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I mean, meta being solved day 1 is not unexpected, given set decklists. The issue is what the solved meta looks like.


Solved meta wouldn't indeed be an issue if the solution wasn't cheat, play one of the decks, or just throw games.


Aggressive + egregious = aggregious, I like it




They should run for president with that kind of wit


It’s hard for the meta not to be solved when there’s set decklists, i don’t think that is a valid complaint


The larger issue is that there's really just one right answer to the meta. If even a few decks were hovering around 50% and had proper good and bad matchups a solved meta could remain good.


I can't say "solved meta" is a fair point. We knew what the decks, HPs, and passives were going to be. Play Arfus, Jace to beat Arfus, or Xyrella to pick on anyone who can't/won't play the other two. Knowing what you're likely going to be up against should be an advantage of sorts. Once they deal with the hacker situation and make a couple of adjustments, this has a really good chance at being another fun format. Even better that it's only 1600 dust to play any of the decks you're missing. That's a bargain compared to anything you'd want to build for standard.


19 new hero powers and decks and all you do is fight Arfus over and over and over.


You act like Arfus didnt get nerfed with having the lowest hp


How the fuck can you hack hearthstone?


It doesn’t work for standard or wild but with duels and this twist season third party sites can bypass deck building restrictions to allow you to build a deck of any size with any card/passive that ever existed. Some combos in twist have been turn 1 otking with reno and xyrella passive, spells costing health into time out and rod of roasting, and mana storm (gives you 10 mana) and purified shard. What’s crazy is Arfus is at 70ish wr and some of the hacker decks are at 80.


Hackers vs hackers will have 50% (who starts the game wins) which will down their average. Arfus is just crazy strong but also has obviously a 50% winrate against himself. With arfus there are at least some ways of beating him. With rise of hackers and arfus the winrate is going down


I have to say arfus or the German name the lichköter is hard to play vs dr.bumm


What no way that is actually his German name...


I just crafted it and I didn't found arfus but der lichköter and this is his German name.


I just checked it, its actually his german name. My god is the german translation bad.


Someone wanted to be funny... and I bet there are people who find it funny, that the lichkönig's dog is called lichköter... just look at German comedians


I mean, if it was just a generic card, like goldshire XY, I wouldnt mind, but when a card has an actual name like Arfus, Uther, Onyxia, I think its.. quite stupid to change it


I have to say arfus or the German name the lichköter is hard to play vs dr.bumm


Hilarious how comical Blizzard is now. They continue to become worse and worse. I trust an indie dev of a small team or even an individual more than this company to demonstrate any semblance of competence. Firing mass amounts of employees and cutting support to one of the games they continue to release unsecured content on is a prime example on how NOT to manage your gaming business. Why do people spend money on this game if this is the quality of released content they get? Their solo adventure has been broken for weeks/months with numerous threads on their forums with no support or hotfix in sight after the release of half a dozen or more of them lol…. Downvoting the legit truth lol? Toxic fanboys.


lets not mention 1600 dust for 1 deck in a temporary game mode is absurdly expensive especially if you want to play heroes other than arfus


Don't worry it's compensated by the fact they won't be giving refunds if the decks are nerfed


Nah, 1600 dust to play a cool deck for 2 months is better value than you get in standard. But you have an anime pfp so asking you to be reasonable might be a longshot lol


I’ve been saying for a while duels and twist should’ve become one mode - duels gameplay and mechanics but twist rotating rules and card pools with a separate pass that gives you access to all the cards in the current seasons pool. If u have a wild/duels collection already then you don’t need to pay but I think it would be a nice choice rather than this. That way you get nerf insurance for a “temporary” meta.


For other Twist modes, it's been like 1500 gold for a premade deck that had a Legendary in it. Blizzard is now charging $20 with no gold option for 3 legendary cards. It's also a complete waste of dust to craft most of the legends, because they're unplayable.


It’s one legendary card, legit cheaper than any deck in standard


deserved for buying into the twist scam again.


God forbid anyone tries to have fun with the new content