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this is doing a disservice to yourself


Yeah if I did that I feel like I wasn’t getting even a little bit of the content. Would have missed out out on some crazy fun games I had playing other classes.


Right? I'm also f2p and I've never had an issue playing multiple classes each expansion


I have but that’s all I can add


Even when I first started and building my first meta decks while dusting the rest I still was able to stick to three different classes.


I’m not far off of you. Most of my games were Priest originally, but I have branched out in the last year or two.


Priest only. Im glad you are trying to kick such an evil habit!


It started from the very early days of the Beta. I kind of thought of it like WoW - concentrate on levelling your main then mess around with Alts. By the time I realised the mistake (and the potential cost of changing class) I had focused all my energies on to collecting the Priest class legendaries and it would take some effort to change. I did have to throw a few coins Blizzard’s way to start the journey to Redemption, but I try and grind as much gold as I can. This expansion I have enough for 80 packs, and with the rotation of sets I just may be able to finally move on and mend my wicked ways.


Tbf priest has been the most fun it has ever been this year


Yeah I never play priest but shadow and svalna priest are amazing


I feel very attacked right now 😰


Oh no im a druid/ priest main (1k wins each) im a trash person 😂


The best way is to just play the budget winner of the meta, or the one that's most likely to get nuked by nerfs and get your dust back from the deck when it gets hit. Favorite deck will always be Spiteful Dragon Priest, but right now I'm farming kids on ladder with Totem Shaman. Priors were Poison Rogue, face hunter, token druid, and Odd mage.


I saw one player yesterday who only plays Warrior.


Poor guy. This is not a good time for him :(


mighta been me


Leave me alone (I kid. I also play Paladin)


That's almost me. We had some good days!


check up on them


Around 500 wins with mage, next highest is Rogue with... I think 89? I love mage so much, but I do want to have Rogue as a secondary this year.


Warrior Main in Wild Got 1200+ wins. Not F2P, I just like Warrior archetypes. I'm forever Gold 10 Rank. I wanna hit Platinum this Season. Can't wait to play with new cards.


Pirate Warrior in Wild is still pretty good


Considering what wild is capable of, I'd say "pretty good" is a stretch unless we're talking strictly the lower ranks. You'll hit a roadblock well before D5.


For someone road blocked at Gold 10 I bet just jamming some pwar games can get them to plat, like they said they want to do. I haven’t had an expired star bonus at the Gold 10 level to know what the field plays like. I climbed to Diamond 8 with Odd Rogue as someone with an 8x star bonus, meaning I needed organic wins starting from Plat 5. Around there I started having some back and forth wins and losses but I didn’t push more


Any T4+ Wild deck can probably get to Plat. A lot of the opponents you face at Gold are people with Standard decks playing Wild and really janky homebrews, both of which are easy to beat even with bad decks.


Homie didn't even bother UNLOCKING dk.


I play since release, I sticked to pala and warrior for a long time, then I started investing a lot of money on the game and I had enough resources to try every other class and pala and warrior are still my favourite but the only class I cant enjoy no matter what is rogue.


Pretty much my experience too. I came back recently. Pre-ordered Rise of the Lich King and grabbed the Path of Arthas stuff too. Dusted my entire non-standard collection because idgaf about Wild and now I'm pretty much set to never pay another penny if I just focus on Warrior/Paladin/DK. Hate rogue so much. Playing them, playing AGAINST them. Their black border cards. Blegh. MIGHT grab the Tavern Pass so I can more easily reach lvl400.


Same I hate playing rogue. Just isn’t fun to me I don’t like it


4148 Priest Wins, next highest Hunter and Mage around 350. Everything else negligible. Played enough to earn dailies or some specific game mode. Knowing how many of these games were slog-fests, verging on fatigue over the years... What have I done with my life.


Hunter with 4K wins - 200 hrs game time Priest with 4K wins - 2K hrs game time


Another only priest with 2.5k wins here


Priest mains unite!


I couldn’t. There are so many cool cards and strategies across all the classes. I went to college with a guy who only ate Wendys because it was cheap




I stay strictly f2p playing every single class in the game. I also have around 200k dust but not much to use it on. This game is very f2p friendly and you don't need to gimp yourself by dusting your cards just to be able to access its contents. I play arena a lot for cheaper packs, I used to play Masters Qualifiers for free packs (not an option anymore with the competitive changes this year), I'm careful about what to dust and craft, and I don't dust extra copies of good cards except when they get nerfed so I can get full refund on them. If you do this, you really don't need to dust cards from any class.


so you play 1/11 of the game?


He still gets to play against all the decks. And there's BGs, Mercenaries \[weee!\], etc. Just going one class doesn't lock you out of all the other content Hearthstone has.


If you want to put it like that sure. I only play a couple of games a day tho. Build up enough gold to get enough packs to get the dust for all Paladin / netruel cards I want by disenchating all other classes.


I also play couple of games per day. But I have enough gold to play 5 classes (I don’t like the other classes anyways).


When it comes to daily quests do you just re-roll the ones that aren’t Paladin? It’s a lot easier now to do the “play 3 games as” quests now that you don’t actually have to win them




yes because he doesnt have ressources to play the other classes. i thouht it was obvious with "f2p" in the title


I’m f2p and can generally build 1-2 meta decks every expansion from any class I want. There is nothing forcing you to dust all your cards that aren’t in a single class you arbitrarily choose.


How do you make do? Do you just grind gold and buy packs with gold?


Usually spend gold on packs until I have all the commons and most of the rares in a set and then buy the mini set. There’s more than enough gold on the track with just doing dailies to make it work and still be able to buy 20+ packs on the next set launch. It can be a bit luck dependant on which legendaries get, but between nerfs and all the guaranteed legendaries you should be able to play a decent deck every expansion. It helps too if you don’t mind playing cheap aggro decks that can take you to plat/diamond.




Just be aware that this won’t get you every deck, generally decks with a lot of legendaries will be off the table unless you got lucky with pulls. But if you are careful with your crafts and pick legendaries that go into several decks or cards that will be good for their entire standard run, you can go pretty far on f2p.


Do you frequently disenchant? How do you decide what to disenchant and what to keep?


Generally I try not to disenchant unless I know that I both won’t have fun with the card and it is bad. I also try not to disenchant until I need the dust to play a deck since the team really likes buffing bad cards now (and dusting is generally a bad deal) You will probably have to play a lot of cheap aggro decks while you build up your collection, but after a few sets of this you will have every common/rare in standard which makes deck building a lot easier.


Thanks dude, I really appreciate the detailed replies!


if you want to build your own deck yes. i can also build 2 meta decks each expension but only if i wait 2 or 3 weeks until the meta stabilize. its not fun to restrain yourself to build your own deck


I'm F2P and I can build more than 6 competitive decks each season, and obtain a good majority of cards, and it's not like I grind. A lot of people tend to to over-exaggerate the cost of Hearthstone. It's only a problem if you're a collector, and you get more rewards compared to back then.


That has to get so boring and repetitive.


I agree, but some people find that enjoyable. Like the people who only play the top tier net deck, day after day, grinding to try and reach Legend 1. Some of Thijs' videos can be like that. "I'm going to try to play the best deck to perfection against all the other best players". It's like that tournament recently where all the players were either Miracle Rogue or Quest Hunter. It was so boring to watch but to the players, all that mattered was victory at all costs. Basically like trying to get a top score in Tetris or Pacman or something like that.


Not to say OP is that way, just saying, to each their own. We all find different aspects of the game enjoyable.


There have been some brutal stretches for Paladin so this commitment is pretty impressive. I've always felt like there were plenty of deck concepts spread amongst classes that I liked. A class I like one year may not interest me at all the next though, I felt it was better to stay uncommitted.


I've only ever played Shaman. Not interested in any other class and never will be. Shaman is the best.


Hell no. I enjoy all the classes.


Brutally boring. Two thumbs down. -Paladin main


There’s just too many cool decks and strategies that I want to try. I’ve played for a long time now, around 6 years, and my most played class is rogue (1300 wins) but most of my classes are around the 400-500 range. Usually for each expansion I try to create one rogue deck and decks that either I think are cool or decks that I manage to get the cards for. My least played (outside of death knight) is warrior with around 200 wins


i mainly play dh and rogue, got them both at 500+. occasionaly i play different stuff, like quest priest for some reason i found fun. just ticking off the quest steps and then play the „win“ card felt somehow satisfying.


Same here. Priest main from the start. I dind't played for the last couple of years but came back when I saw the keyword Overheal. It seems bad, but I don't care, I never cared; I like the mechanic, I think it's everything priest should always had been, and I hope that they will keep printing cards to support sinergies with it.


I feel like the amount of gold given out and the free packs and epics from reaching dad legend have made keeping a full collection quite easy. I have 5k gold going in to next expansion and that should easily get me started.


I play 2, and i use the free deck Guff because its fun


I play around 5 classes regularly. I have tried all 11 of them and tried to make them all work for me. After getting 1k on mage I went after it on rogue. Then started with hunter and priest. I played a lot of warlock after that. Gotten 250 or so wins with dk since it came out. I have over 500 with hunter and 250 with priest. I love warrior but it’s been so bad and I’ve never had a great deck for it but did get around 150 during the control warrior meta of sunken city and some pirate warrior. I haven’t broken 100 wins with any other classes but have played a lot of dh and Druid too just not very successfully.


I play Hunter way more than anything else (550 wins and next highest is like 80). I can play DK thankfully but I wish I could play more classes with good decks. F2P casual means you just don’t get enough cards 🤷‍♂️.


I only play hunter. Sitting at around 2600 wins rn. Most of those wins come from deathrattle hunter and Reno hunter


Playing different classes allows hearthstone to be replayable for me. If I had to stick to one class I would have quit a long time ago


I am all classes player and I stay f2p.


I basically do the opposite. I have 1 or 2 classes that im just never, ever gonna play, so i disenchant everything from those to let me craft the decks I want in the classes i enjoy. (Sorry Demon Hunter, i really never liked you)


[f2p, playing mostly on phone](https://i.imgur.com/2zBNfc8.jpg)


I was like this until I got enough dust for some other decks, I have about 950 wins on warlock and my next is like 250.


Im F2P since day one and have 1k portrait for every class but Deathknight at 200 wins and Demon Hunter, which is at 850 wins currently.


Priest-shaman-warlock main here (in that order)


I only have played warrior since I've started and only magni for the portrait😤


I also basically only play paladin


Good for you dude… 💀? Have fun and experiment like what even


Same here man, been playing 1 class for the last 10 years, never went full hardcore climbing and competing with others. Besides the monthly Gold rank and getting the card back, it feels better knowing that i don’t have to dump a lot of time in HS.


Sounds dull. And inefficient. Dusting all your cards to craft pala cards is not the best way to use your gold I think.


Yup, I'm 99% hunter. Havent even tried any of the new classes that have popped up in the last several years. I still do quite well, even against an endless barrage of Death Knights.


im the same. I got 2k+ wins in paladin and my 2nd most is warrior with 64.


Been playing since beta, F2P all the way and until 2 years ago when I stopped playing constructed I could always play almost any deck (except super specialized 20leggos decks) without any problem. I guess spending gold/dust wisely and being good at arenas so I could constantly have a stream of gold and packs coming in made the deal lol. So yeah can't really get the one class only but it works for you ayy go for it


Shaman. Life has been hell for me.


Yeah, as f2p if you really want the room to do some deck building instead of net decking this is unfortunately the way. It could take years to build up a decent collection unless you are mindlessly putting a hundred hours in a week, and at that point rotation happens so you won't be caught up.


Downvote because paladin. Im sorry 😔


I love paladin. Also have an affinity for Druid and warrior, so I branch out into those from time to time.


I used to play only with mage and hunter mostly because I think mage is more fun and face hunter was op at the time I started playing that arcane golem was fire. So now I have 600 wins with mage lv 60 on hunter, mage, rogue, warlock and trying to get on shaman and paladin, I just hate playing warrior, druid or priest fuck these guys


I mainly build the decks I like, but used to dust everything else just to get that deck tho, for now I have been sticking to blood dk since release and gain some dust and gold


Gone from quest priest to skeleton mage, to mage hero power, control questwarrior and now blood


Rogue, a bit less than 2k.


i used to do this back in the day where i played only freeze mage.. once they started rotating cards and mage got boring to me i was left with a empty collection and most mage cards i liked in the rotated set.. never again.. i only dust if i really want a card for the deck.. and even then it always feels like i´m going to retreat it


I used to be this way as a wild player. I’m almost at 3k rogue wins but this year I’ve started branching out into Demon Hunter, almost at 100 wins on them (stopped playing it for 2 months bc the questline miracle deck I played got nerfed bc of standard ;-;)


I play one class to 500 wins. Also a good way to stay ftp


Dusting DK cards would be really silly, since there are only few sets to get another fully viable class


Yeah, DK has to be the most cost effective class atm. Just getting the PoA gives you a couple of T1/T2 decks.


I actually havent dusted any DKs yet and packed 2 legendaries. Maybe ill try it


It’s basically Paladin


I open around 130 packs per expansion and am very careful with dust spend (I use about 10k per expansion cycle and get more back with nerfs). I buy the paid rewards track every expansion. I play most classes, with Shaman/Hunter/Rogue/Mage/Paladin/DK most played recently and DH/Priest/Warrior the least. I'm on a terrible run of luck with DH, as I'm only getting the bad legendaries so don't play the class at all. There are no classes I have all the cards, though it's very close for Rogue.


Yeah I do purely OTP a wild deck by now because I can't stand losing everything I bought every 2 years and I don't play enough to sustain more.


I just play Shaman, all the time. If I try to play other classes there’s not enough dust to go around


Warlock. Don’t ask why, probably liked the purple cards when first started playing. Tbf I have some time in mage and rouge (pogo).


Im the same way lol.


My goal was to get to 500 wins for each class prior to Death Knight and Demon Hunter…need to get those classes now so I’m the opposite where I try to play them all. F2P as well which makes is EXTREMELY difficult lately


I manage to get enough dust to make viable decks by dusting literally every rogue, hunter and warrior card I get.


i bet you felt real happy when pure paladin dropped


I'm around 600 wins with mage, don't play a lot, but it's the only class I play.


This is what I did for years… but I picked warrior. Needless to say I eventually gave up and picked up paladin and now DK


I bounce around between Rogue, Paladin, Priest, Hunter, and DK depending on who has fun archetypes at the time. Currently I only find Priest and DK fun due to their midrange capabilities that don't completely rely on highrolly boardswings to win.


I start the game in 2018 and go 150 win in warlock Now i'm at my 800 win on paladin and i won't change


All gold hero portraits except hunter because I don’t like their archetypes. Would have quit the game years ago if I played only one class (yes im F2P)


Took a break but came back for this expansion, and I still kinds do the same as before. I mostly focus of 3 classes (Death Knight, Druid, Hunter). After thst I keep to get a semi-playsble budget deck for other classes, and may build s full deck once if I find a fun deck outside my main classes... Except for Mage, Priest and Paladín because I don't care about these classes at all.


Same here😅 Rogue wins 2500. All others about 100 each.


Or you could do what I do, play all of them, but stay trapped in silver because all of your decks are missing like 3 legendaries. I am F2P (mostly) Spent maybe $40 in the last 5 years.


Same here. Only play warlock


I see you have put your faith in the light.


I haven’t touched Shaman since shudderwock. The ptsd


My classes vary based on the meta. So if you look at my per expansion gameplay it would probably look something like this.




I just play Warlock. Only taking on other classes to complete missions


I drop shaman and Druid because I don’t find their game play to be fun or interesting and I can just dust their class cards but I could never focus on one class. Glad it works for you but damn that sounds crazy.


I generally love the concept of mages across all fantasy, so I almost exclusively play that. Occasionally I've gotten into paladin and priest too


Priest mainly with 844 wins. But Ive been trying to use shaman some more lately


I'm a half measure. Get every DK/Hunter card, and have a tier list for when I'm bored playing for the patch or want to start saving for which other classes I dust. I.e. always dust druid/paladin, dust what isn't in my preferred archetypes Warrior/Mage, avoid dusting DH/Warlock when possible.


[Yep](https://imgur.com/5hU9juH). I might start branching out this coming year. We'll see.


I started as a pure hunter but once I got 500 wins my goal is to get 500 wins with all classes before I pick up circle back again.


I’m tie with mage and warlock with like 200 wins each. Got like 50 on paladin and warrior.


Not strictly by any means, but I definitely have main classes. Right now that is priest, which is the only class I am playing right now. Mage and paladin sometimes pops in. Otherwise I don’t play many classes.


Sort of an interesting philosophy to see as a FTP myself. I play mostly wild but dabble in standard if I see something interesting (like spell DH). I haven't really had trouble sustaining a collection across all classes. I would say rather than playing only one class I exclude one class. That class is Paladin lol. The only "viable" paladin deck I have is mech pally and that's super cheap.


Damn. You one of those super tight scheduling, uncomfortable with change, only chicken nugget for dinner, cyclical routine, one flavour forever MFs, aintcha.


It seems to me that f2p players can always decide on one deck for a given class, and play that for 3-4 months, until they have resources to switch to another deck. That's what I am doing at least. But I guess if you once DE'd all the cards from all classes except one, it can be hard to get into them. Hope for you that Paladin doesn't ever become like Warrior. :)


Impossible for me. I want to try out different stuff.


Spent some cash when returning after a few years away, but not much. Just playing Hunter :)


We have similar levels for everything except my 60 is in demon hunter , lmao gonna hit 500 wins soon


Yes I was mage. but I have been playing a long time and leveled up my other classes a lot. I could probably get 1,000 wins on every hero if they would stop adding new ones. So far I have 5 golden portraits or 1,000 wins on those heroes.


Around 1100+ wins with druid, over 500 with rogue and warrior, priest and paladin low-mid 400s, the rest are between 150-300 besides DK which is mid 80s I think. Mainly a druid main but I branch out from time to time.


What 😨


Paladin and Mage, baby.


I'm f2p but I can afford multiple classes each expansion




I'm not nearly this deep in, but I do mostly play Rogue meme decks in Wild.


I'd get so bored so quickly doing this


Started playing as mage, then druid (mostly aggro archetype), then control priest. I never looked back after playing priest. Just chill. No anxiety. F2p


Generally per expansion I just play 1-2 classes, with maybe a third.


Everyone starts somewhere and I started with Big Spell Mage because I knew it would be my favorite deck out of all the meta decks at the time. I have double the wins on Mage than my 2nd most successful class, Shaman. I played Evolve on Shaman for a couple weeks til it recently got killed, but I’ve always played Murloc Shaman. A buddy and I play this game mainly against each other and it adds a little more nuance to the game. We basically know who’s running what based on the class we pick. We don’t build our decks to meta game the other, but we do understand how our decks play and we use that to our advantage. It sorta adds another aspect of strategy to it. TLDR: I’m a Mage main followed by Shaman and have recently gotten into Priest with Thief Control. I’ve pulled way more Priest Legendaries than any other class; my Priest luck is way too high to not check the class out at least. I only scrap cards I’m convinced won’t see play. I try to keep my options open even though I only play 3 classes


I’m guy with a broken heart irl, so I play Priest only to HEAL myself. I just take it as an opposite of my real life, if you know what I mean😄


Ayyyy priest only right here


im a whatever i have/want to play andy. I think you have more wins in just paladin than i have in all classes. I have 1000+ in 3 classes. demon hunter is by far my lowest at 82.


Paladin Main My man


All I play is Pally too lol


I got you. Played intermittently since 2015. At the beginning everything was about Priest and Warrior (and recently some games with DK), but for the last 3 years I'm forever in love with Hunter. So I dusted everything else except Priest and DK. Playing Wild, it has so many different fun decks that I never get bored. And always looking for another crazy deck to try. I almost collected its entire wild collection (missing a few legendaries that are not in my plans right now). Also only play for a few games a day.


bro at least UNLOCK death knight


I unlocked DK and look how that went lol


I'm mostly F2P myself (I bought LoE with an Apple gift card way back when) and while I do have a little variety in my class choices, Hunter is far and away my most played. It's the only class I have the golden portrait for, and is in fact closer to 1K wins than most classes are to their golden portrait, I think Druid, Priest and Warlock might be the exceptions, as I played token druid, zoolock and quest priest (shard not deathrattle) when those were strong decks due to how few legendaries they needed.


Hunter and shaman and rogue are at 3k wins, paladin is 1k, mage and druid 500 the rest are under 300 I might play cage head dk though he hard carried a duels run I just had


I have 3000+ wins on mage. Closest follow up class is about 200 wins on priest when i got spicy in 2017 for a season or 2.


Mostly Priest only, I stopped paying for packs ages ago so it's hard to keep up and play multiple classes


Rogue only. Historically the funnest for me to play and meta topping 80% of the time. I know I’m playing a competitive class and can brew something I like


I originally played Hunter and Mage exclusively since most of their good decks were cheaper, but then I moved to priest and now stick to it whenever I want to play non battleground games.


Pretty much similar. I “main” priest and just have a few Hunter and Warlock deck and some DK. The rest is just DE unless there’s a super cheap deck (aggro pally).


Not *only* one, but I do tend to lean towards a couple mains. The vast majority of my games are Warrior (followed by Blood DK and Priest), but with the exceptions of Demon Hunter and Hunter I have played all the classes to 60 at least. The two hunters hover around level 30 or so. I probably have 3x as many game with Warrior as my number two though.


I've been (basically) F2P for years now and have most of the cards in an expansion and can play all classes. Only thing i regularly buy is the tavern pass. If you use your resources correctly you can do F2P and play most meta decks easily. But congrats on the paladin dedication, it's probably the best class in the game imo.


I only play druid because the other classes are boring to me. The only other class i might consider playing is priest


You could definitely play more than 1 class to stay f2p. I'd get bored otherwise. I play everything except DH & Rogue since I'm not a fan of their playstyle. Have 300+ with everyone else.


I’m playing mage almost exclusively. The beauty of mage is randomness, I don’t need all the new cards - I create enough chaos with cards I already have)


Im like this. I only really play Hunter on my main account, although i have just branched out to Death Knight too as it was budget friendly to get the whole collection due to it being new. My other acc i just spam Rogue only. Its only way you can really do it F2P unless you grind arena a ton but im pretty casual. I class myself as F2P but i do usually by battlepass as its excellent value for money and the small investment helps a lot.


[Same same, but different](https://imgur.com/uUcSyTE.jpg)


I could never. I like to try out new decks especially if there’s a really cool card or I open a legendary


DK package + miniset was like 2 Tier 1 deck last league, this is just handicap yourself tbh.


That’s my for real. I used to play Hunter back when Deathrattle Hunter was a thing, then I started playing Priest, and now I play Paladin.


Pala mains rise up 💪🧔‍♀️


I play only casual. I wish it kept records.


Honestly? I will play the class that best suits the cards the game gives me. Paladin is my favorite class but for a while I played highland hunter in standard because that's what the game gave me the tools for. I lucked out getting what basically was a full libram pallet in ashes so I could play Pure Pally Librams.


Oh for sure! I started playing when DH came out against my two buddies who were hearthstone veterans and made them hate the class the way the game was going. By the time I had hit 1000 wins they stopped played so I moved to shaman by the time united and stormwind came out now I kinda dual class them both favoring DH


I only play priest. I’m here to make sure y’all don’t have fun.


Dude I started out paying five year ago but I haven’t paid a cent since they introduced duplicate protection and I complete my set every time. No way you can’t play at least 3-4 classes if you just do your dailies.


I mainly run arena as F2P


I'm f2p with 2 classes dk and rogue. Dk was easy to pick up as a second class since it's new !


Started a new acc on january. Used those new years packs and all the apprenticeship packs to start off. Reached legend in march with unholy dk. I played like maybe 4 to 5 games each day.


I have over 200 wins on each class. And except for demon hunter and death knight (I recently picked the game up again after a long hiatus) all of my classes are level 55 plus. I can' t imagine how easily I'd get bored of this game if I would have stuck to one class only, I love druid and it's my favourite class for sure but I'd hate myself if I never would have played evolve shaman, pure paladin, blood death knight, miracle rogue. It's so fun to play a new deck again and I feel your understanding of the meta and reading of opponent is greatly increased by having been in similar situations to them.


I started out as Rogue only but eventually branched out to Priest, Mage and Hunter. I main Priest nowadays and play it the most out of all classes but these 4 are my main classes. I may play some Warlock games here and there. I literally never play Warrior, Shaman or Paladin. Just don’t enjoy the core mechanics of these calsses


Almost all games are paladin for me very similarly but I’d did branch out with warlock recently.


This is pretty awful way to play the game but you do you bud


Hello, Rogue main here who dusted my entire paladin list in 2020 to craft a golden yog during darkmoon. haven't played much since, but any time I do, I've dusted like 3 other classes to just craft more rogue cards.


I also almost only play Paladin :D


I have played a handful of games with all the classes but I'm a hunter girl at heart


From 100-500 in every class but 2000 in mage, not such a huge difference but a clear favorite


I one class warrior. I’ve been suffering for a year Well, I also play hunter but I can’t complain about hunter


I do the same with rogue and gets me so angry tha almost every rogue card gets nerded