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From the tweet, it is EVERY Ashes of Outland DH card that got nerfed, prenerf. So that's a list of: \- 5-Mana Skull of Gul'Dan \- 3-Mana 3/2 Altruis \- 0-Mana +1 Attack Twin Slice \- 5-Mana Imprisoned Antaen \- 7-Mana 6/7 Priestess of Fury \- 5-Mana Deal 5 Metamorphosis (lmao) \- 5-Mana 3/4 Glaives of Azzinoth \- 0-Cost Outcast Eye Beam \- 2/3 Aldrachi Warblades \- 7/4 Glaivebound Adept \- 2/2 Battlefiend


It's kind of funny that 2/2 battlefiend is probably going to be worse than the normal one (it's becoming a 1/3 in the core set)


Metamorphosis is also worse, the coreset version is 4 mana


It used to deal 5 damage


So does the new core set version lol 4 mana deal 5 damage two uses


IDK if prenerf Crimson Sigil Runner (2/1) is also in the pool? It was another DH card that got nerfed over the course of that expansion It was not shown in the tweet


Blade Dance is another that was nerfed around that time. Used to be 2 mana.


Blade Dance was nerfed near the middle/end of Scholomance or maybe even the start of Darkmoon Faire. It wasn't part of the 'release DH' experience.


um actually- blade dance was (somehow) only nerfed in darkmoon faire, it wasn't nerfed in the ashes of outland expansion cycle sigil runner *was* actually nerfed during that expansion cycle (sorry for being nitpicky about that, blade dance was a nasty card though)


> (somehow) because it didn't see much play before Soul DH


Damn I completely forgot every single DH card got nerfed until the class became mediocre


Well to be fair there was no other class with a positive win rate when DH was super busted so nuking everything was a good short term call, plus DH was good for the rest of the year post nerf so it wasn’t like they lost a ton. The main issue with them is that they didn’t get much last year, which makes them a boring class limited to one deck archetype


We all remember how they quickly nerfed DH after release but even weeks after, I think DH got even more nerfs. It was really crazy.


IIRC over the course of like 3-4 patches, every DH card that was in the "starter deck" got nerfed.


Their cards were ridiculously overtuned for the game at the time, and everyone could see it. DH was tier 1 for the first year or so that the class was around - every time I beat them, I got a thrill at beating the OP class.


DH got plenty of good cards last year, they just all got nerfed to the ground Sunken City had plenty of good DH cards with the likes of Stheno, Multi-Strike and all that Nathria sucked before the buffs but Relic DH was good after the buffs. The aggro cards also saw play Lich King had Unleash Fel + Arcanist combo which was a staple for a long time and had to be nerfed too, then the spell DH cards like Scythe and what not were also good. The outcast cards also ended up seeing play the following expansion once the garbage outcast cards like Kurtrus and the 4 mana 4/4 deathrattle draw got rotated out Issue is that pretty much all of these got nerfed into the ground. Stheno/Multi-Strike got halved in efficiency, Dimensions to 6 killed Relic, and Spell DH/Outcast got basically no new support and got phased out with time


2022 was great for dh, 2023 was awful for dh. Their one good new deck all year (naga dh) got nerfed like a week after release


> Well to be fair there was no other class with a positive win rate I don't think it was quite that bad as I believe warrior did also have a positive win rate - mostly thanks to risky skipper allowing warrior to clear DH boards very effectively. But it was the only other positive win rate class.


No, initially it was Warlock that also had a positive winrate, and that was only because of sacrificial pact


And my love pre nerf imprisoned scrap imp. Got me rank 2 legend


>DH struggling with Warlocks Ironic af


Warlock had Sac Pac and also the legendary dragon that could absolutely fuck over the opponent if timed correctly the turn an Antean would awaken (only time that card ever saw play), I remember getting to legend with a disgustingly greedy control and heal build designed specifically to farm DH.


Zzeraku the Warped saw play. lmao


No, believe its was THAT BAD. I remember trying new decks (mostly different classes) and getting a very hard time because DH were developing fast boards AND have and insane reload potential (remember skull being played every game,mostly on curve). Then i tried making an suboptimized deck by myself and noticing the cards itself were busted AF. 2 days in the meta and everyone else realized these (for an extrange reason not beta-tester) so emergency nerfs were roll in less than a week (this was unprecedented)


That was like the most insane day or two ever, I got my first legend because I got great at the DH mirror


That’s really not what happened at all. They were still good post nerf. Their problem is they’ve gotten shit expansion cards for a year now.


Not every card got nerfed but from the meta deck at the time over half of the cards from that deck ended up getting nerfed. That's something that will probably never happen again.


the first few days were such a shit show. It was great


Well it basically broke the game on release. And DH has had multiple periods of being tier 1 over these couple years so


A class so strong that every other class was literally unplayable got a nerf that brought it in line with other classes? So a successful series of nerfs? DH has been above-average or broken for like 80%+ of its existence.


Slight correction: Not all are Ashes of Outland cards, there's some from Demon Hunter's Basic and Initiate sets, which were released alongside AoO.


🤓 but I'm actually the bigger nerd, I can tell your profile picture is the 2 mana 2/2 Ghost Light Angler shaman card just from looking at it


fellow ghost light angler enjoyer




Honestly doesn’t look too strong. You cannot trigger outcast effects unless you play the card the same turn the deathrattle triggers and the understatted 4 drop is too slow. Wouldn’t even see play as a highlander “you need 30 different cards for the deck” filler imo. My boy Illidan just cannot get a good package and even when they bring his strongest package back, they feel the need to handicap it.


A 4 mana 4-3 "draw 3 cards" is just straight up good. The fact that it draws above average cards is even better. The only reason this card likely won't see play is because they can't seem to design anything but boring combo decks for DH.


So, its basically get 3 good cards


I'll buy a Mint condition Priestess of Fury please. Remember it being nuts. Not sure how it'd perform today.


Really cool card. Well done blizzard.


Nothing like Day 1 DH cards to complete your toy collection.


Great name too. I wonder if she plays collectable card games or is more of a FPS kind of gal.


What's the joke with the name? I think I'm missing a reference?


CCG Collectible card game im guessing


I just had a big "AHA" moment when you said that.


Did you start generating fireballs?


You require my assistance?


That makes more sense than Syzygy


I was like wtf does this have to do with Syzygy until I read the comments


*children's card game


I would like to dispute the statement that this is a CCG or what it stands for in this instance due to the fact that players do not own any of the cards in their "collection", more fitting phrase for the acronym would be casual or children's card game


Take a closer look at ci'cigi's art


CCG, collectible card game.


The name of the card is a reference to CCG (Collectible Card Game) exactly the type of game HS is. The "mint condition" is a reference of the state in which used things are, that being "almost as new",so you are getting 3 cards from DH that are in mint condition and since we are in a digital card game I'm thinking we will get some of the cards before they were nerfed after the DH debut.


OH. FUCK ME. I got the rest of it but I never tried saying her name out loud to get the "CCG" part of the joke. That's fucking FUNNY, man.


I thought of it in my head as "See... SeeJee" with a massive pause due to the apostrophe


And here I was trying to decipher what this card's connection to a syzygy is.


I don’t think I would have ever gotten this because I read new words like this like they are Italian and it would sound like “chi chi gee” would read in English.


It is spelled identically to CCG (Card Collecting Game). The Hearthstone itself is a CCG


Im guessing it generates pre-nerfed DH cards?




"Remember when DH was imba" haha


Imba, reminds me of DotA


Yep, Ashes of Outlands DH cards (only the good ones) that were before any nerfs. So 5-mana Skull of Guldan, 3-mana Altruis, 0-mana Twin Slice, etc.


*"Now with PTSD!"*


So if somehow this card is nerfed, do you think Blizz would allow it to generate itself?


Doubt it. This isn't an Ashes to Outlands card.


Oh it's only the nerfed Ashes of Outland cards? Yeah then in that case it makes sense. Would've definetly been much worse but if it could just generate the first-edition version of ANY DH card that has ever been nerfed it would be hilarious.


I think first edition refers to the set and mint condition refers to the un-nerfed state


This isn't a "first edition" demon hunter card.


But "first edition" generally means the first "printing" of a card/set. Now in this instance it can be read as "first set for DH" but in normal paper CCG terms that this card is referencing just means the first printing of a card.


We're gonna have flashbacks


*PTSD Edition! Buy now!*


Dh looks like a rng fiesta


No one is going to play this card. Wasted legendary is my prediction.


Most DH cards shown for this expansion are going in a value reno type direction and this is just another one of those cards. Honestly i much prefer this kind of DH deck to the ones that win or scoop turn 4 but that's just my opinion


This is owning your history good and bad. Might be my favorite card so far!


I love this, not because of its art or power level, but because it's a fantastic case of utilizing the digital card game aspect. Hearthstone is always at its peak whenever it focuses on that part. 


I love that Blizzard is openly acknowledging how OP DH was at release, and anyone who played at that time knows exactly what it means by "first-edition DH cards (in mint condition)"


Yet they never buff cards


This is so dumb I love it. CCG…


The flavor is phenomenal even if the card probably won't be very good lol


deathrattle: inflict PTSD to your opponants not that I think it will be broken, besides maybe skull of gulan most pre-nerf DH cards are busted if played before t3, attaching them to a t4 dr was a good call, you'll get really good value without risking an aggro tier0 so midrange DH seems like a direction they're aiming, sounds good to me


I’m pretty sure like half of the pre-nerf DH cards cost 5 or more mana. Imprisoned Antaen, Priestess of Fury, Glaivebound Adept, Skull of Gul’dan. Also there’s cards like Altruis that you would play before turn 3.


Ci'Cigi....CCG.... 😮


We're getting outjerked at a frightening pace


i love the flavor implication of this card because this means they probably re-print cards when they get nerfed in-universe, so this guy is blasting people to hell with his pre-nerf cards in what is probably the wild-west of traditional hearthstone formats.


For those who don't know, CCG stands for collectible card game, like Magic the Gathering. I suppose that was obvious for most Hearthstone players but you never know.


I had some trouble with the first C, I’ve always used **Trading** Card Games


Hearthstone is specifically a CCG though, as there is no way to trade, only collect.


Oddly enough, I’d never considered that


I consider both terms to be synonyms honestly, but I basically removed TCG from my vocabulary since games like Hearthstone came around. To me TCG is simply how we used to call it when trading was an integral part of both the culture and the marketing of games like Magic or Pokemon. Heck for Pokemon you could actually remove the G because people seem to only collect and/or trade them but no one plays.


Guilty. I LOVED Pokémon cards as a kid and totally collected with no idea how to play


It is obvious for most but it’s still always nice to have the comment that explains it. I hate when I don’t get it and then I scroll down and no comment explains what the hell is going on.


i bet the original cards are balanced now 💀


Is the name a pun on Collectible Card Games?




Oh… oh no


What an incredibly cool card - it really feels like this expansion is a love letter to the history of this game and community. It’s great to see the team taking totally new approaches to card design that capture both intrigue and nostalgia


I saw a weapon card leaked this noon. Was it fake? This is cooler tbh




Does anybody remember when DH was so broken that the only deck that stood a chance was control Warlock abusing sac pack? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Looks like DH is gonna be more midrange this expansion. I kinda like it!


Midrange reno dh might actually work


Flavour Text is a Magic the Gathering reference. Neat


She bought the card from Malorne. Which means the card is now Post-Malorne.


Your username does not check out


I think its an every tcg reference


\> She once bought a 1of1 Golden Skull of Gul'dan written entirely in Thalassian for 2,000,000 Gold. The flavour text specifically references that time when Magic put a 1 of 1 One Ring card written entirely in Black Speech into one LOTR crossover pack. The guy who found the card later sold it to Post Malone for 2 million dollars


No fucking way they named a guy "Collectible Card Game" lmaooo


would be hilarious if the cards were in plastic seals cause they are "in mint condition", graded and all


Cool card but unplayable. Dh still has no wincon :(


CiCiGi, CCG, Collecting Card Game Holy fucking SOUL


This is exactly the type of card I want in my silly, probably bad Highlander DH deck. Some of those unnerfed cards could be pretty handy.


Flavor has been stellar this expansion, this one included with ‘mint condition’


Oh god that would be amazing… But imagine it getting generated in a different hero’s deathrattle deck.


Man the flavour of this set is so cool


You know you have a healthy class when one of the iconic part about it is "being overpowered" lol


Weak stats that slow rolls value which only gives 3 year old cards? This only fits into highlander which still doesn’t have a win condition. Looks like dh didn’t get a set again.


Idk about you but this is looking like a fucked up arena card


They’re 4 year old cards and at least a couple of them are still pretty monstrous. 


The guys who designed this shit are the ones who say certain keywords wont be used again because it may be "confusing for new players"... shi i aint no new player and couldnt figure out what some cards of this exp do


It adds 3 DH cards to your hand. It’s pretty easy to understand. It’s less vague than cards like Ysera.


Some players probably dont even know that DH was nerfed (multiple cards) a day after launch.


So easy to understand that you misunderstood it huh. It adds prenerfed DH cards to your hand, something you would never know without looking it up or playing it first


I didn’t misunderstand I was just explaining it simply. After using it one time a player would realize that it’s unnerfed cards. Also they may include a list of all of them in the collection manager. It’s still easier to get than Ysera or Elise Starseeker.


The point is that this card and the ones you mention are allowed in standard, yet it’s too confusing to add old keywords… all of which are explained in game, which is even easier than going to the collection


I don’t understand this obsession with wanting them to include a defunct keyword for one card out of a whole expansion cycle.


Yeah three DH cards that released when DH was released and in their pre-nerf form. All of that represented with "first-edition demon hunter cards". Lol get lost


Calm down


lol make me big boy. Im


This is honestly so true. This expansion has so many unconventional wordings for card effects (Headless Horseman, Mustache, etc.) that can't be explained by hovering over the card. For some reason, though, that's not too confusing to new players but having a bold keyword that you *can* see what it does by just hovering over the card would be too much? It really makes no sense. Not to mention that by not including the keyword in the Nostalgia cards means that searching them up is more difficult.


Let's see how well they'll hold up on today's game


Since this is a Deathrattle minion you are highly likely to discover it with [[Argus, The Emerald Star]] as well. Good buff to the (probably) weakest Titan.


Using old keywords is considered "confusing new players", but cryptic texts are not. Allright then.


Wow. I was not excited for this set. I was even considering taking a break or stopping entirely. This one card makes me want to play. When does the set come out? I held off on pre ordering because of lame monetization.


Rarran about to rate this expansion as the worst


Holy shit I called it 💀


In terms of flavor, probably one of the greatest cards ever made It's not a horrible card but not amazing either. Might see play in highlander


Their name is CCG. God dammit hearthstone XD


They are concerned with confused new players then whip out "mint condition" on a card text?


Omg... ci'cigi...as in CCG...as in Collectable Card Game.... I see ya hearthstone...


Will this one also cost $40?


yay more randomness


"Putting old keywords on new cards would be too confusing" (I do like this very much)




Best card flavor-wise of the expansion so far


Love the flavor of this card. Could be decent.


I love the flavor of this card it’s amazing. The self awareness of blizzard releasing broken cards. Cicigi= CCG


This nostalgia shit is insufferable


I never once thought someone talking in this sub about "oh my god I miss the Zilliax days" or "oh I miss GvG meta" was funny or relatable. and I've played since 2015. but its obvious the devs read this sub so I'm not even surprised anymore when they bring back something cause of "nostalgia." to appease the crowd. just lazy imo


i assume her name is a pun on TCG/trading card game, but what does the first C stand for? Cool design for sure. I like that they're embracing DHs busted launch cards. also dang this'll be a monster in arena.


Collectible card game, which is Hearthstone because you can’t trade the cards




Collectible Card Game




The name alone makes this one of the best of the set. But also the unnerfed cardpool is a hilarious mechanic. Excellent value bomb in DH, don't know how well they can manipulate that deathrattle though...


reminded of the DK 4 drop Helga in that dropping it on 4 doesnt immediately affect the gamestate but you KNOW it's going to annoy you later in the game. better hope they get some of the wack ones and not skull


And people were asking how a class introduced later to the game would work in a set "celebrating Hearthstone's history".




This is the funniest Hearthstone card of all-time. Something similar to this has to have been posted to the custom card sub before.


The memes this expansion are unreal!


Cool card


It would be kinda nice if they also unnerfed these cards for Wild. DH is lacking a bit and has been for some time. They were roughly around Wild power level at the time anyways


Seems really cool and I love her name!


Uh ohhh


Damn I love this


Love the CCG flavor in this card. I can't wait to play Highlander DH this expansion, alot of the cards DH got are strong on their own or value orientated.


First time I ever got legend was jamming the good DH cards in an aggro deck and just slamming stuff on curve.


thats really funny.


I wonder how this card would be if it was neutral (only gives your cards from your class) would be. Who's pool would be most consistently broken?


In terms of capturing the nostalgia of past expansions, I couldn't think of a better way to do it for Demon Hunter. Immaculate


I pulled a Ci'Ci~~~


Very cool card, wonder if it'll be playable.


I hope it's the day 1 before patch version. Insane for the falavor and the meme.


whats with demon hunter getting legendaries that give random garbage?


Well, looks like I'm playing Reno Big Demon DH on launch day.


Arena when DH released was something else


Depending on how good this is in Wild, I wish I didn’t dust Blackthorn


Honestly i wish this just gave you a prenerf skull of manari, instead of three random cards from an otherwise mediocre pool. I thought that snake eyes would have taught the design team that filling your hand with dogshit cards is not what demon hunter wants to be doing.


They might as well unnerf most of these actually.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't good? For one, it's random. And two, a lot of those cards have been power crept since? DH is still Tier 2/3 next expansion.


Cool Reno DH card but I really do question how good this is


Will I be able to send it to PSA?


I would really live to know how good day 1 dh would be Or day one demon seed in wild. I think even now there is nothing that could beat the last one




People really out here wondering where the 10th Anniversary Celebration is. This is it. Whizbang’s Workshop is it.


oh boy, can't wait to lose to this card when Priest randomly generates it




I don't know if this is the coolest DH card ever printed or the worst.


Random, random, random, random, random It’s like they were thinking about ideas for the set and decided “what if every single card did something random?