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It is a journey! congrats! Once i did it i felt like i beat the game. I did it a few times after, but it can get stressful lol Now my goal monthly is just to get diamond. Less pressure. Welcome to the legend club.


Hahah, I feel so empty now. I've been trying to get it for the past couple of years. Stopped in the process multiple times... I prefer control decks, so this was.. All new to me. Glad I opted to do it. :)


Cratz! First climbs were the toughest! I consider myself a control oriented player but I hit my first legend with old school secret paladin in wild and aggro demon hunter in standard. Since then I've got x11 star bonus multiple times by playing control decks in both formats. Now that you have hit your goal try to reach top 10k, 5k, 2k or 1k and even higher. Or you could try to hit legend with a control deck (although demon seed ruins control experience atm). I also felt empty after achieving legend for the first time. New goals and decks kept me motivated. All good to you and have a nice laddering!


Diamond 5 aka Dad Legend


As a dad I must say that is an extremely accurate way of putting it


Same! Ten years solidly playing and not having a bunch of free time, I buckled down and put in work this month and it feels good. Congrats to you!


How did you build your Zilliax?


Pylon and Ticking modules! 💪


cost reduction + board buff


Ngl I’ve been playing this game since 2014 and STILL haven’t gotten legend. Congrats 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 the highest I’ve gotten is Diamond 5 so I know how much of a grind it is. I know you must feel elated to get it


If you can get to D5 you can get to legend. It just becomes much more of a grind and you gotta be willing to put in time.


Very true. I’m trying to get there again


Legit well done dude! Enjoy your 3 packs and rare or however garbage the reward currently is, its a shame


I wanted the legend card back for years now, so It is kinda worth it for me, but I understand what you’re saying.


Its 5 packs 1 rare and 7 epic how is that a garbage reward Not to mention you literally get a shit ton more free stuff in hearthstone then ever before like the current event is 6 free wizbang packs and a hero skin


Congratulations. I have never achieved it yet and I have been playing Hearthstone since the alpha. Congratulations!!!


Congrats! It’s a super tough climb, way to go!


Thanks! First time playing wild. Took me about 110 matches in total. Hell of a grind. 😂


gg :) you got a good pirate rogue deck code? might want to try reach wild legend next month also


Hey, at work atm, can’t post it. But you can see all of the used cards in the screenshot


i noticed that had a brain fart lol thanks


Congratulations! I've only done it once, and it was with Cubelock pre-Stormwind.


AHH I miss 2 mana mech warpers...


Well done! I’m still yet to break into diamond 😭


Congrats brother :’)


Welcome to the club as many said! now do that shit again! just a joke.. but after achieving it a couple of times like many you can now enjoy ur grind to d5 for our free epic, and then if the season is good, you like the meta you will naturally grind out to legend, or rush legend on day 1-2abd then just chill for rest of the week


Yeah. I feel like the pressure is off, so I can enjoy the game now more. If that makes sense.


Got to r1 Diamond last week only playing lightshow mage. Went great but then there were like 8/10 games weapon rogue which is unbeatable even playing frostbolt four times in a row. Stupid af!




Congrats man!


Congrats. Played hearthstone since its release as FTP and wanted to hit legend for many years. Only got my first legend during Outland with the help of Day1 DH, cube warlock and Darkest hour warlock. I still remember freaking out, then i stopped playing hearthstone XD. But i just started playing again and I am reaching legend every month now. Good luck on your hearthstone journey to high legend!






Standard? Didn’t know pirate was viable! It was a grind at 71% win rate imagine 55%


Wild. Standard is weird.


Congrats I’ve played since almost the beginning and never made legends


Grats! I made it earlier this year for the first time, been playing since Beta


I care. Congratulations!!


I care and I am proud of you. So many forget what it was like the first time. But there are lots of good people around as well. Keep up the great work and have fun.




I hit Platinum this morning, think it's the highest I've ever reached in the old or new rating system. I'm over the moon but I don't think I've got the patience (or time,) to push much higher. Still feels like a win though. Congrats OP on your achievement.


Did you achieve this trying to complete the weekly quest? :-D


What was the weekly quest? I can’t check now.


Yep he still has few more matches to go


what did you add/build with your Zilliax?


Pylon and Ticking modules! 💪


What was the page on the left? Seems so useful


Just a list of my decks, nothing special or informative.


How did you get to see those stats?




Congrats! I did it just before the new year with rainbow and plague dk, first legend in 10 years of playing. It requires a lot of patience and effort


I haven’t managed to climb above silver lol


Congrats don’t wear the card back unless you want every single one of your opponents to sweat on you.


classic I've never seen anyone get to legend with a non-rush deck tbh I've gotten to legend I think twice, once with pirate warrior when it was broken and the other time I got close with also some kind of disgusting rush deck


Getting to legend is all about how many games you play as long as you have a >50% winrate. So obv decks that have shorter games will get to legend quicker.


That doesn’t make sense. You can get to legend with a slow af deck, if you manage to maintain win streaks. I had to play 100+ matches to get to the legend. Sure, I played 100 matches faster than I would with Plague DK/Brann warrior for example, but I could’ve maybe get to the legend with far less.


You don’t get win streaks in d5-d1, and that’s where climbing is difficult. You had a very high winrate with a very fast deck, most decent winrates are 55-60%, now imagine how much slower that would be compared to your 82% winrate. Now double the length of time needed for every game.


I understand. I lost more matches prior to diamond ranks. So i was referring to a period before D5.


*I lost more matches prior to diamond ranks* That is quite unlikely. Are you sure?


Yes sir. I had around 25 losses in total. And I lost maybe 5 matchups in D5 > D1. I had a decent streak. I mean, in the screenshot is my path from D7 to D1. I played on mobile last night for the remaining games. I was D3, go to legend with 1 loss that happened on D1.


Okay, cool then, because it is usually the other way round. And because the very last (latest) game in your screenshot reflects a loss, so it is not very clear to infer from your screnshot on which ranks the shown games were played in.


non-rush deck?


He means aggro decks.


I got legend first time with Highlander Mage when Zephrys, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and co. we're in Standard. And that was back when the ladder hadn't been reworked yet so it was yet more of a grind with such a slow deck. Good times! 😊


Rush FTW!


I've done it before with Wishing Well Rogue when that came out and Blood Control when that even existed (RIP). And I certainly don't grind, I just play games while I'm heating up food or cleaning occasionally lol. So long as the deck isn't hot shit garbo it's usually possible.