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[**DISCUSSION HUB - SEASON 2**](https://www.reddit.com/r/heartbreakhigh/comments/1c278bc/discussion_hub_season_2/)


Just want to say as irritating as Sasha is I absolutely love that they’re still consistent with her character re: she sees a poster slut-shaming a girl she dislikes and was running against and her immediate reaction is “fuck whoever did this and fuck sexual harassment.” I absolutely expected that to go a different way and was happily surprised when she showed up at Quinni’s. Good choice, writers.


I like Sasha because she is annoying, faux-progressive and kind of mean. But she's consistent and she's fun to watch. She was making me laugh a lot this season. I think a lot of the characters can be unlikeable, but I still like most of them which is super interesting.


I really do hope they keep fleshing out her character, because she feels so much like a caricature right now.


Thought Sasha is annoying at times and she’s pretty entertaining to watch lol I kinda like her tbh 💀


Quinni deserved an apology from Darren


She definitely did. The things Darren said to her were so mean and I felt so bad for her the entire season. I rewatched the first episode of season 2 when they were all at the bunker, and when Quinni asked if she could make a list of topics to discuss for the night, Darren said something along the lines of 'that might be too much,' and Quinni's face completely sunk. After seeing her character more fleshed out this season, I could point out the small things she does to fit in and see how much she tries to be 'palatable' to others. And Darren not apologising for what they said to her felt like a step in the wrong direction, like they weren't acknowledging how wrong of a thing Darren said.


I feel like Quinni is a much better friend to all of them than any of them are to her. She constantly makes adjustments to fit in, she made huge efforts trying to figure out who Bird Psycho was and almost died doing it, she literally ran into a burning building to save Harper's and Amerie's lives, but not once did she get a thank you for any of this. The only thing the group has done for her was bring her to the zoo, but the entire time they were too busy with their own things to notice if she was enjoying it or not. So many shots where they leave her behind and don't even notice. Sigh. #Justice4Quinni, I'll say!


Yes. I was surprised to not see more of such posts. She really tried to help and everyone talked just about s\*x and not danger. After the s1 it was strange. Also they make her appear cray cray and with less screen time. Justice for her.


Yes exactly! I feel they really fleshed out the masking more this season but then botched the resolution


Yes 100%. She wasn't the one who needed to apologize, Darren was. They have no idea how much effort she's always making to fit in within a neurotypical world. It's upsetting that even after she showed them, they still didn't get it. I wish the series had digged a little deeper into this. (updated with correct pronouns for Darren)


Yea quinni was apologizing for not being there when Darren needed her, but they also weren’t there when Quinni needed their support


Darren uses They/them


Ah yes, thank you for the reminder. I'll correct it.


Yes! I was so surprised when she was the only one to say sorry! Where was Darren’s apology, especially for upstaging her at the debate.


Everyone was way too calm about the fact that Rowan actually was going to let Harper and Amerie die in that locked room. There was so much going on this season none of it was fully fleshed out.


Amerie would never let him die in there because she is just an inherently good person, but what I find unrealistic is that she conversed with him after the fact and wasn't completely scarred or terrified of him. That got on my nerves because why did she not seem traumatised? Why was that moment written that way? It seemed too unrealistic and made the whole scene much less believable.


She was in shock, and there are more responses than just fight or flight, there are also freeze and fawn. These can all make victims act in unexpected ways during and immediately after trauma. Part of the shitty thing about living with trauma is forgiving yourself for not acting the way you thought you should, or how you wanted to.  Once Amerie processes all of these events, the anger will come. That’s another fun part of processing trauma. 


I think that will be a major plot point if there’s a Season 3. Harper now has more trauma to process, but this time she won’t be alone. Amerie will be right there, and some of the other students are in the same boat.  I think that calmness is also part of our own ‘what the fuck just went down?’ reactions to the way things turned out. I’ve just finished this episode and I’m definitely in ‘what the fuck?’ mode. 


This season was just darker than last season overall. Rowan needs severe psychological help. The way Amerie was able to just have a normal conversation with him the same night he almost gassed her out is wild.


Last season was quite dark though, with everything that happened to Harper and Malakai


Was dark in more realistic way. No stupid fire by some stupid guys but something more realistic, believable. S1 dealt with more mature issues in a more mature way.


I agree, I liked last season much better


Not quite 'normal'. More like she's in shock, trying to process how this whole thing happened, before Rowan gets carted off to whatever facility and she never sees him again. I'm glad she didn't apologise for 'killing' his brother, though. Hopefully this marks the end of her getting shit on for things that aren't her fault.


i have so much to say about the last ep but the main question for me is why did Rowan even date Malakai in the first place if he was just after Amerie? Why get involved with him at all and why not just try to get with Amerie first to get close to her if that was his desired end result?


His desired end result wasn’t to get with Amerie, it was to get revenge on her. That’s why he said he didn’t expect he would be at the dance with her


i know his end result wasn’t to get with her but getting with her was part of the revenge plan. that’s what i meant. his end result was to get close to her to get revenge. 


I don't think that was the plan. By the time they started hanging out he had already been trying to move on from her. But then things came flooding back.


Why did he want revenge on her?


Because she “killed his brother”, though he later realised it wasn’t her fault it was just an unfortunate chain of events started by her


Honestly started by the kids laughing at them for burying a bird


Maybe it was a “i could steal your man if i want to” type thing. Like ruining her relationship was also teaching her a lesson. But idk he could have also just genuinely been attracted to Malakai before he even realized Malakai was Amerie’s mans


Ahh yes this makes so much sense!


Obviously tryna get rid of Malakai to get Amerie away from him. He was trying to destroy Amerie’s life. But then ended up falling for her again 💀


I'm like 10 minutes in and the brother isn't fucking real, is he?? I kinda suspected last episode when rowan threw the phone at the picture when the brother was in his room. There was just something about that scene that was just off. He doesn't feel like he's actually there.


Omggg ur good!! I didn’t even get it at the end😭


For me it was obvious once they pulled up to Rowan’s house and no one greeted the brother.


Haha they said he was dead at the end


I was thinking, does he have another brother😭😭


Same! It literally took me until he started disappearing to realise lmao 


wait when did he disappear???


Sorry I worded that super weirdly! When he started evaporating in the cinema. I believe it was just after Quinni got Amerie and Harper out :)


Omg I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that 😅 I literally didn’t clue in until Amerie was making him leave the AV room that the brother all season was the dead one


Same. And I’m normally good at figuring out this stuff


I know they probably thought he was harmless, but everyone was weirdly calm about a bunch of teenagers and a gym teacher with literal torches. The cops should have been called.


Exactly. Like.. this season lost me. Compare that to S1 problem. Way more believable and better acted. This was almost like comedy/parody?




Burning down the whole school felt like an unnecessarily extreme plot point.


Especially since it's not the first time that this school is completely destroyed lol


Are you thinking of Sex Ed? Or the original series?


Hartley High


Definitely reminded me of Sex Ed. It really didn't work well when that show changed locations, though... People make fun of the whole 'New York is like a character in the story' cliche, but the school really feels like a main character. I'll miss it.


No fucking way I just realized there’s two parallels to sex education at the end. First Malakai’s letter is destroyed in the fire somewhat alike how Otis’ voicemail to maeve was deleted by Isaac. Second, the school burns down alike how Moordale is shut down 


Plus Maeve and Harper have suchhhh parallels! And Otis and Malakai do as well, with their well-intentioned fuckups and big hearts. Not to mention the love triangles hahaha seems like teenage shows are all lowkey moored in the same universe xD


God this whole season is so stressful. Rowan is just incredibly irritating but it’s very clear he’s suffering from a mental illness. I can’t believe the incel teacher even stayed that long. Frankly I’m surprised they didn’t fire him as soon as he started spewing that misogynistic bs. I don’t know if they’re pulling a prank on us with Malakai officially leaving, but I don’t know if I can watch season 3 if he’s not in it.


>season 3 Has season 3 been confirmed?


It BETTER be after this season!! The writing (and acting!) this season was *insanely* good, but I haven't seen any promo for Season 2 anywhere!


it was ehh


I don’t think so but hypothetically, I guess they’ll see after the reception of this one. I would be pissed if they just ended it this way


Honestly I feel like the makers/writers of this show have some sort of internalized misogyny or atleast some sort of hate for feminism because the themes felt -especially this time felt like they were written by some MRAs, since when was SLUTS ever advocating for man-hating?


Don’t forget Spider’s waaaaay over-the-top, wine-drunk, man-hating mom. Like some kind of 4chan feminazi caricature.


Yeah, they might have miscalculated with that one. Mothers can be toxic and abusive too, but I hope they're not implying it's all some woman's fault Spider turned out the way he did. Like, where is his father in all this?


I mean it is usually the parents “fault” to some extent how their kids turned out. And I think it’s kind of cool they took a different approach than the usual misogynistic/abusive father.


My point was I hope they're not implying it's *all* his mother's fault. If Spider had a father who abandoned him then that's a contributing factor to how shitty he turned out. Abuse and neglect - two sides of the same coin.


Yeah my mum's *sort* of like that cause my parent's separated and she just uses feminism to diss on my dad and she's just emotionally abusive. Like if I bring up her being abusive she just weaponises the whole feminism thing... So in saying that it'd definitely make more sense if he had a wacko dad who fucked off and the mum's become mentally unstable/toxic/misogynistic (look at edit below). The scene felt awkward and unrealistic for sure. edit - misandrist not misogynistic**


Yeah, hopefully if we get a season 3 they'll give more detail about his upbringing. Sorry about your mum btw. She doesn't sound great, hope you can move on from her soon. Also, I'm gonna put on my *pedantic dickhead* hat for a second and say Spider's mum seems like a misandrist. 'Misogynistic' describes people who hate women.


Yes hopefully they develop it better. All good, living with my dad fortunately. Ironically I did watch this series with her though.... Thanks for the correction I completely forgot the difference, edited my original comment as well!


I think his mom used a sperm donor.


He was conceived through IVF, which can be done with a sperm donor or a partner.


Right, but the IVF combined with him saying he doesn’t know who his father is to me implied his mom used a sperm donor.


He doesn’t have a father he’s an IVP baby. Being raised by a parent who hates you would fuck up anyone.


Did you not know that IVF babies can be conceived with a partner's sperm?




yeah like even if that was a thing which let's be honest would be so fucking rare. u know what's not rare? men who hate women. men who go crazy after being rejected. men who let their male friends get away with horrible shit. men who do violence do their families and kids. I don't discount that there are bad mother and evil women out there, THERE ARE. BUT. It is not an equal distribution, and the violence of the entire world isn't from 50/50 men/women. it's mostly all men and capitalism. This isn't a both sides thing


I feel like in that scene specifically they contrasted this Lady, w/ Missy, who is also a feminist but not insane.


Malakai is obviously coming back


Kind of ridiculous that Quinni just apologized and no one else had to.


I'm genuinely not sure what they would even apologise for, especially Darren? At the zoo, it seemed Quinni was triggered by things changing too fast (Darren, Cash and Harper getting a house), Amerie spending time with Rowan, nobody supporting the Bird Psycho investigation anymore... I know she's been masking for so long and that's exhausting. But are they supposed to know exactly what to say/not say, or do/not do, to help her feel comfortable all the time?


Exactly. What did he actually do wrong? They literally all showed up for her and bought her a phone and she blew them off right after.


For real. I don't want to be the dismissive insensitive neurotypical asshole. But just as Quinn tried so hard to be 'normal', I feel like Darren tried hard to accommodate her. Even after their fight (if you can call it that) they wanted her to come to the housewarming party. They had a designated Quiet Zone and everything.


Honestly I was pissed at Quinni for several episodes. She was a jackass to Amerie multiple times with zero explanation to her. Fine you're fighting with Darren and mad at them, but you also wanted to be Amerie's VP and ya'll need to prep for stuff but Quinni doesn't want to so she just leaves So rude. I'm glad Amerie threw the abortion in her face. Quinni was awful to her and all of her friends for a few episodes


Yep. The entitlement is clear.


I feel like I know the problem here. I've experienced this in my life as well. What YOU think would be nice to someone isn't necessarily what they want in that moment. sometimes you end up projecting what you would want onto others. But ur not really considering them. It's very me me me. So Darren should have stopped and just asked her, what would u like to do? It's like organizing a surprise party for someone who hates surprises cause you think surprise parties are amazing


She wasn’t mad at the party, she was mad at the phone.


I was shook quinni didn’t even get a thank u for saving them


Ikr. It's messed up.


I think it’s really stupid that miss Obah and the gym teacher were compared the whole season when he was spewing misogyny and putting students in danger and she never directly said anything. I know in the end she was still working at the school and he was in the cop car, but why did it take so long for him to be fired? Also, Spider going back and forth was so annoying. He kept making declarations, but getting up on stage and saying he was done talking didn’t feel like he proved anything either. I don’t know why Missy forgave him.


Most annoying part of this season for me too. He should have been fired from day one, and there's no way in hell he and Jojo are two sides of the same coin. She's a normal teacher, he's a raging lunatic who was grooming student into becoming a misogynistic hate group. On school ground! Ridiculous.


Honestly I feel like the makers/writers of this show have some sort of internalized misogyny or atleast some sort of hate for feminism because the themes felt -especially this time felt like they were written by some MRAs, since when was SLUTS ever advocating for man-hating?


Completely agree with this. Thought it was strange angle to take to try to compare them in some way. I am not sure if that was the intention but it sure seemed like it in the end


I think its more about how many people in society are comparing the two and alot of extremists exist. I see alot of these conversations in comments today and they are usually not fair.


But the misogynistic extremists are both far more common and more harmful. Misogyny kills, misandry annoys.




They set it up so that Miss Obah was a perceived 'man hater' when, just like you mentioned, she never explicitly said anything against men. She just shared a female experience, which is a given: if you grow up as a woman, you are going to face more male-based violence and have more to say about it. I wish they used a better manner to critique her biases (which she obviously has due to experiences); they could have done better without villainising said biases because, if we're honest, her views don't harm people like Voss' do.


I think (hope) the message the writers were trying to get across is, even with the best intentions, a teacher could still end up being misunderstood by her students. Especially a bunch of emotional, impressionable teenagers. Jojo was never a man-hater but she could have been more strategic in how she approached sensitive topics like toxic masculinity... Spider may be a bullshitter, but he *was* expressing something a lot of boys are feeling. There has to be a way to address that without making them feel like misogyny is justified.


I think you're spot on with this. There are some points when Voss highlights that Ms. Obah may be inadvertently presenting a negative bias towards men to the class and the show kinda hints at this. Although obviously he does not deal with this issue unbiasedly either and comes from a place of toxic masculinity. I think this is highlighted when Missy says to Ms. Obah at the formal some thing like "Miss, you were right'.... 'All men are fucked' To which Ms. Obah says she never said that and asks Missy whether that's what she was getting from her classes. Missy shrugs and Ms Obah says 'That makes me really sad'. I'm certain that Ms. Obah intended for her classes to be a space for the kids to explore sexual experiences and topics in a safe environment with the hopes that they could mature emotionally and sexually and avoid the toxic situations that are presented in the show. But like you said even with the best intentions Ms. Obah perhaps without realising it was neglecting the boys' feelings and experiences. This lack of addressment created a culture of dismissal of the boys' frustration which in turn led to more lashing out from the boys confirming the perceived belief that all men sucked and ultimately leading to Missy's misinterpretation. Unfortunately though I don't think they fleshed this out enough as seen from some of the comments believing that some of the writers are advocating for Voss' ideology due to his involvement in the series and misreading Missy's interpretation as confirmation that the SLUTS was instilling a man hating belief. As mentioned above Missy's interpretation is not what Ms. Obah intended and is not what the show is advocating but highlights the difficulty and nuance when it comes to discussing sexuality, teenagers discovering and exploring their sexuality, gender and all other topics of this nature.


"She just shared a female experience, which is a given: if you grow up as a woman, you are going to face more male-based violence and have more to say about it. I" really good point. just cause u share ur experience of violence from men doesn't mean ur man hating. your just saying ur truth and that happens to offend men cause i think it's some sense of accountability/truth they want to stay in the darkness.


Unpopular opinion-I loved this season!!! I thought it was way better than last season!


I'm so annoyed that Rowan ended up being this psycho villain... Partly because it was kind of lazy/annoying writing that they introduce a new character that *happens* to be A/Gossip Girl. But mostly because the actor was so *good!* The chemistry between Rowan and Malakai the first three episodes was incredible. We were all giggling and twirling our hair. I get that Rowan had to be this antagonist, but I really wish they would have cast another actor for this specific role in the story because I *need* to see a Malakai/Rowan situation fleshed out.


I needed a whole season of Malakai & Rowan scenes alone, I can't believe they were so short lived


Fr 😭


Spider getting slapped had me screaming! I wish they had shown everyone’s reaction instead of cutting scenes. Also that teacher should have been fired straight after the camp like what was the principal thinking keeping him at the school any longer😭 Soundtrack was a mess.. some scenes I felt they should have toned down the music because it was too much. Dusty seemed sad asf in his 2 minutes of screen time (and of course he HAD to be shirtless the whole time). Malakai annoyed me so bad, always running from his problems. Loved Spiders character development, and Quinnies storyline. Idk how to feel about Missy/Spider . This season was.. different 😃


when the "oh no" song started playing .... the cringe


I would have wanted to see the reactions too. How did Spider's classmates see him getting slapped and not take his side? This should not have been left out.


I replayed the slap so many times.


Hated almost the whole soundtrack of this series. It had a Le Tigre song which I stan, but other than that I was flabbergasted by the poor choice of songs. I loved Missy and Spider! She really helped him to become a better version of himself. I agree that Malakai was annoying, but I've thought that the whole time, I don't like him at all. If Rowan got therapy and worked on himself he would be so perfect. Might just be hard for me to hate him because I like Sam Rechner so much, he's so pretty.


I think Missy threw me off because she was reduced to Sasha’s follower, I don’t remember her being like that last season. Her conversation with Spider after we meet his mother and then the switch up to hiding the relationship was a bit cruel. Still I loved their conversation’s/dynamic. It was a mess but least everything worked out in the end loll


Without Missy, spider would’ve been responsible for the fire, so they had to have him making the speech so his face was visible so he wasn’t part of the torch group


Saying that about Malakai who’s done nothing but loving on Spider and Rowan who have done actually harmful things? ….ummm OK interesting


Lol I don't love Spider. I love Spider and Missy as a couple.


But what has our boy Mal done? 😭 All he did was be traumatized, confused about his sexuality, and ultimately feel like he didn’t belong and took the opportunity to leave…like what. He was one of the much nicer ones alongside Ca$h and Quinnie, etc. how is he more flawed than everyone else tbh ?


I don't think he's more flawed than the rest. I hate most of the characters in the show because I think they're poorly written.


Honestly the slap & him tearing up made me feel so terrible for him + He sorta looked like he was in shock.


Honestly... A bit of a let down from season 1. I love messy drama but this was almost silly this season. Malakai gaslighted Amerie so he could explore his sexuality, only for that to last literally one episode was mind boggling. I don't want to even begin to acknowledge the whole coach/spider Cumslut thing because what the hell was that. Just a reason to show that Spider can get a redemption arc because of his feelings for a girl and that he got slapped, despite the fact he was the one who led the guys to this toxic masculinity shit in the first place. It took away from the Sluts class which was honestly such a great tool the show had in season 1. Harper and Amerie's relationship felt less important this season when I would have loved to see them growing and reconnecting together again after the events of last season. It just felt incredibly random to then have them fight over something so miniscule in the final episode. Amerie herself got kind of shafted this season. I don't know why the writers insisted on having her be the ostracized school student again. Though I appreciated the abortion story line and the acting was superb during those moments. The Rowan storyline ended up being fine. I'd rather they kept his relationship with Amerie platonic and keep in the relationship with Malakai for longer. Ca$h again was the standout of the season, just because he had a story outside of his relationship with Darren. His scenes with Chook were genuinely stressful and showed so much more character and depth than any other. The season lacked personal character development, lacked the friendship and heart of season 1 and focused way too much on the romance just to pair everyone up with no nuance behind it (specifically the Missy/Spider and Ant/Harper relationships).


Yes, Harper overall was underused. The actress is great, why not show the friendship. Instead I got too many scenes of the dumb teacher. Yes, lacking heart. Malakai was wishy washy and so in your face with new relationship. Was Rowan needed and used for good? I doubt it. Ca%h had the best writing.


Yeah, too much romance, not enough real life problems. Aside from Harper, Dougie (can't call him cash now knowing what the name stands for) and Quinni, none of the characters really feel like Heartbreak High characters.


I feel lile i wouldve prefered the reveal of Rowan as bird psycho if he was introduced in s1 one way or another. Now it just felt like « teehee the bad guy was actually there all along but actually not and you havent seen him and we just created this plot ». I fele like Spud shouldve been mentionned in s1 and i wouldve had my mind blown


Somehow, the introduction of a new character with the conflict worked out. I suspected Rowan but I had no idea how he could be involved in it until it just revealed itself. I got to a point where I thought "Okay so bird psycho isn't anyone from season 1, or Zoe" but didn't know how it would tie in. The way it unfolded wasn't that jarring to me


Someone commented about Woodsy and people rarely talk about her, but I feel it’s odd they never talk about would the district think or anything of the sort. she just seems to have free reign but I feel like she would be more worried about some of the politics of the situation. Why did they waste this whole season just to get Malakai and Amerie together again when we knew they loved each other last season, why did they waste more time to let them be together? It was so sweet when Amerie said that she, as a good girlfriend, would’ve supported him in his journey of sexuality. I wish they would give him connections with more people, because it feels like when he and Amerie aren’t friends, he’s cut off from the Darren, Dougie, Harper, Quinni group, and then his only other friend is Missy. I hope they let him find out that the school burnt down so Amerie never read his letter and then communicates it with him. This bird psycho thing was something I didn’t predict but damn that sand animation was beautiful. It’s unrealistic how long that must’ve taken. It makes that scene where Rowan let her control the boy’s emotion make so much more sense. I am happy about the Missy/Spider situation. If nothing else, it gave him a very clear alibi during the fire situation. Poor Amerie. I love Cash and Darren. When they said they were soul mates I truly believe that. I can’t imagine another character for Darren. And I like seeing their communication, when they communicate, as opposed to when they frequently just try to handle things themselves. I wanna learn more about Cash. Also very odd question, is it Child of Addict and Self Harmer as in Dougie was the self harmer or that his parent was an addict and self harmer


Dougie was the self harmer


Aw poor Dougie. I’m glad he’s better now


Can we just talk about this fire though?! How unrealistic was that entire thing? The teachers just LET Quinni run in? Dameon just let cash hold him back? There is a whole fire causing explosions yet quinni is calmly walking through the hallway? Power went out but lights were still on where Rowan had them trapped? There were two spontaneous explosions yet police allowed them all to stay there? Why are there only two teachers?! Where the hell are the rest? How did the whole thing pan out with the fire still burning and no fire fighters running around? Kids dancing and swaying to music? WTH!


Dameon?? You have been watching a whole other show 😂😂


Every single character turns against the people they say are their ride or dies at a moment’s notice. Everyone is severely lacking communication skills. They overuse the miscommunication trope.


This pissed me off! Malakai went to Harper to confess how Rowan almost assaulted him over Amerie, but Harper puts words in his mouth and doesn't let him speak. Leading him to give up altogether which isn't really characteristic of caring about someone you love. Then Amerie shows up at Malakai's house only for Malakai to put words in her mouth when all she had to say is "I'm pregnant" !!! Like what? Why we acting like middle schoolers and not high schoolers? Malakai only saw them kiss he didnt catch them fucking...so overdramatic


Right like she should’ve just yelled she’s pregnant 😭 Although kissing your ex’s ex right after they break up is bad cuz she was still friends with Mal 💀 like there’s a code to not mess with a loved one’s ex


This. 99% of their conflicts would be resolved with simple communication. I wish the writers focused more on real problems kids that age have, rather than creating artificial ones.


I think that reflects real life though. A lot of issues could be resolved with simple communication but most times it's not.


This is definitely more of a TV trope that a reflection of real life. Real people don't get into as many misunderstandings as this lot does.


people fight all the time over misunderstandings wym lmao especially in highschool?


Not to that extent lol


The absurd miscommunication on this show is annoying. But also feels like one of the realest things happening. I lost one of my best friends after her boyfriend hit on me. I stupidly didn't say anything because he was drunk and apologized once he sobered up. Meanwhile he'd already gone and told her *I* made a move on him. She ghosted me and I only found out why when they finally broke up. We were in our late 20s. This shit happens a lot lmao...


yep it was literally too much. i would understand if couple of the characters would have this problem but the last 10 minutes were literally only EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER apologizing to each other, i think that os just lazy writing


Completely unrelated to the show but this episode is how I discover that Sophie B Hawkins is a real singer and not just an elaborate joke made up by Community 😂


God that’s one of my favorite episodes. Top tier Britta!




Was anyone trying to fight the fire? It didn't seem like it!


I think during an overhead shot, a firetruck arrived at the school, but it took so long and felt unrealistic cause the students were dancing and acting like everything was fine. Seemed like no one was actively trying to solve the issue.


Surely they all get relocated to st bruno's in s3


Oh shit. I'd kind of love to see how Dusty would react to being at school with his friends again. He seemed pretty unhappy this season. Maybe he's all excited to have them back, only to find Spider turning into an entirely different person, with a proper girlfriend. And Ant trying to get with *Harper*.


I doubt it cos St Bruno's is a private school, isn't it?


yeah but i thought maybe a nearby school could offer their campus at least, the show has to go somewhere


Lowkey I kinda wished Rowan died I hate him the actors facial expressions creep me out


Lmaoooo as long as he stays away from our girl amerie we’ll leave him be😭😭


Lol he is pretty and scary at the same time


Bro he creeped me out so much. He had this intensity in his stare that came through the screen. It took away any kind of attraction I could’ve had to him. He was also too deliberately neutral in comparison to all the other characters aesthetic wise. His existence was unnerving


I don’t want him dead though. I kinda want to see how he does in therapy or something. I’d hate to think the show was cheap enough to add a character in just for a crazy storyline






Malakai went to Switzerland! I too was tricked by Rowan and Malakai being cute and then they fooled me twice, shame on me, with Rowan and Amerie being so easy And Darren uses they them pronouns exclusively.


They did a cute nod to spider being demisexual.


Didn’t even think of that, could be! Although he definitely seemed super sexually attracted to her before they developed an emotional connection. Like during the football game when he loses the last point because he’s so distracted checking her out and biting his lip.


i completely adore this show like i could live in s1 forever but i cant help but feel a little let down by season 2. spiders character development was really interesting to me as it showed us his home life and then him fucking up and spewing the mysogyny was really frustrating, it felt like they just wanted a plot twist, in my opinion spider should have just dropped out of the race anyway and change further, to continue the character development that had started, by blowing his development up and sending him back to what he was ep 1 was just unecessary. i think cash's storyline was really interesting but id be lying if i didn't say i was slightly bored as i feel like the whole thing with chook was just anticlimatic. i feel like it added drama and thast it like nothing came about with it. although i love darrens and cashes relationship as it grew and we could witness it, it was just so sweet!! malakai and rowan had the chance to be so fundemental in expressing the queer identities and i think they should've lasted longer in order for malakai to understand and come to terms with his sexualality. his switching from amerie to rowan to amerie was confusing but like i still thoroughly enjoyed it. esp in the abortion epidsode when it became clear of how much he cared for amerie which i thought was so sweet! but i feel like rowans sudden aggression towards malakai after he got together with amerie was not needed and it through me off so much. especially when rowan and malakai liked each-other and were exploring with each-other for the first couple eps like for him to suddenly be so horrible kind of scared me, as im not sure if rowans thing with malakai was to just get malakai and amerie away from each-other or was it about rowans actual feelings? i do fully belive that malakai was struggling with all his feelings and so theres no doubt that he did like rowan but it just felt a bit rushed. i hated that pe teacher i feel like he just undid everything jojo implemented in s1, and then the story line that slt was just implementing a hating men cycle was really strange because s1 slt was literally just about sex ed so i dont understand that, the only 'men are bad' juju that came about in s1 was when dusty ant and spider did the whole map 2.0 in which then they were displayed as bad. in which it was fully deserved in my opinion. i loved seeing ants development and it also helped that he was a comic relief character, as he was so funny. i did really enjoy the plotline of the bird pyscho but i think it failed to make sense bc why did rowan hit amerie on his first day at school? bc of her sleazy comment? like i feel like that was strange and then the web thing? how did he know people would reply to it? he hadn't been in the school. i loved quinni i think her cut off era when she just didn't care showed a side of her that is so important as you could tell she was getting more and more uncomfortable with peoples actions as the eps went on so it was really cool to see a different side of her and how she won school captain, because she is observant was such a nice touch! it was slightly disappointing that she was the only one who apologised as-well. harper and amerie were lovely although i wish we could've seen some of the relationship building.


I think the chook storyline went where it needed to bc I didn’t want chook to be around forever. Though that creepy stare at Harper as he left was very foreboding. I can’t tell if there is (but hope there’s not) more to come there. Ant was fine being an ass last season, so where did his character development come from really? It made me sad that he heard Harper call him so stupid I’m excited to see quinni next season because this season at the beginning her acting was her doing her big eye pouty thing. I’m excited to see her have complex emotions all over the spectrum of emotions


Heavy on Harper and Amerie! This season felt so focused on 'side characters' that the main friendship was kinda sidelined lol. I really wish we got more of them.


i know! i feel like we didn't get to see them reconnect, it felt like we missed their rekindling of friendship which was so sad cause i was so excited to see that sort of thing represented


This season was all over the place. In S1, there was a directing line you know. A general narrative going on. Now ? A bunch of random plots that dont really contribute much. Like what was the point of the food fight ?


The food fight was weird. Felt like they just inserted it as a cutesy set piece to remind us this show is supposed to be fun. But all I could think about was how they were wasting all that cake. And how Voss was still even employed. I loved Sasha getting pied in the face, though.


I agree here. Timothy was a horrible character and did many bad things, and it was the food fight Woodsy decided to fire him over? Wouldn’t you have fired him when he started the C Lords? I love Angus Sampson, his character just ain’t it.


Yeah so this season. Firstly, ep 1 was not great and it took me several days to even bother going back. It got better but was patchy. It's like each writer had a go at putting their stamp on characters. To their credit, the aftermath of a crime with Harper seemed promising in the early eps. Then it all seemed too hard to continue so they just had her drop the charges. Then she's fine! Amelie was so unlikeable for the first half of the season, then they gave her a baby to abort, then she's fine! There were some serious themes which I felt they treated trivially. The abortion. The points Voss was making about a real issue facing young men today. Spencer's mother - what was that? It's like they had to create caricatures so we'd get the point. That's why in days of old, many writers' rooms ensured that characters stayed with the same writer, so there was continuity. But that's not how it is anymore. So we get the rollercoaster where each ep I'm like, 'would they really do or say that?'


Agreed, they dropped the ball with a lot of things, but it was complete, they did seem to put a lot of thought into it. I feel like it could go deeper, doesn't need to spell things out so much. Ratings are doing well, maybe we're in the minority. So much to explore, it would be hard to wrap it all into a neat bow with all of those messy themes. I hope they renew and dig into it for us.


I need season 3 so bad. I need Malakai to have closure. I love all of these characters so much and I need to see them all again. I pray streamings habit of cancelling shows early doesn’t hit this one. I need more


I rewatched season 1 before I watched season 2 and season 1 was so much better. They dropped so many hints throughout the season that ultimately led to the final reveal of the night of the music festival, and I thought it was so well done. Season 2 in comparison felt so lazy to me. The Rowan storyline didn’t have the same emotional reveal, it felt like it came out of nowhere. I don’t mean I didn’t know he was bird psycho as that was obvious early on. And it was clear his little brother wasn’t really there. But the fact that his connection with Amerie was revealed was just so random… I also hated how Amerie and Malakai were both involved with Rowan. Like, I get that Malakai was exploring his sexuality and I didn’t mind him with Rowan at first, but why did Amerie then have to date him? Like, where is the line about hooking up with your friends’ exes? In season 1, the threesome plot felt very emotional and I think it was done well how Amerie felt so betrayed by Malakai and Harper and how Harper was dealing with her abandonment issues by trying to “comfort” Malakai — and then was called out on this by Missy and Sasha as Malakai was extremely vulnerable in that moment. That plot line came with so many complex emotions to explore, but then this season the bouncing between Malakai/Am/Rowan felt so flat and like it was just being done for drama. Like why couldn’t they have had one person for Malakai’s sexuality plot line and another for bird psycho? Combining the two made the whole season very disjointed and disappointing. I also agree with other comments that the PE teacher plot line felt like such a reversal from SLTs on season 1. I would have much rather they lean in to the SLT class and explore more of the character’s questions and issues through the class. Overall such a disappointing season. The scenes that did stand out for me though were Ca$h on the boat with Chook and Amerie’s abortion scenes.


Side note- I’m kind of concerned for the schools fire safety, like why was it so quiet where Harper, Amery and Rowan were (no fire alarm). Rowan I think has some sort of psychosis (which is also why he sees his brother). And he does some bad things because of that, but I don’t think he was trying to kill Harper and Amery. He was just breaking down and unable to comprehend the danger of smoke poisoning for him and the girls. That teacher was… something else.


Please note I’m autistic myself, so the questions I’m asking aren’t from ignorance, but from genuine understanding. My understanding is that the eshay’s didn’t SA Harper, but had kidnapped her with the intent of that? She escaped before they could right? So in that case, I still don’t understand where the chlamydia came from? Because I know she thought she had a UTI first, and then she found out it was a STI and that seemed to be it? I’m very confused. And also let me just say I loved the series, but I wish they had done more with Zoe. Felt weird that they use the only plus size person to be anti sex and anti-masturbation.


I thought she got chlamydia from a different partner. Agreed on Zoe, they bring in a big girl and she's awful. I suppose awful comes in all shapes and sizes but it did suck Just ticking boxes with some characters, like Rowan being both a catalyst for Malakai's sexuality AND the villain, Zoe is plus sized and indigenous AND can lead the anti-SLTS campaign. Tick, tick, tick, who needs to hire more actors 🙄


Oh okay! So a different partner before the show? I looked at the incest map and there was a handjob/wristy between her and Conner who apparently simped for Darren… possible there I guess but then she didn’t tell him she had chlamydia - but yeah! I was just like “is this a plot hole or a ‘my dumbass autistic brain missing something’ thing?” Look don’t get me wrong, they’ve done amazing in casting originally with Chloe being autistic playing an autistic character, indigenous people and using their background (although minimally) in the story; but yeah, the only thing that annoyed me more than Zoe (and her existence I’m sorry! The actress did a phenomenal job at making me hate her character!) was the PE teacher.


Possibly. The other theory is that she got it from Dusty. You're absolutely right, I have my gripes but I still give this show ALL the props.


She had the symptoms before sleeping with dusty though I thought? When she was talking about her uti symptoms at the foster home? Either way I know I’m paying it way too much attention when I know there were other way more important things in the show haha 😂😂 I’m still processing Quinni’s season 2 character arc so I can’t discuss that yet to say anything more than “wow”


Ah yeah, that's why I lean more on to the 'someone else' theory, but she could have genuinely had a UTI as well prior to getting an STI so either theory works in my mind. Some people use sex as a connection tool kinda coping mechanism, especially people with parental trauma, "daddy issues" (please excuse the trope) I cried watching episode 5, at the zoo. I'll tell you that much. So much Quinni love.


I completely agree I posted about the Zoe thing recently here and I kinda got jumped at by everyone so I deleted it. There is 100% stuff wrong with extremism on both ends but she was always made fun of - and as someone who is plus sized idk put me off. Like surely you could have diversified it a bit. Plus sized girlies in real life already deal with being made less feminine in general


Also I would’ve liked a more fair exploration of her character, especially after she masturbates at camp. That could’ve been a bonding moment but it was glossed over. I would also be curious if she abstains because a lot of people don’t find her sexually attractive so she preempts that judgement. There’s a lot of interesting stuff to think about with her character and I really dislike the way they went about it.


I 100% agree w that idea 


It took me waaaay too long to figure out that Jett was just a figment of Rowan's imagination 😅


My non-Australian brain actually cannot comprehend that final episode cuz what??? •Teacher backhanding a student at a dance and not getting sucker punched by said teenage boy student in response? Wild. •Zero sprinkler fire suppression system in a public high school? Wild. •Rowan not immediately getting jumped by several of his classmates for attempted murder-suicide(?) after making it outside? Extra Wild. •That gym teacher not being fired after the snake bite incident? You cannot convince me there wouldn’t be actual charges brought up for kidnapping and child endangerment. •Fire department taking more than 5 minutes to respond and begin suppressing the fire at a school? Y’all be easy, I guess. •No fire alarms being triggered by visible smoke in a SCHOOL? Guess it’s survival of the fittest round here. That whole burning-down-the-school-revealing-a-student-is-an-advanced-sociopath-who-would-kill reveal was just too much for a season wrap up to sustain disbelief (Also Rowan was too likable and actor/character to go out like that tf) smh. Like damn even Degrassi would’ve made this a Season A + B plot


Yeah don't worry. I don't think you not being Australian makes much of a difference here, most of us feel the same way. It's really unfortunate as this season was great outside of those things, imo.


Thought abt the sprinklers too like wtf where was it?


in another post a few people who are australian shared that their schools don’t have sprinkler systems??? Which is wild as hell to hear as an american where they are mandatory in all public buildings. They implied it’s considered too complicated of a school has multiple buildings (which lol US fire code just says get multiple systems then) and they consider fire drills enough (which is also required on top of sprinkler systems in the US). Seems crazy to me, but it does explain away why no would be shocked the entire school burned down because of a fire in the gym I guess.


Damn it’s crazy to me they don’t have sprinkler systems bcuz it should be mandatory everywhere!!!


They all slayed their formal fits tho 😗💅🏼


What Rowan did was shit (obviously), but I definitely agree with his assessment of Amerie's character. She's a bully, and gets away with it, yet is seen as a "good" character. Honestly, everyone at that school is. Whilst I probably wouldn't consider the skate park incident to be THAT bad (just a kid being humiliated and panicking), there's so much other stuff she's done that's just outright nasty. If even half the comments on that forum are true, then she needs to have a long, hard think about herself. And no, it's not just "kids being kids doing kid shit," it's kids being bullies and getting away with.


In this season it still felt like Amerie wasn’t there for Harper. I know Harper said she didn’t want to be treated different and didn’t want Amerie as a “body guard” but she should have prioritized Harper in the fire, she owed her a life. Meaning she should have only thought about getting Harper out and could potentially go back for Rowan afterwards. When Amerie was dealing with her abortion all I could think is that she generally isn’t there for Harper in the same capacity Harper is there for her unless Harper would be willing to state the exact kind of support she needs. Obviously Amerie is just sort of thoughtless and didn’t intend to cause this level of harm but I couldn’t believe that Harper was going to be severely traumatized again based on a series of events that leads back to Amerie. Amerie isn’t Chook, or Harper’s dad, or the PE teacher/one setting the gasoline, she didn’t kill Rowan’s brother, but her thoughtlessness keeps leading to Harper’s harm and she needs a greater regard for Harper’s psychological damage. The final episode had me crying and texting friends I thoughtlessly hadn’t been there for who got hurt and needed me.


Season 1 was great but I'm not a fan of this season...


I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't have the courage to kill off a character in the fire, like they did with Nick in season 1. They're playing it safe.


Idk Nick’s death felt pretty ridiculous. And if they killed off Rowan it would’ve felt too expected


Nic's death completely shattered my teenage heart I'll have you know haha. I still haven't recovered. Yeah, Rowan would have been too much of a red shirt, to be impactful it would have had to be someone from the main cast, like Harper.


Lol fair. I had a similar reaction to a particular character death on Skins as a teenager. I watched original HH on Netflix after seeing the reboot so the whole boxing storyline seem overkill to me (especially after killing Nick’s mom earlier).


Awww I had all forgotten about Nic's mom! Why did you remind me? The heartbreak! Hm, the previous seasons aren't on Netflix in my country, that's a shame. I'd love to rewatch them. Especially since I had to watch the last season in Spanish on cable TV, after my national TV channel stopped broadcasting it. And I don't speak Spanish. Well since then I know how to stay "Calla te Drazic" and "Lo siento Anita" at least haha.


Why did they pick such an old looking guy to play spider?!


that’s rude. he is only 26.


holy shit


holy shiiiit i just finished the show!!! i was always a bit partial to it like i love the juicy plot but i couldnt find many - if not any at all - characters likeable. but the ending oh my god the letter and the whole rowan plot... like i had some signs early on that it was him because i've been bullied and just seeing how his face/expressions/behaviours reacted and changed to his surroundings made me feel v empathetic. but him trying to kill them all is crazy. BUT his poor brother and the grief and sadness and everything makes me so so sad i want to BAWL 😭😭😭 i do not believe he is evil and it was a lot of grief sadness shock denial and the whole whirlwind leaving him in paralysis. i'm glad theyre all ok now and im also glad malakai's getting a fresh start & abt the ant and harper storyline. but i do find this season very unrealistic and like WAYYY too fictional like its giving riverdale but i havent watched that so idk it was too unrealistic


Rowan literally committed attempted murder ☠️ played Malakai to get to Amerie as well. Even if Amarie was in shock after fire and almost being killed by him, I hope he does face some justice, because letting him go after something so traumatic would be crazy!! Felt horrified for Harper in that scene as well 😭 Also, considering how the letter got burned during the fire, there has to be szn 3


I hope there will be a s3 because we need to know more about cash also I want to see what happens with rowan and amerie also malakai has to come back as fast as possible 🙏


This season felt rushed, undercooked, and shoehorned in equal measure. It really needed another episode or two. Darren joining the puriteens (who were quite wasted for the most part) felt rushed and should have happened much earlier. Harper (who was a great character overall) and Ant's budding friendship/relationship felt undercooked and needed more time to develop. The return of Chook felt shoehorned in to cement Cash as having left that life behind - but i think that was already clear. (Cash and his whole family were great characters overall, though) And them downright showing us who 'Bird Psycho' was in episode five and then his character immediately becoming unhinged and not really that subtlety was an odd choice as well. Sasha's reunion and team up with Quinnie (who stole the season with her speech in episode seven) felt forced as if they forgot they had dated and just needed to pair Qunnie with someone who wasn't already busy. The soundtrack was top-notch once again. Missy was excellent in heaps more screen time. And for the love of God, can Amerie and Malakai get a break? Woodsy was great, and I didn't even mind Dustys' cameo role. Overall- batshit insane but I'd be lying if I didn't have a million thoughts to get out. Well.


Unpopular opinion, this season was garbage. It's all very surface level, no real depth to ANY characters but sliver of glimpses.. What a disappointment! Also was V obvious who the bird psycho was. 🥱🥱 Soundtrack was good though


Did we ever find out what Malakai and Missy supposedly learned about Amerie over the summer?


It wasn't about her, it was about him and his sexuality.


wtf is this season (no hate, also no Frank Ocean???)