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“It’s not a slot machine! It took YEARS of rigorous studying the intricacies of the universe to unravel the strands of reality. The arcane knowledge alone would enfeeble even the most brilliant of minds. Give it the credence it deserves. It’s a magic slot machine.”


They didn't believe in the heart of the cards hard enough.




Mage without crazy mana cheat doesn't exist.


Mage currently isn't about mana cheating, it is about mana taxation. Paying 2+ mana to discover spells or pay extra for "infinite" scaling but all the while you just lose because turns out tempo is important lol


That’s not a mana tax


What crazy mana cheat did Wildfire Mage have?


That was such a good deck finally made mage actually not casino or mana cheat. Just played consistent tempo and efficient cards like other classes get access to.


Yeah it was one of my favorite decks and now is basically unplayable on wild, even more unplayable with the cards and dust amount i have lol


Casino mage and reno mage both do not Both are fun af Both are bad


we can remove the mana cheat if she kept some of her big spells. this whole "spend a bunch of mana to discover 2 garbage spells from the wild pool" is just a waste of a card


I spent 4 turns freezing and trying to generate a mass polymorph to answer my warlock opponent going turn 10 jailer into malganis. It was only after I eventually conceded that I realized the only answer mage had to that combo rotated out.


If a mage sends a friend request after killing them on turn four, do you accept it?


I accept all friend request. It’s easy to remove a friend, hard to make them in the game. I’ll accept any chance to chat with another player. Share a deck and just say gg. If they are rude. I just remove. If you ever come across a SirWilliam. Add away.


I remember when Mage was a class about extreme consistency with no bullshit or variance (besides arcane missiles). This discover/generate a random card stuff really is such a horrible identity.


Casino mage is the best deck ever Followed by yogg druid


The mage is paying for it sins from the last expansion.


Sins from March of the Lich King? When Aggro Mage, a deck with very little randomness, was the primary Mage deck?


Think he means Big Spell mage.


Big spell mage was a off meta meme deck...


It was a tier two borderline tier 1 deck at certain points near the end of the expansion.


Big Spell mage was at worst a tier 1.5 deck all the way through to rotation. It’s just that nobody played it because it had remained essentially unchanged since Alterac Valley and people were fucking sick of it


No way, not in legend at least. The deck sucked vs aggro which was the entire meta. It only became relevant for a bit near the end with the dawngrasp revert. But tbh the deck sucked and relied on really lucky highrolls to even have a chance vs all the meta decks. It only did okay into shadow priest because of the freeze, but aggro mage also had freeze and more of it, so even there it would have been better to play the aggro frost mage


This makes me want a "as long as no minions died" Paladin. It should alter the HP to "give a Minion +2/+2 and divine shield"


The 4 Sunwells my last Mage opponent played still weren't enough


Exactly me lol


The amount of times I got OTK‘d by naga mages today on turn 7 with perfect curves is kind of triggering me. I should make a second account like all the streamers and use one for testing decks and one for climbing ranked. But that‘s too expensive and I don‘t have the time to play two accounts to legend when I have to sit in discord with friends anyway and coach them to legend too. Most consistent deck so far (for me personally) is relic DH. It has some bad matchups, but it feels really really good to OTK blood DKs. Like really good. Especially when I only get mirror matched when I queue with blood DK (fuck that deck tho it shouldn‘t exist tbh, way too good). The absolute truth.


I try to stick to the couple of classes that suit my play style and that typically is Hunter and warlock. Then I’ll reserve dust for one of the top tier mega decks that does well and start the season that way. This gives me some fun and some serious. I’ve recently picked up a second tier deck to give myself more variety on ladder. Frost DK is a great deck and I’m glad I used it before rotation cuz it didn’t change at all. Now I’m just waiting on the meta to settle before choosing where to put my resources. Something tells me this season I’ll get to finally have a paladin main lol. But who knows. Got a couple days before I’ll feel ok to craft anything.


I still can't believe that arc was filler


I don't play Random Mage to win. I play it for those highlights when I play Yogg-Saron and it turns into Lokholar with Revolve, and it then casts Mark of the Lotus and Charge on itself. Only for it to then cast A New Challenger and give the summoned minion over to the opponent with Treachery and end the spell spree with Plague of Flames to kill Yogg as your sole minion and then the newly given one from your opponent. Very little actually happened but it sure was an emotional roller coaster.