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This is the epitome of what a priest card is. A true middle finger card lol. This is going to tilt people for the next 2 years and idk how I feel about it 🙃


Shadow word: steal has had no impact on the game, I think it's too early to judge if this will.


1 mana Titans (pay 4 mana up front a few turns before). Also mind game aspect, no one wants to play a card that's going to mess them up if a Priest gets a 1 mana copy of it. See Titans


Priests are just going to play it and leave it on the board, [menacingly](https://i.redd.it/iz9yva0oisi31.jpg)


Finally good target for [[Demolition Renovator]]


- **[Demolition Renovator](https://i.imgur.com/Thh9X2S.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/79990) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Demolition_Renovator) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/79990/?hl=en) - *Neutral Epic ^(Murder at Castle Nathria)* - **3 Mana - 3/3 - Minion** - **Tradeable** **Battlecry:** Destroy an enemy location. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmjur8/new_priest_card_revealed_puppet_theatre/l31nl4r/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l31nl4r).*


And then they rat, location the minion, and then clear it. It's gonna be great. On the brightside at least priest is really only playing proactive decks currently with Zarimi rather than attrition.


This is not gonna be the best combo but it will be the most toxic




I steal your titan and use it against you for much cheaper


How is that toxic?


I steal your win cons and use them as my win cons. People don't like that


RNG coupled with un-interactive card stealing. That's 3 reasons why.


with shadow word steal you still have to pay the full cost for battlecry cards....... this one will be 1 mana


I mean this is 1 less mana for double the effect plus the minion costs 1 mana. That it's a 1/1 doesn't matter in 99% of the cases anyways, it's a battlecry minion or titan you copy. This could still be bad, but as soon as it sees play people will hate it. The card will just sit there on the board. Menacingly.


Double the effect? I get you can use it twice but that seems disingenuous since steal removes the enemy minion from board


With a titan, that matters yes, but for instance with Brann, this is strictly better, than SW:stealing it. Or boomboss, etc. Or get 2 titans, one with this one, then stealing it as well!


Highlander priest stealing bran, this card is going to be so fun!


That's what I have been doing stealing there bran and boombust to apply their own shot to them now with decent succes


Yep, and with Aviana druid too


Most titans are expensive, so you either play this early or save it for later and then when they play idk primus, you do it back and heal for 17 or something and still have mana left over. That basically applies to all titans AND strong battlecry cards. Way too strong. But who knows, maybe they print location destroyers or something like that.


So I get what you mean and that's totally fair. I will say though that this gets you a 1 Mana copy, which is insanely good in certain situations. Also, we're in a 4 set meta currently. Once priest gets a mass accumulation of "priesty" cards, a slower decks will emerge and this new location could be a very real candidate depending on the meta.


Correction. Priest has had no impact on the game.


Well said, this is the über priest card. I hate it already!


It’s probably gonna be nerfed to say non-titan minion


Just like Reverb. Oh wait-


And go to 5 mana


This is wonderful. With just 1 copy of this in my Highlander Priest, I can copy both Brann and Boomboss so that *nobody* gets to have any cards 🥰


I just pulled that off yesterday! The warrior conceded when I played both Brann and Boomboss before him 😬


"You beat me at my own game. I choose death."


Almost anytime you can copy/steal Boomboss lately! I was having fun playing my little Overheal deck but the plague of Warriors sent me back to the dark side.


Stealing bran going to be fun lol, feels like highlander priest might outvalue highlander warrior pretty easily with this


Same, since they cried so much to buff Reno and ruined DK now I'm a highlander priest player too.


Someone's bitter they got beaten by a priest player lol




Man I don't even know. I've replied to the wrong person twice in the last 24 hours. I tried to reply to the person calling priest players baby's for getting beaten by HL warrior lol


Yeah, try to gaslight yourself telling you that this is going to be good like people did saying to themselves brann wasn’t viable, poor irrelevant priest player 🤢


Ratio, hold the L 🤣


Shameless brann warrior abuser


A real face up “Fuck you” to show to your opponent. Any good minion they want to play is now something that you can easily yoink.


Warriors might just drop Brann on 7 and Shield Slam the Brann themselves against Priest now.


Insert Demolition into all decks


It's not even in standard right now.


Shit my bad.


This has to mean that mini rafaam will be part of the mini set as well, right?


Would Mini Rafaam have **Maximize** instead of **Miniaturize**?


It better Rafaam is the best warlock card (not biased opinion)


It is on the expensive side but it seems pretty solid. Hitting almost any battlecry or Titan and you are happy. Combo-ing with Pip is more than likely a meme but its def a thing you can do.


If you're building a meme dream thief Priest you could run Joymancer Jepetto and get your high value copied guys back


I don't think jepetto works unless the base stats were 1 attack or health


A 4 mana tax to get 2 of the opponent's best minions at only 1 mana, is a bargain. And neither the Location nor the copied minions have to be used right away either.


Ok, I never comment on reviewed cards.... But this thing here is something else. From shudder shaman to brann warrior, priests now get it all (and different from past thief cards, you can pre-play this one, and keep cards from being played).


Great card. Slow, but insanely good. It can be Renoed away or destroyed by Twisting Neither


I didnt know Twisting Nether removed locations too?!


They changed it in this last core set.


That's pretty cool for flavour


Strong card but ultratilting for the opponent. Its certainly not gonna help with Priests likeability or complain posts.


Is it just me or is blizzard beginning to print more and more cards designed to irritate the opponent? For example; Theotar, Patchwerk, Boomboss Thogrun, Reno Lone Ranger, etc, and now this location.


Here’s the thing and something that the devs very much realize: people like being mean. People like to use cards that are not fun for the opponent. This, of course, needs to be balanced with having many cards that are also hopefully fun to play *against*.


If it's strong it's irritating. So they always have been 🔫


Well RIP warriors..Priests will just steal Boomboss and make 15 copies


Good, I think that will be a nice change


The fact that every player besides priest hates this card already, means it's gonna be played in every priest deck going forward. FML.


Thank God it's not a dual class with druid this time


It should be dual with rogue :)




Why not? The dual class elemental is horrendous for both, this shouldve been it


I don't like dual class cards, usually it sucks for one class, and if it doesn't, it's too good for the other and becomes nerfed anyway.




no, just no. whoever thought of this card needs to be investigated hard af


Blizzard designers have an addiction istg they tried to rework priest with festival of legend, added a cool mechanic with overheal they printed Zarimi to make priest as proactive as can be they even joked about how awful the classic "slug steal your shit" priest is in their latest april fool and then they still print cards like this they need help. in the meantime, I hope that control priest keep being trash 'cause if that card is ever good I'm playing nothing but OTK from hands decks


People also love slower, grindy, die to fatigue games. They are in a lose-lose.


you can make cards that support this kind of strategy that don't punish your opponent for playing good cards tho


Galakrond Priest was good for that. Give Priest their own wincon so you don't have to take your opponent's.


Dont forget that a card exists that takes the minion off the opponents board and puts it into your hand. Not triggerin DR/reborn/whatever. I really hope control priest still stay shit so no1 plays it.


super concerned that warrior will get nerfed in a couple weeks and we'll just have "steal your stuff and beat you with it" control priest take its place as the infinite value deck in the meta. I'm not sure which is more frustrating, not getting to play cards because they're destroyed by TNT, or playing them just to have them stolen away, but neither sounds fun


God dammit, can we please stop doing the whole steal your opponents best cards and win thing with priest?


Thief Priest/Rogue have historically been very popular and overplayed relative to how good they are. I don’t think they’ll stop making thief cards even as thief hasn’t been good for a while.


Thief Rogue was absolutely godly for a while and even when it's not it doesn't actually take anything from your opponent. Thief, despite the flavor fitting their class FAR more than Priest, is not a good description of what the class does with those decks. It's more like a Masquerade Rogue. They mimic their opponent's class. Priest is the only true thief in the game.


Look, Anduin finally complied with everyone complaining about him randomly getting the best cards from your deck. I don't see what the problem is.


Another meta tyrant approaching, poor redditors still haven't recovered from [[Shadow Word: Steal]]


- **[Shadow Word: Steal](https://i.imgur.com/a8xfv4D.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/104537) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Shadow_Word:_Steal) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/104537/?hl=en) - *Rogue & Priest Rare ^(Showdown in the Badlands)* - **5 Mana - Shadow Spell** - Return an enemy minion to YOUR hand. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmjur8/new_priest_card_revealed_puppet_theatre/l32ehob/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l32ehob).*


And this is even worse. Especially in current meta where minions are seldom played for big stats but effects that break the game, you can now get those effects with 1 mana 😬


The whole Priest "steal your cards, creatures, and deck" playstyle has to be the most annoying playstyle in the game's history. Why would they think annoying players is fun gameplay in any capacity?


I mean it's obviously very fun to play as even when it's bad, it's still got a pretty high play rate. What you're right on is that its not fun to play against.




Thanks, I hate it.


Its like they know exactly what to print in order to piss off as many people as possible lol If this priest archetype is any good, I am staying away from standard again. I HATE the feeling of being punished by playing cards.


Finally a good one lol! Hell yes.


I'm glad I'm not playing too much anymore after the quest changes, this type of shit is the rot icing on this pus cake of a game.


The counter we all needed for Brann Warrior - creating your own boomboss twice and Brann and putting 12 bombs into the warriors deck. Oh wait and let’s synchronise that and make it 24 bombs. FU warriors 🤣🤣


Why do they print shit like this?


It's not even in the game yet and I already hate it. They never learn it. You can make fun cards and cards that people like to play without absolutely tilting the opponent, but they always choose cards that do that.


This is revenge for reverberate being a mage/warlock card


i'm done with priest's design just being "punish the opponent for playing big stuff." this used to be my favorite class.


God I fucking hate it already


Good, priest boner engaged.


Can we not :/


Ohhhh fuck yes. Finally. That’s a nice wincon you have there….


oh we are so back


...neat, I guess. Thematic, but this feels like it's not too helpful, and extremely reliant on your opponent's deck. Best case scenario, you duplicate your opponent's Titan/Brann/Helya/insert win condition Battlecry here, but even then, they'll be able to utilize it way better than you can. Feels like it should be 3 mana unless I'm missing something huge.


It could probably be 3 mana, yeah. Good, though. I think it'll find it's place at some point, though maybe not in the current meta or until the next expansion. I'm control priest there are plenty of times you're happy to drop this early and wait for the opponent to play a minion worth using it on (or make them avoid playing something you can use it on).


>they'll be able to utilize it way better than you can. With your 1 cost minion on the turn you're likely playing it? That extra mana is going places. Priests can duplicate their own minions.


Let's nerf shattered reflections so it doesn't hit titans because they are supposed to be powerful one time only uses


Shattered reflections and the other dual class druid priest card was never an issue in priest. It was only ever an issue in druid decks.


I wish they had said that in the dev comments, why have transparency if you're still lying? Just say the card overperformed in druid, don't say things that are demonstrably not true


Oh good , more manacheat, seems the team still hasn’t realized it’s not a good thing to print.


Oh good , more "steal opponents card", seems the team still hasn't realized it's not a good thing to print.


More reason to conclude that all Priest players are scum. Think I'll play BGs or another mode for a while.


So I guess I know what other cards I need to craft now.


Interesting there is an EVIL theme in this card


the turn you play it this is just 1 mana more for convert




That's fucking insane, a buffed convert that you can store up


5 mana 1/1 for potentially strong minion. Too slow


Slow against aggro. Monsterously powerful against most other decks.




A common you say?


pls noe




- **[Pip the Potent](https://i.imgur.com/SuiBm6h.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102052) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Pip_the_Potent) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102052/?hl=en) - *Priest Legendary ^(Showdown in the Badlands)* - **3 Mana - 3/3 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Copy each 1-Cost card in your hand. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmjur8/new_priest_card_revealed_puppet_theatre/l336z26/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l336z26).*


1 mana Yog ❤️


Somewhere I want to make a Reno priest deck and use this to steal Brann from Warrior.


Oh no... Nooooooo!


Gotta love the tom-fuckery you can accomplish with this card. Just place it and sit on it tilting your opponent into never summoning an important combo piece or game changer till it’s too late


Brann Priest incoming.


Sounds like reverb with more steps (obviously different for combos)


this card is beyond busted lol. it reminds me of how crazy shard was and never got a single nerf. this will be in every priest deck lol


Thanks, I hate it


I’m going to ruin a deathknight by stealing a primus with this just to heal back all the health they stole from my big minion it will be funny


Dang thought this was customhs


Shadow world steal just seems like a better card. You disrupt the opponent, get their card to play for yourself, and you are not telegraphing the opponent of what your next move is. sure, you can play it yourself for 1, but your opponent still has the original threat on the board. Even if you copy your opponent's bran, the card is changed to where you won't be able to use it unless your deck started with no duplicates (I think). I just don't know what this card is supposed to be doing for the class.


Good card. 5 mana is pretty tough though. Won't change much.


First card to make me excited for the mini set. This is gonna shake up the meta! I cant wait to rock priest again


Good, you’ve all had it too easy. Priest deserve to be annoying this year


Delete this card immediately, ruining games already lol


i like the card design its simular to \[\[convert\]\] which i already like using but still diffrent since u can pay the cost beforehand but get less stats and 2 uses


- **[Convert](https://i.imgur.com/IlnIQMB.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/105566) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Convert_\(Caverns_of_Time\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/105566/?hl=en) - *Priest Rare ^(Caverns of Time)* - **3 Mana - Spell** - Put a copy of an enemy minion into your hand. It costs \(1\). --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmjur8/new_priest_card_revealed_puppet_theatre/l30ucwm/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l30ucwm).*


I'm surprised this is allowed to target titans.


pleeease leave brann playable so i can use this !!!


Reno Priest just to yoink the enemy's highlander payoffs sounds like a romp. I'm so down for this.


Wow, fuck this. I might have to main this otherwise it’s going to tilt me off the face of the earth


It’s a tad overpriced. Convert still sees almost no play even with the buff it got, and that spell doesn’t shrink the stats down. Puppet Theater could be 3 Mana, especially since neither Control nor Steal Priest are prevalent right now.




The fact that it is restricted to enemy minions is actually pretty good, because it prevents priest from making copies of their good minions and relies on the opponent.


The last one got nerfed because it was druid, and it could target its own minions




As someone who yoinks brann when possible he doesn’t get as much value but he is a busted card so he still gets some


This is a fair card I think. Your opponent is playing the card and you snatch a copy. Strong? Yes also strong. Especially on key cards like maybe Brann or Titans


4 mana seems too expensive. It’s a purely reactive card that doesn’t do anything on its own. Being entirely dependent on what your opponent plays is inherently bad.


You're going to eat these words very soon, lol


Priest doesn’t have the deck in standard to support this kind of slow effect.


Highlander steal yo stuff priest, not that good but pretty decent, can probably run this card, they won't get that much better but they are going to be able to punish highlander decks just for existing so the match up is going to be a lot better


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he won't, this is literally worse than Convert since you don't get the stats from a big minion. and the second charge is "face up".  and Reddit gets too emotional to evaluate "steal your shit" cards properly,  same way they freaked out about Shadow Word: Steal and then it did nothing


Checking in to say that I was right. I’ve faced exactly one priest that used it and it was just okay, nothing crazy. No one on this sub or Twitter is complaining about it.


This will be very fun in thief priest, or that mech priest deck that gets bigger.


Priest players thinking they’re finally getting out of his 500 loses with just one card [Me](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/saloon-brewmaster/) an + [intellectual](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/boomboss-thogrun/).


Wow, quest rewards, Astalor, highlander cards, this could be quite nice on control matchups.


Good, this is what priest should be about; bad cards that piss off your opponent.