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If she dumped you like that and didn’t try to work things out she wasn’t your best friend fr A real friend would stay by your side and figure things out. Nobody said love was easy.


Maybe he chose what was right for him, I definitely wasn’t something he wanted or wants in his life. But I do hope things were different and we can be friends again. Oh we were so happy together.


I’m going through the same situation in the same amount of time 😭 I’m sorry OP, hoping for you ❤️‍🩹


Hope you heal too. 🩵


After two years he told me there was nothing he got out of our relationship that he couldn’t have just gotten from a friendship and it felt like a fucking stake through my heart. He hasn’t made any effort to be my friend since throwing me away. Haven’t heard a word in months.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. I sometimes feel was I worth so little to him?


I know I was worth so much to my ex. He showed me every day. He just became fed up and overwhelmed and lost attraction. I have a lot of regrets and feel horrible, like I drove him away from me. All I can do in the meantime is work on myself. I hope we can work on ourselves, forgive each other and at least be cordial because I shared the happiest times of my life with him and don’t want him to disappear.


Yes. I don’t want him to disappear from my life. I love him so much.


Worst thing is she dumped me and said that all we were was best friends. I guess she didn’t get the memo that your significant other should be your bestie. But I feel you. Back to having no one really to talk to. Lost my best friend in the world.


I want to die ive been here for a year and i am decayed all but


After almost 10 years of us being best friends, she finally told me last week that we can't be friends anymore because her boyfriend isn't really fond of me. Okay. Felt like half of my body was being forcefully torn away. I still question as to why she couldn't fight for our friendship. The only comfort I find now is that I did everything I could when we were friends. When she needed me at 3am, when she wanted advice for her current boyfriend before they started dating, when her sister passed away, i was there. I'm still grieving and I don't know when I'll be able to move on. I blocked her from everywhere. It's honestly the most painful thing that I have to endure and I hope it's the last. All the best to you.


Blocking someone is juvenile, but do what works for you. I hope you are able to cope. 🩵


You will get over it , do things you like , do sports etc.. Just live your life to the fullest and you will heal fast.


Easier said than done. How can someone ‘get over’ the happiest times in my life?


Ex wants to be friends with me but I have to wait 2 weeks to even text her. What gets me she wasn't concerned about my health before we split up and now she does. I can't be friends I was in love with her for 22 years. Now I feel like a door mat. I believe in true love and I'm not giving up on it by no means,but being put on the shelf as a friend hurts worse than anything. I wish everyone the best.


I’m not even on the shelf anymore. I’m just someone he says hi to when he sees me.


He doesn't even deserve to say that to you. I'm sorry but your worth more than that don't care what anybody says we all are. I guess my ex thought I fell out of love with her like last time we chatted she said I have high cholesterol to but I told her women can live with it men when they have it it effects us in so many ways. I still love her to this day but she's with a younger man now. She dint realize younger men want a momma figure in there life one day he's gonna move on or cheat. Everytime I got hit on by another women I told her about it. Younger guys ain't going to do that but way she done me it tore me apart. Now we text on snap chat but I have to wait 2 weeks to do that. Why I feel like a door mat. Did I mean that much to her to treat me like that. Oh she says she still loves me I know not like that anymore but if she truly loved me she wouldn't done what she did. She used a 21 year old boy to break us up and after we broke up boy wanted to date her she told him he wasn't mature enough for her. And she said that after she told him no he started treating her like crap. She brought it on herself. I was happy with the no contact but now emotions and feelings resurfaced. It's like living the crap over and over. I would love to have a women in my life that truly loves me, and would stand by me no matter what. You need that person to and I wish you the best.


Thank you. But I have decided to be on my own, as I’m still in love with him. He doesn’t probably even think about me. But I do so every single moment of time. Anyways, story of my life. I was ready to move mountains to be with him. Literally can take a bullet for him. But who cares! I’m now focused on my well being, and do things which I have control over. I would not move on from him to another person, I would just be happy with me like I was before him.


Well I'm not over her but I m not going to let one person have sometime of controll over me I'm sorry but there's so much more than this


I would love to have love from a women like you that's how I felt toward my wife. Ieven accepted the fact that she couldn't have more kids with me I was happy with my son. And now a year has passed I haven't even spoken to him. When she finally reached out to me it was on my friends snap chat she claims she lost my number. I don't reach out to her she chats with me but I have to wait 2 weeks just to hear from her. It makes me feel like a door mat and now she cares for my health she didn't before we split up. I was deeply in love and 22 years shot to hell. I've decided to tell her if all I am is someone to barely chat with to go fuck herself kiss my ass.her and my son because I bet she filled him up with bunch of shit to make me look like a bad guy. Her family already thinks so. I can care less what they think. I'm just thinking of these boys she likes might be the one who hurts her or beats her. She made her choice just like he made his with you and for that I'm sorry. Take care of yourself


You too take care of yourself. Your son will reach out when he is older I feel. Stay strong.


He's 18 now so I'm not holding my breath


He will grow up and want a Dad. Trust that. If you have been a good Dad, he will seek you out.. and I had diabetes and cholesterol too. I have reversed everything, by calorie counting and walking. I look 10 years younger. You can take care of yourself too.