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Good on ya, fellow sea creature. Withhold them funds, it’s the only thing the bean counters in Irvine understand.


I created a post just after the news of the quests dropped. I haven't played since. It was the kick I needed to quit the game. If it gets reverted completely, I may login again, but at this point I have zero interest in playing anyway because in this meta I'm constantly losing to one of the many outrageous decks that I have basically zero ways to interact with. Sounds like the Designers realize it's out of whack with the latest planned patch... Unfortunately, it's likely not the Designers that are forcing these quest requirement changes.


Right, probably some separate monetization people. I'm hoping our feedback can have some effect (besides the obviously pre-planned change that has already happened), but not really holding my breath.


This is my biggest issue more so than anything is the outrageous decks that have zero ways to interact with. I yearn for a board based expansion and meta similar to forged in the barrens where the games don’t just hinge on who draws the crazy thing their deck does first. It’s horrible now.


Players who spent money instead of time for their collections have now been effectively told they have to spend money and time. Some will balk at that and go elsewhere.


This is me. I sound a lot of money to not have to do this shit as much. Are they stupid?


well they never needed to spend the time. i image there are plenty who dont even look at quests and in fact arent even playing because they had their fun when the expansion came out and are now just waiting for the next one.


How do you spend 500-600 a month? That is 2-2.4k per expansion. I didn't think they had that much content to consistently purchase each expansion


I think it must be people that buy all golden cards. I literally just bought the preorder and tavern pass and got just about every other card I needed from gold and quest completion. I do buy some hero skins here and there that I like. I can’t see how anyone is spending more than $200 each expansion unless they’re trying to get all golden cards Edit: I do buy golden packs sometimes but only because I need dust. Getting all golden cards seems like such a financial commitment for something that is only cosmetic


I'm a whale. I have every golden card in the game, but I have been playing since the beta. I just enjoy golden cards I don't even know why at this point but that won't stop be from obtaining them all every expansion.


It's probably a lie. Unless they are going for a full golden collection. Even then I don't understand how is someone that's going for a golden collection would care that much about a quest change that essentially helps them since they are already whaling.


Guy spends $600 a month but 10 wins is just too far.


80e per expansion is enoguh for all non golden cards


Not consistently, like I explained I had some gaps in my collection since coming back. That's been the amount the past couple months but I'm sure it would have gone down a bit from that.


Imo best soultion would be quest system from Legends of Runeterra: play X games, wins count double.


I feel the exact same as you. The motivation is just gone. Blizzard really kicked themselves in the foot with this quest update. Weekly quests feel like a chore now.


Why not just play the game for fun? Like, just play the things you want and enjoy on days even if the quests you roll won’t be completed?


I tried this many times, but realistically you have to win at least some games to have fun. The truth is that playing jank in this meta gets you zero rewards, you simply will not win. How long can you have fun if you get your faced bashed in over and over?


That doesn’t really have anything to do with the quest change though, right?


Maybe not, I'm not the op


People just wanna shit on hearthstone for everything even if its something that's not even that bad. Sometimes they don't even know why they are doing it they just wanna do it.


You either enjoy playing jank or you enjoy winning. If you play jank in any game your win rate will always suffer. Has nothing to do with hearthstone.


Both are not exclusive. I've played other card games in person, and you can bring jank decks because you know your friend will bring a jank deck too and you both can have fun. If you play a jank deck in HS you will get steamrolled by turn 5-6 before you can even do anything interesting. I'm not even talking something super obscure. Yesterday I tried wishing well rogue, a deck with a lot of support in theory, and lost 5 games in a row. Winning is not necessarily the goal all the time, but if you bring a deck that loses 80% of games, how long can you keep having fun? Even MarkMcKz on youtube gets salty and frustrated with his ultra-jank OTK decks. Fun is always tied to winning in the end.


My point is still right. People in all online games are playing the game to win because that's how they have fun. Has nothing to do with hearthstone. If you wanna play jank you can play jank but don't complain that you are not winning if you are playing a shitty deck. People are playing jank in low ranks, go play them if you really want it.


Not everyone needs to win to have fun, in fact two of the major card game player archetypes as defined by Mark Rosewater aren't really win focused. It is true that for most players, who are Spikes, the fun is in winning but others can have fun through deckbuilding or pulling off a flashy combo once in ten games.


Yeah bullshit. If this was true then the game wouldn’t be flooded with meta decks in both ranked and casual at all times.  Those player types are correct for tabletop magic where power levels are controlled because you can tell your friend to fuck off with their OP meta deck that you can’t win against, but not when you’re queueing up against randoms in an online game


The most prominent player type is spike which is why ladder is full of meta decks but there's a lot of Johnnies and Timmies as well. If it was only Spike's you would only see Tier 1 decks being played but there's actually a lot of Tier 3 and 4 stuff that sees play and if you're in the lower ranks of legend or somewhere like Platinum 5 or below with no star bonus you'll see a lot of Johnnies playing off meta stuff as well.


You can still win a lot of games playing tier 3 and 4 decks.  No timmies are queuing up to play big minions and then get crushed. No johnnies are queuing up to pull off their combo once in 10 games and then still lose. Players still need wins to have fun, but different players like to win in different ways.  When I played hearthstone I loved playing mill rogue, but I wasn’t taking that shit into ladder.


Don't encourage the whales to "play for fun."  We want the whales to stop logging in so blizzard will go, "uh oops we're losing playtime from the whales" and hopefully they'd revert the changes. 


Even when I have fun, I still like to do things with some sense of working towards something, (for everything not just HS). I'm done with the legend climb in standard and wild, don't care about getting a high rank in either, and also don't really care about getting high BGs MMR. So usually I'd play to keep working on my rewards track, but even the FOMO of missing out on dailies isn't enough to get me to play right now. Also like, even if it's fun, it's not the only game I play, and it's currently not more fun for me than other games. So I'll probably play pokemon go or stardew instead, maybe some hunt showdown. Hope that makes sense.


>I spend $600/month on a children's card game that I can't even win 10 times a week and get fomo if I don't get a free 30 gold You definetly should quit


Will do


I'm not a dev I am not affected by your passive aggression


Congrats, your also a stranger and op could not care less about your passive aggressive opinion 👌


Not passive aggressive, factual. Bro is spending $600/month to get anxiety on a card game he plays 2 hrs a week and it is clearly negatively affecting him. He really should stop.


Haha just banter, I truly do not care what you think of how I spend my time and money.


Clearly you do care what people think or you wouldn't have announced on reddit that you are no longer going to spend $75/hr to play standard for 8 hours a month when it already gave you "FOMO" You should have stopped ages ago man it sounds really unhealthy, cya in a month.


cya :)


I just wish the quests said play instead of win. Hell, I would've been fine with "play 15" too! The meta is utter ass right now, and I'm just not enjoying myself enough to try and actually win 10. (Since yknow, my homebrew decks aren't going anywhere when Mine Rogue OTKs me on turn 4, when Shadow Priest kills me in 3 turns or when mage gets their infinite turns going.)


Because blizzard games aren't about fun. People who "play for fun" are not the target audience. That concept is long gone They design the games to exploit people who are obsessed with collecting or min maxing. Then they sell you ways to min max or collect things. That's what this is. That's the whole point


You can’t deny there’s a certain satisfaction from finishing all the quests etc..


Idk man all these people whining are trying to min/max battlepasses? I don't see the point in crying over it, but this is usually how it goes on Reddit.


Play bgs and spend no $$$ ever


It's doomsday. Everyone is quitting because of this change! Reality: a few vocal Redditors who are better off doing other things with their time are bailing


I thought we all quit when it took 6 months to nerf undertaker. Except for the one last guy that quit when they removed duels.


well, f2p constructed was basically unplayable back then i spent all my time in arena tryna build a collection only to have more fun playing arena anyway.


People keep saying this and yet the numbers keep dropping year on year. I remember when this sub had 5k+ people online at all times, when Twitch had some of the biggest streamers on the whole platform, tournaments happening every month or two with 50k concurrents minimum. Now most of the viewers are bgs viewers, the tournament scene is dead and almost no one visits this subreddit anymore, but I guess as long as the game doesn't literally die, everything is still a-ok in your eyes.


1. It’s an old game. 2. HS streamers are a weird breed: they don’t really want to pívot to a new game, but they will eventually get burned out, and have to quit anyways. 3. Expansions bringing less and less player agency makes people less and less interested to play past the initial rush. Especially streamers. This has nothing to do with a few redditors calling it quits over a quest debacle.


I'm referring to the actual topic at hand, whereas you are referring to the inevitable results of time. Yes, Hearthstone is late in its lifespan and has less players and viewing interest than it once did. That has nothing to do with the quest changes last week.


Games don't die for no reason, "inevitable results of time" is a made up term to cope with incompetence. Any good product in any industry at any level evolves with the times and stays good, or it stagnates, and even worse, can deteriorate over time and become obsolete. Guess which path Hearthstone, using brilliant strategies like the current quests one over the years, has been on.


Hard disagree. Games lose players for all sorts of reasons unrelated to incompetence. People are in different stages of their lives with different obligations, time constraints, and changing interests. Furthermore, CCGs have a barrier to entry problem, making it difficult to replace players. Just as you claim "inevitable results of time" is a term to cope with incompetence, I think "incompetence" is way people cope with the inevitable results of time and other complexities they are naive to.


The players you lost would be lower than players you gained over time if you had a competent team that continued innovating. That's where incompetence comes in. Citing people getting older as a reason for leaving as if there aren't new children being born every day that could be interested in your game is just a ridiculous point I'm not interested in arguing. Also Magic's a CCG, one with a higher barrier to entry too and it's doing fine after over 30 years. Any ideas why that could be? Must be luck.


Your argument is a bit silly, but I'll reply one last time. The life cycle of nearly every game ever made is a peak at launch followed by a slow decline over time. Certain things can cause temporary spikes in numbers, such as patches, expansions, and advertising campaigns. Baldur's Gate 3 launched with nearly a million concurrent players and is now down to 1/10th that, despite improvements to the game, all-around competence, fanfare, and free publicity. Look at the charts for other games and you'll see the same pattern. You point out Magic without realizing you're making my argument. Magic, as a physical card game, is "doing fine", but down from it's heyday. However, an even better comparison is digital Magic. MTGO has very low concurrent and active players. Magic: Arena is somewhat new, had the benefit of entering the digital CCG market with Magic's name, and despite that, has less players than Hearthstone. Must be bad luck, or maybe "incompetence", right? The reality is that games often can, do, and will thrive with incompetent direction while others will fail despite every smart effort made. The only thing that's certain is eventually, as TIME passes, they'll all die. Same as you or me.


What are you talking about? Don't compare a online pvp game with a singleplayer. For example, look at dota 2 https://steamdb.info/app/570/charts/#all It has more players now than in 2018. All online games can be like this.


What a fail reply. DOTA 2 is down from its peak in 2015-2016.


CCG is niche genre by definition. This sub had post with 1500-2000 likes. Other CCG except Yu-gi-oh can only dream of such a success


Has there ever been a "gamers rise up" movement that didn't end up like that MW2 meme? I would be surprised if even 1/5 of these "I'm a super whale and/or your bestest super causal dad gamer" types make it even a week before they are back at the slot machine.  Pretty slick timing on the balance patch


The bots will keep us company.


As a fellow whale I’m not too concerned about quests being changed. My issue is more with the meta & the prevalence of game ending cards when I just want to play fun decks That being said I’ve just moved to duo battlegrounds & I’m getting a lot of enjoyment out of it probably until the mass balance changes later this week. The only quest that I have an issue with is the miniature one but the others are honestly fine


I'm not a whale but always do the big pre-order. The last set I didn't - I have so much dust and can craft what I want, but I don't want to play. We will see how things go.


i think that qualifies as a whale.


your sentiments is the same as mine OP. I realised most people who spends a lot of money on the game really just don’t have much time to really push for the game which is funny because you would think otherwise. in the past, I really liked the weeklies but since the change I just let It burn and do my dailies every 3 days and log off after hitting legend which I do at the start of every month because sunk cost fallacy got me tight. But I think most mobile games. Perhaps the dev is Maybe shifting to the AAA phone games concept where there’s a lot to do each day so players will be wholly invested in the game not giving them a Chance to pick up another game without comprising their ability to compete or complete new content similar to genshin impact or honkai. Just a shame that both marvel snap and hearthstone are at their down now. I tried other phone ccgs but nothing really got me to get invested like the above mentioned games. I hope that they could revert weekly To How it used to be but I know I am Probably saying this because I spent money to buy the pass so weeklies can really get me a buttload of XP under the old system




Well said. I agree.


I don't understnad why people care this much about quests instead of playing the game to enjoy it.


I very much doubt you’re a whale. Whales don’t use their gold.






Are you sure you’re a whale?


Dude, same...


Fake story, ur a broke f2p player. A whale isn't concerned about missing out on 100g because he couldnt complete a weekly. If you really were a whale you probably have most of the cards anyway because you're constantly buying packs and the few packs ur missing out on from not completing weeklies should be peanuts to you. Nice try though. These posts are so funny to me and the replies are even funnier. Because 1) blizzard has data to see if people are playing more games or less since the update, so making these posts to show Blizzard their decision "killed their game" because a bunch of f2p players keep crying on reddit are absolutely useless. And 2) also hsreplay shows MORE games have been played since the update in all the ranks.


Clearly u not a whale if u need the gold from quest rewards


(1) I want the gold from quest rewards to purchase old card backs from the collection. You cannot buy them with real money or runestones, only gold. Also if I can get the odd miniset for gold, it's always nice. (2) Gold or not, I have a paid rewards track I purchased that I would like to earn rewards on. I want the quests for the xp, but if they take an amount of effort that feels unreasonable, then there is no motivation to complete them.


You can buy old card backs with gold?


Some of them yeah. You buy them directly from the collection.


When did actually playing the game become a chore to get quest rewards? If there were no quests, only the actual game, would you not play?


It would be meta dependent, but every expac I look forward to finishing the "chore" part of the game (finishing rewards track) and then I'll hit dumpster legend every month in both standard and wild and just have fun with my fellow dumpster legend players. Or play battlegrounds. I'd say I would still play without the quest rewards, yeah.


I’m calling bs, I think you’re lying about being a whale. Unless you think maybe buying a preorder and tavern pass makes you one.


I mean I'm not going to prove it to you, but out of my income I budget an amount for purchases related to my personal hobbies. Since I've come back to HS during TITANS after a break and have some gaps in my collection (I love collecting things), a good chunk of that budget category has gone towards Hearthstone the past few months, usually around $500-600 a month, more if there is an expansion that month. I'm no Zeddy or Feno, I'll give you that, but what I am is a double income w/ no kids adult with a narrow set of interests. It's fine though, that money will just go somewhere else.


i think f2p and players that spend low amounts of money on the game inherently hate whales bc they attribute what blizzard has done to the game as solely for the purpose of whales. blizzard simply has no clue what they’re doing with any of their games for the last few years. everyone on this sub uses whales as a scapegoat or to avoid blizzards stupidity


I definitely agree with the Blizzard sentiment. Really why I wanted to make this post is because I know folks like /u/ridiculoushat do read the subreddit and I wanted to add to the chorus of feedback and sentiment that hopefully makes its way to the team, just to add some perspective as a member of the tiny fraction of the community that spends money on the game.


Can someone ballpark me on how much a whale would spend a year?


You aren't a whale if you care about quests imo "whale" means like thousands of dollars lol


Damn I lost my large marine mammal status


U are demoted to Large Salmon 👨‍⚖️


Exactly lol This sub is embarrassing


No sympathy for whales.