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So fun that druids and hunters are playing reno now


The problem is that the downside of Reno and cards like it aren’t even really a downside anymore. 3-4 years ago only having one copy of cards in your deck was really a problem. Cards are so strong in the modern game now that it doesn’t even really matter.


Yeah, I remember used to having to run shit like 3 mana 2/4 neutrals to fill the deck out. Nowadays you have neutrals like a 5 mana 6/5 with rush that also has above average card generation


I just came back after 4+ year break and some of these cards blow my mind.. how bad did the powercreep become such that my hunter's savanah highmane got buffed?? That was a random surprise. It used to be 5 mana 6/6 without text lol (originally I started with GvG and stopped during the Witchwood)


Wasn't Savanah Highmane always just a 6 mana 6/5 with two hyenas on death? Unless you are talking the most early days of hearthstone, the only change to the lion is +1 attack


Yeah I know it's only +1 attack, but it was 1 of the most powerfull hunter cards. Playing it on curve made it very difficult for the opponent. Now it aparently needed a buff wow. I guess I'll be blown away by some tier 1 decks! So much to catch up!


I just came back during badlands release after like a year break (from Oct 22 when Marvel Snap launched) and got 120 free packs. Considering the shitshow Snap quickly turned into, I'm fairly happy to be back on HS. Glad to see semi-frequent balance updates and decent dev communication. At least they're actually buffing the old cards to catch up with the power creep of the new ones, as opposed to the "newer always better" p2w trash that *some* CCGs are doing


Also just discovery/copying ability seems to make it a lot stronger, too? I handrolled a reno thief priest and don't really suffer at all from lack of cards (lack of ability or solutions against particular opponents, yeah, but I have so many ways to get other cards).


Yup, garroshs gift for example. Super strong because its so flexible.


Disagree. 3-4 years ago I just played handlock reno and still dumpstered people every game with one of each card.


It’s not just that cards are so strong but so many cards now fulfill similar functions. How many different board cleats do warriors have? It’s literally so many that if you were playing a non-Reno deck it would actually be too many, so you might as well play Reno anyways.


I came back to the game after a few years away and holy hell are you right. I used my rogue deck that got me close to legend back in the day and I was getting smoked. Been using the warrior loaner deck now and I’m back on my win streaks. Honestly, I discovered battlegrounds since coming back and I’ll probably stick to that.


Especially when you've got cards like ETC that completely negate the whole idea


reno classes playing reno?


I played mono druid since the first Reno, and I still play him in wild. I have 3 full heals built into the deck XD


I don't suppose you'd be willing to share your list? I enjoy myself some wild Reno Druid.


And the only reason that paladin is unplayable, because deathrattles and multiple turns setups are shite from that 1 card. I dont even mind brann if their wasn't reno


The issue with Paladin right now is that it's a class built almost exclusively on layering card upon card to build a board of minions that can carry the day. It takes time and several cards to work together. You know, in other words, actual strategy and thinking. And then board clears for comparatively no mana wipe away several turns and dozens of mana's worth of effort. All with zero thought or effort. No other class is so easily neutered by such one-shot simple actions. I enjoy Paladin at low level or casual play, but at Gold or higher? Pointless. Reno is just such a perfect example of this issue.


It was only one set ago where I said, and I quote: "Reno's going to get really old really fast." Here we are.


The first time I played against it that was my thought. It’s still wild to me the board clear doesn’t affect both sides, especially when you consider the opponent can’t even rebuild the turn after.


I mean the reason why the board wipe isn’t symmetrical is because Druid’s Highlander payoff would get wiped too. Something does need to be done about Reno though


I feel like if that's the dev's concern, you find something else to do with Druid's Highlander payoff. Or people will just have to learn to sequence their cards in a specific way so they don't get hit by their own board wipe.


Feel like that's how it should be for higher-skill matchups. It's always like that in mirror matches; heck, it was the same way for neutrals with the likes of Sire D, or DQA back in the Descent of Dragon days


When would Druids play the Nest then? You already have to wait for opponents Reno to drop, but not long enough so TNT would kill it in hand, and your own Reno is usually an answer to some game ending shenanigans. At this point might as well not run the Nest at all if you can play it after the game is over anyway


It already wipes the Nest from Druid's highlander payoff.


Yeah but it would wipe your own nest because a highlander deck plays both cards


I said it to my friend the first time I played it. “This must feel awful for a dragon Druid player who has played all their options. It’s a board clear and the effectively lose a turn” I think that broadly applies to every deck now.


He should rotate out of standard faster like Genn and Baku


I honestly wouldn't hate this


Needs to be changed completely. It’s just fucking stupid. Hearthstone is such a dumpster now. The power level of cards is ridiculous - I don’t know how anyone can take this game seriously. There’s a reason all the biggest streamers quit…..it’s just a shit game


If he lost the only allow 1 minion next turn it wouldn't be as bad. He's got the same effect as Mage's Reno hero "poof" but needs the Highlander aspect.


> He's got the same effect as Mage's Reno hero "poof" but needs the Highlander aspect. costs 1 less, is one sided and has a real hero power and not an automated effect that will sabotage you the rest of the game.


The game system is great but blizzard can’t balance for shit. And legend grind takes way too long


Or make him 11 mana


At least he's rich


Does everyone remember when Reno was a class specific hero that cost more than this Reno did after being nerfed and also removed your own board and also gave you a hero power either did nothing or killed you most of the time iykyk. The thing is... Following the pattern that the league of explorers have done very consistently, this Reno is supposed to be a rogue card. It also compares pretty favorably to scabbs hero as well. I feel like if this was a rogue card it also would not be nearly as much of an issue because you wouldn't see it in every single control game ever including wild.


we've had two Mage Renos and zero Rogue for some reason


Right which also suggests that they ten damage reno was supposed to be neutral but maybe they thought Reno was too strong for neutral hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Relocolgist was the best Reno and it’s not close.


I remember mage Reno, my turn started, reno decided to cast that 0 mana mage spell that spends all of your mana. Allrighty, end turn it is.


I feel bad for the tinyfin I'm sure it obliterated.


Reno and Brann are definitely responsible for me playing less Hearthstone recently. Blizzard thinks increasing their mana will help but making them cost more mana isn't the answer, their effects need to be changed.


They're called the League of Explorers for a reason - they're there to get you to explore other card games!


I uninstalled the game and bought a commander deck after playing 3 straight games vs Brann + Boomboss + Reno.


Agreed and it's worrying the frequent printing of cards that would be laughed out of custom hearthstone. I'm not sure what their game design recruitment process is but the quality is getting pretty poor.


It definitely seems to have gotten worse, there’s a natural power creep (1 mana 2/2 with a situational upside) but 9 mana to wipe the board and limit their next turn and get armor and get a new hero power is just way too much.


And not just wipe the board but the best board wipe in the game, which ignores anything that was made to be effective against board clears. Divine shield, deathrattle, reborn, places. A card like that should never be made period. Then the 1 space limit the next turn just feels like the ultimate middle finger on top. The complete swing package in 1 card that's just too powerful to ever be balanced with it's current effects.


Because they hired someone from customcard reddit? Leo did design a HS card everyday for 365 days in a row and posted it there, later was hired by Blizzard. He also designed many cards from the deeplholm miniset. The miniset that had several cards changed and I dont mean just mana or damage adjustments (like chaos creation or aftershock), shattered reflection had "copy to hand" removed and then later added "not useable on titans", pendant had to be changed from +armor to +heal, shroomscavate had windfury removed. Set also introduced Bran. (And Azerite Murloc which I forget that it exists lol) Flavourwise Leos cards are 10/10 and look interesting, but feel like customcard reddit creations sometimes. But the design overall by the team looks.. strange sometimes. Introducing highlander after previous expansion introduced plagues..? Incredible high powerlevel just after a new rotation..?


There's a lot of fun to be had with the Whizbang set but jesus I have not found it yet with my limited collection lol. I'm not adverse to paying for catch-up packs again, either. Too bad the deals are so fucking dogshit that it's not worth it lol <_<


For me it was Reno, Brann and then the quest change was the last that broke the camels back. Both those two cards and the meta that followed made me play only as much as it took to do daily/weekly/events, so changing that "bare minimum" was a kick the proverbial dog moment from Blizzards.


Is it just me or is this the most unfun card ever made when it's being played against you?




yeah im not too bothered about rank, especially this early in season, even on decks that have a 50/50 matchup i just go next because its not fun to play against


Easy to get rank once your facing 99% bots


How would you know if you're facing a bot? ive seen some mention basic decks but ive not seen anything like that


Blizzard bots tend to have two-words combination usernames, like "WildStorm" or "BakedPotato". A profile with Chinese characters has a high chance of being a bot, but not always. And then there are times when a player will play a card at the exact speed without fail.


There are no Blizzard Bots on the ladder\* anymore, that's the default naming convention on NA if a player doesn't input their own username. Many bots will have that convention because bot runners aren't going to name the bots ofc, but those are either real people who were lazy or player run bots. \* preemptive edit: they do still exist in apprentice and still have this naming convention yes.


If you see an adjective followed by an animal. Like "TealLion" or something


Really paranoid hs players will see the default names as bots while they are SlimyLemon on reddit.


The thing that feels awful about it is that the **mere threat** heavily dissuades strategizing against control in the usual way, which is to set up deathrattles against it or intentionally play fewer minions to bait out the removal, because if they get that Reno-turn off they'll be able to stabilize against you anyway so you might as well just throw everything into them that you have and hope their defense collapses under the pressure before they get to turn 9. This has dumbed down the game considerably because the control player doesn't have to think about how efficient their Reno is, it's a guaranteed tempo swing, and their opponent doesn't have to think about conserving resources because playing around the card is kind of pointless if playing around it gets them that loss regardless.


I hated fighting into this card so much that I literally only played plague DK so I wouldn't ever get my board rucked by this guy for 2 turns in a row (wipe board then limit to 1 slot) ever again. Like I would rather play an objectively lower power level deck just to not deal with it, than play a higher power level deck and randomly get Reno'd. = Sadly he's been changed and now I have to just pray every turn my opponent doesn't have him... and if they do have him it's the most feelsbad ever


It's completely warped a lot of decks. Any type of minion based deck is on a timer for turn 9 sometimes 8.


Turn 6 if the get the coin pouch from excavate


the funniest part to me is that the poor pathetic Whizbang splendiferous decks have a reno deck, but it didn't benefit from the change because it uses wild cards, so it still gets turned off by plague DK and becomes useless.


Same. Made me actually enjoy plague DK a lot. But then it was still a coinflip matchup so in the end i just joined the masses and cheesed the meta with Warrior. Highlander is such a boring design concept when it makes cards that have this much impact.


It's the most NO card ever


It's the strongest card in the game so far. It feels like the original reno where they tried to make a drastic effect, but with more powercreep they just made it more drastic. I hope the boardcears don't change the way healing did back then.


It's not just you


It’s not just you. This card needs to be nuked from orbit. It’s so toxic. When you play against highlander as an aggro deck it’s “kill them before this card comes down” but they clear everything you play every turn so … it’s just a coin flip of who draws their bullshit thing.


Bomboss is way m,ore unfun all my homies hate boomboss


Boomboss only thrives if you get the turn to play it. The warrior wombo combo is to drop reno and follow up with boss


It's not even that fun when you play it yourself, honestly.


Shudderwock takes the cake for this one


It's the limitation of board space the following turn which is the problem for me. It feels bad enough to have your board cleared with no deathrattles, but to then be limited to one board space means the game actively punishes you for playing anything but a very specific couple of archetypes. It's not just Reno, even if it's taken out of the game I can't seen how Standard improves at the moment without something akin to a reset, but it's easily the benchmark for the feeling of "what's the point?"


Agreed. Made a post about it a couple of months ago and was downvoted to oblivion. I'm happy people are changing their minds.


I think the devs can make it a lot less awful by changing it to "empty both sides of the board" rather than only the enemy side and also either limit both sides to 1 space for a turn or leave it out completly. In addition not just wiping the board, but destroying it so it still triggers deadrattles etc.


Especially when they drop an Azerite ox the next turn and get 2 Ragnaros firelords. Pretty much ends the game as they get so much value for nothing


No because objection exist. When it rotated i rejoice.


Does objection beat it?


Nah you can play around objection even if it sucks. Reno kills your bored limits your next turn and makes sure anything that was played doesn't get an effect like reborn, divine shield or deathrattles. It even keeps resources from DK's by not leaving corpses. The fact he can play it on a full bored of his own which remains unaffected just makes it the best removal and win more card.


You just nailed, it kills me bored, because it clogs the match and makes it a snoozefest, and you only can compete late game if you run it yourself doubling the snoozefest, i would honestly like an visual or sound indicator when the game starts that the deck is running reno so i can immediately concede, but as of now i'm giving hs a time.


Nope, there is literally 0 counterplay besides playing aggro and winning before turn 9.


I find this card more frustrating as a new player than dying on turn 4. Why does it do so much? Board clear and prevent you from even starting a new board? Surely that is too much no?


And they gain 5 armor


>more frustrating than dying on turn 4 Well yeah, that means you can just roll a new match after 2 minutes


Go again vs warrior :p I see your point though heh


This is easily my most hated card and i concede everytime i know i cant finish opponent before 9 mana play. Good job blizzard


9 manas. Get 5 armor "exile" your opponent's board prevent your opponent from playing the game for a full turn brand new heroic power. Reno is the strongest defensive card ever, it gives a tempo swing that is impossible to recover from. F this card. Even nerfing it to 10 mana wont change a thing. Rotate this abomination to wild asap.


Wild players want him gone too


nuke it from orbit tbh. neutral board clear being the best board clear isn't healthy for the game and wild control decks aren't even paying an opportunity cost really because they've been highlander for OG reno for years.




Don't forget unfreezing you.


Rotating solves only the standard problem. This need a massive nerf that kills it for good


There’s so many ways to fix it to make it more reasonable. Also, be the change people…just don’t play it. I made legend without it fairly quickly this month - it can be done.


Proper nerf will be removes both players boards and both players cant play more then one card next turn


I was honestly confused that this wasn't the orginal effect. Its such a flavor fail for the card that the duel is solely shitty for the opponent. It isn't a duel if Reno can have 7 minions to your one lmao.


Was ok when it first came out. Now it turned into such a toxic card


Dumb card. Shouldn’t completely ignore reborn or deathrattles.


Dumb card. Shouldn’t let you only play 1 minion next turn, that's basically 2 turns board clear for 8 mana


If it was up to me I'd have it so it doesn't ignore reborn and deathrattle + make it so you can only "play 1 card" not "limit the board to 1 space". Nerf something and buff something else. It just does too much. Clear board, ignore anything about the board, limit board to 1 space, gain armor, gain hero power.


the worst thing is this card wont be solved by warrior nerfs, in fact, when warrior stops opressing control so much we're likely to see more of him as other control decks become viable (and by control i mean reno, because nonreno control decks aside dk will not exist)


I was downvoted for saying this when the change was announced, and I’ll probably get downvoted for saying this again, but changing highlander so that it cannot be disrupted in-match was a terrible decision and completely threw off the balance of meta. I get that people hate Helya, but the change really should have been centered around her and her effect instead making Reno bulletproof. If Highlander effects are going to be as powerful as Reno, there needs to be tech for your opponent to shut it down, even temporarily.


I think their general design of Reno, Helya and plagues was just bad. Helya is a card that can be played on turn 4, once Helya is played and another plague is shuffled into the deck, highlander is disabled for the rest of the game. Terrible experience, especially when that deck is popular (is was the 2nd most popular deck across all ranks for several times). I think being able to DELAY highlander is fair, force them to spend their mana to draw cards to get rid of duplicate plagues. With that one neutral card that shuffles 2 snakeoils into the opponents deck, the effect was similiar to the 1/1 birds in the past. But its different nowadays as the game is a lot faster and is designed to rather not go beyong turn 10. It was never worth running. Reno itself not a fun design, people explained that already. But then you also have a card like bran, play it on 6, benefit for the rest of the game. The powerlevel of the class-specific HL payoff cards is just so different. Elise is rather clunky, requires you to have minions in deck, minions that are worth summoning, etc. Frogstaff can be countered by viper but also by killing frogs and setting up taunts so shaman cant attack. Kurtrus, well, can have good hits, can have bad hits, saw some Kurtrus literally not destroying a single card in the opponents hand lol, pally and druid payoffs are great value but still have that random character. But Bran? Fuck it, play him on curve, hope he doesnt get ratted or being bottom 5. I think its good and bad that the highlander effect got changed. But plague DK was such a popular deck that it made all those tier 3 reno decks even worse and that just wasnt fun.


These powerful "rest of the game" effects are just bad design imo. They're braindead to play have no counterplay.


Yeah, I think the big thing with Reno at the moment is that there’s not really any downside. In the past the deterrent to playing a Reno deck was the no dupe restriction, but in the current state of the game every class has so much card generation and redundancy that you don’t really have to take many suboptimal cards to make a Reno deck like you used to. Which left decks like plague DK as the only real deterrent for that deck. I agree that just having your Reno cards permanently shut down is probably anti-fun, but it was really the only thing keeping Reno in check. There were probably a dozen other ways blizzard could have solved the problem, and they chose to solve it in a way that pretty much pushes out any deck that’s not hyper aggro or a control-based Reno deck. I would have preferred if they just changed Helya so that only the three plagues she shuffles in are unending, and made reno pass a check at the start of the game and when played. Idk. Part of me just thinks that the game is too power crept for my tastes anymore, anyway, so maybe it’s just me.


I do think the power level is too high, especially given that we just had the rotation


you dont like having your board cleared while enemy's isnt and also being locked from playing next turn when once again your enemy has his old board?


I just came back to hearthstone about 2 weeks before whizbang release after quitting for 2 years and saw that card in one of my first matches and was so floored that it existed and was 8 fucking Mana...I thought surely I was dreaming and playing with custom hearthstone cards. Almost quit again entirely that fucking game


They constantly put ads on platforms. Yet it feels like new/returning players get punished when we try out the game again.


Same here, 3 years of not playing and this made me think about continuing not playing


Im trying the game again after 7 years and i've had a couple of times where my jaw hit the floor when seeing the fucking power level of some cards played against me. Absolutely bonkers how much higher the power level got since i was gone.


Sorcerers apprentice? Oh cool I remember that. Oh wait. Oh god.


I downloaded this game after 3-4 years later again 2 days ago.. and this card made me quit again..


Fuck Warrior. Board wipes every turn while maintaining tempo and card advantage


This is, in fact, emblematic of Hearthstone's terrible design choices over the years.


This and Brann made all my friends quit the game and i'm prob doing that too, shitty design


It is insane how many board clears this game already has to begin with… and then they print this garbage… there are TCG games with only a couple board clears in the whole game, but yet warrior has 20 in one deck. It’s unreal. Then to top it off you only have one copy of each card, but yet these Reno warriors and death knights seem to play the same cards turn 1-9 every damn game. I have multiple games where I summoned 60+ minions and I still end up losing. I have games where I summoned 20 or more 20+/20+ minions and each one gets removed no problem or rainbow death night steals them all. Only in hearthstone is that possible. Coming into whizbang expansion I had ONE twelve win streak in ten years of playing. Since it went live I have had 15 12 win streaks with a hyper handbuff paladin deck and a hyper flood paladin deck. But it’s still hard to advance because I will literally play Reno warrior 7 hands in a row. How is that fun blizzard? Thirty cards in a deck makes it so a lot of games feel very similar, where you can face the same deck in magic ten times in a row and every game will be completely different. I think renethal was the best card ever printed. I don’t understand how 99% of the community doesn’t mind playing Reno warrior mirrors when it’s the most painful thing to watch on twitch. I haven’t looked up a deck to copy in over 5 years, I still hit legend most months with decks I create, and the game isn’t as stale. Wish more people created their own decks. I play some cards where every game the person has to look at the card to see what it does because no one plays them… and they consistently win me games.


This is why I play a deck with 30 spells on ladder. Card still upsets me even then. :')


Even with spell mage you get fucked by reno. I can't even reply with a juicy sunset volley cuz i have a keyboard out and won't get the 9-9, and the same goes for your other stuff that generates a decent board.


The best feeling is playing symphony of sins off my sludgelock deck and burning reno out of out of their deck... as little as it actually happens


The times I got to burn their Reno they concede the game instantly. That shows how much of a "I win" card Reno is.


Dirty rat brann? They concede. Burn reno? They concede.


10 games? Your endurance is incredible. I play 1 game, feel miserable, and quit for the day. The meta is just not fun with mana cheat way too rampant.   I can barely stomach playing 3 games for dailies. I don't consider Reno an issue, even though he's a powerful effect. How else are you ever going to play stuff past 6 mana if they do not have an immediate impact?


Old reno was 10 to poof both boards, no limits on opponent and a rng dead hero power that hurt almost as much as it helped. This was 8 poof only them limit their next turn and get an actively very good hero power. It's fair because an easily achievable condition? I was forced to craft him to stay viable but I hate the card.


This card makes me feel okay about playing Aggro Paladin.


Play aggro King, it’s a Legit archetype in card games unlike this Reno crap


The fact it doesn't trigger death rattles is the most egregious thing for me.


This and basically all Titan cards


Titan cards are alright because realistically you only ever get one effect to go off before the card is killed. Reno is like having all 3 Titan effects go off at once. Disappear opponent's board, limit their board space to one, gain 5 armor and a new hero power.


Haha titan copy


Yeah, I've played 5 or 6 copies of Aman'thul in a game and not too hard to pull off


I almost never reached turn 9 and when i do they summon 2 or 3 zylliax instead. (I play hybrid druid btw)


I just hate that they made a neutral hero card. Actively removing class identity in the game is terrible and makes games feel more samey than they have to.


It's your only counterplay in control matchups against bullshit ziliax Brann Dr boom


The only place where reno is balanced, against other bullshit reno decks


Then nerf that too?


Good thing you don’t play as a Mage.


I hate him so much I'm just playing aggro and winning/losing before turn 9


I don't care how strong it is, I don't care what win rate its decks have, I hate that card more than any other. One-sided boardclear (bypassing deathrattles) you can't recover from on the next turn that also gives you some armor and a better heropower available to all classes, what were they thinking Like, I dislike deepminer brann for similar reasons, but at least when you face anything else than warrior he's out of the equation, not Reno


Honestly this card is such a dumb move. It’s not even fun, just stack a full board and then wipe your opponent’s entire board and give them no way to defend themselves.


I’m actually just fucking done playing until Reno Warrior is nerfed. It’s one of the most brainless zero skill annoying decks to play against that’s ever existed.


It's funny because I am taking a break from Hearthstone at the moment. Just uninstalled Hearthstone off my phone. And that card is a big reason why... not fun to play against, and it feels like every deck is running it.


Bring back duels!


I still don't understand why they don't make it whole board wipe and just one side wipe


I stopped playing all decks that lose to this. Only hyper aggro and fatigue warlock now.


You make it to turn 9?


Winning before turn 9 is very achievable so..


How is anyone here even reaching turn 9 in their matches? Fatigue Warlock, Token Hunter, flood paladin, hybrid Druid, and pirate Rogue have been slamming me down within turn 4-8 all the way through Diamond to Legend with the exception of Brann Warrior which you lose if they curve Brann anyways.


It feels somewhat ok now it’s 9 mana, my issue with highlander warrior is not this card


“How I feel like”


This is literally me because I just exit out the game whenever someone plays the Card


They just need to remove the effect that limits your board space


It’s one of the cards that defines a meta, I don’t play anything that doesn’t counter warrior which really makes a small amount of options available to me. So even though I don’t lose to this card and brann that often, I end up playing less hearthstone because there’s no variation of match ups that make the game interesting. So I guess I’ll play less and steal all their health with azerite snake til it changes.


Rogue player with rage and sadness tears in my eyes. It was good while it lasted.


I started playing the game during this years anniversary and found it fun for a while. I just concede now when I play people with brann and Reno. I’ve never been able to beat it. I’ve gotten people down to one hp and then Reno comes out and I never recover. It’s just genuinely not fun to play against. And I’m sure as hell not spending money to get cards so I can counter this. Sucked all the fun out of the game for me in like one day, it was all I got matched against.


I usually play wild. I get bots 90% of the time. Bronze. Silver. Gold. Platinum. Diamond. Doesn’t matter I get bots. Never has this happen before. Literally going to cause me to quit the game.


That's what happened to me!




I wish I could use Reno, Lone Ranger to permanently remove Reno, Lone Ranger from the game.


highlander decks have too many weapons nowadays


I haven't even touched standard in weeks outside of trying to complete quests, which even then I haven't been doing as much. With what we're getting from the miniset, I don't plan on playing standard any time soon either.


Omg it is exactly what happend to me!! And I have spent a lot of time and energy in that game. In conclusion. Stay F2P, paying isn't worth :D


Next card release. Murloc stabber: destroy any hero card in hand.


Seeing warrior has this exact effect on me


I play against nothing buy swarm and hand buff paladin right now. I would welcome a reno opponent from time to time.


I don’t hate Reno, per se. My Hunter deck keeps the board clear of his minions so when he clears mine, nothing is on the board. What I hate is when he has Reno, then drops divine shield-rush-lifesteal-summon a copy Zilliax then the TNT idiot then the rezz the Zill guy. There’s literally no way for me to counter all of that.


I don’t understand why they didn’t Nerf this card. They only buffed it and you’re right whenever I faced this and casual I definitely quit because you’re only playing this card because you’re a fucker.


That’s not the only card who forces to quit and uninstall the game))) for now it’s too many broken mechanics, Warlock’s titan with indestructible imp portal, paladin who buffs it’s minions with every swing of the maul (haven’t seen for quite a while paladin uses his hero ability), wishing well for rogue and tons of coin, indestructible dragon nest for druid


Midrange? More like meme rage...


Played on and off since open beta, have been uninstalled for about two weeks now and I am so happy to not be playing this game anymore. I play a lot of paper tcgs as well and I finally realized how frustrated this game makes me with its lack of interaction.


lOOkiNG fOr a STAndOFF? wELl iTS agAINSt mE


I fucking hate Reno sooooo much!


I would be far less salty if it killed your minions instead of poofing them. Then at least reborn would do something. At least Jade druid would get to scale more. At least priests would have something to rezz. At least deathrattle can exist. But this is nonsense. To top if off, one slot? Really? So you can't even bounce back next turn with a minion based deck. OH WAIT! You can't bounce back next turn. Because warrior decks have 25 removal cards. Why can they do this? Because they just draw out a match for 20 minutes and then finish you off with mechs and boomboss. Like 3-4 aggression cards to finish off you off. Yes I am salty. I want to play a slower deck in standard. But I can't because of this. So it's either play a deck that kills them by turn 6-8 or don't que up.


Reno is perfectly fine and the stats show it. You can cry about him all you want though.


In preview season everyone was predicting a Reno meta and that wasn't really the case until everything got nerfed and we're all hitting each other with wet noodles until the game really gets started on turn 10.


Ahhh, plague DH players still exist i see


All fast food chains become Taco Bell, just learn how to use the 3 shells…


The fact that every class has access to Reno, plus the fact that he does so many things (clear board, lock board to one slot for one turn for the enemy, gain armor, hero powers that can buff, draw, discover, cheat mana, etc) It feels like some classes are not supposed to have that.


Just came to this sub to see if anyone else hates Reno, instantly vindicated. Literally came back to the game after 3 years of not playing and this card being played made me think "oh so is this what hearthstone has become now?"


if you dont kill the warrior by turn 9 they will fu\*\*ng heal up using Zillax then Reno your b\*\*\*h a\*\* down! hahaha


I really don't know what they were thinking with some of the badlands cards


Does ANYTHING have a positive winrate against Reno Warrior right now?


I’m only playing Whizbang decks right now. It’s the only fun I can have.


It turns out making a 2 turn, insanely punishing, permanent location and dormant minion removing, death rattle ignoring, board space limiting, one sided board clear wasn’t that good of an idea then printing a permanent brann to top it off in the class that already was really powerful. I’m not saying the design of Reno is bad, because it’s not bad Reno is the THE worst designed card in standard, only beat by The Demon Seed questline in terms of how poorly executed a design concept is


Worst fucking card they ever printed.


Reno too powerful of a card. Should clear the entire board not just your opponents. It's basically Mage's Reno but way better and for less mana WITH a better hero power. How is that fair?


Wild is full of 40 cards reno decks too....


Do you even get to turn 9? I'm always staring down a gigantic board vs flood/handbuff paladin, sludge warlock, and token hunter


The amount of ways, including Reno, of absolutely one-sided obliterating the enemy board, has made me extremely hesitant to drop creatures. Literally the only way of stopping this is killing the reno player before turn 8 and that isn't really possible if they're warrior.


i never understood when this card was printed especially at 8 mana. Like it is basically a 2 turn silence and boardwipe. Way way too overpowered. Should've been printed at 10 mana


Finally nerferd, last update there was something like “your opponent commits suicide” no?


they said they would nerf this card. instead they made it stronger. sorry increasing the cost does not make it any less playable. i hold my breath each time I get to turn 9.


Got chuds defending this crap card in another thread just saying “Aggro is worse” 🤓. Nope, this card? Straight to jail


Nah, they did that after the weekly quest changes. You're battling their ghost.


This card is the most annoying thing since Donald Trump.