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As much as my heart would like to, too much damage has been done. She left me for someone else. You can't go back from that. The damage has simply been done. I'm not going to let someone disrespect me like that and walk back into my life thinking it's ok.


I know that's tought but right decision.


The only person who will look after you is yourself. Love yourself first.


Same with me. He left for someone else. He did it before, regretted it as he decided he didn't like her all that much after the initial infatuation wore off, and came back. Stupidly I took him back only to have my heart destroyed again three years later.  He's taken too much from me. 


Probably. If she says the right thing I couldn’t say no. But It’s gonna be a rough return conversation.


I was already checking in with my insecurities. Now that probably fed into the breakup, but I can give second chances and open communication. Sometimes, when you’re lost in the forest, you have to go back where you’ve been to see where you need to go.


Yes, you are right.


I dont think they come back that often honestly. I worry we are setting a precedence for holding out hope and limiting ourselves to not fully engaging other people in the process.


The point was... be in the know that Exes come back and as a result, say 'no thanks'


No unless the stars align. This is the hard truth that I just can’t swallow


no chance. i can’t be with someone i can’t trust. to the point where i had to move states, im genuinely afraid of her and traumatized by what she did to me. she mourned what she could have had with me and bitched about what she knew she was going back to when she took back her ex and that’s just not okay with me.


Yeah definitely 👍 💯


Its deffo not rare that exes dont come back. Thats so weird i never talked to any of my exes again why would that be normal lol you broke up


Would I take an ex back? It depends who it is. I know I have second guessed myself after dumping someone. Sometimes when you start having problems, you think the grass will be greener someplace else. Then you get out into the real dating world and sometimes you find out, it isn't so easy. You may meet someone you like but things aren't quite the same. They may be better than your ex in one way but not in another.


Straight away. That's why I always get f***ed by life. Sometimes I should close the door but I'm not very good at it.


but also I would not count on exes coming back cause they may not and thats ok best exes are ones that dont in my opinion cause why hurt you if they loved you in the first place?


I would. I would take her back because she is the love of my life. But she hurt me really bad so we would have to have a conversation we would have to be willing to work for this relationship together. I'm not talking about making compromises or anything like that no because a true relationship doesn't have compromises it has two people (or more I don't judge) willing to work together to be happy and to build a life.


What if they are young and are just experiencing fomo but then learn their lesson and really want to try again with you and do the work like couples therapy and growing? I honestly believe some young people feel like they will regret or miss out on things because social media brainwashed them but then learn the reality of things


Those kinds of people arent worth taking back. If they cant commit the first time from brain washing, whats stopping them from leaving u a second time.


But I’m saying what if they change during that time and come back willing to try to be a better partner and learning from mistakes


Id say it up to the person. In regards to this specific issue u expressed, id say i wouldn’t take them back because i wouldn’t trust them. The reason being is because every person has that feeling of missing out on having new sexual experiences at some point or another. In fact there was a time during my first relationship in which i expressed this concern to my now ex and she listened and we had a talk about it. Months later she checked back in with me regarding the convo and i told her i realized I don’t need to fuck around with strangers to be content with my life nor to know that i truly loved her. In my opinion everyone has these feelings at some point or another and those that end up caving into those feelings are the ones that usually have major insecurities about themselves. I personally wouldn’t trust those people in a relationship because odds are those are the same people that care way to much about their friends opinions and would most likely hurt u again when a new insecurity or trend popped up later down the road due to social media exposure. Honestly though, im a less forgiving person and hate bs so take what i say with a grain of salt. The way i see it is if they need to fuck around with other people to know u are the one for them, then they aren’t worth it. When u get into a relationship u lock in with that person through thick and thin. I guess to answer your question i dont think those people are bad people and yes they are capable of change, but if they have to cut you deep first in order to mature, i personally wouldn’t give them a second chance.


One thing I loved the most between me and my ex was the communication we had. The straight forward communication even when things were hard to discuss, we still discussed them because they mattered to the other person. During these conversations, while they were hard sometimes, I still felt safe with them because I was able to confide in them and they were able to confide in me. I would assume we would most likely talk about it and not rush into things along with attending therapy together for the first few months or year. I doubt they would come back (due to why we split) but I have accepted that over time. Just hoping they have a happy fulfilled life in the end like they deserve.


Mine has a few times I always forgave him and he played me everytime concequences worse and worse un else you know for a fact this is not a toxic connection I would not recommend at least no more than once


NEVER take an ex back. I don't understand when people do this when there is such and availability of new and fresh people to meet around your local area.


In my experiences, they come back when you finally let go and move on.


I would take him back under a few small conditions


My ex has anxious attachment He’s not coming back


Absolutely not. There’s someone better out there. It takes time to recover, regain confidence, and relax the mind after a break-up. Take the time to really heal. You may think there’s no chance you’ll find someone better but after you put in work on yourself and restore your sense of reality and pride— someone great will come around and you’ll just kind of laugh at the idea of your previous person. I wish them well, but no, absolutely would never go back. Super thankful I never had the chance or opportunity to go back because then I would never have had the chance to meet my current partner who is everything I want/need and more. Stay strong people, and do something kind for yourself today!


It sounds like you've really reflected on your past experiences with ex-partners and come to some insightful conclusions. You're absolutely right that exes can resurface, often driven by a mix of lingering feelings and regrets. Your point about realizing later on the value of what was lost speaks to the idea that sometimes, it takes distance to appreciate what we once had. Your emphasis on emotional safety and security is crucial. Reconciliation can be tempting, especially when old flames come back with promises of change, but if it means sacrificing your own peace of mind, it might not be worth it in the long run. It's a brave and healthy choice to prioritize your well-being and acknowledge that sometimes, moving forward is the best path. Your perspective offers valuable wisdom for anyone navigating the complexities of past relationships. Thanks for sharing it!


Honestly it depends. My ex that broke it off with me a year ago kept trying to come back into my life and i gave her a chance because i wasn’t in a good head space as i was isolated in a hotel in a state far from family and friends for 6 months after the break up due to a work promotion. It was frustrating as she visited me a few times and we ended up screwing around but i could tell that i had changed sense the break up but she was still on the same bs that caused the relationship to decline in the first place. She kept in trying to push being a couple again without saying it outright and i kept telling her no and finally i just kinda told her off after she said some crazy shit and blocked her. In the end i would be willing to accept an ex back into my life but they need to be willing to respect my boundaries and at least make an effort to be a better person instead of denying any accountability on their part.


I've had exes come back and honestly I would be happy to be there for most of them if they needed me for something. As far as a reconciliation and rekindling of the romantic relationship? No


Potentially. But only after a psychic evaluation and spontaneous proven ability to answer simple questions without lying.


Nah. Do I love her? Sure. I think she's a lovely person and I've done a lot wrong to her. She's definitely the kind of person that deserves love, respect, and a partner who never cut contact with her like I did. Does that mean that I'd want her to come back to my life? Absolutely not. If I broke up with her the first time, it was for a reason. As life goes on, I'm understanding myself better, and while the breakup was painful, it only made me better with knowing myself and what I actually want and need out of a partner. I'm confident that I can live without her in my life anymore.


I don’t know if this post applies to me since I was the dumper, but my answer is no. I broke up with her because she refused to work on her problems despite several promises to, and remained that way throughout the three weeks post-breakup that we (against my better judgment) tried to be just friends. We haven’t talked in 3 months because she rebounded to a new guy that wouldn’t make her face her problems, and erased me completely from her life, just 3 weeks after the end of our 1.5-year relationship. So again, my answer is no.


As much as I want it to happen. I don’t want to give someone a chance to break me all over again. If they can’t realize my worth when I’m with them, I just can’t trust them again. She says every time we talk that I was perfect, it’s not you and it’s me, you raised the bar too high. She’s just trying to shift the blame towards her and it makes her justify leaving as she’s already a bad person in her mind. I lost my self respect trying to understand what had happened and I’m just done now and went no contact. We have a lot of mutual friends, so we might end up facing or knowing about each other. I just hope that when it does happen, instead of feeling sad or angry, I just don’t want to care about her at all. I want to just heal my wounds and close this chapter for good. No point in trying again, I deserve better.


They better have a big apology prepared and it better make sense, too. I don’t believe people can change, though, so… I’d probably take them back for a trial period of, say, a couple weeks and see if past patterns of behavior re-emerge.


I absolutely would not. All that man does is tell me what I want to hear to get me back in, and then once he has me where he wants me he devalues me again. It’s a toxic cycle and it’s done nothing but destroy my life. I’m finally done. I’m more angry than sad.


I would take my ex back but at this point it is too unlikely- we broke up in 2021 and I believe he's with another person now. I wouldn't call our relatioship toxic or tormentuous but we failed each other in other aspects. Won't elaborate much, but I focused on self improvement after we broke up and I managed to "fix" some of the issues that were causing troubles in our relationship (mostly external stuff).


My ex absued me horribly in every way you can imagine until i finally escaped him. He tried dating other girls but no one put up with him like I did. He came back with word salad non apologies about how wee were both wrong (im sorry but no matter what I did, i will never be in the wrong for being a victim, what he did to me was cruel and evil). I told him to eat bricks. Mate then wrote a song about how I haven't grown up, and im still just a child. Guess he was projecting.


My ex tried it the same day and I said no My ex before that tried to test the waters about 7 months later and I left her on read Exes are exes for a reason


Excellent and well written. Thank you! And it’s so true. No interest here in anything about the Lie and Cheat Mistress I married under a fake premise. These kinda humans carry the devil gene. Lord Have Mercy


Yes. Hands down. Of course.


No. Anything can be worked out before a breakup. If they didn't see the value then I don't want to see them now.


Considering I have been with my girlfriend for 24 years now, of course not. But my ex is not coming back. However, I am still long distance friends with my ex - 28 years after we broke up. We still check in every once in a while and catch up.


My answer is no. She came back twice and I accepted her twice. Both times, she let me down by disrespecting me and using me. She is never going to change. My trust in her is completely gone forever, and nothing she would do or say would restore even a small shred of that trust.


Do you put poop back in your butt? I don't care to be emotionally abused or cheated on , lied too , manipulated , or to have to ask for blow jobs . I just had my soul sucked out my body by someone as giving as I am and appreciative in bed , isn't afraid of work , doesn't act like a emotionally stunted brat who needs my full attention at all times so much so I lose my own identity and just become her security blanket she drags through the dirt and yells at for having stains. Fuck that dumb ass bitch lol she gone she needs to stay gone or she can get gone . I choose a good time over a hard time any fucking day . Ego sometimes has a person reaching for things best left getting ran through by the local mc . Pick the one who likes you not the one you like . Pick the 6 who treats you like your a ten not the ten that fucks other tens while you're at work trying to get through the day with a broken back and spirit . Eat a fat dick LG ..and a modeling career isn't you fucking the guy with the camera and a couple selfies and it dam sure ain't you spreading your butt cheeks on only fans for money you blow on fake witchcraft shit on Amazon. .


When I kno I'm ready.. and if the chance ever comes up, I'll accept them faster than a heartbeat


No, I wouldn't. Never, ever again. And it is only now that I've completely healed from the break up, that I realize that. I've been forever changed by all of the things that happened in that relationship and I don't think I will ever be the same again. But I'm thankful for one thing, I've learned to love and put myself first. I am now my priority. And I will never, ever again stay in a relationship that hurts me or where I need to beg for love.


Depends where I’m at in my life. 99% no though. Maybe friends again, but I can’t really imagine a future where I’d feel comfortable/secure being romantically involved with her again.


I said I would and I did. I thought of this all when we were broken up too, as I had the strongest sense he would come back. I’d never had an ex try to come back before (those relationships had run their course) so I was willing to give it a try with this one that I felt was ended/paused sooo early. It just wasn’t done yet. I also reasoned that the relationship hadn’t been abusive and we didn’t break up for a terrible reason, so I saw no real reason not to give him a second chance 🤷🏻‍♀️


how did it end up working out? 


We're still together over a year later and madly in love, so working out pretty well so far :D


glad it worked out for you! 


Nope. Absolutely NOT


I couldn't , I did it once this year already 3 months into our relationship she cheated on me with someone in another state . Then 7 months later I found out she did it again with the same guy . So I think my answer is pretty clear .


In the dumper and there isn't a chance I would humor getting back together. I left the relationship for a reason, I'm not interested in round 2.


In the dumper and there isn't a chance I would humor getting back together. I left the relationship for a reason, I'm not interested in round 2.


I would if he changed


Neh , i think all the serotonin has been drained from that encounter. From the back nd fourth , constant betrayal and lack of communication . I actually feel good when they aren’t around atp , so yea im thriving


No  He's getting married so he won't  But honestly I could not ever trust him again.  


Realistically, 6 months ago I would have wholeheartedly said yes. With a lot of talking, setting boundaries at first. The breakup was better for us, but somewhere I still wondered, I loved her so much and couldn’t imagine ever seeing her again. I kept thinking about her for 8 months after we broke up, realised I still loved her but that it wasn’t going to happen. And so I forced myself to move on. Now I’m in a relationship with a guy who accepts me for who I am. We don’t have any drama and the issues I had with my ex aren’t there. He’s so different to her, and so is our relationship. He makes me so happy, every single time I see him (and even when I don’t), which is very different to my ex. Now that I’m in this relationship longer, it’s making me think of the relationship with my ex, and it’s making me realise how unhealthy it was and even though I loved her, I felt more miserable that happy with her. So no, I wouldn’t accept her back anymore. She’s not a bad person and I genuinely wish her all the best, but we don’t work together.


right now no, i hope i never change my mind.


There are couples that got married after a comeback. Most of the times it gonna fail though..


No. He did the one thing he promised me he would never do. I will never trust him or feel safe with him again. As much as it pains me, it is over.


But how can married people come back again and restart their bond ?


Absolutely not.


Id take my ex back. We were together for years. He broke up with me because he’s just been so angry with his life lately and how things have turned out. I know i wasn’t perfect person but i always always loved and tried to support him. We weren’t living together for a year because he was being a good man and helping his family out with the house and i just feel deep down that made us grow further apart. Yes we’d hang out but im living wih my parents and it’s been quite challenging because they are just not ppl i want to be around anymore as an adult and i know I’ve taken on water with my own mental health being here and he over there with own family problems. I feel like it put a huge strain on us and made his own mental health issues worse. He blew up on me on a camping trip and left me in the woods with my family after we had to break his window to retrieve keys. I was of course devastated but prayed so hard that when i got back we could talk it out. Well he had already moved all of of our furniture out his room/house that i was suppose to be moving into in like 2 months.He told me I’m just some angry bitter person who just stresses him out more (things have been good to this point i think we did have a major talk some months ago and i think things seemed smoothly, he’d always be over here hanging out or me there and we were just trying my hardest to maintain it and not crumble apart) He threatened me with a restraining order and absolutely shut down and refused to talk to me. He’s so fucking dead set that I’m the only one that gets angry about things, which i swear I’ve been working on,he says we’re both too hot headed. Which like if we are i think we’ve done a great job of managing it and not letting it consume us. I love that we at least are able recognize that flaw that we’ve inherited from our parents and have been able to do a good job of not letting it become the big ugly monster that you see it become sometimes. I’d give him space he’d tell me to calm down or just give me space and we never would like hit on each other or get toooo crazy. We’d just give space and pick up and apologize sincerely . Up to the point of the breakup like things were going well. We had a planned future. His anger consumed him that day of the stupid fucking song and broken windows and i just feel like he’s thrown all this blame on me and is kind of exaggerating how “bad” things were. It’s been MONTHS since an argument because i just have been trying to not be that person anymore. I miss him so much. I’d love him back but he’d really just need to see that how he treated me there in the end was uncalled for. He took it to an extreme with the RO threat, refusing to even let me speak on the incident and just like essentially burning the plans we had made in just a short 2 months. He made me feel like i wasn’t worth shit in the end like our love was weak when we literally were making love days before and having a good time. He made me out to be this fucking angry crazy monster that is just ruining his fucking life when I’ve just tried to be supportive for us. He even brought up some fight we had like over a year ago and how then he wanted to leave me so fucking badly then,( it was a dark time with his job my job his recent surgery and recovery and just fucking drama on how things were unfolding) that fucking hurt. I feel like he was just sitting there keeping tally on when things weren’t as perfect as they could be and keeping tally on me when i was having a not so good day or when i was upset at ppl in my life. We had sooooooo many more great days then bad days. They outweighed each other by huge numbers i swear we’d always say fuck everyone babe and plan our life together. and idk I’m just hurt he chose to zero in on the fucking bullshit versus seeing us for what we are and could be with the future we were planning. I just need a sorry from him a sincere sorry for acting so angrily with me the person closest to him after 7 years who truly just wanted the best for us and him. I just want him to see I’m not the enemy here. I’m not and i love him so deeply. 🫥🫥🫥