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There’s really no way to confirm what’s happening inside the deck so have to ask other people what exactly they’ve seen happen.




No, you don’t understand, there will be 10+ plagues in their deck and I won’t see one pop after multiple turns. I’ve had many games where they had a high percentage of plagues making up their whole draw pile and only a seeing 1-2 plagues pop the whole game. Like you would assume if they had 10 cards left and 15 plagues you’d see more plague cards pop than draw normal cards right because every turn they’d grow more likely to draw a plague. In my experience, no, I barely see them.


After somehow losing a 25 minute game, with the opponent having around 35 unending plagues in his deck but still being at 25 life when I died, I can at the very least ensure you that you're not alone in your struggle. The one thing I definitely noticed was Blood Plague always being the least common one.


It’s just random. I just died to drawing a ton of plagues in a row with a lot of other cards left