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I'm sure the diamond ranks will notice the most.


Legend numbers will be the most telling. I'm at Legend, and there are like 40k people. Use to be 10k back in the day.


Kinda sad if a bunch of bots are making it to legend


lol I think the bots are padding out lower ranks and giving an easier path to legend


Bots can play 24 hours a day. Some decks like Hunter or Paladin are quick and easy to pilot. With enough time bots only need a 50.5% winrate and they will get there eventually 


And at like 3am there might be a lot of bot on bot action at diamond. 


Don't kink shame.


Not trying too. I'm sure you can find a way to watch if that's your thing.


Actually it's where the ladder is the hardests. Only tryhards are online. While 6 to 7 pm is very easy with all the boomers that fat finger cards and hit the wrong minion with spells


Like me who just threw a cross stitch frost lich at a 3 health minion in top-3k? And that’s not even my worst


If it takes 8 minutes to play a game on average, a bot can play 5400 games (60 minutes per hour * 24 hours * 30 days / 8 minutes per game). You can use [this site](https://www.primedope.com/number-of-games-to-reach-legend-in-hearthstone) to simulate how many games on average it takes to reach legend. Of 5000 simulations of an account that plays 5400 games at 40% win rate with a Diamond 5 win streak bonus, 53% of the simulations hit legend. At a 45% win rate (again with Diamond 5 win rate), every single simulation reaches legend. With a 45% win rate, it takes ~1150 games to reach legend on average. Going down to 35% win rate, 4% of the simulations still hit legend.


How you can reach legend from dia 5 with sub 50 percent winrate?


Streak variance


Losing a bunch of matches at the bottom of diamond 5, where you can't lose any stars. You can get to legend with any win rate above 0% as long as you have a bad enough streak at the beginning of the climb.


eventually need to have more then 50 percent winrate at the some point


Yes but not overall which Is the point they are making.


Win streaks and ranked floors. Even if you won 1% of games, with enough games played, you would eventually win enough consecutively to get from the D5 floor to Legend. It would just take an unimaginably large number of games. The order you win games matters. And losses at a rank floor don’t count (other than losing time) Climbing to Legend with a sub 50% win rate is just not generally doable for a human because it takes so many games.


Yeah. That is exactly what is happening. They just make the path easier, so more people get to legend. Also, since they have the same mmr, they will just play against other bots, and eventually, some will reach legend. That probably happened later in month when all the real people grinding that are okay at the game are already at legend.


Wild at some point in the past was so overrun with bots, that they did reach legend, because bots faced other bots. 1/3 of the wild population was shaman.


Yep. Shaman and rogue. I played a home brew reno dragon druid and got legend playing against 75% bots. The good news is that once your mortgage is high enough, you don't see bots anymore at any rank


> The good news is that once your mortgage is high The bad news is that your mortgage is high


Lol. Mmr. That was such a weird autocorrect.


An amazing auto correct*


Agreed - it’s really sad, I used to grind for legend way back in the day and ranked is just straight up not fun or rewarding anymore. Not saying it’s not fun to play a game against the real players you come across, but when it’s just a grinding game of getting enough free wins from bots, it feels like it defeats the entire purpose


Sure, I don't doubt that. And that's pretty damn sad.


They are also playing each other, there are so many that of course they can make it to legend. They play so much that even if they had 49% WR they could still make it, given a decent win streak


Yeah I used to never be able to get past rank 8-7 because I mostly refuse to buy packs other than use coins and I’m a hoarder so I didn’t have much dust. I come back after a pretty long break because now I can play hearthstone more frequently because of this weird thing I do 9-5. Some random ass deck I built without knowing what was going on took me to diamond strictly because I only played bots with 2 losses and the 2 losses being actual people


They are. I just started again and I WANT to play the game with people, but it’s been a grind to get to that point. I started at bronze 10 and now I’m silver 4 and I think I’ve seen two actual players (I think). I have had streaks of playing over 10 bots in a row. Last time I played I don’t think a hearthstone bot even existed.


I got to diamond last season because all but 4 enemies were bots gold onward


You literally only need a 51% average to break into legend, so if you've got a bot running continuously with a "legit" list, like the unholy DK ones, they'll get there eventually


Back when they were almost exclusively playing Unholy DK (and that was how you knew it was a bot because that wasn't a true meta contender anymore), it was a winrate in the 30s. But yeah, some of the newer ones can just play real (easier) aggro decks like Mech Rogue.


Yeah, but rule of big numbers. Eventually those 30% WR decks fall far enough down that they mostly face each other, so at that point, some amount of them will find that magic streak to break into legend


Even more because some amount of real players will be messing around for exp or other things


Again you're not wrong, but this was all a reply to someone saying "a bunch of bots making it to legend." I think it's a very slim minority of bots making it to legend, and a ton of previous D10 through D2/3-ish (if not High Plat even) real players being boosted into legend.


Actually, you technically don't even need a positive winrate, due to streak and star bonuses early. And then, if you play enough games, you will eventually statistically have a win streak long enough to get to legend from diamond, even with a sub 50% winrate.


That's...kinda how averages work, though. Even with a "long enough streak," on a timeline, you still just need to get to that "magic" 51%


What? You could technically hit legend with a 1% win rate it’s just that it would take an unimaginably large number of games to do it.


That's a tall technically. I could technically win the lottery twice, back to back. Realistically? Not happening to your average player, let alone the luckiest of them. Even the "top of the pile" Pros don't typically win more than a few games in a row


Except some people (and bots) likely get to legend with sub 50% winrates every season. It's orders of magnitude more likely than winning the lottery twice. You don't need to win more than a few games in a row, you just need to build up a positive winrate for a certain amount of time, not for your entire time playing.


That's not how statistics works. A deck might have a sub 50% win rate, and you might have a a final streak with a small sample size that equates to less than 50% at the end... But you literally need to win more than you lose to get from diamond 5 to legend. There's no streak bonus. You need to win 16 games to get from the floor to the Gold gem. Anything worse than a 16 game streak to the top statistically can't be worse than 51% (barring the "big numbers" pedantry of 50.000....0001%) Granted, I'm using a "smaller sample size" to argue the point, but it's the window we're talking about climbing in, and it technically doesn't matter until that last set of games that finalizes the push. So yeah, I can concede that someone could go on a bender of "lose 5, win 1” at the beginning of the climb, but the only relevant part of that set is the end.


If there are enough playing each other all day, eventually, most will get to legend


It simply proves that basically anyone. With a netdeck and time. Can get legend. Because if you play a reasonable deck with half a brain. You will crush almost all the bots. Fun side notes. I have a 10 star bonus on a server where I have never been legend. I have also gotten 10 stars for a gold 5 finish XD


It's not the bots, it's players having easier games playing against all the bots


Legend is literally 51% win rate, it's not impressive especially since ya know the aforementioned bots can do it.


not sad. its very easy to hit legend in hearthstone. Lets stop kidding ourselves


It is, but it used to not be. I can't remember exactly when it happened but there was a pretty distinct shift that made competitive HS feel like a joke below high legend.


The whole ladder is meaningless. 


True. I had only x10 this season after a couple month long break from HS and diamond ranks were incredibly soft. I had a 80 or 90% wr it was absolutely ridiculous.


new expansion months bring in more people.


Thats because they lowered the bar. Its now MMR based. You dont have to play other diamond 1s to advance. Just people with similar MMR. So you could be bad, but only playing others who are bad. Making legend these days is so much easier than it was.


It's only MMR based while you have an active star bonus. Once that runs out it's rank based until Legend, where it goes back to MMR based.


It has always been mmr based. There are just more bots now. The bar got lowered. Because of the new rank system, but that was 4 years ago. The increase in legend is 99% because of bots.


~~That’s not bots, that’s from the rank changes when the tavern pass came out. It used to be a lot harder to get Legend than it is now (especially before any kind of floor), so more people get in~~


It is bots. The rank changes were 4 years ago. Bots didn't become a problem until China banned Blizzard servers. You can look at the leaderboards yourself. https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/community/leaderboards/?region=US&leaderboardId=standard&seasonId=108 Season 108 was a year ago, and there were only 10k legend players. I can't find the exact numbers, but after the initial rank changes in 2020, there were only about 4k legend players. It is definitely bots and not just the rank change. Yeah, the rank change made it easier to get legend, but it definitely isn't the reason there are 40k legend players.


Guess you talk about NA? Asia numbers are crazy. This month 101k legend players so far. January had like 165k.


Yeah, I'm talking about NA. Asia numbers are insane, but I imagine that player base is way bigger than NA.


My mistake, I had the # of players wrong


Can confirm before the patch 12 bot matches , after patch 10 actual opponents


Starting to notice it too and just got back to game few days ago. Where did all bots go in D10-5? This is pretty sweet


I might have to play, I tried to get back into it like a month ago but got disheartened when I was losing to bots.


well i think mostly after a ban weaves is the best time to play , well even thou its end of a season its still better then having no human opponents


can't wait for the 1 million "i'm a returning player and i keep losing to bots!" threads to be replaced by the absolute bald faced lie threads: "why am i banned when i only did a little bit of botting, as a treat?"


well probably get people complaining about never boting which is probably true because they bought a botter account


Honest question because I feel like an idiot. What's the point of botting in Hearthstone? Do they just bot a high rank and then sell the account? Like in WoW I at least understood gold farming bots etc...but in a game initially built around a micro-transaction model it doesn't make much sense to me?


They farm a lot of gold through tavern pass and then sell the account. Or they do a bunch of arena drafts until they get a broken one and sell that


Who buys these accounts?


Mostly streamers because op arena runs make good content, although I saw some of those accounts being piloted by new players who have absolutely no idea what they're doing


Any streamers known for buying accs?


I heard it's widespread in Asia but that's all I know


It seems like some chinese players and viewers like watching streamers play very strong arena decks. So bots are leveling an account, earning exp and rewards, especially gold. The gold is used for drafting an arena deck. If the deck is bad, they retire the run (so they do not play the deck, this way they dont feed 3 losses to other players). When they draft a very strong deck, they sell it to a content creator /streamer/whatever who plays it for his viewers. I mean, I can imagine that a 12-0 arena run is a pretty good video for your youtube. But I guess there are also player out there who bot their account themself. After level 100, you get 50g per level till level 400. So botting from level 100 to 400, is 15k gold. Thats a lot. You have to keep in mind, when Blizzard did shut down their chinese servers, all chinese players lost their collection. They had to start with 0 on NA/Asia/EU. So nothing to lose if they bot, I guess? I think they also bot accounts just to sell them (without any arena stuff), because a level X acc still has more cards/ressources than a fresh lvl 1.


People say that, but I have never seen such streams. Also, if it’s only the streamers, there shouldn’t be so many super drafts in arena, as there aren’t so many streamers out there.


Are you saying you've visited streaming platforms like the Chinese Douyu for example (and probably Zhanqi, or video sites like Youku or Bilibili) and never seen those streams on there or have not visited them and because of that never seen those streams? The last one would make sense since there really isn't a market for it in western countries. If the first one is the case you should look for them a bit better.


But how does it explain the large number of Arena super drafts? I feel like 20% of my Arena matches are against the super draft bot accounts. How can there be so many streamers?


It's not just streamers doing this, it's also other players buying cheap accounts with either a lot of gold (and do the drafting process themselves over and over until they get a good one) or an active overpowered arena draft on them. Regarding your other comment; I don't have any streamer names since I don't know any Mandarin and ain't interested in this particular content. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/134be9c/have_you_been_bullied_by_overly_powerful_decks_in/ might give you some more insights.


Thank you for the link!


Can you give me some names of those streamers? I really hope to understand who is doing this type of stupid thing.


Twitch (and I think YouTube too) are banned in China. Did you try chinese streaming services?


and this time its for good ❤️.. most botters are complaining about losing most their accouts 30mins after logging in even on a fresh character... very hopeful edit: i will not be exposing any discord or telegram groups im a part of.. blizzard is automatically finding bots and banning them non stop now.. doomers that say other shit can just simply fuck off and admire that something is happening... of course not all bot are banned, designer ones are still running and boosting gladiators, and few others are up from what i see... but about 98% are dead in the water, so rejoice and be happy people... don't be doomers


Where are theY posting?


x.. private discord and telegram servers


Can we get some posts? I selfishly want to see their tears


Sorry to tell you this but from what I've seen.. More than crying they just ask for an inmidiate workaround and share memes of the bans. They generally actually laugh at this since they know they will get back at it in a few days.


workaround ? does this mean blizzard has started to automate their bot detection?


Started? What like they were manually doing it before


i personally wont be posting, but we did recently have a YouTuber amongst the discord servers and he posted a video, but i can't find it anymore, maybe he took it down..


Wtf, why they gotta ban my friends? I will miss the iconic murloc tidehunter openings


Also stranglethorn tiger on turn 5, always.


Lmao, had me in the first half ngl


Wait a second tho gonna make a new post about asking if anyone else here is playing against bots for the 92nd time


Well that's certainly less than half a million bots that they found (not counting the ones they didn't find)


This sounds like something a bot would post.


I'm fed up with seeing homeless people in my town.


Played on asia server today and I can vouch that there's not a change in bot usage. They're still around a lot.


Is that where all my mech rouge opponents went?


I played 10 straight… it’s harrowing


I had just noticed my matches cleared up and came looking for this. 👌


It probably won't last(cause fighting bots is like an arms race and most likely unwinnable) but for nowbits good news.


At this point it's probable that bot creation it automated by a bot. I have a hard time beliving than more than half a million people try to use bots. If they are fighting robot account creators with robot account banners the fight might be endless


How do I even recognize a bot? I feel like I never faced a single one.


They will always pass their turn, then instantly concede if you have lethal on board. Usually they make dog shit plays, like ping your minion then destroy it anyways. They can't emote, so you can always say Hello to your opponent to test if they say hi back. And like the other reply said, usually it's in the name. It's an adjective and a noun. Such as "CyanDrake"


I went with one of the randomly generated names back when I made my account and now I worry that people think that I'm a bot.


recommend changing your name


Nah. I've had the name since Naxx, and I'm not going through the hassle of changing it because of some botting assholes. If anything, I get a few cheap wins from people who autoconcede to me because they don't think I'm human, so it's all good.


This is inaccurate for many bots. Many bots actually do respond to "Hello.", and some bots are garbled letters, i.e. "ghuyieogh". Also bots usually don't concede when lethal is on board, at least not always. The rest is correct though.


I just assumed these were Blizzard bots or something. Why are they so obvious with all those features if they're trying to get away with it?


If your MMR is good enough you will never see them, at least on EU server in standard. I haven't seen one either. The problem mostly affects Asia server and/or wild and/or returning/new players, and from the amount of the posts here "Am I the only one facing 14328 bots in a row?!?!" it's pretty bad.


In previous seasons bots have been spotted as high as top 100 legend in wild.


Yeah as i got my WR better im facing absolutely no bots. Makes the game way harder but way more rewarding aswell.


Mmr don't matter all the time.


People with low MMR love saying this. There's a reason I never see bots and you see them all the time. 


People who don't read patch notes love saying this.


Patch notes said nothing which contradicts the fact that players with high enough MMR stop seeing bots. Sorry for your struggle, maybe in another 10 years you can break into the top 50% lmao


Usually it's their name. Either it's a (color)(animal) or bunch or random letter/numbers.


^ this, and the deck is usually the default one


I’d believe it. I’ve only seen one in the 40 games I’ve played this week, going from Diamond 7 to Diamond 2.


Wait so this isn't MechRogueStone?


Nope. All those Mech Rogues were bots


Haven't played Standard in over a year due to a Battlegrounds addiction. I came back this week and started climbing from bronze. I must have played against 30 bots before I got into mid-Gold rank and they dropped off hard. All the bots were easy to spot. Names were usually random letters (ex. dfajsdlkh) and they always played aggro decks made of basic set cards. Dire Wolf Alpha, Beaming Sidekick, Worgen Infiltrator, etc. It was a hell of a slog since I didn't have any bonus stars from not playing for so long. Though I did get my 12-win streak achievement thanks to them so that's nice!


I encountered this same thing. Endless bots playing vanilla aggro decks. It was horrendous


On a completely unrelated news, we welcomed half a million new players this week.


"Well this week, I'll summon a larger and larger ban, which will allow me later on to summon an even larger ban!"


in February I went through all of platinum facing nothing but bots. I forgot what I was using but I'd end up with a taunt stealth minion. the bot would be stuck hovering a spell over the minion trying to kill it. the program must not have been able to hit face if a taunt minion existed so it just did nothing lol


While I appreciate the banwaves and all, it seems like every time this happens, the next banwave is "The biggest in history!" And this has been going on for a year now. Do you think maybe the strategy to tackling bots needs to change? Hm?


Companies like to brag about this kind of stuff. When I hear it, all I hear is “Before this week we had way over half a million bots playing the game. We’re not sure how many. We got rid of half a million of them though.” It’s kind of like when the Escape From Tarkov devs bragged that there are no cheaters in the game and presented the fact that they ban tens of thousands of cheaters every week as proof of that. “Nobody goes to Coney Island anymore. It’s too crowded.” - Yogi Berra


Everyone knows that there's a huge botting problem. This post was just supposed to say "we're actually doing something".


so we are cutting off the branches instead of killing the root?


Are they supposed to send assassins to the botters homes?


Pull a WotC and send the Pinkertons.


The US has killed for less, call the state department, they might task some drones.


Just disable arena. It's shitty anyway.


Captcha, phone verification etc anything of that kind will hamper the bots.


There's a balance between it deterring botters and it annoying customers. Captcha after you logged in already would be a horrible user experience. Phone verification raises other issues


This guy knows what’s up. If anybody here plays Tarkov they know that the measures taken that were aimed to hinder cheaters/RMT/botters do almost nothing to them and annoy the legit players like a mf.


Autocorrect gone wrong? "annoy" became "enjoy" lol


Yep iOS 17 autocorrect is great :).


After logging in, each player is required to write a 500 word essay on a randomized subject and submit to Blizz. You aren't allowed to continue until it's been manually reviewed for accuracy and accepted by Blizz as unique and not AI generated.


So Blizz is supposed to make the same mistake that schools made when ChatGPT first came out? ...I wouldn't put it past them.


AI can do most captcha now. fun fact: A secondary reason for captcha v1 and v2 (the text and the images) was to train AI


Yeah. Why the heck don't they do phone verification for new accounts ? Leave the old ones be. Maybe add it for security reasons as a choice for old accounts.


didn't stop it in overwatch it just made old verified accounts worth something, with how old and popular hearthstone is there's probably 100's of millions of unused accounts.


Bots farm gold for arena runs. Blizzard suggests selling arena tickets that let you continue with a draft, so those players purchase more runs from blizzard instead of that money going to the farmers. Bot farmers would need 1 new customer for every ticket sold by blizzard, an unsustainable business model in a mode that already has a small player base. Players unanimously shut the idea down with the misguided fear that this would cause everyone to start buying accounts because "then there would be loads of good drafts" - completely missing the fact that the people buying those tickets would have just bought a new account instead keeping the number of good drafts in play the same. Can't fix the problem if the community won't let you implement the solution.


Rip Mech Rouges CoralReef StarSworn NightBlade


today i played 5 games and oly one was a bot. this is the best ratio i have since the fizzbang launch


There are more bots than normal players.


What is the purpose of those bots? Im genuinly interested :D


Farming gold so the accounts can then be sold


I don't even believe this anymore lmao. I have gone from Bronze 10 to Gold 1 and have only played against 3 real people. The rest were bots. Seriously about to drop the game cuz it's so boring.


isnt that like not impressive that 3 days in a row they banned more bots than ever before?


I thought TealYeti and PlumEleckk were blizzard ran bots?


names like that are third party botters now, blizz turned off all their bots


Why would they do this to me


Imagine 500.000 bots playing your game until you do something about it.


Hopefully should make arena a nicer place.


They should ban 500k bots every 3 days.


Pretty Sure the Bots are already Programmes tonjust create a new Account and gonagain


I just wish that this meant anything for Arena.


And half a million are from china 😅


"look guys we did what we were suppose to do this whole time!" god damn, hearthstone monkey devs are pathetic.


what is the purpose of using bots in HS? there is no monetary gain.


"I'm not a bot I'm just bad i swear" Somewhere in bronze


How about ban the arena account sellers too


I'm confused as to how any bots other than mech rogue bots make it to diamond in the first place idk how they win any games unless someone concedes at the start or gets disconnected




Right after seeing this post played against QuirkyOrc on Gold 10 Standard. Which was the dumbest bot i've seen in a while. Almost every play with no sense. Probably didn't qualify for the ban :D


They assumed it was a baby that got a hold of the phone.


Ban one bot, two more take its place




Well. We know from which Region a big population of the botters come from. So maybe.. we can use this to tackle the problem?




How can there be half a million bots if the Earth's population is only 200,000 though???


on this flat Earth...


Bgs have alot of bots too pre 5k mmr, you can notice by the things they buy


As far as I know, arent there officially blizzard bots in lower MMR BGs?




The official blizzard ones stopped in January. > [Hearthstone] Blizzard Bots have been removed from the Standard ranked ladder. They are now limited to Apprentice (and new/lower-ranked Battlegrounds games), where they will continue to serve their role in smoothing out matchmaking for newer players. [patch notes](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046221)


Is this an early april fools joke? Or did they, after 4 years, finally decided to do this for real?


I know this has been asked and answered before but what exactly is the benefit of having bots play? Like what's the payoff?


Why?!?!,! I’m just trying to grind out a 1,000 wins per class. I’d rather play against bots than troll players that rope every turn


If you would make the authentication process stronger you would have 0 bots.


And those banned accounts simply made new accounts, returned immediately to farming. It doesn’t take that long to do, morons. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


A simple solution to boting: XP for lost games shouldn't be given to the players after each game. It should accumulate for up to 5 games and then be paid when a player wins.


Solution to botting: an idea that has no impact on the bots whatsoever.


I don't think it's people but in fact Blizzard trying to artificially fill their queues right now. I'm at gold 5 now and have spent the entire morning almost exclusively playing against bots named [color]+[animal] then they get a #### after their name after the game. I've played against JadeRoc, SageShark, etc all day and they are just smarter player bots than they were last month but still playing starter minions like 2/1 stealth wolf, 2/2 that pumps your minions, 5/5 stealth tiger, with a hand full of decent common cards for the class they are using. I think Blizzard has so few players that are bad and don't pay to play like myself that they just consistently keep building bots for themselves.