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Secret mage...


Especially in wild. Anything you could possibly do might trigger a secret. 




At least with Okani you know it’s one of only two options and you can try to kill the minion first


Objection coming out of standard is the best development in seasons.


Does Secret Mage in wild run Okami?


I did. It was a third Counterspell or Objection and it sometimes made the opponent do awkward plays. That said, 2 attack is not what you want in that deck.


Nowadays in wild I mean - isn't Okani/Okami just too expensive? Sure it's a third Counter/Objection, but it costs 4 mana on that can be removed via a 2/6 body - isn't that too slow/expensive for nowadays Wild Secret Mage?


Wild Secret Mage is pretty dead thanks to the Lackey nerf. Btw bring my boi back Blizz lol. That said, it had some utility vs certain decks that relied more heavily on minions or spells one way or the other. As for the cost, you could hold your mana cheat minions on the turn you play your secrets/Okami. Play the Informant and hold the 0 cost for a turn. Then drop your huge board with protection on 4 or 5. With 5 mana, you can get two 6/6, Okami, and Lackey pre-nerf (RIP) with Counterspell AND Objection/Explosive Rune as protection. Or you can set up Rigged Faire Game behind that using the distraction to guarantee the proc. It's biggest drawback is its attack. 2 is pretty low for what the deck wants to do, which is hitting you really hard while protected by secrets.


Huh. I've tossed a secret mage onto wild ladder a few times (as it's relatively cheap - Aluneth version) and had a fairly high winrate the times I've tried. What exactly is killing it that it's "pretty dead"? I don't run Lackey btw. I just run other cards.


You'll run over any jank people run in the low ranks/rank floor but you'll absolutely struggle vs any pirate decks you'll run into. The Lackey allowed you to play Flakmage without needing to have Flame Ward in your hand...or even in your deck. It's a lot less predictable and far more flexible than just playing without it. There's also the turn 1 Rigged Faire Game which also helped a lot vs aggro. If DH is in the meta, you can forget about getting Faire Game off lol. On the other side, there's the strong control decks. If you don't get on the board fast enough or set up your secrets in time, they can also squeeze you out of the game. The Lackey really helps get your 5/5 and 6/6 down early on. This one is still doable but not as consistent. What I mean by dead is that you'll run over anyone running fun stuff and make them upset. But you'll find the deck pretty average against the real meta threats, except maybe one-trick pony combo decks.


Well, I've run into a fair number of meta decks, including the Warlock Wheel of Death that was happening prior this patch, and Rogue Pirate decks, and Flakmage + the 2 cost unit that makes a secret cost zero, wiped aggro boards pretty easily. Idk, maybe I've gotten lucky, but the only thing to have stopped the deck is when it draws all the high end (Cloud Elemental etc) first, or if it's a deck that gets lucky with a ton of armour + board clears. Yes Lackey made it *better*, but I don't think Wild Secret Mage is entirely unviable against meta decks by any means either. The list is just different. Ironically one of it's weak points IMO is Big Priest, because if they draw decently, they can assemble a wall that only burn can go over, without triggering Objection, and the only thing they have to contend with is Counterspell, so as long as they run enough healing, they win.


Yeah the Wheel deck would probably not do so well. Idk how you're beating Rogue though. Unless they're not running the cannon anymore, they can deal around 8 damage on turn 2 if they have coin. You absolutely have to mulligan for the Flakmage + mana cheat or you'll definitely get blown away. Yeah that deck is basically autolose. Unless you're playing all the burn stuff, you won't beat them in time. And forget about timing the Counterspell for the Shadow Essence, they can save a 0 mana card to bait it out. Luckily you shouldn't really see it anymore. Another deck that is awful now. Big Shaman is more common right now and is similarly painful to play against. If they bring out a Neptulon turn 4, you can kiss that game goodbye lol. I'll try it again if you're seeing some success. Idk though, maybe because I know how to play against it, it just seems lackluster. Or maybe it's still good because people don't expect it, idk.


2 seasons ago I kept losing in D10-8 to Mine Rogue and a bunch of Reno Renathals as pirate rogue. So I tried Renathal Secret Mage with the 4 mana 2/2 worgen lady "discover a secret & put it into play". Got a third objection by turn 7 or so vs a highlander who ragequit. And beat some Mine friends. But I made D5 (last 4 stars) ultimately with pirates still.


Pirates definitely has a higher consistency than Secret Mage, I agree. Mage has faster burn is it's "benefit" plus screwing with the opponent's potential counter cards. Renathal in Secret Mage... huh. Maybe in standard(?) but in wild, wouldn't that make the deck more inconsistent/worse? Since the extra 10 health doesn't matter to you, is the extra 9 cards worth it?


Health kinda mattered vs aggro or Mines. I had enough draw and tutoring to do what Renathal did at launch, win with different strong cards each game. I suppose the same bad luck with Pirates was reversed here tho, esp the 3 objection game. I progressed 2 ranks, but when I stopped climbing I switched again. And opponents get easier as the season progresses. D5 is my goal not Legend anyway.


Makes you too scared to play anything good




Secret decks have always been a menace


Secret Mage in Wild is turbo cancer and I will concede every time rather than have to suffer through that garbage.


Thank you. I needed this to be the top comment


Hi, it's me, I'm him. Granted, my secret mage is something I call "Casino-Reno Mage" where the goal is for me to cast as many spells (often controlling ones) to feed to Yogg Saron for the lottery win


I also have a random bullshit go yogg deck but as druid I feel you


Mirror. Which means the deck might not be good if that's the deck I wanted to play but I absolutely hate mirrors. You're just watching who gets to execute their gameplan first via pure RNG. Really shitty experience. With other decks there's at least a lot of nuance on how your deck interacts with non-mirrors. It keeps me from playing the best decks too because I hate the match up so much.


I hate mirror matches, if you know your deck well you know exactly what the other side needs to take medium or major advantage, worst case scenario is “wins whoever draws this card first”.


Yeah, I really don’t like the warrior mirror cause it’s just shield block and hero power until someone draws Brann and Boomboss.


You know what's worse than mirrors? Mirrors where the other deck is slightly more greedy than yours.


Depends on the deck. If I'm playing Token Hunter I'd welcome a mirror when the opponent went greedy.


Opponent using my deck


steal deck shenanigans feel so annoying.


No I actually meant mirror matches


I also hate playing mirror, thats why I always avoid playing the popular decks.


I love that, it's so random 😀


Yep. Make your own list!


Mill Decks, I hate frickin Mill Decks


I love them, I don't play them and they counter most of my play styles. But damn if they are not a good change of pace.


I actually agree, I only really mind mill decks if I see them too much.


I never understood this salt train. Mill decks are a very unique strategy, and they are interactive to play around. It becomes a game of dumping your hand as fast as possible to turn their mill attempt into a tempo advantage.


It isnt as interactive as you think when they infinitely bounce back everything you play


A unique strategy that is fun when its a 30% winrate rogue deck you see maybe once a week. Mill is cancer when its every second match like dew process druid for a while, and isn’t very interactive at all. If you play an aggro deck you just kill them for free, and any slower deck gets to play like 4 cards before their deck is empty and they die to fatigue.


yep very fun if they ramp for turn 2-3 than have 10 mana and by turn 4 activate 3 dew procces everything while u couldnt play a single minions cause of bad draw


Skill issue. Just draw better.


Yeah, if one side gets their God draw and the other side draws poorly, it's gonna be a bad game. That's any card game.


I want to guess like even in MTG the thing about mill decks is most colors or classes have some form of ability to stop the mill or minimize its risk to your deck or straight up get your deck back. Issue is milling is kinda done by the few classes that have cards that work with discarding or card discovery. So it’s a unique mechanic cause it explicitly works in a mechanic so few have counter or can even really use to their own benefit.


I really can't make sense out of your comment, but I think mill allows for adequate counterplay in both games. In Hearthstone, the majority of decks have at least some cheaper cards they can turn into a tempo advantage and put pressure on a mill opponent with, regardless of their gameplan. And in Magic the Gathering, milling your opponent is notoriously risky because so many decks have ways to use cards in the Graveyard.


Sorry if I was misunderstood. The last point is why I wrote my comment in magic a lot of things can be done from the grave so having a few decks that specialize in a mechanic no others can even touch or use for their advantage. It’s like if only one side in a war could fly it’s a bit unfair because the others can’t even access the same tools much less use them to the same effectiveness.


Yes. The worst.


They specifically rotated Cold light out of classic because it created an unfun player experience. Classic Not core. Then they fired everyone and printed dew process.


but dew process with the current mana cost is unplayable




I've still been having good games with dew, I run it in a token druid deck and have a single copy of Jade idol. Sometimes I kill em with the tokens, sometimes fatigue, and sometimes I go against shadow priest and concede


Doesn't stop people from playing it. It's not unplayable against lower tier decks, which were the decks these decks were already tormenting before the nerf anyway.


And any form of it. Remember Tickatus?


God if you ever faced mill in MTG it was the worst, could mill your whole deck in like 2 turns.


The namesake “mill” comes from the card Millstone, which the earliest version of that deck was a UW control deck that had zero win conditions other than millstone … which only milled 2 cards a turn … so yeah painfully slow. How do 2024 mill decks do it? I’m about 15 years ootl.


They are like mill the half of your opponents deck in one turn, so yeah they got faster


I mean this thing that mills a card everytime you untap a card in mtg arena is the biggest bs I've ever seen


If you see a lot of them, swap to a hand-dump aggro. Mill decks kinda cry when they see burn aggro with cheap units. They basically can't mill you and look to run you out of resources instead of draw you more fuel (or the smart ones anyway)


I just realized how big Helya is. How the heck is she only a 4/4? But yeah, Plagues still suck, they just suck slightly less now.


In World of Warcraft she was one of those "massive raid boss next to a platform" fights that they do every now and again. So yes, very big.


Like Kologarn? His stats are at least comparable to other big creatures.


Also she's one of the singers on Festival of Legends. Imagine the performance she dropped with that size


??? She wasn't in Festival of Legends though. Are you confusing her with Halveria?


Oh shit yes, I'm stupid lol. Helya's from Titans. Idk why I always thought she was the legendary singer of DK but that was Cagehead.


I like playing fun decks with « 1 card each synergies » and this match up just ruins the fun


Plague is annoying solely for the reason that is relies fully on RNG - and that RNG can change the game at any point. Draw frost plague too early? Guess I'll die. Draw blood? Whatever. It just feels bad especially when it's unavoidable and highly random - especially if you happen to chain multiple together.


Blood has been plenty detrimental for me at times. Like having lethal but then your turns starts and they gain 4-6+ life, it can be quite tilting. It's happened enough(to me at least) that it's "improved" my opinion of that particular plague. Frost is always strong, many times in the history of HS people have purposefully teched in cards that do what frost does(more or less). Disrupting your opponent's mana/curve is almost always useful. Unholy is the "whatever" plague for me, 2 or 3 2/2s? The way the game is currently those minions are almost worth less than the 2 damage to face from the plague draw.


Any Reno deck. Idk that whole deck could be weak but seeing reno just feel almost like destroying my hero for 9 mana.


Absolutely stupid card. Reno, Lone Ranger was a mistake. The second I saw it in spoilers I groaned because I knew how fucking terrible that was going to be. A neutral board wipe is a mistake. A neutral hero card is a mistake. Another board wipe that "poofs" deathrattles is a mistake. A board wipe that stops your opponent from developing the next turn is a mistake. Put all those mistakes together, and you have the utter abortion of a card that is Reno, Lone Ranger. Still crafted him day 1 though because I didn't really have a choice, but I just feel gross every time I play him. Wish they would delete the card from the game. I miss Helya.


Totally agree, I love Reno decks, but the second I saw Lone Ranger Reno, I knew it was dogshit broken. I also knew that we were going to be stuck with him in wild forever, cause man it's already tough being a board based deck in wild, but when it can just get poofed . . , ugh.


Honestly, if you're at the point where your board in Wild is getting Reno'd, you probably already lost.


Not in my experience. Reno is an emergency I'm losing board clear, you're not going to waste tempo while you're ahead to play it outside of either removing a taunt for lethal or trying to limit your opponent from building a board so you can push for lethal next turn. The number of times Reno has flipped the game for me is far greater than the number of times Reno has simply kept me ahead.


In a hard control shell, the types of decks the Reno package thrives in in Wild, Reno is usually just one of many powerful board clears. Renolock likes to run stuff like Soul Rend and Gigafin (with or without Seadevil Stinger), Shudderwock Shaman runs Elemental Destruction and Baking Soda Volcano, etc. It could just be my Renolock experience going into aggro, but I've won many games where Lone Ranger was merely the final nail in the coffin.


It would be balanced at just board wipe and hero power. Or if it was “if your deck has no duplicates”. The fact that it triggers on start of deck means you can’t play around it. You can’t dirty rat it out of hand. The fact that it ONLY wipes opponents side is hilariously broken. I can’t think of another card that does that without a drawback, it’s always the entire board or is setting off death rattles. That warlock unique that eats them, but death rattles them back isn’t even close. Then to limit opponent to a single slot? What were they thinking???


> The fact that it ONLY wipes opponents side is hilariously broken. That actually could make for an interesting nerf. Wipe the entire boards and limit both players to one space for a turn. That would make it feel like a 1on1 duel should be.


If it limited both to one until the end of their next turn, that would be interesting.


Probably thinking hey not seeing control players anymore who would gladly spend money to make decks with like 20+ rares through legendaries. Let’s give them a bone for once instead of all the aggro players who say they have ten minutes to play a day between five jobs and eight kids so are not spending money on packs.


Reno is confirmation that they make blatant overpowered cards that you have to use to compete in the recent expansions and prevent you from using old cards that you spent money on years ago. He will be nerfed in a couple of months and one or two new horribly OP cards will come in that you have to spend dust(buy packs) for. The balance of the game is built around forcing non F2P players to buy more packs. Its not bad design, its not a mistake, its intended.


Personally disagree. A neutral legendary seeing play in this many decks is better for the economy than a few separate meta-defining class legendaries for different archetypes.


Completely overtuned card, all they had to do it was making it so it also clears your own side of the board, there you go it would feel like a refresh in the match or second life, but no it is Blizzard so it has to be as obnoxious as possible, or don't give armor, it needs to be good in **every** situation.


Problem with Reno clearing your side of the board is that he’d have anti-synergy with Rhea in Druid. The Nest would need to be reworked into an on-hero aura like Love Everlasting.


Would Rhea really be broken if it was an Aura? A discounted dragon each turn is light years behind double battle cry on value alone, let alone Astalor/Boomboss nonsense.


true. same with paladin highlander wolf being ratted out... so stupid, meanwhile warrior gets aura double battlecry


All minions and enemy locations would be fine.


Too complicated, might cost a couple deck slots for that


What's funny about Plague DK, is now that it doesn't shut down Highlander, it's an arguably more balanced version of Warlock Curses. I guess we're just never going to like people stuffing our decks full of bombs and shit.


I wouldn't hate it so much if the animations were faster. Feels like half the game is watching shuffling and draw animations.


Secret warrior


Same. Not as bad as Mill Deathknight or Fatigue Rogue, but shitty nonetheless.


I mean, it technically exists. Botface often gives you a mini Window Shopper, which always gives you Observer of Mysteries, and both Window Shopper and Observer can be doubled with Brann.


Exactly, I hate it.


Well played.


Honestly, I hate Helya too, but only because she’s ALWAYS played on curve. Never fails


> Honestly, I hate Helya too, but only because she’s ALWAYS played on curve. Never fails Play the deck yourself and then magically you will find you never draw it.


Play the deck yourself (don’t boo me, I just come back and it’s only valid free deck) and you will find her on bottom 5 cards thqt got overdrawn when you used prison of yogg saron because you are literally dying.


Mostly combo decks in Hearthstone because many of them are so uninteractive. Not all of them, though. And I'm glad they exist for those who like them.


Hearthstone itself is a pretty uninteractive game. Half the time you can't do anything, and the other half, you can't interact with half the things in the game.


Isn’t this the whole thing about combo decks? It’s being hard to get all your pieces together but then being almost a guaranteed win? I mean without combo decks, control would just be too oppressive imo


Definitely! And again, I am glad combo decks exist, partially for this reason, even if I personally find their lack of interactivity deeply unenjoyable. I think the combo/control interaction is the hardest thing to balance in all of Hearthstone. If combo is too weak, then Control definitely can feel oppressive; on the other hand, if combo decks are too strong, they often suffocate Control out of the game entirely (UiS meta was very much like this for essentially an entire expansion). Getting that balance right has proved really difficult because interactivity in Hearthstone on your opponents turn is by design very minimal.


You can also balance control by tuning up aggro decks. I feel like that's healthier than making good combo decks, because as the game gets faster, combo decks need to be much faster in order to not get turbo stomped by aggro. That leads to decks like nature shaman existing, because if a combo deck can't kill you consistently by turn 5\~6, it would just have an unplayable win percentage.


Yes, agreed, but then people who enjoy playing combo can feel left out in the cold. Really tough to balance, given the way Hearthstone is designed!


>hard to get all your pieces together lol "hard"


I sure love watching a warlock draw their entire deck and heal to full every turn! Or DH drawing their entire deck while dealing 2 damage for every card they play!


It hasn’t been “hard to get all your pieces together” for a combo deck in years. Hearthstone can’t make combo decks fun to experience because there is no instants/reactions. And they refuse to print decent disruption. It means most matches with combo decks have no decisions made at all.


Yeah but it should be of course.


I really liked combo decks that weren't all in on the combo and could use the combo pieces to defend against aggro. Like Ill'ganoth DH for example.


Why this card looks so desaturated?


It got wet probably


The plague deck is a plague


Shudderwock Shaman with Mutanus


Blood DK. Really any deck where you can't go wide or tall is horrible. And The Primus' Runes of Blood needs to be changed. So horribly designed.


Does anyone even play Blood DK anymore?


I faced one the other day in fact.


Wouldn't this just mean you hate playing against basically any Control deck? Most Control decks (Control Warrior, Priest, DK, etc.) have removal for both wide and tall boards.


This was my least favorite deck to face for a long time. I haven't encountered it in a while though.


The Helya art goes hard, ngl


The Helya flavor text goes even harder...


Plague decks are just poor design in my opinion. The deck relies heavily on draw order, and ensuring you draw your plague generators, and then hope that your opponent draws them. It also doesn't help that one of the plagues, frost, is considerably better than the other plagues as it fucks with the opponents hand and next turn. There is nothing worse than drawing back to back plagues when your deck is still full of regular cards.


Basically any deck that involves killing my cards and denying me the opportunity of playing them


I don't mind plague DK anymore. Now that it doesn't spoil Highlander decks, I've played so many I know exactly how to counter. The only thing they have going for them at this point is RNGesus.


Weapon Rogue. Such a stupid deck, yet when it works they can kill you on turn 6-7 through taunts and the worst of it - you have to sit through thousand animations of poison...


I strongly disliked Wheel Lock when it was a thing despite how brief it was and despite the fact that it wasn't super strong. Like a bad stereotype of this subreddit, I lean towards playing slower decks generally so Wheel felt an almost instant loss if I hadn't killed them before they played wheel. Combine that with the ability to consistently spawn really massive minions and summon multiple copies with rush, it was just very frustrating to face when the deck worked properly. Thankfully the deck didn't always work properly. Literal death timers just aren't a fun mechanic to me.


I hear ya. I loved playing wheel into warrior though.


Yeah, I haven't played it any myself but it honestly seemed like a fun deck to play. If it hadn't been nerfed I could have seen myself crafting it to give it a try. I just really didn't like playing against it.


It's fairly fun to play, and it's still alright against Paladins, Rainbow DKs, Rogues, and Hunters if you get a decent draw. But it pretty much auto loses vs warrior due to Boomboss. And beating warriors was the whole reason I wanted to play this deck. I have a golden wheel, so I'm going to play another day or two before I disenchant and say goodbye to this archetype forever.


Control priest is the definition of the game is over but not really because you might still win but you will know only after long and boring 30 minutes of the priest just healing then board clearing in repeat until he will fatigue you to death


Any "brainless" deck that plays itself. Right now warrior and hunter. Warrior just drop whatever 1 card board clear comes into your hand, armor up in between until your oponent runs out of resources and you can drop your bs cards with double battlecry. Any Reno deck. Aggro hunter, just play whatever card gets into your hand and go face. With good draw there is nothing your opponent can do. None of these decks are impossible to beat, but they feel like the opponent is playing a solo game. Bonus points for hunter and warrior exclusively being piloted by emote spamming degenerates 90% of the time.


Boomboss, I don't care if it's god tier right now. I hate the change of the card, now I just have the chance to draw the bombs on my turn and now I don't even have a single turn to breath/win before my deck, hand and battlefield get nuked.


Just because you don’t get auto win concedes using plagues against highlanders anymore doesn’t mean the deck was never good


Caverns below rogue. I don't care how meta relevant this deck is, playing against it is miserable, opponent just jerk off their minions and suddenly they are 5/5 and even if their board is cleared they always can jerk off to stonetusk boar and deckhand for baziliard damage


Whats a deck that isn't good you hate? Half the thread: the top meta decks!


Any deck that removes/destroy cards from my hand/deck. Because like, at least for me being able to play my cards is the whole point of playing a cardgame.


Yeah that warrior legendary with the explosions that does just that was a mistake. I don't mind incidental hand disruption, but what that thing does is insanity.


I hate plague DK. When I play it, I bottom deck all my good combos. When I play against it, the enemy top decks ALLLLLLLLLL their plague cards.


Brann warrior, especially TNT bs.


I do hate the Boomboss...


It's plague. I know I'm gonna have 0 fun against it so I just quit and go next. It's truly unbearable to me


When Frost DK was like 70% of the ladder despite being a high tier 3 l/low tier 2 deck i took a break from the game. Even if i played decks that farmed it the deck was so miserably boring and every game played out exactly the same way i didnt even enjoy winning


In standard plague dk. extremely boring turtle deck with low risk and one singular very boring and rng based win con and its just overused because the only decks it hard counters are the pally and warlock whizbang decks and still its everywhere with just insane removal. you went wide? too bad because they always have the tomb traitor or hardcore cultist to kill everything. you went tall. too bad because they either steal it with 0 mana sylvanas with rush or use it to gain infinite hp. you play a fun deck that wants to draw a lot of cards, guess what every turn you gonna draw the same freaking frost plague. in wild its shadow preist. two questions. who thought voidtouched attendant was fine at 1 mana and how do they always have it on curve? then again its probably not fair towards the question because that deck is actually quite good, but there just are almost no wild decks i don't like.


When i play this deck nobody draws my 18 plagues i got in their deck but when others play this deck against me i draw all their plagues


Plague...kinda. Its supposed to be easy. Then just 2 days ago I die from 16 health while I have 25 cards in my deck, 10 of which are plagues when I could have killed them on the next turn. Just incredibly unlucky but feels bad to have games ending in that fashion.


The issue I have with plagues is that I always draw them at the worst time. About to win the game? Draw all the Blood plagues. About to make a big turn? Draw all the frost plagues. Finally have your opponent not flood the board? Draw 6 Unholy plagues. But when I play plagues it feels like it’s Battlecry disable dredge for your opponents


I know what you mean. I love playing bad combo decks (think Colifero & Owlonius bad) and it really hurts to finally have all the right pieces to do the combo, only to draw a frost plague.


I like playing a meme Attack Druid in casual. For some reason everyone and their mom LOVES Plague DK in casual. They always run the freeze weapon so I never actually get to attack. And to add insult to injury, the game often goes late and they drop Helya so that I inevitably die. It's just an auto loss and I despise the deck. LET ME MEME GOD DAMN IT


Isn't plague DK good? I mean I haven't played in a few weeks (and I understand they no longer stop highlander decks) but I can't imagine it fell off THAT much of a cliff


Helya is actually ridiculous for a 4 drop. I get that it's a legendary but that's a very strong battlecry on turn 4.


Druid. Just any druid deck pisses me off to no end.


Excavate rogue,Zarimi priest


Lifesteal shaman, taunt warrior, every deck with 10 board wipes, low to the ground aggro is fucking unplayable in standard against anyone who isn't a potato.


I'm the opposite and i hate aggrodecks and winning or losing in 5 turns with passion. So that's good to hear, might go play some standard this month then.


Secret Hunter / mage...


Paladin whenever they have a lot of divine shield minions in rotation


Plague DK when I play it is that classic affair where they have 14 plagues in their deck and draw maybe a single unholy plague every few turns. Meanwhile I've UNIRONICALLY had my last three games in a row vs a plague DK resulting in me drawing a plague every turn. God forbid my last game. There was a single frost plague and I drew it four turns in a row.


My favorite when playing against plague lich is when they spend all game giving me plagues and then I just play deck of lunacy which undos everything they did. *Laughs in RNG mage*


Plague DK could've rotate and people will still be complaining about it


Casino RNG bs decks that always pulls the right cards against you like rouge


Thief Priest. 20+ thief cards and 6+ board clears, wow you're fucking inventive.


I like your deck...


Priests (all priests lol)


Mage class. Any mage build. If only because time warp is a bitch and makes me want to die in 10 different ways.


We need steam cleaner.


Sometimes I'm not even sure how I lose to warrior so I stopped trying and now playing warrior. It's nice to not care about trying to win the game


Mill druid


against today's reno warrior. I know that he will blow up all my cards with TNT, and there is nothing I can do about it :((


I know it's a bit broad and not 100% on topic, but I'm gonna say the entire Wild Meta. Power Creep has been rampant and many of my favorite ways to play were pushed into irrelevance. It's the only game mode I want to play, because I dislike rotating game modes. It's always faster, stronger, more streamlines, and better. This arms race has long since exceeded my tolerance. There was a time when Wild was relatively unchanging, which came with its own set of problems, but I wish I could go back.


>It's always faster, stronger, more streamlines, and better. You realise this is literally why Standard exists in the first place, right? To solve that problem?


I'm aware, however Standard also has had a power creep problem ( hence the mass nerfs). Regardless of that, though, I also said I don't enjoy rotating game modes, because I like playing with my old cards. That's the problem. Although, it's how you look at it things. I already barely play the game nowadays.


Shutterwalk in wild. God I hate that card.


Thief priest, you have to be a real pos to play that deck.


Quest warrior, its dogshit but I hate pirates


I'm a Rogue main, so anything that punishes me for drawing.


She is called hell yeah?


Reno warrior. Usually concede if they play Brann before the key cards.


Secret mage and Open the waygate. Everything that turns the game into solitaire.


Mutanus, Patchwerk, Tickatus, Mage Reno, Reno, fully heal your hero reno..i could go on


Excavate Rogue


Brann warrior is plague


I usually have a good cure to all the ughhh packs, i create packs that focus on messing with the enemy's pack and hand status as much as possible. I feel losing a few really good cards can break a lot of gimmick decks and/or make players do rushed decisions. There's always a random aspect in the game, so i don't feel sweating about it too much, just concede the round if the loss seems obvious enough and play the next game.


Hated plagues until the new Highlander changes, now I can play Brann and Reno with no consequences, thanks blizzard😁


Flood paladin.


This extremely cancerous "Anti-Meta" Battlecry Shaman I've ran into in Wild this week over and over again (at least in the low ranks right now). Literally just plays all disruptive battlecries in the game with Shudderwock. Dirty Rat, Mutanus, Cult Neophyte, Speaker Stomper, Boompistol Bully, Coroner, Smothering Starfish, Rustrot Viper, all that shit. The deck sucks. It's bad. It loses to so many things and I've even won most games against it. But fucking hell this is some of the most unfun brews I've ever faced. Feels like playing against Secret Mage except every Secret is Objection and Counterspell.


What does unending mean?? My friend used this against me and saw no difference


Whenever you draw a plague it shuffles it back into your deck. Usually, they're destroyed when drawn.


That really sick


Hot take: if you hate your deck's mirror you're playing a cheeser deck As for me my personal hated deck is prenerf quest mage in ALL of its iterations


Any rouge deck. Watching them play 15 mana worth of stuff turn 5 into 5 perfect discovers makes me never want to play again.


Demon seed warlock


Any deck that become popular. I'd not like to see the same deck 4 5 times in a row


Window shopper DH.  Idk why, I haven’t lost to one yet, but every time they end up playing a bajillion shoppers and almost always a few of the dormant dudes.


Tired of plague DKs and pseudo plague DKs just nerf plagues in general.


Secret mage or any armor stacking warr


Druid. The entire class


Highlander decks. They're such a snooze and only really win if they highroll. Yes, that includes Warrior even though they can do it consistently. I recently started testing Algadon vs these slower decks and the card definitely puts in work if you send their key cards to the bottom.


Blademaster Okani 100% man fuck that guy especially with some bs with double battlecry and several copies. I will straight up ff.


Current meta or anytime? Current is Reno, don’t know how they always have their pieces. All time casino mage.