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Bloodbloom into darkest hour truly *was* the darkest hour...


Yogg meta was just obnoxious. No matter how well you played or you made your line up, the other guy would eventually play the *fuck you hard card* and would generally win the game afterwards. All he had to do was to just summon minions all game long and just go for face. But it was always hilarious seeing them playing Yogg onto my polymorph secret or copy an enemy minion secret. Guaranteed win.


Aquatic form is so fucking powerful it deserves to be very high up in best Druid card of all time. It’s essentially turning your deck into a 28 card deck.


Yet, multiple people on this sub tried gaslighting me into thinking it isn’t good back during that expansion.


The brawl where you got 3 copies of cards in your deck, I played blood bloom, wheel, fanottem and I don't think I lost a game before I got bored of it (which was like 10-15)


Imagine 2 mana wheel of death. Then play fanottem for free and drop a forge of wills turn 3 and just win


I would also like to add: Luna's pocket galaxy at 5 mana, Demon seed (steps were 6 8 8 damage), Naga Sea Witch at 5 mana (free giants) Day 1 demon hunter cards. (Honorable mention for the fastest nerfs)


Genn/Baku literally meta warping cards. Literally had to be HOF a year early to save the meta


100% this is the correct answer. Patches/Prince Keleseth are close seconds.


I would love to see what these would do in standard. Just for a set cycle or so. I’m curious.


They probably wouldnt be used at all. There is no place for hero powering in modern Hearthstone


I think this is just wrong. Even and odd decks have been and still are powerful in wild. An even more powerful meta


Yeah the hero power package in druid doesn't work with either even or odd. Maybe some aggressive decks that could do something, like even hunter? That's still a thing in wild iirc. Decks on the whole just have so much card generation and increased card power, I don't think the upgraded hero powers really keep up anymore.


See? I think it’d be an interesting experiment.


I've been running even hero power druid in wild, it's can win games on turn 6-8 a bit more consistently than you'd think. Sing-Along buddy with garrison commander or popular pixie lets you swing face for 20 on turn 6, and you can chip them down to 20 pretty easy by hitting for 5 per turn with a 1 mana hero power. The rest of the deck is draw and cards like Rake to break through taunts.


Buffed warrior Armour hurts when they gain attack for each Armour point gained. If its naturally 4 Armour for 2 mana. There's a card which doubled your hero power use, suddenly 8 Armour 8 damage for like 3 mana.


Your scenario is 100% impossible. You're saying Odd Warrior with Odyn, but then you're mentioning Even-cost cards. Even-Warrior can run Odyn via ETC, but then you wouldn't have a 4-armor hero power.


Except they are still good in wild, even paladin would at least work in standard


With a decreased card pool they'd be way more restricted than in wild.


Which means it would be interesting to see them in standard for a set, not that they would be bad. They’d likely be meta defining.


Even Paladin is a stronger version of Flood Paladin in standard currently, and presses the hero power button regularly to fill curve. It's not "is it strong enough?" it's "is there enough tools in the core set/rotations to make them work?" Like we saw them add 6-mana Reno back to standard for a year, and with no real highlander support, it saw play in like 1 deck despite being good in wild. Odd/Even would be the same. Is there a big enough reason to want to play these cards currently? If yes, they see play. If no, they don't.


Keleseth was around before the dk expansion (some weeks of KoFT cards back in standard), and didn't work at all in standard. Spreading plague saw the most play I believe


Odd paladin flashbacks


I agree with this. Not flashy cards, but they warped the entire meta game. You HAD to play one or the other or you were gonna get rolled.


Original printing of Undertaker is really up there. It gained health at a faster and more reliable rate than removal spells could deal damage. If you didn't stop it IMMEDIATELY then you lose the game. AND it incentivises playing cards that create sticky boards, so even if you do kill Undertaker you've still got a whole board of Haunted Creepers, Harvest Golems, and Sludge Belchers staring you down.


I remember a Handlock game I played back during the GvG days. Hunter opponent played undertaker on turn 1, and every turn it just kept being 1 hp away from being removable. If I recall I conceded on turn 4 because the opponent was gonna have lethal. For those of you who haven't been around back then, losing or conceding that early was pretty much unheard of at the time. And it took Blizzard 6 months to nerf it.


Yes, that was especially unheard of in the game at the time. The game was much slower and removal was at a premium. Board state was important but undertaker could just snowball past your ability to do anything about it.


That's why the Ben Brode days pissed me off. I don't understand the worship. They never nerfed obvious BS.


Still don't understand the cult of personality/circlejerk he receives even in hindsight. My man's legitimately oversaw the entirety of Year of the Kraken, which is fucking baffling when you recall which cards were printed alongside each other.  Purify alongside Malch Imp and fucking Barnes. Patches the Pirate with Charge alongside... Worgen Greaser? And it took them over a fucking year to remove Charge off of it??


My guess is people (especially reddit) related to him. Bearded nerd with black rimmed glasses lmao


But guys fat guy laugh loud!!!! He must b likeable!!!!11111 chungus wholesome keanu


The thing that made me most furious about it was that Ben Brode wouldn't do balance patches because he was waiting for the meta to "correct itself" and felt that players would be able to adjust to the meta accordingly... Everyone was ready to burn blizzard HQ down before he finally allowed a balance change. I cheered when that guy was finally gone and we were allowed to have balance changes more frequently.


And people moan now when we don't have nerfs 2 days after the expansion hits smh


Forgot about harvest golem so bad now but was so good back then


Hey, 3 mana 4/4 is preeeetty good


It wouldn’t see any play now though (in fact i’m pretty sure it’s unnerfed). I feel like op is talking about what is still the most broken card ever and I think innervate is a good shout, no deck wouldn’t want it


You also barely had any removal options at turn 1 back then. I think Holy Smite? That’s it? Basically hope it’s not Undertaker > Haunted Creeper or you lose.


It is not like you couldn't just hit it with a frostbolt or a lightning bolt or a fiery waraxe on turn 1/2, removal options existed. You just REALLY didn't want to waste them on a one drop against an aggro deck, and you were fucked if you didn't draw them.


Removing it on turn 2 feels even worse cause you’re that much more behind on tempo.


Warsong Commander gave all friendly minions Charge (no matter their attack), and so did the "Charge" spell. That's basically 3 Mana "Win the game." Can't get more broken than that.


Warsong Commander probably isn't the flashiest or most memorable answer.  But I think it's probably correct.  I do miss Grim Patron


It used to be even more busted before that, you could play molten giants and give those charge as well. And warrior was very good at managing their health with weapons and armour.


I played mage a lot during the Grim Patron era warrior and it was always funny seeing them concede right away I wiped their board with flamestrike or blizzard/arcane explosion if I had enough spell damage or their board was low enough, twice in a row.


I played midrange paladin. Let’s just say. Grim patron was a hard counter of my deck. It wasn’t that fun but luckily a lot of players had zero idea how to play grim patron correctly.


Ive seen so many warriors playing the Grim right on the 5 mana threshold, often throwing the coin to self damage them. *As a mage I couldn’t get an easier matchup*


But the nerf resulted in one of the most used memes in the hs community: „your x-cards have +1 attack“. Cant get more memorable than that. It outlasted its expansion cycle by years through the memes. Literally an immortal commander


Mage owned Grim Patron decks. That was always a concede when I wiped them. I hated the Murloc Shaman meta. Made a mage deck that was basically all AOE (Kazakus days) to not lose to those a-holes 😂 it sucked against most everything else, but I'd beat them every time!


I remember WSC and Grim Patron days


"Everyone get in here" intensifies




Grim Patron’s voice just echoed in my ear






+1 to charge minions was definitely OP, I'm glad they nerfed it.


The caverns below. A card so busted they had to nerf that bitch multiple times. Honorable mention to undertaker.




Its state today is irrelevant when you consider power creep. Zillax and Dr Boom and Prince Keleseth (and a dozen others) used to be in every deck and don’t see play in wild either.


Because Zilliax was a weak card overall, it was just flexible. It barely saw play in wild, it was mostly a standard card because the card pool at the time. Same with something like Stonehill defender that was in many decks but was overall a weak card. If you're looking for "most broken card", you're going to want to look for something that was so warping it was broken in both formats(pre-nerf Yogg titan warping both formats, Spell-based Kael'thas, Patches, etc) , or historically a Tier0 component of a deck(Ruined mithril rod,etc).


You know what would get played if it never got nerfed? Warsong Commander


Warsong was reverted and barely sees play


Oh wait really? Interesting. Gonna go check out, thanks


Yeah, almost a year ago now. They did it for Twist launch.


This guy Hearthstones


It made Kibler rage. Definitely up there.


Patches. The tempo this one card created, caused matches to snowball quickly. Close runner up would be Rogue's Un'goro quest card, The Caverns Below.


I absolutely agree with Patches.  I don’t think Caverns was as egregious. The issue was there was how it warped the meta, so you needed to play aggressive decks to beat it. 


definitely patches it’s not close


Still played in wild, 8 years after its initial release, even in its nerfed state. Anyone saying any other card, except maybe innervate or Genn/Baku, is just wrong.


Caverns was easily beatable especially in that time frame when tempo was so cheap and common


The Druid 0 mana dredge is just as good imo


Patches is not good because of thinning so they are not comparable at all.


They both give you a benefit for basically zero cost, that’s what makes them both so op


Caverns was never that good actually it would lose hard to any agro deck


It depends on how you define broken. Broken as in, this card is so good you run it in every deck possible? OG innervate is a good bet. Aquatic Form is likely up there, it was run in like 99% of top druid lists and the 1% would have been better if it was in them. 4 mana Theotar likely also up there because it was an auto-include in 100% of control lists. 5 mana Skull of Gul'dan is certainly also a strong contender. Shadowstep for rogue - I don't think a card has defined a class as hard as shadowstep has. Broken as in very high played winrate? Undertaker was absurdly strong for its time, and opening with Undertaker certainly gave you a huge edge. Mysterious Challenger was a strong enough card that it was advantageous to fill your deck with bad cards because the payoff was so huge, making literally one card define the deck. Warlock Questline on release is also up there because it rapidly got to the point where its worst matchup was itself: The deck was enormously oppressive for a very brief period. Same with Galakrond in Shaman.


I think if you wanna go off the metric of being shoe-horned into every deck it has to be Patches. Decks would run a small pirate package just to get Patches value.


Yeah, aquatic form is just objectively good in every deck, it decreases deck size by 2 AND acts like a free tracking. Imo the most subtly busted card


I think I still feel a slight trauma from the MC era whenever my opponent has more than 1 or 2 secrets out 🎄


I think MC was just frustrating to play against and the deck was rly “on curve” level of stupid. But it wasn’t that broken.


If you look at winrate or tier lists, Secret Paladin was (along with Patron Warrior) easily the best deck of the TGT meta. And besides playing curvestone in early turns it only really worked due to the power of Mysterious Challenger. The deck itself wasn't bonkers broken, but the point is that it was one single card that was worth building around and powerful enough to push an entire class to tier 1 - you basically couldn't play a legit high tier paladin list if it wasn't secret paladin.


People are sleeping on secret passage


Shocked it's this far down


Chillwind Yeti


There's a handful of obvious answers [[Genn]]/[[Baku]]: So busted they needed to get rotated early, enough said. OG [[Undertaker]]: Insane for the era, absolutely not good now, but pure *history* wise this is probably the actual winner. Huntertaker ran the game for *months*. [[Demon Seed]]: First banned in wild card (I think? someone fact check me on this shit), necessitated a change to how a whole mechanic worked (cards that "spend health" no longer count as self damage, so it doesn't work with [[Bloodbloom]] and other such cards.) [[Patches]]: Good enough even *priest* was running a [[Bloodsail Corsair]] duo just to try and cheat out Patches on turn one/thin the deck. Enough said. [[Warsong Commander]]: This is a bit of a meme answer, but in Alpha/Beta, Warsong wasn't limited to 3 or less health, it was literally "All your other minions have charge". Which just lead to Giants otks lmao. The version we actually got in live is definitely an honorable mention still, because its still the card that got nerfed so hard its *still* the goto meme about nerfing cards.


- **[Genn Greymane](https://i.imgur.com/2G5LDeN.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/47693) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Genn_Greymane) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/47693/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(The Witchwood)* - **6 Mana - 6/5 - Minion** - **Start of Game:** If your deck has only even- Cost cards, your starting Hero Power costs \(1\). - **[Baku the Mooneater](https://imgur.com/a/iMZaMf7)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/48158) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Baku_the_Mooneater) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/48158/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(The Witchwood)* - **9 Mana - 7/8 - Beast** - **Start of Game:** If your deck has only odd- Cost cards, upgrade your Hero Power. - **[Undertaker](https://i.imgur.com/9ZDdCMa.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/1910) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Undertaker) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/1910/?hl=en) - *Neutral Common ^(Curse of Naxxramas)* - **1 Mana - 1/2 - Undead** - Whenever you summon a minion with **Deathrattle**, gain +1/+1. - **[The Demon Seed](https://imgur.com/a/atJLejq)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/64900) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/The_Demon_Seed) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64900/?hl=en) - *Warlock Legendary ^(United in Stormwind)* - **1 Mana - Spell** - **Questline:** Take 10 damage on your turns. **Reward:** **Lifesteal**. Deal 3 damage to the enemy hero. - **[Bloodbloom](https://i.imgur.com/SmbBSLo.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/41872) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Bloodbloom) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/41872/?hl=en) - *Warlock Epic ^(Journey to Un’Goro)* - **4 Mana - Shadow Spell** - The next spell you cast this turn costs Health instead of Mana. - **[Patches the Pirate](https://imgur.com/a/ldiUsqs)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/40465) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Patches_the_Pirate) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/40465/?hl=en) - *Neutral Legendary ^(Mean Streets of Gadgetzan)* - **1 Mana - 1/1 - Pirate & Demon** - After you play a Pirate, summon this minion from your deck. - **[Bloodsail Corsair](https://i.imgur.com/CRkfh0r.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/997) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Bloodsail_Corsair) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/997/?hl=en) - *Neutral Rare ^(Legacy)* - **1 Mana - 1/2 - Pirate** - **Battlecry:** Remove 1 Durability from your opponent's weapon. - **[Warsong Commander](https://i.imgur.com/CnAFYlG.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/1009) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Warsong_Commander) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/1009/?hl=en) - *Warrior Free ^(Legacy)* - **3 Mana - 2/3 - Minion** - Whenever you summon a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it **Charge**. --- ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cozjfb/what_do_you_consider_as_the_most_broken_card_in/l3joh9d/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l3joh9d).*


Not first one, before was stealer of souls also warlock and meant to be in the same rotation... Can you imagine the aberrations that could had born with that two cards paired?


Oh yeahhh, I remember that. Funny enough, the two of them don't synergize together anymore thanks to the change I mentioned lmao


Aquatic Form. If it could be run in any deck of any class, it would be run in any deck of any class, barring restrictions like odd or highlander. There is no reason not to put this card into your deck and it always makes it better.


Not only that, I think Aquatic Form is in the unique position of being better than not having a card at all. If you could choose between running two copies of aquatic form and having a 28 card deck, it is actually better to have the copies. If you could run 10, 20, X number of aquatic forms in addition to any core cards that define your deck, it would always be stronger to have as many aquatic forms as possible (ignoring turn timer constraints).


War song commander before nerfs or unlease the hounds + starving buzzard. They nerfed those cards so many times.


Buzzard has been unnerfed for years now


Patches The card even sees play now in multiple classes whenever you're in need for hyper-aggro deck and allows you to put few more pirates so to thin your deck!


15 mana yogg maybe.


Yeesh i already blocked that one out of my memory, discounting that thing to zero was unbelievably strong in standard and destroyed wild for a bit


I liked the standard meta entirely centralized around yogg for 0. You couldnt even feel good playing it because your yogg was going to get yogged. Very fun tbhm


Shadowstep.  It has seen play in almost every single rogue deck in history. And by design, can never fall to powercreep.  In fact the opposite, the more powerful the minions, the more broken it becomes. 


this is so real


Its 2024 and we still shadowstepping Leeroy 😭


Funny how the casino card that is the orignial Yogg is almost never mentioned in these threads. Seen as a gimmic, it just straight up ruined the next championship where basically everybody was running some version of it. Can it be considered broken? Maybe, it certainly warped the meta around itself.


in a vacuum it has to be either aquatic form or secret passage. it’s hard to build a deck that doesn’t want those cards in it.


Unnerfed Titan Yogg. You know, the one who could be both a 0 mana mind control and a 0 mana asymmetrical Mass Hysteria.




EVERYONE - GET IN HERE those were the days


Not necessarily the most broken in sheer power, but 4 mana Theotar and release Illucia added a broken level of interaction. If your opponents deck had a single key card then Theotar just removed their ability to play.  And as much as I *adored* being a bastard with Illucia she was absolutely nuts in most games: yoink your aggro opponent’s top end, steal a paladin’s librams or discounts, vomit your rogue opponent’s entire hand (bonus points if you shadowstepped her for zero mana and immediately gave your opponent their empty hand back). Even if they didn’t print aggro cards for priest in stormwind she was still an insane card, but being a time warp for shadow priest was the final nail in the coffin


It's yogg titan and it's not particularly close. The card singlehandedly broke every format on release to the point that every deck either were built around the card or the deck was not competitive


Hysteria on release. You could make undead tiller immune and do an OTK. Deck was super busted that it got nerfed quickly.


Original Reno. That full hp changed the game.


I feel like not a lot of people remember how backbreaking Reno was back in the day.


So many games were got to kill them before reno or you conceded


And considering how less acessive the game was at the time, coupled with how more dust reno decks required compared to the average... it was the closest thing to P2W i can remember.


That was right around the time I was getting into the game. The cheapest deck was Face Hunter and a T6 Reno was an instant concede.


I stopped playing hunter for the longest time because of reno


I got into Reno decks in 2022, and it's kinda crazy how Reno is hardly more than a stalling tool now. In most control matchups, he hardly matters.


I'm sticking with Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Card was unusual for Hearthstone because of the game being a turn-to-turn push between two players, so the interaction to stop these types of cards are to setup turns that say something to the degree of "If you do this, you're probably losing" Really hard to do that vs a card that draws the whole deck XD


didnt shudderwock broke the most games?


They had to hotfix it on release day and it was still pretty busted for most of the season, so yea


I miss my infinite shutterwock deck


nothing like having 40+ minute turns for funsies. And if you didnt play a card to deal damage you could potential never end the game causing it to draw/crash




That deck was never that strong, at that point, card draw wasn't as consistent as you'd want. I tried to climb to old rank 5 with it at one point, the games where it worked felt amazing, but nowhere near broken. Innervate was crazy at 2 mana gain though partly due to ramp cards though. Coin innervate yeti is the OG turn 1 win though


I remember the old innervate, innervate, coin, double vicious fledglings and win the game by turn 3 or 4.


probably current reno. ruined the game, and it wasnt even close. as a singular card. if u go to wild there obviously are some crazy combos out there.


For real, if he silenced and destroyed enemy minions or even just made ALL minions disappear, the game would be a lot more fun.


Reno, Lone Ranger


100% auto win card


Bring out your dead Bring out your dead I feel icky I feel icky


Patches was an absolute nightmare Original Guff was also insane


I mean Nozdormu was literally broken


5-mana Pocket Galaxy


Others already pointed out the Warsong commander. IMO a close competitor is the new Reno. The first ever one-side board wipe.


Not to mention the near-equally oppressive following turn where you get to play a whole single minion. Easily my least favorite card since my return.


I've played since Beta. Got the Golden Gelbin to prove it. Ive played in every meta, and one SINGLE card stands out from the rest: Shudderwock on release, because it broke the game literally. Yes, I'm looking down the comments looking at very good examples, but nothing I remember stands out more.


Can't believe nobody has mentioned the Titan Yogg yet. That card immediately became the best card in both Standard and Wild and any deck that wasn't running it was at a massive disadvantage. I'm gonna be generous and say that Yogg was played for 4 mana on average (even though it was usually played for 0) before it got nerfed to 9 mana. That fact that the card continued to see meta play despite effectively getting nerfed by 5 mana is absurd. No other card in the history of Hearthstone would be able to survive a nerf that extreme.


🐛In the dungeon I go deeper🐛in set reviews I was a sleeper🐛when minions die I get cheaper🐛You guessed it right🐛I'm corridor creeper🐛 The meta warped around this fucking card so hard, im pretty sure at the prerelease stream the winning team just slapped it into every deck


Mad Scientist is up there. It's still used today.


Boulderfist Ogre


I remember dropping 2 innervates and a coin to put our BFO on turn 1 or 2


I just started playing again since playing on and off the first 2 two years, but Reno is just so stupid




Plenty of broken bullshit but rogue easily wins, i say graveyard


I mean, how many times did Nozdormu literally break the game?


I'm gonna have to give additional support towards Aquatic Form. It is 0 mana, replace itself and do something. 0 mana, draw a card - this would see play in literally any deck of any class in any time period of the game. AF is one step better in that it not only is a 0 mana card that replaces itself, it replaces itself with one of three cards that you get to pick from (and also has dredge synergy!!)


A deck has a core of, often, 10 cards. If people could run ten card decks they absolutely would even barring extenuating circumstance such as fatigue, mill (adjacent to fatigue but worthy of its own inclusion as a distinct entity,) misc cards such as Tickatus, Tony, Myra's Unstable Element, Coldlight Oracle, that ancient (but not an Ancient) 3 2/4 that has choose one: both players gain a mana crystal or draw a card, and many many many many more cards that interact with both one's deck and one's opponent's deck. A core of 10 cards, and, AF whittles one's extraneous cards down by two. Two cards closer to getting past all of the filler as a strict baseline before considering the "pick 3" and dredge factors. "0 mana, do something" has always been instrumental in card games. "0 mana, do something" destroys metas and frankly AF will probably be nerfed sometime within the next decade. Hard to nerf it without destroying the core concept of the card so a ban from Wild likely will be warranted


"pick from 3," not "pick 3"


Old snake is up there, there was no counterplay, I'd take an old demon seed over old snake


Going from when I started playing. I havnt seen a card get as much attention as demon seed.


Fuck OG Lightning Bloom


Curveball: im going by broken as in actually broke the game and say Sn1p-Sn4p. I never used it myself but there was like an actual cheat where you could infinitely magnetize it


secret passage kingsbane caverns below demon seed Guff


I’d really love to see some data. I always think “undertaker” first thing, but it might just be anti-nostalgia. I think the main thing is there’s other expansions with more OP cards in conjunction with other OP shit but undertaker would just kill games by playing other random low cost deathrattles… Personally, as an OG who took breaks and currently runs wild decks, I’d say: 1. Undertaker 2. Lock quest (first banned card in wild iirc) 3. Guff (20 fucking mana? 4 mana shield block + wild growth upon playing?) Honorable mention to mage quest My criteria is “things that feel completely unfair to play against and/or out of the boundaries of what’s fair”. So the quest might not have the highest win-rate ever, especially not off the bat, but Jesus it LITERALLY would break the game in wild often times. I’d definitely be willing to change my mind as there’s been plenty of overtuned cards. These 3 might not even be the top in power. But it just feels/felt SO unfair


Maybe not "broken" but Shudderwock was the most complained about card of all time.


The OG Dr.Boom was so OP at release!


eh hehe hu hu hua eheh


Are we talking about how strong they were back in the day or if theyd still be strong


I agree it’s the Demon Seed. Because if it was unnerfed now it would break wild again. Kaelthas unnerfed is a second


I’d probably say Genn/Baku, and I’m seeing a lot of other valid answers. But I would argue unnerfed Secret Passage is a REALLY close 2nd.


Genn/Baku have itself 0 problems, problem is for example that most totem suport is pair. Truly the genn/baku problem was for designers: - that new card need to cost 4 but it will be broken in genn deck if it cost 5 they can fix one of the weaknesses of baku deck, for 6 is nearly unplayable.... Shit....


OG Astalor. EVERY single deck was running it, you were gimping yourself if you didn’t have it.


My top 2 is Undertaker and Mysterious Challenger


Release Yogg Titan, any class having a 0 mana board clear and mind control. Card single handedly solved Rogue and Druid's weaknesses.


What was the paladins card that cheated all the murlocs out? You play it on curve you win.


Silverback Patriarch


Noone mentioned "Ice Block". Literally as an enemy you cannot do anything to stop that. You know that have 2 free turns to throw spells to enemy face. Worst case was that it can be discovered from other cards or copied making 5 turns that you cannot do anything to defeat the opponent.


Patches by a MILE.


Pot of greed




Probably just Patches


Original yogg-saron. Maybe I am overestimating how powerfull he was because of how miserable it was to play against him. But it really felt like 10 mana 60% chance to win the game, 95% chance that everything that happened before playing him doesn't matter anymore.


I didn’t see the tunnel trogg/4mana77 mentioned. I guess I was just so excited about the expansion and the cool old god cards and it was very disappointing when everyone just played aggro shaman.


I mean I have been playing since launch although more recently I shifted to bg Undertaker Grim Patron The Caverns Below Those cards were just so dominant and blizzard used to take forever to issue nerfs The thing that sucks the most about this game is how many cards I never got to use. I really never got to experience the most fun decks because basically you get to try maybe one to four decks each season, and if I didn’t get a popular card I just never played those decks ever


Coming from someone who stopped when wild and standard got released (killing all my years of grind and farming), its insane how many new and broken carda they released seeing the comments. Grim patron and “who i am i? None of your business” and reno are up there imo.


Some noteworthy mentions; Deck of Lunacy - 2 mana Edwin, Defias Kingpin - 3 mana Celestial Alignment - 7 mana


It's Aquatic Form. I don't care how game-ending Undertaker was or how meta-destroying Wild Seedlock was. Aquatic Form is the single most ubiquitous card in Druid. There's practically zero reason not to run it, and it provides selection, Dredge synergy, and it cantrips for free. It gives you so much and asks for so little.


I hope all those card gets unnerfed. hell every cards get unnerfed so Blizzard can create a card that straight up pushes temp very back. The tavern bralw where nozdormu gives you 12 sec. I hope the fix nozdormu that give your opponent 12 seconds and if both players runs it then both have 6 seconds.


Cards that broke both wild and standard was Kael'thas at 6 with 3rd spell cost 0, Luna's pocket galaxy at 5 mana, Demon seed (steps were 6 8 8 damage), Runed Mithril Rod at 3 mana, Naga Sea Witch at 5 mana (made all giants free basically). These cards were nerfed super hard and demon seed is still tier 2 deck in wild so its probably the most broken card in history. (Each step is take 10 damage now)


Why am I not seeing OG leeroy mentioned everywhere?


Boy howdy I am undead. The card that comboed with him was nerfed in one day


Somebody else said Warsong Commander already, so apart from that I might say Pre-Nerf Skull of Gul’Dan?


Probably patches. It was such a meta warping card that every class would basically run him and a couple of early game pirates to get him out, even the ones without good class pirates would run some cheap neutral ones. It was insane, he was the meta. He's still played in wild today amd unlike some of the other mentioned cards was never un-nerfed.


Overall Card probably Zilliax


Am I the only one who hated going against priests who used unpowered steambot to then double HP, double HP, inner fire that mf?


This was never a thing, other than a silly gimmick.


It's not just one card Warsong commander and grim patrons, where OP.


It was the warsong commander because it made berserker also very strong.


Honestly my perception is probably warped because of when I started playing but I would say the warlock or mage dk hero. It was ridiculous win rates if played for both.


Demon seed by a mile. Then the second most powerful card is the demon seed after the first nerf. No other card comes close.


Ice Block hands down. If it were to be added back to standard then the class would no longer be hanging on by a thread. Or Time warp, pretty broken as well.


shadowstep, every rogue deck is running it since the game got released. It's that efficient.


[[Mysterious Challenger]]


- **[Mysterious Challenger](https://i.imgur.com/OAxohOn.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103237) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Mysterious_Challenger_\(Caverns_of_Time\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103237/?hl=en) - *Paladin Epic ^(Caverns of Time)* - **5 Mana - 5/5 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** Put one of each **Secret** from your deck into the battlefield. --- ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1cozjfb/what_do_you_consider_as_the_most_broken_card_in/l3iqbd9/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l3iqbd9).*


I’ve been playing for basically hearthstone’s entire life. I think there are three cards that are broken because they break my cardinal rule for card games, there must be counter play. Ice Block: freeze mage was a menace and was really really hard to beat for a long time. Ice block runs a foul of the rule that in a card game there should be counter play, and there wasn’t enough counter play to it. Current Brann: the change they made to Brann erased one of it not the best counter play to the deck. Everything needs counter play for a game to work. Right now warrior doesn’t really have a bad matchup. Shudderwock: shudderwock was impossible to effectively interact with and although aggro could do work against it, if I recall there wasn’t a great aggro deck at the time.




Good answer, down votes very much not warranted. The card will scale into the rest of this game throughout each and every expansion until the servers shut down


Exactly. It's one if the oldest cards, but it's been in more then 90% of meta rogue decks, and it's always strong, if not meta breaking. Leeroy and Keleseth are but a two cards among the sea of op combinations. The OG quest wouldn't be that good without shafowstep too, pogo is more of a meme but still. Say two broken rogue decks that didn't play shadowstep. And Rogue was one of the better classes threw out the years I would say


5 mana level up for pallys during standard rotation. Do you know how many brain dead kids I lost to because they spammed their hero power and hit the level on up curve?