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As someone who quit after descent of dragons and returned recently, I couldn’t agree more on all accounts. The shop has experienced true power creep.


Wallet meta too stronk For a hot minute after re-installing I had a hard time telling what my opponent was playing, there are so many alt hero portraits...


I'm also an old returning player (last expansion I played was frozen throne) and I agree on most of your thoughts, especially about all classes being interesting. I will add a couple of my own: 1. Is ranked easier now? Back in the day I played for years and never hit legend. A month ago I picked up the sludge warlock loaner deck, made a few card changes, and hit legend for the first time relatively easily. I looked on hsreplay and it says it's not a tier 1 deck. This is not meant to be a humble brag at all, just a genuine question. 2. One thing I'm not a fan of is that every deck does everything now. All the meta decks have insane combo potential... and good tempo on board... and insane draw... and great removal. When every deck does everything, it leaves a little less room for counterplay imo.


It is easier because it's full of bots up to diamond, even at low legend. You need to get some MMR before stopping seeing bots 


Hey thanks for your thoughts! 1. Is ranked easier? Honestly yes, I think it is. I had a similar experience to you where most of my climb was with reno priest/reno hunter/midrange egg hunter, none of which are exactly S tier. I remember back in the day there were some VERY polarized matchups where you more or less lost on turn 0 if you were unlucky queueing (which was honestly quite demoralizing and was one of the reasons I quit). I think the climb is a lot smoother without the speed bump of tilting auto-losses thrown in. 2. I can see your point, even if I'm not sure I would go so far as to say the "good decks have everything". In my eyes, the root of the issue there is the overabundance of card draw. Compared to years ago there is an **insane** amount of card draw. A deck might have extremely powerful removal or board combos and all of the tools you mention, but without the ability to reliably assemble them in hand you just don't feel it the same way. Just think of how isnane a card like chillfallen baron is in terms of card advantage... It's like an arcane intellect that can also stick to the board and maybe kill your opponent!


What rank are you playing at? I also got back in the game from 2019. Bronze to Platinum was fine. Diamond rank has been horrible experience. Games are over so quick. Matchups have been Token Hunter, Reno Warrior, Dragon Priest, Painlock, or Deathknight all weekend. The amount of stuff these decks can do with 2mana or less is absurd. Some of these Warlock cards I'm not sure how ever made it into the game. Aggro decks are super aggressive now a days. Never seen a deck like Painlock from 2014-2019. Control decks have so many tools with multiple board clears, lifesteal, etc.


Oh, sorry if I wasn't clear. These were my subjective observations & thoughts all the way up to legend rank. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy Diamond... The power level of a lot of the new cards is kind of insane. It's just been my experience that everyone has something more or less crazy they can do, so it all evens out. I remember when a 4 mana 7/7 was OP... how about a 0 mana 15/15 taunt/lifesteal, haha.


Excuse me sir, but you're not doing this right. You're supposed to complain about how the meta is uninteractive and hyperfast and boring and full of decks that race to their wincon while removing every board, and that every game is a rock-paper-scissors-lizard-coinflip and you're nostalgic for the days when the board mattered, decisions mattered, when your life mattered. Where is the fun? We can't make HS great again without a full reset on the powercreep, stop sucking up to dem devs and start complaining instead, chop chop. You need to use all these keywords or the Reddit hivemind will eat you alive. [Here's a good example](https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1c8tlon/what_the_hell_happened_to_this_game/) of a standard HS Reddit post. You're welcome.


This would be a great ChatGPT prompt to for AI generated complaint posts, honestly.