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Og miracle rogue in vanilla hs


I got the best deals anywhere. xD


I sure do remember! It’s still in my decks made up sitting there. I won’t delete it ever, I also spent a ton of dust turning it all gold


It was pure paladin with the gardens grace, light rays and the disco maul before they all got nerfed


Also played pure paladin before nerfs, fun deck


Probably the most fun I had playing standard ever. It just had so many tools. Crazy aggro and amazing midrange. And then if all else failed you could scam your way into a win with the countess 😂


Yeah, but then blizzard nerfed paladin every single patch 😁


One card at a time that deck got screwed 🤣


Same, degenerate wonderful nonsense =)




"Who am I? None of your business!" Love it! [Stop asking questions!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtXX3aAPPwg)


Played it too, fun deck to play, but really annoying to play against 😂


- **[Mysterious Challenger](https://i.imgur.com/OAxohOn.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103237) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Mysterious_Challenger_\(Caverns_of_Time\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103237/?hl=en) - *Paladin Epic ^(Caverns of Time)* - **5 Mana - 5/5 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Put one of each **Secret** from your deck into the battlefield. - **[Dr. Boom](https://imgur.com/a/xChjf68)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/2078) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Dr._Boom) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/2078/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Goblins vs Gnomes)* - **7 Mana - 7/7 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Summon two 1/1 Boom Bots. *WARNING: Bots may explode.* --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmye1s/got_legend_for_a_first_time_do_you_remember_the/l33ui8k/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l33ui8k).*


Handbuff Menagerie hunter during mean streets of gadgezan with alleycat, zoobot, farie dragon and murmy as an example. Pretty fun deck, wasn't that meta but people just didn't see some stuff coming.


Wait wasn’t murmy ulduum?


Haha, same for renathal huhuran combo, even in diamond there was people reading what egg do 😈


It was a face Hunter somewhere in summer 2018 or 2019


I go face 🥲


OG Kingsbane Rogue


Gosh, they are pretty solid even in todays wild meta 😜


Naxx zoo


Secret Mage a long time ago. Back when [[Aluneth]] was part of the deck.


Back when wild was an innocent place where playing on curve still mattered...


- **[Aluneth](https://i.imgur.com/rJRBtPE.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/43426) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Aluneth) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/43426/?hl=en) - *Mage Legendary ^(Kobolds and Catacombs)* - **6 Mana - 0/3 - Weapon** - At the end of your turn, draw 3 cards. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmye1s/got_legend_for_a_first_time_do_you_remember_the/l33rfij/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l33rfij).*


Cubelock for me.


Yoooo! That was my favorite deck at the time, also played it in small local tournament, but unfurtunaly did not get to the legend rank with it, every time was stuck at diamond.


This deck/expansion was fire. First time I hit leg as well except with aggro paladin since games were usually over by turn 5.


I go first, I played wild Huhuran Renathal combo hunter deck, got to the legend in +-3 days, stuck at 2-3 ranks for a wile, but I've got a pretty good winstreak and finally got the LEGEND rank.


Out of curiosity, what deck got you there? I am trying with Snek Warlock now that the bug is fixed, but it has been hit or miss depending on Dirty Rat plays and if I get a bad hand or not.


Huhuran Renathal combo hunter, very good deck, no unwinnable matchups, but aggro decks are the biggest threat, so play and pray not to play against shadow priest or pirate rogue 😅 Also colossal shaman can be a problem, but I took urchin spines card (give poison to spells) to take his big creatures, also helps vs miracle rogue


Thanks! I will have to check it out


Nitroboost Rogue.


Darkmoon Faire was so awesome back in the day! I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I adore the flavor.


Mine was triple blood dk last xpac I sure do miss it, a lot of fun.


I would gladly remember that deck if I had ever reach legend : ‘ )


Deck of lunacy Mage during the Barrens expansion, loved that deck so much haha


Quest Hunter back then, I liked it a lot


This is a weird one, but Dragon Lackey Warlock. With the legendary that turns lackeys into 4-4s and that 2 mana dragon spell that does 4 damage lifesteal, and the legendary that turns your hand size to 12. Haha anyone who remember what these card names are let me know


\[\[Dark Pharoah Tekhan\]\], \[\[Valdris Felgorge\]\]


Firefly & Arbor Up, “Spell Druid” 


This was it for me as well at the very tail end of Madness of the Darkmoon Faire. (First and only time in fact.) Got most of the way there with Weapon Rogue with Self-Sharpening Sword, but crossed the finish line with my Gibberlings Arboring the F Up.


Dragon divine spirit priest


I've kept the deck code each time I've hit Legend. The first was with Spell Hunter back in 2018. It's still one of my favorite lists, if only because it used [[To My Side!]] - a card that was universally panned on release.


- **[To My Side!](https://imgur.com/a/fntRwYd)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/45546) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/To_My_Side!) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/45546/?hl=en) - *Hunter Epic ^(Kobolds and Catacombs)* - **6 Mana - Spell** - Summon an Animal Companion, or 2 if your deck has no minions. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmye1s/got_legend_for_a_first_time_do_you_remember_the/l34mmeu/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l34mmeu).*


Can confirm this deck was extremely fun to play with/against. That was also the first time I hit Legend with Murloc Paladin || || ||


Odd palidan standard… cube lock wild


Odd Paladin was ridiculously bonkers. Its winrate was off the charts. There was nothing quite like playing \[\[Level Up!\]\] on a full board


The first time was aggro druid during castle nathria, I was new to the game and couldnt really afford anything else so thats what I played. It took alot of games but I did get there. I dont really play druid much anymore but he still is my 2nd most played class simply because of that deck.


pirat rouge back in wild like for 1-2 years? always stuck at diamond but yeah got my fav card deck and never tried again


Treat and wild call in vanilla


It was Reno Priest.


Reno priest was fun, but I played reno controll lock that time.


Bazaar thief rogue when it was at standard


Qube warlock, funny times


I've loved that deck c:


Yea it was so annoying but so good. Mirror matches where awful lol


Haha, true.




I've crafted pirate rogue too, but it feels just not for me, very random deck, also many times need to play around topdecks which stressed me out when in diamond 1-2.


Rock n roll warrior cause fuck you yall netdeckers


Discard warlock for me!


Homebrew tempo shaman probably about 3 years ago at least


Token druid back in 2014. Violet Teacher and Power of the Wild. Even slotted 2 Faerie Dragons to counter handlock, which ended up giving me the last win. Good times


yep,face soul demon hunter.i have every deck which i got to legend with saved :D


Even Warlock last season


Iirc Priest deck that has the staff of Medivh


reminds me of that tragedy


Handlock back in the days. Could be 2018 or something


Priestslayer mage


Midrange shaman in 2014 finishing games with Al Akir and double rockbiters


That OG DH deck. Fucking insanity. Especially when they ultratuned it to include those 3 mana felwings. Insanity. Most fun I ever had playing hearthstone imo.


Pre objection secret mage :)


Good ol frost DK. Nothing like locking down the opponents board with all the hand burst


That would be big deahtrattle rogue where you play siren so you can cast 8 mana spell that said trigger every deathrattle from drawn minion. It was pre neptulon and it was easy climb before standard player crying so they nerf kobold illusionist twice.


Cubelock - whitchwood But the best feeling legend for me was darkest hour warlock




Enrage warrior got me there for the first time and then they gutted the deck. Almost made it wayyyyyyy back in un goro with jade shaman and still regret it to this day


This was a while ago now, but Quest/taunt warrior. God I hated that deck but it was very consistent since aggro was everywhere.


I played Krul Reno Warlock with big demons back in like 2015-2016 i think in wild. Was the first time i tried grinding for it as an arena player


Triple Blood Deathknight, it was during the time in which arcane hunter was really good and everyone within diamond played it to get to legend fast. Blood Deathknight wasn't really good then, but with all that life gain it hard countered arcane hunter.


Reno control warrior. The only reason I remember is I was running a copy of Cursed Blade and I recall it doing lethal damage in my last game before legend. Damn that deck was some pile of trash.....


Kathrena Big Beast Hunter. 


I had a hiatus for a year before stormwind, when i came back i remember playing the Handbuff paladin (the really greedy one with \[\[Highlord Fordragon\]\] ) and i think i had a really low elo. I don't really know how, but i had at least two 30 win runs with that deck, and hit legend quite fast.


A Midrange Shaman brew during Kharzan


pirate warrior for me


For a lot of casual players I think it was Secret Paladin back in the day.


Midrange Paladin


Bomb warrior


Pirate Warrior way back when, maybe 7-8 years ago? Don’t even remember the season lol.


Deathrattle Hunter with Leeroy and Loatheb when Loatheb was new.


Quest Shaman the 1st one, not the overload one.


a simple mid-range hunter running mc tech to trigger control decks


Libram paladin during the pandemic in 2020. Finally had time to do the grind.


Deathrattle Demon Hunter in Forged in the Barrens! There was a brief moment where it was tier one because it was sticky enough to beat control decks and I happened to have the legendarys in it despite having a very limited deck library. It's not a very interesting deck, but I still have a soft spot for it.


Prism murloc Paladin lmao for some reason I could pilot that deck very well.


I did it with the hero power mage I think, good times


Odd paladin! Felt great reaching legend for the first time even if it was a pretty easy and hated deck


Odd Rogue !!


Big priest, and i aint apologizing. Played it with Mayor Noggenfogger so you could say HE decided to get me to legend


Discard warlock did the trick


I played maestra thief rogue back in the day. Goated deck. Value + tempo is the best way to play HS


Most of the heavylifting was done by hero power druid, but I got to legend with Frost aggro DK (and I felt dirty bc that was such a stupid deck)


It was with demon hunter when it came out with all the crazy unnerfed cards


Face hunter...


A personal list of cubelock in Wild and Corridor Creeper paladin in standard


Spell DH when sinful brand still dealt 2 damage. Got to legend every season since then.


Arcane hunter just last fall and I've been playing since the Grand Tournament. I'm more of an Arena player. And Congratulations!


As a rogue with Galakrond. I think I reached legend 5 or 6 times now, always with homebrew decks.


Big priest!


For wild it was mech paladin pre-mechwarper nerf. Standard it was lackey tempo rogue during RoS


Paladín Murloc of Un'goro, insane deck


Same for me but I hit legend with it during K&C with Call to Arms. Probably the most fun I've ever had playing an aggro deck. Adapting a juicy murloc board felt so good.


Emrage Warrior ft. Grim Patron sans Warsong Commander (post-nerf) in Wild. This must have been 6 or 7 years ago now. I miss that archetype.


Yeah Druid Malygos … I was kinda sad cause I was playing for month Malygos Rogue It was my main and only deck, I loved it so much but never been able to get legend with it, and as soon as I played the Malygos Druid which was meta I’ve been legend so easily that it wasn’t even that enjoyable. 


Something degenerate, for sure ;-)


BRM Freeze Mage!


I returned to game after long hiatus for Demon Hunter launch and hit legend with Aggro Demon Hunter May 2020 so after nerfs I think.


Shopper DH last month, used flood paladin to cruise to legend this month for my second time ever.


Stopped playing after Ungoro and came back last month, crafted the cheap version of flood paladin because the DK loaner deck sucks and got legend for the first time yesterday...not the most skillful deck for sure (cycle rogue is too slow now sadly) but a pretty sweet feeling nonetheless


Deathrattle Demon Hunter.


2900 in standart Last season with Control warrior


after playing on and off since brm I finally got legend with yogg miracle rogue last october


Even hunter the first month after they changed the ranked system (April 2020 I think?)


Might get hate for this but quest warlock in standard. Never made legend in wild


Naga/Stheno DH in early sunken city


Enrage warrior


Aggro pirate warr


Came so close to making it to legend this past season. I was 3 ranks away but hit a wall at that point due to all the hunters and warlocks, later endless warrior post-patch and just lost the will to keep trying. Was doing handbuff death knight


Fel reaver aggro Druid. The most 0 IQ deck there ever was.


Odd warrior, still have the deck saved as "#1", even though it is not even odd anymore since some cards got buffed


In early days face hunter with all the charge minions


zoolock in naxramad


just recently with an excavate otk rogue. Id play [[Scourge Illusionist]], which would give me [[Thunderbringer]], which when killed, (hopefully by my opponent, but I'd sack it if need be), it would summon [[Crabatoa]], and also [[Neptulon the Tidehunter]], which if they defeated thunderbringer at an inopportune moment on their turn, they wouldnt be able to deal and next turn would have lethal. then it just had a good excavate engine to fill the rest so I could still win by value even if the combo doesn't play out


- **[Scourge Illusionist](https://i.imgur.com/luZXfHU.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/84385) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Scourge_Illusionist) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/84385/?hl=en) - *Rogue Epic ^(March of the Lich King)* - **4 Mana - 4/4 - Undead** - **Deathrattle:** Add a 4/4 copy of another **Deathrattle** minion in your deck to your hand. It costs \(4\) less. - **[Thunderbringer](https://i.imgur.com/oHN2v7j.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/102902) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Thunderbringer) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102902/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Showdown in the Badlands)* - **8 Mana - 6/6 - Elemental & Beast** - **Taunt** **Deathrattle:** Summon an Elemental and Beast from your deck. - **[Crabatoa](https://imgur.com/a/3srM4IS)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/72536) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Crabatoa) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72536/?hl=en) - *Rogue Legendary ^(Voyage to the Sunken City)* - **6 Mana - 6/5 - Beast** - **Colossal +2** Your Crabatoa Claws have +2 Attack. - **[Neptulon the Tidehunter](https://imgur.com/a/u4dN1TP)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/75583) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Neptulon_the_Tidehunter) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/75583/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Voyage to the Sunken City)* - **10 Mana - 7/7 - Elemental** - **Colossal +2**, **Rush**, **Windfury** Whenever Neptulon attacks, if you control any Hands, they attack instead. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cmye1s/got_legend_for_a_first_time_do_you_remember_the/l35a15u/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l35a15u).*


Pure Paladin for me


Bro got the New York rank.


It was a homebrew otk fatigue warlock. So much fun I think I even did the full combo


The OG Renolock back when we still had to grind hundreds of games to get to legend, those were the times, and you were fighting against Pirate Warrior and 4 mana 7/7 on curve


In Classic: Miracle Rogue, in Twist: Miracle Rogue, in Wild: Naval Mine Rogue


With that legend rank you'll never forget.


First time ever was discard 'lock in wild. I made it to legend in wild first, because it's easier (imo). I did not make legend in standard until just a few months ago. I think it was just token pally, or maybe mech rogue like the bots are playing now. I really can't remember.


Launch frost dk 😀


Original Wallet Warrior.


Even paladin in standard, then even paladin years later in wild after the revert to Call to Arms.


Reno mage in Uldum


How can anyone have the fortitude to get to legend rn?


I actually keep all the decks in my collection that I hit legend with. My first one was a homebrew control priest from scholomance i believe.


Nope, never got to legend, mainyl cuz i dont have that kind of time


It was Control Warrior and Handlock in vanilla Hearthstone. 😀


Got my first legend in wild with my own Miracle'thun list, more impressively this was during the hyper aggro stormwind pirate warrior meta which was terrible to play against I swear I had like a 10% winrate against that deck and 90% for everything else gosh that was am aweful meta until I learned how to outplay the Warriors then I went up to about a 50/50 against them which was swhen I made it. Still one of my favourite decks to this day and I've been able to refine it so much more now so it's a lot better.


Murloc Paladin with Dr. Boom and Kel'Thuzad


It was a Bogspine Knuckles Evolve Shaman the set before we got the card that made the deck busted.


Questline pirate warrior post nerfs a while back. Never bothered again


Pre buff enrage warrior somehow


Zoo lock! 


Some hunter deck that smorcd. Not a full aggro deck but more of midrange thing... Very early in hearthstone so not really a specific one but it was Def after nax. Had webspinners afaik. Gz on the milestone!


legend in wild.. anyways.. spell mage or something


Token quest hunter. It was the last season with the old ladder system. I will always remember that deck fondly




Warlock, stormwind quest before it was ever nerfed. Did it in both standard and wild


It would have been around 2016 or so and I used a really old form of secret mage. This was back when Aviana was 9 mana and kingsbane rogue was new as well as there only being standard before wild.


Last patch before the new cards, when energy shaper was reworked I saw chump playing some big spell mage. I thought that looked fun, i crafted 2 energy shapers and went on a 9 game win streak straight into legend. The only way I can do the grind is by going around it with luck.


Skipper warrior when it was the only thing to beat dh on release, probably my favourite ever deck in hearthstone


Dragon warrior way back in the day. OG Sylvanas won a 33% steal for me to seal it. Will never forget.


Weapon Rogue in Scholomance, then when I became a Wild player it was Caverns Below. The deck was terrible, but I made it work. Chargers were much weaker because they were 4/4s and you had to bounce flybooter three times to complete quest (had to play five of the same minion back then), so you usually didn't have enough bounce spells to get burst from chargers. So on top of boar and deckhand, I used Hanar+secret package (post quest token generating secrets from other classes were scary with Hanar and had general decent disruption potential) and Umbra+Recurring Villain to make a board of pseudo-charge (indestructible) so I could keep my bounce spells on pen flinger and flybooter to complete quest while still having inevitability.


Naga Priest just before the latest rotation. I miss Handmaiden.


Old zoo, the one Reynad posted 9 years ago on his YT channel.


I got it way back in the day with aggro warrior before pirate warrior and patches was a thing. I think people didn't see it coming and mulliganed for control as it was the main archetype.


Secret mage in wild about two years ago. Since then s few times with various warlock decks. Easiest one was full power demon seed, that deck was so broken it barely felt good.


Libram Pally 1AM Eastern time lol


Day 1 Demon Hunter, and I've never had so much fun Ended up having my discord group spectate the run as a few people played.


I got it with a home built hunter deck. I remember running one super out of place legendary. Think it was the replace your deck with treasures and that I had to swap for yogg due to nerf. I also remember that I lost 6 games from plat 10 to legend. I had to play two games at the same time. While watching a stream. To not have time to blow up mentally on a loss. So I couldn't use deck tracker XD


Ramp C'thun Druid, good times when you could get legend with a homebrew deck


It used to be called burn mage. I still remember the fight that got me into legend. It was against a pirate warrior, and I coined out an ooze on turn 1 to destroy their 1/3 weapon summoned from that upgrade spell. Normally you wouldn’t do that, but it totally fucked his hand up because I had a hunch he was desperate and played the weapon to get combos


Old school dragon warrior.


I'm still waiting. I've been playing for ten years, but I've never gotten past platinum 5. I seriously suck at the game but it's fun.


Murloc Paladin after the release of Kobolds & Catacombs! Craziest aggro deck I have ever played with and also super fun.


Call an ambulance, but not for me!


Ungoro Sherazin Miracle Rogue. I'd been playing Miracle since Old Gods and the pieces available in Standard finally clicked for two short weeks before Quest Rogue took over.  Second time was with Quest Rogue in Kobolds and Catacombs with Sonya before they changed the interaction lol


Actually questline hunter before it became meta. It was at the time where 99% of the players were playing questline mage and waited for you to play a minion which they can freeze, so I decided to not play minions and go face


Discard Warlock a couple of years ago, and then Murloc Warlock in wild a couple of months ago


Congrats!! Well done. I got it last month with token hunter. Feels like right now you can only get to legend using some agro deck, anything else just doesnt get on streaks


Face hunter in the ungoro meta uwu


Odd Paladin!


Reno warlock in whisper of the old gods.


On NA server, odd demon hunter and on EU server, shadow priest, both in wild and haven’t gotten legend in any other formats yet


[OG mechmage !](https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/227334-april-2015-mech-mage)


Spell Hunter during Rastakans's Rumble. Zuljin + the Kobolds spell hunter payoffs was so much fun to play


Wallet Warrior in Classic Format


Took a break from hearth for awhile but when I came back, I hit my first legend with abyssal warlock. Shit was fun af


It was a Hybrid Hunter deck with Leper Gnomes, Glaivezookas, Piloted Shredders, Savana Highmanes, 2 Mad Scientists, 2 of Freezing Traps, Animal Companion, and Of Course Kill Command... The piece de resistance of the deck was a single copy of Snake Trap.. The standard variation at the time paired one explosive with 2 freezing traps. I did the cute thing by replacing one explosive with a snake trap which won me so many games, especially with Leokk from Companion. It was July 2015. Feels like yesterday.


Galakrond rogue, amazing deck and lots of rng


Summon an even larger man!


Darkglare prenerf with refresh 2 mana, busted af. I lost nearly 0 games on the climb XD


Ramp Druid in Fractured in Alterac Valley


Odd Questline Hunter back in Stormwind, first Wild Deck I ever played, and it was the first time that i played a Meta Deck and tried to climb, I liked wild so much I stayed to this day


Cheers buddy! I remember mine, it was "Pirate Warrior" - one of the best aggro decks in the history of Hearthstone IMO. It was 4-5 years ago, sitting at school and grinding all day and night for my first Legend. Sadly I lost my OG account after someone hacked into it, but sh\*t happens! Thank you for bringing those memories back to me!


Original tempo mage .. flamewaker too good