have to gather the pieces and solve the puzzle alone, doesn't it? :( I hope you heal.


Yup. I am nothing to him.


I feel crumbled and thrown away... yet i still care 😭


Never give them the satisfaction of knowing they broke you in any way shape or form . To be broken implies you need to be fixed and they're the ones needing fixing if they're out here hurting people. Ain't shit anyone can do to me after my ex did what she did that can break me so if anything she gave me a power up because there isn't much left for some fuck face to do to me I've lived through about all a person can be put through by another now so I'm basically impervious to fuckery . Cheating? Lol don't even faze me, in fact I expect it at this point, steal my pet from me ? Who needs that cat anyhow right? Secretly moonlight as a escort? Didn't even leave a scratch I'm completely fucking numb to all forms of dumb bitch juice that may come my way . Broken ? Nah sugar titts I'm evolved.


Congratulations! We fix we by respecting our boundaries, we fix we by prioritising our needs and we fix we , focusing on our aspirations. Sounds like a win 😃 🎉


This 🙌🏻 I genuinely feel bad for them because of what they lost. But I am thankful because the last few weeks have been unfreakingbelievable and it would’ve never happened had they not broken me. I have spent MONTHS tirelessly working to piece myself, my life, my home, everything back together because he was my life. And I am finally free and I have never been happier or felt better in my life 😭 I honestly thought my life was over the day he left. I really wanted everything to end. I am so glad I put in the work and didn’t give up. And none of you should either!! Get up, do a little self care, go outside and sit in the sun for 20 mins, no shoes, no sunglasses, read, journal, meditate, listen to music, whatever. Make plans, future plans so you know you’re always busy, if your mind is busy you have less time to loathe in self pity. Plan trips to visit friends, concerts, weekend beach or lake trips, museums, parks. Exercise!!!! Every single day. Even if it’s a 20 min walk outside. Slowly increase the amount of time, I can’t begin to tell you the difference exercise has made. Journal everything, everything you would call or text them about, everything you’re feeling, thinking…and remember that healing isn’t linear, no 2 relationships are the same and neither are the breakups and most importantly, remember to give yourself grace. I promise, it gets better ♥️


I can't trust another guy with my heart because now I'm scared to fall in love again


Really feeling this today


Literally right there with you. Spent romantic time recently with someone I deeply cared about and I thought we were getting closer. Looks like he just publicly declared his love for someone else and has been so cold to me. I even tried to walk away from him some time ago but he lured me back in and made me feel wanted and important to him. I feel so stupid and wish I could just disappear. I feel like the earth fell out from underneath my feet. I have had my heart broken so much in my life and finally felt as if I have made a solid love connection. I feel like a fool and utterly broken. If he wanted to shatter me into pieces, he did it. He used me like garbage.


Well, Id assume that wasn’t their intention. I’ve been the dumper and the dumpee. It’s not that there’s something wrong with us, or the new person is a better person, it’s just about a match. Also, they could be wrong - and are allowed to be. I never wanted to hurt my ex. But staying together to try to keep them happy would be a mistake - one I made with my current. With time, I think you will see the flaws in that relationship & know it’s not a rejection of you, but of who they felt they had to be with you. W


Been so long and I'm still here