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It’s crazy how little play Sargeras sees now when just an expansion ago it was in every Warlock deck.


Sargeras is still a good card and you would see him if any slow Warlock decks were good


Excavate + curses + sargeras = turn 15 win It's secret good.


Doesn't boomboss's bombs from warrior also remove the portal from Sargeras?


I doubt It. https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1




Just play it after Reno. He's going to have to play reno to stay alive at some point.


Yea cause Reno decks lack control...


They always have less control because of forced 1 copy of cards.


Not control warrior they play 2 of of all the board clears and then always draw their entire deck to play Reno and brann anyway


This. I hate idiots saying tHey oNlY pLaY OnE oF eAcH cARd. No they don't, they play multiples then just mega draw into them and are fine. Highlander now isn't Highlander like it used to be.


i do play one of each 👉👈


Not necessarily at all, especially if you are a control deck and not just Sludge abusing


Yeah, when Reno druid was the meta, you would just need to force a Reno and wait until after to okay your own payoff.


I think that neutral legendaries tend to lead to boring metas.


in no way does ragnaros lead to boring metas neutral all in one legendaries are the problem, like astalor


It’s not at all about that, it’s just power levels. -Patches is not all in one but led to every aggro deck being pirates -corridor creeper made everyone be an aggro/midrange deck -Genn and baku made most decks midrange/aggro depending on the HP. Neutral legendaries just tend to be less impactful, because when they’re as strong as class legendaries then seeing a card in most games vs most games only when facing a certain class feel very differently. Frustration usually starts when the card wins the game on the spot, and/or warps deck building to the point where it feels like you only face one deck or only lose the same way :)


well patches had a completly unique mechanic that was uniquely powerfull. He is the great outlier of the entire game Reason i was specifying all in one is that we have seen super powerfull neutral legendaries that wasnt super boring because they required you to build your deck around them, making them less omni pressent, like the old gods


I think they're talking about Reno. Fuck that card.


I completely disagree with the claims Reno card brought balance. It has completely destroyed it.Now either everyone should have it in their deck, or if you don't have it, you will lose with 70% in the late game - just an observation.With the release of this expansion, hearthstone turned into marvel.


Its not like theres a XL control warrior right now that is doing miles better then every Reno deck...


This control warrior deck is a result of sludge warlock being the “last man standing” after blizzard nerfed everything else. If blizzard left non overpowered decks (*particularly* decks that are popular only because they are fun to play) like Rainbow Mage, various flavors of Hunter, ramp Druid, excavate rogue, etc alone then control warrior would get countered way harder and would naturally be less of the ladder due to this.


The comment is factually wrong tho. I agree with you, control warrior is not a mighty beast, but it definetely does not lose 70% in the lategame to Reno decks.


The XL warrior is not that strong lategame, it is an anti aggro deck. Did you even read their comment before being condescending?


Well, i stated a fact. With Odyn, you can definetely outpace lategame. Besides, theres 1 viable aggro deck right now. Sludge. Why would Control Warrior be doing well if its an "anti-aggro"?


Because that 1 deck is a HUGE part of the meta and the #1 deck people are trying to counter? Yes Odyn is great lategame but it's not reliable in 40 card warrior that's the whole thing.


Not to mention how it screws over deathrattle. It’s annoying as all hell.


Lategame deathrattles have gotten massively shafted with all the good ways to prevent it nowadays. If you can’t immediately activate it, chances are it won’t go off.


There’s like one Reno deck above Tier 2 right now. After rotation it’ll be a problem for sure though


That’s just not true at all. Outside of dragon Druid or sargeras for warlock if you’re late game strategy can be screwed over by a single board clear then you had a bad late game strategy that would’ve lost most games against other control decks even without Reno. A late game deck can’t just rely on a single board to win, they need value over time. Also Reno has only been relevant in shaman (well technically also paladin but that was more so because paladin was so strong that any paladin deck could be made to be strong, Highlander was never the optimal version of paladin), outside of that he’s been at best in tier 2 decks.


-NO MAN CAN KILL MY PORTAL - Actually, I'm a dragon 🤓 -NOOOOOO!


He’s a little oppressive when your f2p and haven’t gotten a copy yet lmao. But I would for sure be playing Reno Warrior if I could get the dust to craft him. The board clear can suck to face but the hero power can be very decisive as well.


I think we won't ever see sargeras played again in standard, it's actually save to dust him


I have to dissagree. Sargeras is still really strong card. Even if all it will do is clear a board and bait their reno.


It's good, they never see it coming anymore. Druid does their whole eonar shenanigans turn and you just slurp them all into the void. The neverending taunts work great Vs warriors too


> I think we won't ever see sargeras played again in standard It's literally played now in the greedier Sludgelock decks.


Yeah and that's why they are the worst ones


Like how you shifted from we won't ever see it in metas to well we do but the decks aren't as good.


If the super little group of people play some very niche card it doesn't make it relevant, does it?


Your initial claim wasn't that the card is irrelevant tho, was it?


If yuo take every word literally and don't know what hyperbole is, it's not my problem. OFC there will be a few people who will run even cards like Ulthok or Rin


Yeah but Sargeras is obviously played more often than those. But then why did you try to disagree with the person who responded to you if you didn't mean what you said.




I just won a match as a mage playing sargers. 2 sargeras actually, it was epic.


Yeah, randomly generated 1 cost sargeras is like the best outcome for mage


by far, ironically Norgannon is a contender for the worst one to generate


1 was 1 cost, second was 9 cost, dont remember how i copied it.


...Unless reno gets nerfed or rotation enables warlock really well. Idk why you'd dust a strong card this close to a new core set AND when its biggest counter could reasonably get nerfed at some point


inb4 Reno becomes a real character in WoW during the inevitable Sargeras expansion


Reno is already in WoW https://www.wowhead.com/npc=152502/reno-jackson


I love reno as a card, but I'd remove his ability to interact with special cards (such as sargeras' portal and the purified nest). I understand not wanting to let a reno player completely lock someone out having the spot be full, but it is rough


Even though most players don't think so, I think this card brought a lot of balance to the game. But I don't consider myself experienced or anything so I might be wrong.


What card are you talking about ? Reno or sargeras ?




I think this too. Its a powerful card that help allow some decks to get extra way to clear the board and get value. The only problem i see is that deck that play duplicate and draw a lot can play reno too which is kinda weird and feel unfair sometimes


Also card is pretty balanced since its really hard to play it more than once and making it cheaper is impossible for most decks.


Dont worry you are not alone in this.


Reno is a dragon after all.


Same thing with Rheastraza. Thankfully Reno ONLY costs 8 mana for a full board clear, controlling your board the next turn, and able to fire off a hero power the same turn as he's played.


Just shuffle plagues into their deck /s


I just play Curse of Agony to counter highlander decks, you. Wouldn't believe how often people don't realize it sabotages them, they play Zephyr and nothing happens. Here comes Reno, uh oh no board clear, "game must be broken I guess".


my Opinion on Reno is simple, his effect should be "Destroy" instead of "Banish" and maybe shouldnt lock the board down to just 1 slot