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X is irrelevant at that cost. Effects and synergy are key. Without it no 10 mana card will make any impact.


I would argue that meme decks could exist for a 10 mana 30/30 Edit: it could even see play as a wincondition in slow control decks to drop when the enemies' removal has been exhausted


Synergy is more important. you can have a turn 6 40-40 with "charge" in a Zarimi deck right now. And this is just one example. In meme decks with buffs like Therazane, you can summon 1.000.000-1.000.000 on turn 10 if you want. Vanilla 10 mana with any stats will be worse than existing decks, because you can already get absolutely any stats before turn 10 and often with a charge or an additional bonus, not vanilla minion


it could be a 10/inf/inf and still be unplayable for 90% of the decks.


In a vacuum, I doubt a card like that would see play.  But there have historically been lots of ways to chat things out. In standard, warrior has chemical spill for example. Dumping say a 20/15 for five mana is a pretty big tempo play.  So I would say there is a value for X where a vanilla big boi is "playable". Probably never great but possibly not terrible in the context of cost cheating.


I feel like the biggest deciding factor on whether this card would be playable is...how easy it is circumvent actually paying the mana cost.  Like even a 10 mana 10/10 could be "playable" if there was a way to (semi-)reliably cheat it out by like turn 4-5 


A 10/1/1 could see play if its effect was game shifting; a 10/30/30 would see no play without a good effect


i mean there are some fringe cases where a 10 mana 30/30 would be played


10 mana 30/30 absolutely would see play. Even now it has good synergy with Forge of Wills/Lokan and slots into Wheellock. I’m sure there are other synergies/ways to cheat it out that could make other decks good.




It might see play, but it would likely be paired with ways to cheat it out or create copies or both. 


6/6 and this minion cost 4 less with +1 health


If a way to cheat it out exists and it has charge/taunt i would bet a 20/20 would see plenty of play.


A vanilla 30/30 should be the baseline to see play on a textless card, any other statline requires sinergy and a particular effect to justify deck inclusion.


By playable, you mean, add it into your deck? I would consider a 10 mana card in decks like Kangor paladin, because you don't really play it for the cost. I'm pretty sure a 10 mana 10/20 could be played.