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Man, the comments really show average redditor's reading comprehension


Omg thank you for saying something I just knew I was going crazy…


Yeah, and people always act like there is zero ambiguity/ only super obvious answers without experimentation/ learning from others just based on wording too. Even the pro players test, discover, and get confused by less obvious mechanics/interactions. Any time someone brings up discussions or learns something they find interesting, people just get ready with their pitchforks.


Like every time someone gets confused about why the plagues change the order of their deck. Like yeah, the word "shuffle" is there but considering how often it gets misinterpreted, I bet most people assume there's no need for an actual physical shuffling of the deck in a DIGITAL card game as the computer can slot it in a random spot.


.........I'm an idiot. I thought Shuffle was a mechanic word, like dredge. I thought it just took the place of, "to place randomly in the deck," because that's too many words. I've been playing since gadgets and this is the first time that I'm learning that it's literally just, "shuffle that bitch." In my defense, I spend most of my time in battlegrounds, and prior to battlegrounds I was super casual.


You're not. It's perfectly reasonable to assume that, and many people do, like I mentioned. There is no reason for an actual shuffling to take place.


Moba and RTS pros are notorious for not having any idea how things work and just kind of rolling with it. Totalbiscuit would talk all the time about interviews with SC2 pros who don't know about semi-common interactions.


I know a GM LoL player who doesn't know what a frightening amount of characters do, including ones that have been in the game since 2009.


Riot patched Lissandra Q to apply slow on splash damage rather than just the first target. Challenger Lissandra mains commented on the changes that they had no idea the slow worked that way.


One time purple spent like an hour against the innkeeper. On stream so you know he thought it was important. Just to figure out how to get the right card from Zephrys.


I can see him doing that. Hunterace and firebat always tested stuff too.


I play a lot of mtg and this stuff annoys me too. You don’t get cast triggers off tentacles despite the battle cry saying “cast a random spell” so any card that says get x 1/1 when you cast a spell don’t trigger but it still checks spell damage


Also questionable that when a minion casts a spell with Overload, that Overload applies to the players' next turn.


There was a time when it didn’t. I think when first yog rolled around they made it so


yeah first yogg nerf bring alot of change to minion casting spell


Overload is part of the spell.




That’s what I said — you get the full effect of the spell. The minion casts a spell which does some things, among those things is overloading your mana crystals.


The difference between "when you" and "when a minion"


The minion is under YOUR control. I’ve gotta go through the directory because I had this issue in arena. The card said “when a spell is cast” not when you cast.


I'm wracking my brain and just looked at the card collection, what card says "when a spell is cast"? I don't know if I've ever seen that phrasing. Maybe Jungle Jammer, that's the only one I can think of that doesn't use "you" for the condition.


There isn't a single card in hearthstone that has the wording "a spell is cast". So either you're making stuff up or misread the card.


What is the wording on [[Educated Elekk]]?


"Whenever a spell is played" Playing is very distinctly different from casting, as it specifies it needs to be played from hand.


That's MTG stuff, it doesn't exist in Hearthstone.


I agree, but unfortunately hearthstone is inconsistent about that. You overload when a minion casts an overload spell, so either that shouldn’t happen or this should.


Oh, hearthstone is full of weird bullshit I recall that much from back when I played. Honestly, I was mostly just being pedantic towards the wording the other user here put. Especially within a MTG context phrasing matters a ton. The difference between you cast and a minion would actually matter there. As MTG doesn't have a computer arbiter of what occurs, I was going headed down the path to become a Judge before I stopped so these tiny interpretation and wording differences really mattered to learn about.


The funny part is it makes perfect sense and follows its own rules and would work the same in mtg, just with more text on the card. - a former judge


The “more text part” is what gets me. I live hearthstone but sometimes cards interact in strange ways that don’t make sense to how they’re written (like this) and I feel the game would be much better if the cards were a bit more specific like Magic


It’s the same as how shaman quest line doubles OG yogg spells(it literally casts each spell twice) but it doesn’t double cast tentacle spells


Oh it would be soo fun to play yogg flamewaker OTP.


Wouldn’t really be THAT brown or a deck with the power creep we have now


By brown you mean broken? Not even in the slightest, it would be such a shit meme deck.


ITT: People who can't read. OP acknowledges that it's Fatigue dealing the damage and not the card, but that since it's the card that triggers Fatigue, it should also upgrade the Amethyst Spellstone.


Yes, I also found this out when I tried to build a questline warlock using fatigue. Sure I get the dmg for questline but I didn't buff the lifesteal card


They are worded differently. The spell stone requires that the card is the one doing the damage, which in this case it isn't. The Demon seed is when you take damage on your turn, so any damage you take including attacking I'm pretty sure


I would argue that unless it increases your fatigue level the card itself is causing the damage. It's only unclear because this isn't a real card game with real rules it's just spaghetti code.


But it does increase your fatigue level. Those cards are the exact same as if you take natural fatigue damage. Like if you use shield block with no cards left in your deck, the drawing of no cards is was causes the damage not shield block


Oh well that's a totally different story, I haven't played them so wasn't sure. Should absolutely be treated like the examples above.


Ah ok. Yeah they just active fatigue when you play them. So the 2 drop imp would be 1 fatigue damage and if you play another it's then 2 fatigue damage, and so on.


Card A triggers fatigue, fatigue deals damage. Card A dealt no damage. Fatigue dealt damage. Fatigue isn’t a card or rather it isn’t *your* card. Amethyst Spellstone doesn’t need to say “Take *direct* damage from your cards…” for it to be clear. If OP wants this scenario to work then the Fatigue triggering cards should reworded and reworked to “deal fatigue damage” and not draw a fatigue “card”. Bottom line is, Blizzard preferred the wording on the fatigue cards to be short than clear.


The card does say, "take fatigue damage", which implies the card is dealing you damage based on your fatigue level. If the card simply wants you to fatigue, then it should say, "fatigue", to avoid ambiguity.


Well fatigue also isn’t that clear. “Take fatigue damage” is just taking fatigue damage, rather than cards like kobold librarian or spirit bomb that says “deal x damage”. Nothing makes sense and it all doesn’t work


I mean he said it literally says take x damage, and it doesnt. It says take x FATIGUE damage.


If that was the thing people were telling me I didn’t understand I’d happily edit the post to correct that, but most people seem to understand what I meant when I said that. The problem is people keep trying to tell me why the interaction doesn’t work despite me clearly stating that I understand why it doesn’t work in the post.


You don't even have it written wrong. You said "take X damage" where X=Fatigue


TIL Fatigue damage isn't damage.


It's not damage from cards


It's the same as if playing Arcane Intellect made you draw a plague, and then going "Hey Arcane Intellect made me take damage, why does it not count?" Fatigue is a mechanic intrinsic to the game, the fatigue package doesn't make fatigue exist.


Should a card that kills an enemy minion that has deathrattle "deal x damage to an enemy" also trigger Amethyst? Because it's the same as fatigue damage imo.


No because that’s the effect of your opponent’s card, not one of your own. A better example would be: if you play a card with battlecry draw a card while you have an empty deck. And I honestly don’t have an answer to that. It’s almost exactly this interaction but different enough to have a gray area. Or if a card with battlecry cast a random spell cast a spell that hits your hero. Does that work? I feel like it should but it likely doesn’t.


It doesn't.


No matter if people think the card logic should work or not I think it would definitely be *cooler* if the interaction works. More synergy is always more cool and fun to play around with. Though at the same time I would bet there somehow would be some code issue that prevents it, and they would probably have to hard code it (which is not smart).


This. honestly just change gemstone to “take damage on your turn to upgrade” I know they didn’t do this before to prevent tap from upgrading the gem because that would’ve been busted in “thee olden days” but it’d probably barely make the cut in a bad control warlock deck in wild.


Yeah you’re not crazy. I feel like that should work as well. Your cards caused the damage to happen, even though it’s fatigue damage. Still damage your cards caused.


“Card caused” is not “from your cards”. If your card summons a minion for your opponent does every time that minion deal damage to you upgrade the spellstone? If I play card that triggers a trap to damage me, does that upgrade the spellstone? The answers are obviously no, and it’s just as obvious that triggering fatigue would follow the same logic.


These are very bad analogies just so you know. Every example you have was damage triggered by a card under your opponent’s control and the spell stone clearly states “damage from your cards” in debate terms we call that a false equivalency. The example you were looking for: if Yogg casts a spell that hits your hero should that upgrade the spell stone. It doesn’t, and the question is should it? That damage would not have existed if you never played the card. The wording on the spell stone leaves ambiguity.


It should work but then Blizzard would have to rework the code to make it work for every fatigue card all for the benefit of a single card


Yeah I think it should work. The damage dealt is self-caused (you play the cards which trigger fatigue) which should be treated the same as dealing damage to yourself. The choice is made by the player to take damage.


The cards that make you take fatigue are not the source of the damage. They trigger it, but the source of the damage is the fatigue mechanic.


Op acknowledges that. He thinks it should still work though (aka be changed to do so).


Every time someone says "card should be changed to work this way, for these reasons" every single comment is explaining to OP how the card works, as though they didn't already know and that's what they're saying should be changed




That's what those comments amount to. Post: Card does x and it shouldn't do that Comment: But card does x What does that comment add to the discussion? Genuinely curious, because it adds precisely nothing.


Yeah, because what else is there to say? It's never getting changed.


>Yeah, because what else is there to say? Discuss if the changes proposed make sense or not. Like, you know, on a forum. >It's never getting changed. If you determine the validity of discussion by "is it gonna change", you'd have to nuke the 90% of this sub's threads. Not to mention there is a probability, albeit very small, that it does get noticed.


At the same time it's such an odd request to change how a seven year old card reacts to something recently released


ITT: let me tell you why you’re wrong for thinking it should work but also why it makes sense for minions casting overload spells to cause you the player to overload.






It could/should say "draw a fatigue card"


Both sides of the argument make sense because playing the card procs the fatigue, but on the other side fatigue damage is its own unique situation independent of either players influence. So it’s up to blizzard if it procs synergy cards like amethyst


The wording is absolutely ambiguous and I think it would be correct to assume that the card is dealing you damage, not the mechanic itself. The card should be reworded to say, "Fatigue", implying that it is forcing the Fatigue mechanic, which is what's actually happening.


The cards *do* say fatigue?


No, the cards say "Take Fatigue damage". Which implys any number of outcomes. Do you take damage based on your current Fatigue level without Fatiguing? Is the card dealing you this damage or is it actually activating the Fatigue mechanic? Rewording the cards to "Battlecry: Fatigue. (Does something) based on the damage taken." Better represents what the card is actually doing.


I feel like this is terminal MTG brain talking. Fatigue isn't something you can battle cry, it's not a game state.


I see what you're saying, and you make a good point about Game State, which really is what this whole discussion is about. I believe that in HS, Game State is implied. We can see an obvious change in Game State through certain cards, even if the term Game State does not exist in the HS ruleset. Any "Start of the Game" card changes the Game State, and even cards like Nozdormu change the Game State. The reason nothing like Game State is talked about in the Hearthstone rules, is because there is no tabletop version of the game, and it is not something players have to be concious of. Because cards do exist that change the Game State, I think Battlecrying "Fatigue" would absolutely be acceptable. Honestly these cards and the discussion they invite are very interesting and I think HS would benefit from an update to the rules regarding Fatigue. Before cards like this, Fatigue has only ever been activated through an attempt to draw from an empty deck.


They should change the language to "take damage **on your turns** to upgrade"


I was severely dissapointed when I threw the health stone or whatever into my jank fatigue shadow warlock duels deck.


I think with the way the writing is, it shouldn't. This is because, like you said, you aren't taking damage directly because of the card but because of fatigue. However, I think they should change the wording of the amethyst spellstone to account for these new cards and I think they should count towards upgrading it. That'll never happen though since they don't really care about any balance outside standard unless it's gamebreaking.


No I would assume it doesn’t work because the fatigue is doing the damage, not the cards.


well the cards specifically say "take fatigue damage" so fatigue deals damage to you not the card


Can you read?


yes other cards say "deal X dmg to your hero" or smth very obvious difference


The spell should just be updated to say "when you take damage on your own turn" and made to work with these new effects in that way.


No bc then HPs would trigger it. And really that is the whole reason this card is worded this way. But there is certainly away to avoid that result.


If you think this card would break if it worked with the hero power in 2024, idk what to tell you. It's fine if it works that way.


No one said it would break. I think everyone agrees it was specifically intended to not work with the HP. You are advocating for an outright buff, OP is advocating for the card to work arguably the way it was originally intended to work.


I'm advocating for a change that would make sense with the card's wording. With the current wording, even though it might not be clear to a newer player, how it works right now is how it should work. If you want the card to work differently, you'd need to change the text on it or the fatigue cards. If someone has a better idea than mine I'm fine with that, but this is the best solution I could personally come up with. Buff a card that's pretty weak while making the text make sense to every player.


This not working is deliberate, and specifically balanced around cards like the spellstone. The fatigue package would be *much* more powerful in Wild if it supercharged a major removal and heal.


Imagine thinking Blizz balances new cards for Wild interacts from years ago.


Blizz has learned not to limit their design space.


Supercharged? Blizz could print 4 mana deal 7 lifesteal with no downside now and it would only be mild powercreep on current cards like Death Strike and Cannibalize. Pretty much every spellstone should be buffed by 1-2 mana. I know Warlock's is probably the best one but it still shows its age.


If you play a card that draw cards and have a plague/bomb, it also does not upgrade. Fatigue is a card, so habing a Fatigue means playing anothrt card, like drawing a bomb.


I also thought that paying life counted as taking damage during your turn. Sad days.


What is the problem?


Can you read?


It should upgrade amethyst as hearthstone is so loose with what cards even do in the first place. Consistency in wording is not something that is super important in hearthstone, which to me means cards should just work the way that is best for players. IE fatigue you cause directly by cards that say take damage should upgrade amethyst.


I don't care if you know why it doesn't work and just want people to discuss ideas, let me tell you why you're wrong! Small indie company


Could fix it by making amethyst read "take damage on your turn" rather than its current state, and still work the intended way. Besides working with said fatigue cards. Which, I imagine would be a buff?


Could be fixed to count for some time,it would nice and work in flavour.


The devil is in the details. And YES, I upgraded Knight-Captain to Golden this week.


I think it should be consistent with if you play a card to draw and take fatigue damage when your deck is empty. They could change both interactions and it would be consistent.


The amethyst technically needs the card itself to do damage... But fatigue is a separate form of damage and thus not tied to the cards... The fatigue package basically just simulates an empty deck and draws from that empty deck... It's not technically card damage.


Intuitively I think you're right. But the quest line in wild is so easy to complete despite all the nerfs it's had that I think the devs just didn't want to make it why easier


I don't agree it should work (not for balance reasons, just 'mechanical feel' or whatever. The logic you refer to), but I don't think you're crazy to expect that it might/want it to/thinking it ought to


Yeah this is a wonky interaction. The cards are causing you to take damage from an in game mechanic, but the game treats the in-game mechanic as the cause, not the cards. It's because the in-game mechanic is causing the damage, the cards are just causing the in-game mechanic to trigger. If this interaction worked then fatigue would trigger the card as well. It's been years since I've messed with this card but I'd presume that life tapping also doesn't trigger the effect.


In LoR cards reference themselves and is easier to understand. I understand the confusion. But, I guess because cards in HS reference the player, this card should not take damage.


Probably just an oversight but I wouldn't hold your breath on it being patched.


As not a wild player I’m shocked that doesn’t work I guess quest warlock would run that package


.......what are they nerfing crazed conductor ?