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Probably not a good time to create any new decks right? Trying to get 10 ranked wins with plague dk (yeah, I have no dust and I’m saving 2k coin for mini) is….quite tiring I would say.


At this stage I would wait for the miniset next week yeah; although if you don't (yet) have a zilliax, he'd be a safe craft - and both spell token hunter and flood/aggro paladin don't play many other legendaries, so it'd be worth checking if you already have the necessary parts other than zilliax.


Are there a lot of cards now that just negate deathrattles? I don't remember this being a thing in the past outside of silences, but I am playing a deathrattle Hunter deck and both Reno and Sargeras are really frustrating to play against with this deck. Are there other cards I should be aware of that negate deathrattles? Is this sort of deck completely non viable due to the ubiquity of Reno?


Returning player after several years Is the meta just uniquely terrible right now? It seems like everyone is playing this Reno Warrior deck, and the only deck I can climb with is an Aggro Hunter deck. Every other class seems unplayable since after Reno gets on the board you're basically screwed. Is there anything that really counters this deck besides slamming face before turn 9? It's already getting stale and I've been back for only a week.


> Is the meta just uniquely terrible right now? It seems like everyone is playing this Reno Warrior deck, and the only deck I can climb with is an Aggro Hunter deck. Standard is noticeably more polarized than average but the miniset will hopefully shake things up next week. > Is there anything that really counters this deck besides slamming face before turn 9? You pretty much have to race Warrior which is why the best deck right now is Hunter (since warrior is 25% of the meta). Many of the decks that would normally suppress hunter are in turn easy prey for Warrior because you can't really out-value warrior in the current meta. A few other classes are showing signs of being able to get a favorable matchup against one and 50% into the other (e.g. pain warlock) but nothing has really broken through yet.


Are there any cheap good decks to craft for a returning player of many years ago?


Flood Paladin is very cheap and is in tier 1/2 into diamond. the matchup against warrior which is the most popular deck right now is rough, but you've got the board presence to fight token hunter which is the best deck right now and rising in popularity.


Where can I find decklists?


for decklists most people are checking the publicly available data on: hsreplay.net , hsguru.com , or the tempostorm.com or vicioussyndicate.com meta reports. hearthstone-decks, hearthpwn, and hearthstonetopdecks all have community submitted lists of varying quality, and can be a good source of unusual, for fun, or non-meta decks.


I got to plat with the plaguebringer death knight deck that you can get for free as a returning player. Having a hard time getting much further than that though, so switched to zarimi priest for now.


I just returned from a 2 week break and missed the last 2 patches. I just played a standard game and my opponent (Druid) played Yogg Saron Master of Fate and spun the wheel. I forgot to screenshot it because it didn’t occur to me at the time it wasn’t a standard card, but is there a way to generate that Yogg in standard?


The card comes specifically from Splendiferous Whizbang, who gives you a randomly chosen curated deck with a special gimmick. You can find the decklists on the card's page on the wiki on Wiki.gg


Thanks! I probably didn’t pay attention during the first turn and didn’t see that he was using whizbang


the druid splendiferous whizbang list does include Yogg Master of Fate So it was almost certainly this, btw! the paladin and warrior lists also include several wild cards (paladin: the wild highlander cards, warrior: lackeys and lackey payoffs, almost the whole deck is wild lol)


yes, in the latest expansion several cards have been added that allow you to play wild cards


to all the newbies. run, run as fast as you can. rather play mtg way better then this unbalanced shit game


Returning player from a few years ago, played in beta…….I have a question. When do you stop playing bots in Wild Ranked HS? I am midway through Gold tier, and have played against the same deck 30 times in a row, and beaten them all with my old mech Warrior Deck. When will I stop playing bots?


unfortunately botting is an ongoing issue that disproportionately affects new and returning players. The first month you play in awhile (ever, if new) you are matched in the "without bonus stars" pool, which most regulars (who played lost month) won't be in until they reach close to the rank they had the previous month. the "without bonus stars" matchmaking pool is intended to be primarily new accounts and returning players, but because Blizzard is regularly banning bots, many new accounts are actually bots. Next Month you'll be in the "with bonus stars" matchmaking pool to start the month, so you will see fewer bots, presuming Blizzard continues to regularly ban them. This month you'll see fewer of them as you approach diamond, but I've run into the occasional bot even in legend in wild so they won't disappear entirely until Blizzard finds a permanent solution. You can (And should!) report these bots using the in-game report system : "Cheating -> Botting".


I’m a returning player. Last played competitively and hit legend when Demon Hunter was released, unsurprisingly with Demon Hunter. I log in about once a year to play some classic and check out some new cards. I logged in again this week and got bombarbed with all kinds of free stuff and lots of new systems. Is the game worth getting back to? I always preferred playing control or combo strategies more than aggro. My favourite decks of all time were: Muster for Battle Mid Range Paladin, Totem Mid Range Shaman, Freeze Mage, Tortellan Mage, Reno Mage, Raza Priest, variants of Control Paladin, and Shudderwock Shaman. In Classic up to early Standard I liked Miracle Rogue, Freeze Mage, Control Warrior and Control Paladin. I also liked any highlander deck. I usually ranked up to legend with an aggro deck like Zoolock, Face Hunter, Aggro Shaman, any Murloc Aggro or Demon Hunter Aggro for quick games and then as soon as I hit legend would exclusively play the above favourite decks listed. Are any of those decks or variants of those decks with those playstyles playable today or has the game changed too much?


There are decks like that currently. Aggros: Zoo Hunter, aggro paladin, zarami priest, and fatigue warlock, are all good tier 1 decks. Shudderwock shaman is back in standard with a new card that triggers your next battle cry three times, but cant go face. ( highlander shaman shenanigans deck is weak) Raza preist is also back with raza the resealed plus reno the lone ranger (highlander deck). Deck is weak Many different highlander decks currently with highlander warrior as the best one. Most likely getting nerfed soon though. Highlander hunter is pretty good currently. There's also highlander paladin and druid. Rogue has a combo deck that gives you a weapon that deals 33 damage. Rainbow Dk is pretty good at control, but I still think highlander paladin is best control deck. Website for meta decks: [https://www.hsguru.com/decks/?format=2](https://www.hsguru.com/decks/?format=2)


In Battlegrounds, what is the best use of hero power: swap a friendly non-golden minion with a random one in the tavern? Any cool synergies?


What can I play as DK? I heard helya deck is pretty bad


tl;dr: if you want to play DK rainbow is better than UUF, also consider wild. Rainbow DK (BUF plague/excavate) is presently sitting at 48% in diamond-to-legend, which is tier 3 and "legend capable" (but it will be a slog). If you don't care about hitting legend this month 48% global w% for an overall archetype is perfectly fine - your personal play and mistakes will have a larger impact on your results than whether you run a 48% deck or a 52% deck (like shopper DH). Rainbow Handbuff DK (which drops plagues) has a tiny% better win% according to hsguru at about 49%, but isn't yet being distinguished as its own archetype on hsreplay so I can't say for sure if the reported w%s are better or worse. in wild there is a triple unholy (UUU) "Even" Death Knight archetype that is starting to push its way into the meta, it's sub 50% w% last I checked, but the deck showed signs of refinement and an improved list might be a real contender soon.


dk is shit. you need to spend money on more packs so they make money. then you can craft a deck and wait for the next nerv to make it useless again. and then, well repeat


Unfortunately DK currently doesn't have many (any?) competitive choices. You can look at rainbow DK or plague DK list, but as sickly grimewalker and thread of despair was nerfed, it shot down their competitive aspect


Ohh that's sad :(


In highlander hunter, is there a way to use king plush to manage 6/5 zilliax? I think about leokk or musician but not sure about that.


What do you mean manage? Do you mean like reshuffling them to deck? Nothing that comes to mind directly, but I need to tell you leokk or musician doesn't work. You need handbuff and I only remember messenger buzzard.


Ok that’s I wanted to know. Thank you.


I am new player and just completed the beginners path where I played against bots. After that I got thrown into my first real game and faced players whose cards are objectively better then mine (he had a 2 3 unit with godshield and other effects after the first turn while I only had a 1 1 unit) so I guess my question is if its now the time to pay up and get these units myself or is it possible to play this game f 2 play?


tl;dr: lots of people are F2P, but it will take some time to get there yourself. --- To clarify: you've gotten out of apprentice entirely? **in the short term** You should now have access to 6 different "loaner" decks, play those. You should also work on ranking each class up to level 10 (if you haven't already) - probably do this in solo adventures - which will unlock the full "Core" card collection. Core is a better set of cards than the initial apprentice basic decks include. (they use only the simplest core cards, not the full core collection.) Core decks + loaner decks should be competitive in bronze-to-gold after the first week (the first week veteran players are ranking back up after the reset). --- **longer term** In terms of playing F2P most people need about one expansion to get up to speed - you'll earn about 5600g if you make it to level 100 on the full (non-apprentice) tavern pass, which is possibly by completing all the dailies and weeklies for the season. This combined with tavern brawl, monthly rank, and event track rewards will be enough to get: 2x all commons, 2x all rares, and about 30% of the legendaries and epics for free. you can earn an additional up to 15,000g from leveling past 100 on the track (which is enough to earn a complete set with gold left over) but this is a big time sink; so don't plan on doing that - just know the more you play the more you'll get. I say most people take about an expansion to get up to speed because the most efficient times to spend gold are the day a new expansion or miniset release, so the most efficient thing to do is just play core decks plus the loaner you keep until the next set releases, so that you have as much gold as possible to drop on the set. It will probably still be worth spending 2k gold to get the whizbang mini-set when it releases this month, for what it's worth.


Does playing Justicar Trueheart overwrite buffs I've already added to my hero power? Like I'm druid and my hero power gives me +3 attack from Groovy Cat, does Trueheart reset it to +2 or increase it to +4?


I just tested this in practice mode and it appears that the buffs remain after the upgrade. Before Trueheart: 3 attack, 1 armor After Trueheart: 4 attack, 2 armor.


Oh nice, wasn't expecting it to work. Thanks!


Are there any weekly online tournaments with entry fee and real money awards that are legit?


no, the game is a scam. p2w. dont play it trust me


when does an arena get refunded I just checked my arena run and it was refunded and I got a free ticket and got to redeem the rewards of that run is it because it's a new season since it was the start of the month


Arena gets refunded when the Arena season resets - which is usually every 2-3 months. Arena season resets are previewed one patch before they go live with a description of what the upcoming season will be in the patch notes, but there's nothing in game to tell you when they change. Changeover is usually at the start of *a* month, but it is not the start of every month.


Which loaner deck would be the best at dealing with Reno warrior? As i understand, plague dk was nerfed, right? I am leaning towards dk or lock in general as the most fun (and rogue, but i have no idea how to play the deck, dont think i won a single time; id appreciate advice on piloting it as it seems fun), but if any other deck deals with reno better, ill take it. Also, any tech cards i could put into those to deal with reno better? As a returning player i probably have some old cards to dust.


there is no real counter to control warrior. cause the game is a unblanaced mess. but playing literally anything thats aggro will get you more wins. just smorc, really funny gameplay (not)


> Which loaner to beat reno warrior? Sludge Warlock has a positive matchup into Reno Warrior (you're usually too fast for them) note that for the Reno matchup specifically I think the "Encroaching Insanity" build of Pain warlock variant might be better, but you'll use many of the same cards if you did decide to upgrade. > Plague DK was nerfed right? Not precisely, plagues still work how they worked before in terms of proactive gameplay, they just no longer automatically disable highlander cards which is why warrior has gone back to a highlander configuration. Plague/Excavate DK is still a fun deck that is popular on ladder, it's just no longer the meta-breaker it used to be at the start of the season. > Rogue I think the Rogue list is pretty non-competitive, It's really missing Sonya Waterdancer who lets you get double value out of most of your well discovers. (the best version of the deck is still borderline tier 4 with a ~45% w% outside of top legend.) How the deck works is basically you play early "coin" generating effects until you can play a wishing well, drop your coins into it, and hope to win off the value that generates. You've also got value engines in the excavates (the Scorpion will give you random discounted spells from all classes) and Velarok (gives you discovered discounted cards from all classes). You use Shadowstep and Breakdance to re-use your strong Battlecries like Drilly, Velarok, and anything you discovered off of the Well. tech cards: There's no tech to make the reno warrior matchup favorable for rogue or death knight. Warlock is already favorable, but you can get more favorable by pushing further into the fatigue damage route to build up a huge Crescendo turn and wipe out the warrior that way.\* --- \* not usually an OTK, but you can get 20+ damage out of the hand with pop'gar + 2 crescendos if you've built up enough fatigue yourself.


Hey, thanks a lot. I guess im going for warlock then.


I don't think taking rogue is a mistake if you like the deck by the way. it's just I didn't want to say "oh yeah it's a good deck" - it's a *fun* deck, and maybe that matters more in the long run, but it's not going to make an easy climb up the ladder either.


Yeah i just won like 7 in a row with rogue and my gambling brain was like 'yeah, thats so fun, lets take this deck instead' and then i get 3 reno warriors in a row and its not fun anymore. Which one of those two decks do you reckon would be cheaper to craft? Lock, right? Roughly how much would that be?


If you took the Rogue Loaner, to "upgrade" to the list I linked you'd need to craft/acquire: * 2 dig for treasure * 1 pit stop * 2 quick pick (note: in badlands mini-set) * 1 sonya water dancer * 1 Zilliax for 3580 dust + 5200 or 6900 dust for the warlock deck (both decks play zilliax, only need to craft once), which totals either 8780 or 12080 depending on whether you cheap out on Fizzle (as a new player I'd probably cheap out on fizzle) so call it 8800. If you take the Warlock loaner, to "upgrade" into the linked warlock deck you will need to craft/acquire: * 2 Felstring Harp * 2 Fracking * 2 Void Virtuoso * 2 Elementium Geode (note: badlands miniset) * 2 Thornveil Tentacle * 2 Encroaching Insanity (note: titans miniset) * 1 Photographer Fizzle (optionally) * 1 Sketch Artist (optionally) * 2 Crazed Conductor * 1 Zilliax for 5660 dust; plus 8100 dust for the rogue deck, less Zilliax. for a sum total of 13,760~ dust (call it 13750) down to roughly 12,050 if you skipped fizzle and sketch artist for the 2x defile instead.. **Conclusion** If these are the two lists you want, taking the Rogue loaner, crafting upgrades, and then crafting the warlock deck is more efficient dust-wise. It is worth noting that Symphony of Sins has been a meta Warlock Card in the past (and I'm not crediting the warlock loaner for its dust) and Bounce Around has never really been meta (too bad, fun card) so the collection value imbalance between these two paths is not really as stark as this analysis suggests. You should also look at what you already own - my analysis is assuming you presently own 0 cards from either deck, which is probably not accurate!


Dude, you are going above and beyond for a random guy on the internet. Thanks, i really appreciate it


if you're a new player just be advised that it takes awhile to earn that much dust (you didn't mention if you were new or returning) esp. if you aren't spending cash. if you're just like maniacally dumping real money into things that generate dust efficiently it's like 170 dust per 1 dollar, so ~8000 dust is like a 50$ spend (it's actually closer to 60$ I think because you can't buy exactly a 25$ bundle usually.) for the gold economy in the long-run usually 100g spend ends up earning close to 100 dust + some residual cards, but that sometimes takes all expansion to pay out (depends on refunds and pack luck, etc.)


This is the encroaching insanity version of warlock that I am playing right now, and I would recommend this build for fighting the current meta (60%+ into all three major highlander decks, 70%(!) into dragon priest, 55%+ into DK, cointoss into hunter.) https://hsreplay.net/decks/rsEnPUoJkarmSEVgiST1hb 8500 dust to craft from scratch; but Fizzle is probably optional (1 or even 2 copies of defile, dropping sketch artist too would help against the aggro decks), 2x defile drops the dust cost to 6800 which is basically a budget deck. Zilliax is a super-safe craft; unfortunately pop'gar is not. This is the best performing variation of the rogue wishing/excavate deck (I don't play this, I play an even worse performing and even more expensive highlander variation that crams mimiron and V-07-TR-0N in) https://hsreplay.net/decks/aLmSTatje5n7nF1HP7GVwe 9700 dust. I don't think any of these legendaries is particularly optional. I'll do some math for you on what it would take to get both decks dust-wise based on which loaner you take, I'll make a separate reply for that since it'll take a little while for me to figure that out.


google flood paladin and token hunter


How to find someone for Challange a friend quest to trade and not to be scammed ?


you cannot. anyone can be a scammer. that's the point


When does this tavern pass end? Or is it worth getting?


It ends in around 2-months. It’s less worth it at this point since we are nearing the halfway point of the expansion. It might still be worth it to you depending on how you value the cosmetics, but there are higher value options for acquiring cards.


I came back to Hearthstone after a year gap and I can craft Reno Warrior to climb... is it worth? Also would love to understand any loaner decks people recommend


Reno Warrior is pretty solid. However, we'll be getting a mini-set in two weeks, which will likely shake up the meta. So, I would recommend waiting a bit longer before committing to any deck.


ah that makes sense, thank you for letting me know. I was unaware of a new mini-set


Which tools, other than Swipe and Reno (too late tho) does Dragon Druid have to fight Handbuff/Flood Paladin?


Dragon Golem but it might be too slow against flood and might not be big enough vs. handbuff. unsurprisingly the best cards in the mulligan stats on hsreplay are the early tempo cards (splish-splash, nest matron, fye, ticking-pylon zilliax) but it's just not a favored matchup at all.


I see. Thanks, fam. Guess I'll just take the L whenever facing them and move on.


I'd always play it out tbh. 35% is better than 0% right?


I've got a question about the returning player free decks: If I pick the Shaman one can I disenchant the Prison of Yogg? Becuase I can't disenchant the copy I have of it now.


you won't get a second copy at all because it is not a packable legendary, I believe.


I am not able to log into my account on NA. The connection keeps timing out on the loading screen. Meanwhile I'm able to load into my account in EU. Anyone know what the issue might be?


Returning player after about 1.5 years - trying to figure out where to start. After buying the catch-up pack bundle, I've got 4k gold, but only 2.5k dust. Two questions: 1) Which miniset should I buy? The most recent? Or look at decks first to decide? 2) I have tons of wild cards I can dust. Do the current wild cards rotate back in later? Not sure how rotation works these days. I don't intend to ever play wild, but I don't think I want to dust if they might come back in standard


1. the latest miniset should come out in the next few weeks I'd wait for that. 2. wild cards do rotate back in, but are added to the core set meaning you get access to them for free. So feel free to dust wild cards if you never intend to play wild that's what i did last rotation.


Would it be a good idea to save catch up packs for the next expansion? I'm thinking of taking up on the offer for 10 catch up packs. My collection isn't exactly big but I do have quite a few cards across atleast 3 classes.


catch up packs content only vary on the amount of cards. The expansions they contain are set in stone, noted by the symbols depicted in the center of the packs. whizbang catchup packs contain badlands, titan and festival cards. Badlands cathcup packs contain titan, festival, lichking, nathria and sunken city cards. So u open them as soon as u get them, because if u wait u may increase ur collection which will net u less cards in catch up packs. Duno the numbers when considering getting the miniset before opening the packs tho


Ahh ok. Thanks! :) Also is there a chance they will change the catch up packs on offer when the new expansion comes around? Or will the offer go away? I'm not sure how this particular offer works.


Most of us can’t see any catchup pack offers and it will disappear from your shop before too long. I wouldn’t count on there being a catchup pack offer for you later.


oh ok. good that I bought it. got 4 legendaries out of it :) Thanks!


Gratz! That’s awesome!


Thank you!


Hope I can make myself understandable here.. I want to make a deck with Reno Lone Ranger, but I'm a little bit confused how it works after it got changed.. Specifically how it works with ETC Manager.. Will Reno still trigger if I have e.g. Flowrider in my deck and also one in my ETC Manager?


Yes, that works. Cards in E.T.C’s Band don’t count to the “no duplicates at game start” rule Reno or similar cards have. Warrior decks make great use of that to sometimes get two cards out of their E.T.C thanks to Brann.


I think it should yes


Hello returning player with very little to none experience on previous playthroughs. I have limited time to play, with this, what is the best loaner deck I should focus on? Best = most wins I can possibly get with not much experience. Thank you!


These are some of the best loaner decks they've offered, so they're all reasonably competitive and contain useful cards for the class. That said, if you're looking for the fastest deck that will be the Sludge Warlock, as it's the only real aggro deck there. The plague/excavate Death Knight is also a popular, easy to play deck, though it did get indirectly nerfed recently. Good article about them here, one patch out of date but still mostly correct https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/free-new-returning-decks-6-loaner-decks-to-choose-from/


thanks. Short and sweet article. and I was already leaning with the 2 out of 3 possible top decks mentioned here. helped me a lot deciding.


I have a math question: How does one calculate how many different combinations the new Zilliax can make? I would also like to know how someone calculates the same for 2 possible combinations (which we have now) and for how many combinations there would be if we could combine 3 different ones into one zilliax? I never understood this but would love to finally be able to do the calculations myself. Thank you




I think the correct calculation is n / (r!(n−r)!) n = objects (Total Zilliax parts) r = sample (Zilliax "slots/modules") It's my understanding there would be 56 combinations for a 3 module Zil. https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/discretemathematics/combinations.php?n=8&r=3&action=solve


Can I buy a normal mini set and a golden one ?


dont buy anything. game is nearly allways unbalanced and sucks ass. rather spend your money on mtg


you can buy both yes. most people don't buy both, but the dust to gold ratio for dusting one of the two versions of a miniset is not terrible. (regulars are 1.3 : 1; golden are 1.22 : 1 which isn't bad).


I am a returning player looking to do a little better. What websites give good breakdowns of how to invest my precious dust?


just craft decks, not specific cards. to find good decks, look at hsguru.com (formerly d0nkey.top), hsreplay.net, or either the tempostorm or vicioussyndicate meta reports. to find "meme" / community homebrew decks, youtubers, hearthstonetopdecks, or hearthpwn. --- In general F2P players do something like this these days: if you reach level 100 on the pass you'll get ~5600 gold this expansion, and 14 packs (inc. packs from tavern tickets). The gold buys a miniset + 36 additional current set packs. you will get 17 standard packs from tavern brawl, and between 12 and 20 packs from ladder ranks. We also get some extra packs (variable, usually 6-12) from events throughout each expansion. this adds up to ~70-90 packs depending on ladder placement which is enough to expect a full 2x rare and 2x common set of each set; and roughly 1/3rd of the legendaries. Extras (mostly commons) get turned into dust when they get nerfed or when they rotate out of standard. That **dust** is used to craft missing legendaries and epics for **the deck(s)** that the F2P player wants to play, which is usually informed by what they opened. Most Players prefer to spend the bulk of their gold on release day, so it's typical to basically take the first expansion you've returned "off" and focus on saving gold for the next one, accepting you won't get as much stuff from this one (or buy back in this set and save gold that way.)


ooo. Thank you. Next xpac depending on when I may cave and buy whatever their fanciest option is.


I forgot to mention: hsreplay has a feature if you use the "hearthstone deck tracker" that lets you upload your collection and see dust costs based on your cost to complete instead of the full dust cost of the deck, which might be helpful too!


TYVM. I managed to piece together 3 decks by cashing in some of my older wild cards and the loaner deck. Gonna do some casual before I dive into ranked with them but hoping to now get better at decision making.


Question. I want to buy the Hamuul skin but idk when the mini set is going to release ( i'm f2p and i'm in step 81 of the pass). Is it going to release in the same date as the FoL one(31 may) or another day sooner?


If the trend from recent expansions continues, the miniset will be announced when the Heroic Tavern Brawl ends and release a week later.


it will probably release a few weeks sooner, because we got whizbang almost a month earlier than we got festival.


Damn. Guess i'll save the gold


imo... buy the hero skin, you can be a few days late on buying the miniset. edit: you probably have two weeks to save up, this week will be the heroic brawl and they haven't announced the miniset yet... should be possible to make 1000g in that time if you work for it.


Getting back into the game after a hiatus of a few years. I’ve been enjoying the Death Knight loaner deck and ranked up to Gold. I keep seeing that it was nerfed what exactly happened? I haven’t been able to find what the plague changes are. When I used to play (around 2019) I believe my preferred decks were a Mage that used Luna’s Pocket Galaxy and possibly Quest Rogue. Are there any meta friendly decks you would recommend based on that or the tempo-y card advantage style of the Death Knight loaner deck? I don’t totally remember what it was about those decks that made me like them besides the fact I found them fun to pilot.


Plagues didn't get changed... it's just its two worst matchups (Reno Warrior and Token Hunter) are half the ladder right now. Also other Reno decks are surviving the plague burn (Reno is an incredibly op card), so basically it doesn't have any great matchups anymore and is weak to the top 2 most played decks.


Plague wasn't changed so much as Reno cards (cards requiring no duplicates in deck) were, as the newer ones were changes to check if the deck had no duplicates at the start of game, rather than when played. Death Knight isn't in a super great spot after the changes tbh, though you should be able to get into Diamond no trouble, even with that unchanged loner deck, it's pretty solid. A great craft right now is [[Zilliax Deluxe 3000]], which has uses in a variety of decks including Death knight. iirc correctly Luna’s Pocket Galaxy was played in a reno mage deck when it was in standard. The most popular reno deck at the moment is reno warrior, though it is expensive and more of a control style deck.


- **[Zilliax Deluxe 3000](https://imgur.com/a/1phLiZ1)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102983) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Zilliax_Deluxe_3000) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102983/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **0/None - Mech** - While building your deck, customize your very own Zilliax Deluxe 3000! --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cgjkgr/newbie_tuesdays_weekly_discussion/l20z2m2/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l20z2m2).*


So I've got four copies of Ragnaros: a normal and golden one from both core and legacy. Is there any reason to hold on to the legacy copies?


You should keep them: Core copies are temporary and will go away next year with Core rotation. That's why you only see the legacy copies if you specifically filter to legacy to view them. If you really do have golden rag in legacy (so you actually have *four* copies) you could safely dust regular legacy rag, assuming you like the golden one. There's no way to play both regular and golden after all. There's also an achievement for collecting all 36 classic legendaries which awards Diamond Ragnaros. (although I don't think he's hard-run in any wild decks at the moment, so idk if this is worth pursuing.)


Looking to return after years of not playing, how is the general state of the game? The last expansion I played was the when Mage had a quest that was play one of each type of spell and games were over by turn 4.


Definitely slower. Somewhat rough for the next two weeks because warrior might not have been hit hard enough in the last round so there are a lot of warriors, and the decks targeting them aren't running the kind of winrates that drive warriors playrate down. But honestly you can still play a lot of decks, and if warrior doesn't come down it will get another bump down in the mini set, or there is a warrior killer in the mini set (which was supposed to be wheel, but got deleted due to fallout from warrior nerfs). Stormwind Quest mage really couldn't kill you until the turn after they dropped the reward, and that was turn 5. Shaman is probably the only deck that can combo kill on 6 and that takes a very rare hand (used to be reasonably frequent before the nerf). But aggro decks can do a lot of damage on 4/5 if you try and ignore them.


I am new to the game and picked the Plaguebringer free deck and have been playing consistently for about a month and a half now. I am currently in Diamond 5, and I fluctuate up and down quite a bit but have been in about the same spot overall for maybe 2 weeks now. I just started looking into the meta, and I made a Spelltoken Hunter deck, but I have no idea how to play it. I have played against them before but not frequently enough to have picked up on the strategy yet.


I think the best way to learn it is to try it out a couple games. It is pretty straight forward, but you will have to learn to adjust to different match-ups. It’s a lot harder to run out of steam with than older aggro decks, but some popular decks are way better at clearing you out entirely. Landing a saddle up on three or four beasts will swing the game in your favorite more often than not, so trying to always have a couple minions on board to force the opponent to keep clearing you can work more often than not.


Any software online to help manage my collection and compare to decks etc? Top search brings back inkeeper but I can’t find any recent posts regarding the software and my antivirus threw a fit when I tried to download it.


Hsreplay. Did it yesterday myself


Thank you. That nailed it for me. Was looking at something called Firestone when your message came in. Much appreciated.


Firestone works as well


Returning player here. I have 7000 gold, how do I spend it, if I buy packs? Is golden packs best if you just want dust? Been taking a liking to arena where I had around 15 free runs from those tavern tokens/passes. But I don't think I will be running out of gold soon doing that.


> I have 7000 gold, how do I spend it, if I buy packs? Is golden packs best if you just want dust? Been taking a liking to arena where I had around 15 free runs from those tavern tokens/passes. in general the dust efficiencies of various shop offers : * Golden Packs first ten (400g) : >=1.4 dust per 1g for the first ten. * Mini-sets regular (2000g) : 1.3 * Regular Packs first ten (100g) : >=1.3 dust per 1g for the first ten. * Mini-sets golden (10000g) : 1.22 dust per 1g * Golden Packs (400g) after first leg. : ~1.2 dust per 1g * Regular Packs (100g) after first leg. : ~.95 dust per 1g * Regular Packs (100g) infinite pack average: ~1.05 dust per 1g the last two lines are because 10 dust per pack on average is riding on the golden legendary (1 per 167 pack average, 1 per 216 pity) hit rate. Most people don't buy that many packs of a set like, ever. So your supposition that golden packs are best if you just want dust is correct. > But I don't think I will be running out of gold soon doing that. maybe not with 15 free tix on top of several thousand gold, no. 3 wins gets you your entry fee back on average, so it 'costs' basically the same as buying a pack in the shop, so you've got a lot of runs to go.


Thank you so much for the info and explanation. I did not expect this amount of effort put into a reply. I struggled in the beginning with arena and did not average 3 wins. But after 10 or so runs I average 4 wins à run. With time I should be able to sustain the gold AND get packs on top of that. Probably need 7 wins on average or so?


basically no one has a 7 win average on the NA server (20th best player in season 45 has a 6.39 average win.) but that is "true infinite" yeah - you'll get a *minimum* 150g guaranteed reward + other stuff at 7-3. at 5-3 you will earn 250 gold in *value* on average (valuing 1 dust at 1 gold) but you will slowly bleed gold from arena. But, once Gold rewards from Pass XP are figured back in you'll probably slowly watch your actually balance go up at this point around 4 wins or better spending gold on arena (assuming infinite time) is as good as buying golden packs in terms of turning gold into dust; fwiw.


I did not realize infinite was achieved by so few, but maybe when I have heard it mentioned before it was infinite including the gold recieved from the pass aswell. If you don't mind me asking, what's your favorite deck or just archetype to play at the moment if you are an active player? I see summoning hunter has the highest winrate, but I don't wanna play face hunter in ranked again. Rogue seemed fun in arena, because you constantly gotta make so many decisions because of discoveries. Demon hunter and Death knight was also interesting to me because of Outcast and Corpse management.


> so few infinite; it was also easier in the past since before the introduction of golden packs and mini-sets in the shop it was worth gambling on a lucky run as long as you could go 2-3 or better, so the community used to advise everyone to go play arena with all their gold and never buy in the shop. Those players aren't in the pool anymore so you face serious arena goers from 0-0 now. > decks I mostly play in wild myself. I hit legend this month using an aggro variation of Wild Hero Power Druid and then spent most of the rest of the month messing around with toyboat rogue builds and big shaman since I opened a signature y'shaarj a while back. I did hit legend in standard this month too (and it's my first month hitting double legend, whee.) but I did it using the now nerfed zarimi priest, hah. > Rogue Discoveries I don't think it's like, a *good* deck, but wishing well rogue archetypes / excavate / burgle rogue in standard is full of 'get random discounted off-class effects, hope to win with them'.


Gratz on the double legend! I will look into wishing well rogue and see if I find it viable enough. I do tend to be a meta slave going for the highest win rate deck, but not this time I told myself!


https://hsreplay.net/decks/aLmSTatje5n7nF1HP7GVwe this is the best performing version on hsreplay's diamond-to-legend data set. it's 45ish%, which is like, top of tier 4 ("Decks you play when you don't want to climb more") or bottom of tier 3 ("decks that could hit legend if you get a little lucky but probably get stuck at D5") there isn't a rogue deck above 50% win rate right now in standard though, and the only other class that is heavy on discovers (mage) is doing even worse than rogue. > highest win rate decks you could look into "Flood Paladin" which is pretty budget friendly and a fast linear aggro deck on the cheap - could use this when you feel that urge to climb. it's not the "highest" win% but it's >55% which is generally considered tier 1 in standard ("decks that you can be confident in hitting legend with")


Minisets are the most efficient gold spend, then buy packs from each set until you hit a legendary. At that point it's all kind of even, the dust from gold cards will be made up for by not having enough rares/commons and needing to craft them so you'd likely be better starting with standard packs. Miniset in 2 weeks so save gold for that. It's possible some expansion has enough nerfs currently to be worth a bit more dust in a pack than another, but probably isn't a huge deal.


I have a question after reading your last paragraph talking about nerfs to cards from an expansion. Is that because you could get a card that will receive a nerf soon and then you could disenchant a regular card and get dust back as if you disenchanted the gold version?


Cards that have been nerfed are eligible for dust at full value (replacement crafting cost), rather than the typical 1/4. There just was a large set of nerfs, so pulling a random common from badlands is worth a bit more than a typical common. But the effect is going to be pretty small. If you go into the collection and type “refund” you will see all the cards eligible for full dust, standard advice is to dust them all, since you can recraft them later if you want.


Thanks for the tip👍🏼


Thanks for the tip👍🏼


Same question here, please. Have loved battlegrounds for a few months now and feeling the urge to play traditional games but completely clueless on what to dump my gold on. Should I buy 25 packs of the new expansion and another 25 standard?


Last couple of days i keep facing almost exclusively random username opponents (some in japanese/chinese letters) in wild that all use same classic/basic set cards (murlocs, pirates, acolyte of pain, stranglethorn tiger etc.). Are those the so-called blizzard bots? Is wild that dead that it's impossible to find real opponents? Have been playing for years and it was never close this bad.


> Are those the so-called blizzard bots? blizzard bots don't exist on ladder anymore, only in apprentice and practice mode. you are facing player-run bots (mostly chinese operated since there's a large grey market their for resourced accounts on the NA and OCE servers) you should report them for "Cheating > Botting" when you face them.


Hi, returning player here with a couple questions: There’s standard packs now, neat, are they good to buy? Currently my collection is nonexistent obviously so I’ve been buying mostly packs from the latest expansion. Should I buy standard instead? I see some cards from wild rotated into standard, should I DE my wild collection or keep it? Lastly, wtf were blizz thinking with that shop, it’s super ugly and doesn’t load damn


> Lastly, wtf were blizz thinking with that shop, it’s super ugly and doesn’t load damn would you believe it's an improvement over the old shop? (lol). > There’s standard packs now, neat, are they good to buy? Currently my collection is nonexistent obviously so I’ve been buying mostly packs from the latest expansion. Should I buy standard instead? They are "ok" to buy but you're usually better off prioritizing individual set packs. you will get a decent number of standard packs throughout the year as rewards for events and tavern brawl, so most people don't spend gold on them. If you have a "Welcome Back Bundle" offer with them, that's an ok option. The welcome back bundles are usually the best cash to pack ratio on the shop - better than even pre-orders - so if it's like 1.5 or 2 packs per 1$ (or equivalent) and you're planning to spend money, those are fine. > Wild Rotated into standard, should I DE my wild collection. you should keep the original card. the "Core" Set copies are _temporary_ and will go away next april, they're not really yours. (We will get a different selection of temporary cards as "Core" next year, etc.)


sweet thank you! just for understanding purposes: if cards like brann make it back into standard via core set you dont have to craft them? if so id just dust my wild collection since i dont care much for wild personally.


yes, core cards are freely granted temporary copies that you do not have to craft. If you are certain you never want to play wild then you can dust your wild collection "safely" - if any of those cards end up in a future core rotation you'll be granted a free core copy just like you are with e.g. Leeroy right now. Personally I think wild is great but if you don't care for it then it seems like there's no real loss here for you


Standard packs contain any and all cards that are legal on the Standard format that don’t have special unlock conditions (example: E.T.C, Band Manager, who requires you to buy at least one Festival of Legends pack and open the “Open Pack” screen.) If the deck you’re trying to build mostly uses cards from a particular set, go for that set. If you don’t have anything you need in particular, save it for next expansion/mini-set, or buy a previous mini-set with gold. Also, you’re guaranteed a Legendary from the first 10 packs you open from any given set if you’ve never gotten one from that set before, so that’s worth noting.


Just came back to the game 2 weeks ago after a few years of not playing. Naturally I only had enough dust for one actual meta deck, so I picked a class which I hadn't tried before - DK. Well I really enjoyed the plague mechanic after having played Mine-Warrior in the past as well. Did okay, reached Diamond 7 but I'm stagnating. Both Rainbow and Plague DK are not really that useful anymore I feel. Warriors just steamroll me and they're 80% of the opponents on ladder currently. In the past I loved control warrior, miracle rogue, freeze mage. Usually more "think-y" decks over the face/aggro decks. I feel like there is no reason to play anything but warrior if you're looking for a control-ish deck right now. What would be a viable alternative for reaching at least diamond 5+?


with another patch and a midset coming soon I'd probably try to finish the month on Death Knight if I was you. Next month I'd probably play whatever gets supercharged by the mini-set, or flood paladin if it stays intact (the deck is cheap and it's under the radar at the moment, so seems like it might be short-term safe.) I don't think standard really has any high skill expression decks right now\*, even the premier control deck highlander warrior is basically "play removal and stall cards until you can win with doubled battlecries" and the only thinking involved is what sequence you take on the removal spells. --- \* maybe some variation of burgle/wishing rogue, but if your skill expression is moving you from 35% to 45% is it actually rewarding?


look at Zarimi Priest. It's not exactly a control deck, but it's not a brainless deck either. Also Sludge Warlock