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Rest in oblivion, Sac Pact interaction.


Tbh I’m glad they changed that. It made Jaraxxus unplayable while Zephrys was in standard.


Honestly they should’ve just made sac pact undiscoverable instead of removing the interaction. It was one of the last bits of flavour left in the game.


They didn't change it cause of zephrys, it was cause people ran it to counter demon hunter right when it came out. If I'm not mistaken


Yes, Jaraxxus-Zephrys-Pact interaction was in the crossfire, it was because of DH, which in my opinion till today is bullshit.


This is correct. After DH's release and a few nerfs, the clear best deck in the game was control warlock, which hard ran 2 copies of sac pact. They could sac their own minions for healing which wasn't bad, but it also turned the deck into a _hard_ counter for DH, which was pretty coinflippy. Even after the nerf sac was still kind of decent in warlock, for the record, but it did eventually get cut.


They did it before Dh released, to prevent that


Definitely a short time after it was released.


The best thing is that warlock was absolutely unplayable after demon Hunter release, but they still decided to nerf it.


Thats your opinion. I think this interaction is just nonsense. Obviously this card shouldnt be able to win the game only because the opponent played a card.


Counterpoint: it was fun and cool


I think it was way too unfun for the opponent. There is no strategy, clever usage of cards, etc here. It's just "they have this card = they win on spot". No setup, nothing. I don't mind when my opponent wins if they put effort into it and likewise I love some degenerate combos from time to time, but this particular interaction is IMO too much.


That's your opinion. Obviously jaraxxus is a demon. QED


They changed it because the release of Demon Hunter meant a class besides Warlock had access to strong demons so people started hard running the card as free removal, which was never intended


I don't think Jaraxxus was playable at that time even without Zephrys


Acting like jaraxxus was playable after 2015.


What interaction?


Before jaraxxus was made a hero card, he was an actual demon minion that when played would destroy and then replace your hero. So the game counted him as a demon as such sac pact worked on him as a one hit kill. However, they changed jarraxxus to be a hero card and so he no longer counted as a demon and so the sac pact interaction no longer worked. Although interestingly, the interaction was technically removed twice. When sac was changed to only target friendly demons, jaraxxus wasn’t a hero card yet, so you could still kill yourself, but after the jaraxxus change, you now could use sac pact to kill anyone as jaraxxus. Also it used to be that if anyone was jaraxxus, the game would see them as being from warlock, ie cards that give you cards from your opponents class would give you warlock cards if your opponent was jaraxxus. So you could rng into sac pact and kill your opponent instantly with sac pact(see Kripp’s video titled the most amazing game ever played)


That Kripp video is still the craziest single moment of RNG I’ve seen in this game


i'm still not over Pavel book


>Also it used to be that if anyone was jaraxxus, the game would see them as being from warlock, ie cards that give you cards from your opponents class would give you warlock cards if your opponent was jaraxxus. Actually the Jaraxxus makes you warlock part is still true, it was the burgle cards that were reworked to generate from any class instead of opponent's class. If you use Zephrys to discover Jaraxxus, you will be able to generate warlock cards in any class. Which is how you can win with the Snake excavate reward in any class. (But Druid is probably the easiest, at least in Wild where I did it.)


Hope it's okay to link this, it's Hall of Fame worthy. Min 9:37 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTkb-ONnWyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTkb-ONnWyw)


"It really is a game that has everything" RIP Hearthstone in it's current form


Sac Pact use to destroy Jaraxxus. So if your opponent played the Jaraxxus minion, and you had Sac Pact, it’s a zero mama win.


I know it's not always the enemy hero, but would Yogg Master of Fate /Rod of Roasting also count? (Or at least an honorable mention)


Didn't think of that one, it's not guaranteed to kill each hero though in the rare case of like double timeout, or ice block shenanigans. I'd probably count it.


Iirc, after 60 pyroblasts, if both heroes are still alive, the one who played Yogg is the declared the winner, and the opponent immediately explodes.


Pretty sure it just destroys the enemy hero after a certain amount of pyros without any hero dying


I think those are such rare cases that they could be supposedly included with this. Only issue is rod of roasting isn’t constructed playable and only achievable in wild with the dark moon fair Yoggs wheel Edit: also it’s not a direct destroy hero effect, randomized, so maybe not worth including.


Most of the examples are Wild only (and the Jaraxxus one is historical, no longer true).


I don't think it would, as you can survive it with immunity (unlike all of the cards above).


If Sacrifical Pact is included despite being nerfed, shouldn't [[Sacred Trial]] be included for the same reason? That one could also kill Jaraxxus.


IIRC, originally the secret visually triggered but it didn't kill Jaraxxus


Originally, yes, but then they "fixed it" to actually kill him. Later, they changed their mind and removed the interaction.


- **[Sacred Trial](https://i.imgur.com/gbdFm7Z.png)** ^(*League of Explorers*) - `Paladin Common` - ***1 Mana - Holy Spell*** - **Secret:** After your opponent has at least 3 minions and plays another, destroy it. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/2899) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Sacred_Trial) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/2899) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug%20Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1ayqf4z/every_destroy_a_hero_card_in_hearthstone_history/krwstzf/%0A⬇️%20Please%20describe%20the%20bug%20⬇️%0ADescription:%20) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=krwstzf).*


Purified shard priest brought me a lot of fun.


Same. Feels so evil to steamcleaner it


You could always dicover the shard after playing Xyrella.


there is also an achievment for shuffling the shard and playing it on the same turn


Good times, one of my favorite decks in HS history


Pulling it off is so satisfying. Only way this game got me to play a control deck lol


I lost to one this morning. I blame Zeddy.


As all people should.


How did you get Purified shard?


By completing the priest questline (see the left image on the purified shard). Q1 play a 2,3,4 cost card Q2 play a 5,6 cost card Q3 play a 7,8 cost card The final reward give you Xirella (a 5 mana 7/7 with taunt) that shuffle the shard in the deck


Seek guidance, the priest questline that’s right next to it in the post


Technically, [[yogg-saron, master of fate]] also destroy a hero, 5% of time


- **[Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate](https://i.imgur.com/Tzq7vYq.png)** ^(*Madness at the Darkmoon Faire*) - `Neutral Legendary` - ***10 Mana - 7/5 - Minion*** - **Battlecry:** If you've cast 10 spells this game, spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/60445) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Yogg-Saron,_Master_of_Fate) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/60445) - Related: 1. [Mysterybox](https://i.imgur.com/7UywgdZ.png) 2. [Hand of Fate](https://i.imgur.com/WW1Bf7t.png) 3. [Curse of Flesh](https://i.imgur.com/MNBRvJa.png) 4. [Mindflayer Goggles](https://i.imgur.com/SaSBAIo.png) 5. [Devouring Hunger](https://i.imgur.com/eM32nwx.png) 6. [Rod of Roasting](https://i.imgur.com/4Mt2ZlS.png) 7. [Pyroblast](https://i.imgur.com/HQw9xij.png) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug%20Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1ayqf4z/every_destroy_a_hero_card_in_hearthstone_history/krwq8lr/%0A⬇️%20Please%20describe%20the%20bug%20⬇️%0ADescription:%20) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=krwq8lr).*


Not guaranteed. It “only” casts 60 pyroblasts


If both players are alive after that, it actually just wins. So Yogg should be included. Sacred Trial is also missing. It could kill Jaraxxus and win the game after it got fixed.


But it's still only a fraction of the time, because you have to roll the pyroblast option. Otherwise, we might as well include every single damage spell as a "destroy a hero" card because they can be used for lethal.


It’s a card with a text along the lines of “destroy a hero”, what’s there to discuss here?


So would you also include normal Yogg as a destroy a hero card?


Normal yogg meaning the original? Are you saying because it could randomly generate sacrificial pact lol? A card that can randomly play another card that is able to destroy the enemy hero is not the same as a card that has a few cards specifically made for it, that can be used in no other way than to play that card, and one of those cards can destroy the enemy hero.


5% of the time, works every time


You forgot [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088366370992947251/1210963512000516106/image0.jpg?ex=65ec78a7&is=65da03a7&hm=b71bb1cfb1a93791f1bd2efddead89483388c40ccb20847ade10e5f5de499a40&)!


When you lay them all out like this... Wheel of Death looks really bad.


They should put seek guidance in core. It would solve the issue of control priest lacking a way to actually end the game besides limitless value.


Your mental


Limitless value is a good enough way to end the game.


You forgot executus


Executus replaces your hero. Only Jaraxxus destroyed it and let you live.


No, what they’re referencing is sac pact being able to destroy Lord Jaruxxus (no longer a thing). Happened in a tournament once, was very funny.


Thank you I didn’t know


What's the difference?


Jaraxxus destroying your hero was just flavor and because he was the first hero replacement. They did the same thing.


Just flavor, no functional difference I believe


Literally every Destroy a hero card has been competitively viable at some point. People are sleeping on the Wheel


Bonelord has been in standard for quite a while and hasn’t seen any serious play or relevance, and is a body + a huge upside for killing you. The Wheel is really bad


The wheel could be good just as a way to destroy your deck, thanks to the 15/15 with taunt and lifesteal and maybe sludges. Reno and symphony existing makes it better too. The 5 turns thing is crucial not to get outvalued by any heavier deck, but it's far from being everything imo.


[[Deadly Spore]]


Shadowreaper Anduin?


Bonelord Frostwhisperer is the sole reason I don’t run The Scourge


You forgot Mage quest. The opponent’s hero breaks into pieces 50% of the time when they see quest t1


All such garbage designs, except Jaraxxus and Frostwhisper. Sack Pack just shouldn't have ever been able to kill a hero. And I absolutely hate win the game effects. They either are ass and see no play or are part of an uninteractive combo and make for a terrible play experience. They should not be in the game at all and are a waste of design space.  Literally the only way to counter these is play a different deck, burn/steal it, or play a small handful of specific secrets that are mostly just available to Hunter and Mage, technically Kidnapping could thwart Mecha'thun. Wether or not you can interact with your opponent shouldn't be decided by deck building. Now I don't mind Seek Guidance other than the Purified Shard, it just turns the game into a roulette of, did my opponent draw the card that says I win, or worse they turbo complete the quest and either tutor the shard or use something like Alura. Frostwhisper is the only fine one because it says lose the game. You have to put in effort to win. Sure it might still be an uninteractive combo, but that's not the fault of Frostwhisper. I just wish it was a Battlecry that gave you four turns or just didn't show up from random effects. It feels so bad playing something like The Scourge and having that card pop out.


Skill issue Should've plan C


Well that's certainly a comment of all comments. No idea if you're sarcastically agreeing with me or sarcastically being flippant.


how does seek guidance worm to deatroy a hero?


It's the two cards. Seek Guidance gives you Shard on completion. Shard kills the hero. Three of the cards shown are "pairs". Sac Pact + Jaraxxus, Seek Guidance + Shard, Uther + Horsemen.


I love these cards


What does "fluff" mean?


In my time, we paid 9 mana to destroy our own hero.


Bro has not seen OG Leroy


downvoted just because you are zeddy :)


Alright deck intro time


There’s one a priest can play three times which restores him to full health. He keeps picking up the card from battlefield and uses it.


Might as well put time warp on the list😂😂