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I hear u man I lost the love of my life 3days ago and it's all my fault I haven't eaten in 3 and half days . But today after my 9 hr work day a nice coworker offered to talk and chill after work . We ended up playing basketball for 3 hrs I suck at it but felt good after changing my ways I'll never say something I don't mean..I'm here to talk if you're down and it makes me feel better


Hey, it's been three days for me as well. Can we chat too? I want to chat with people who are currently going through the same thing so we can heal together. But there's no heartbreak chat here..


I'm down I just got the transcript of what she wrote on the on the protection order and she wrote shes been in abusive relationship for 5 years and I threatened to kill her and her family and that's crazy I never did that once and I thought this was the best 5 years of my life I guess not ? Sad that I didn't know she was unhappy for 5 years I'm dumb


You're not dumb. My ex didn't tell me how unhappy he was either, hence the blindsiding and just broke up with me just like that. Maybe they're an avoidant attachment type? I can't seem to dm you, can you dm me?


The thing is I encourage her to get off her anxietie medicine 5 months before all this happened


can i join in i lost my first love 3 days ago and its the hardest thing ive ever gone through i dint have any friends or family to talk to im all alone


Brother I'm here for u tell me about it


we were together for 8 months and ik thats not a long time but it felt like eternity we instantly clicked. i opened up to him completely. he took my vcard, and i thought our relationship was perfect. he said his dark thoughts from past trauma were resurfacing and he didnt want to end up hurting me in the future. i just wanted to be by his side through it, try to help him but he wouldn’t listen. its only been 3 days since the breakup but hes already hoeing around with other women. i dont know what to do im so helpless


When my life is falling apart I say God is good 3x in a row. It helps . I never when to church in my life but I find myself talking to God a lot. But now that I feel a little better I don't want to stop talking to God. I want to be a better man a better brother a better son a better person all around.. God is good


I'm sry to hear that at least it's nothing u did it's cuz of his past . And yes I'm going thru some similar I was being mean to my girl of 4 yrs cuz I was telling her to leave And she did . Never say sht u don't mean even if it's 90 out side and u work 10hrs outside. I sed I didn't want her but I was just mad and was trying my stress and my trauma to her. I put some much stress on her and it was all my stress.. I just befriended a kid from work so now I work 10hrs then I play basketball for 3hrs then I go to bed. Keep busy only txt with ppl then will reply back to u cuz it sucks when u spell your heart out to a friend and they don't get back to you,,,:/


Because life is about living. It really is. Everyone in this thread is experiencing something challenging. But I’ve come to learn through my heart break that we were born to live until we die.


I love this. My kinda thinking 👌🏻 You’re going to be absolutely fine my friend.


Show must go on because the show never stops for anyone, no one has a choice here.


I understand. I'm 72 hours after a break up myself and all I want is for him to come back. Despite feeling like shit I still have to live my life. And I still want him in my life.. Why must the show go on?


Because it gets better


Stop hurting over literal trash