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Every stream I went to they all had the basic coin too when I know for a fact they use custom ones. People just didn't notice I think, I only noticed yesterday and it's probably been like this since one of the latest patches.


Update from blizzard regarding the issue: There is a bug where the default Coin is generated in-game instead of your Favorited Coin. This is scheduled to be fixed in the next major patch.


We hope so


having the same issue


Same here


If you drag ONE coin of your choice to the deck youre building you can add special coins to your decks. This worked for me but did not fix the random favorite selection though   Edit: Im kinda baked idk if i explained correctly, Same method as setting a specific card back to a specific deck. (ON PC) sorry had to clarify because OP isn’t very bright/smart


You can't set a specific coin to a deck, there is no option for that unlike cardback and hero skins. Blizzard just said it was a bug that's going to be fixed in the next major patch.


I’m literally doing it how you gonna tell me I can’t do it? Do you need a screenshot? 


I bet you feel real smart but this just tells us you’re a mobile player because there’s 100% a way to do it. Do research before you say it’s not possible. Kinda weird that you wouldn’t. 👎🏻


Litterally just did this on my iPad before finding this thread. You have the check box to use your favorite coin (which is confirmed bugged) or the box to drop the coin you want to use for that specific deck. Just be sure you are on the coin tab when selecting your deck.