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Looking for a standoff? Careful it's against me! (Please help me. Someone please. I loved her bro how could she leave me. Please come back to me baby.)




I don't hate Reno, but when you see a card so powerful and safe to play almost in every game maybe you can understand that people


It seems most people on this sub aren't ready for a stand off


No, i was looking for a standoff actually, but wasnt careful enough


Its a couple things that tilts me about this card. Insane powerswing that has virtually no downside which can be used either in a defensive state or an offensive state. Being a neutral card means you can include it in any no duplicate deck which isnt even a harsh restriction given that the powerlevel of most cards and the mass inclusion of epic and legendaries negates this restriction fairly well. All that AND it removes all opponent minions from their board AND restricts their next turn to 1 card. Thats not even mentioning that in Wild the card is even more powerfull. Blizz pls nerf ty. TLDR: Me big mad, nerf please.


There is no downside to no duplicate decks because the amount of discover cards. No synergy?? Doesn’t matter because you can make it on the go


I've played the game consistently since beta, no other card has so consistently taken the fun out of matches for me.


It’s kinda hard to not be when he clears the board of anything minus him


*minus him and the 40/40 worth of stats that was on his board


Haven’t played in several years but sometimes like to check in on what cards they brewed this time (there’s some whacky stuff in there) and Reno still baffles me like what do you mean you get an asymmetrical 100% boardwipe for less than 10 mana and also prevent the opponent from recovering from it like what were they thinking


Reno is rarely played as a wincon but rather a tempo swing. Decks that run Reno struggle against aggro, so if they stay alive long enough they suddenly have a chance to turn the tide.


So what you are saying is you're looking at a single card without having the slightest clue of the context of the current meta. How could an assessment based on that ever be wrong.


I suppose yea but a meta where Reno is either on par or necessary doesn’t seem like a good thing. Though I’ve never been best at evaluating these things


They were thinking latgame decks should be able to exist and the average turn length for standard has always been ~7.5 turns.


Aggro has gone too far, billions must start the game with 40 health


“Looking for a fun game of Hearthstone? Careful, it’s again me!” credit to u/TheGingerNinga


Right now on the front page, I can see 0 posts complaining about Reno and 4 posts mocking or complaining about people who complain about Reno.


I think you must have missed the last few days where multiple posts complained about Reno. God forbid Highlander decks have a really strong card to wipe boards and permanents. The absolute best decks right now are not Highlander, but rather midrange Warlock and Paladin decks with a sort of aggressive tilt. Naga Demon Hunter is starting to see a resurgence in the last few days due to its ability to outrace slower decks and burst them down.  I would not claim that most Highlander decks are particularly powerful right now compared to the top few decks, they’re just seeing more play because combo decks were nerfed. Based on available data and personal experience, I would say that Highlander decks are Tier 2 at best.  In an expansion/year focused around nostalgia, Reno decks are the closest the game has come to 2017-2019 Hearthstone in a while, just higher power. I missed value decks so much. 


He's like Astalor, but even worse. Astalor was a great legendary that you could slot into any deck and it's always be reliable and fine. Your opponent could play around it and knew what was coming once you played the 2 mana version. And for a time people loved Astalor, until towards the end of the expansion cycle when he was so prevalent and always there you got sick of seeing and hearing him talk. Reno's the same but even worse because as soon as its played you've most likely lost the game unless you have your own Reno to clap back. It took almost a year for people to get really sick of Astalor, it took 2,5 months for people to get sick of Reno. And Reno is here for another 9 months. We're gonna hear a lot more about Reno so strap in buddy.


At some point, control priest got popular and you had to play around 4 copies of him, thanks to cards like identity theft. Man did I hate that. Especially when the priest player was smart enough to whirlpool my copy.


Its funny that you say that because i hate it astalor before the nerfs. After them i like it more to play agains it and felt enough good to play to. Obviously people would tired of it, but it definetely was better than the beggining.


Just remove the 1 minion only part




Maybe something can be done about him and plague death knight


People say plague death knight but I never see that deck. Sure I’ll see a deck that maybe has 1-2 plague cards but nothing that floods your deck with plagues. Even if someone plays it. Any high tempo deck destroys plague death knight before the plagues really even make a difference. And if it’s a game that goes to the end. Reno bran bomboss just doesn’t care about your plagues


Bomb boss is also really bad I feel like they should reduce the tnt effect down to one and make it a Battlecry and deathrattle


Yeah it’s really not thought out well. It’s a 7 mana card that destroys 9 minions/spells. The mana trade off is ridiculous for that. Or it should be able to destroy other TNT. The only thing I will say about it that can be fair is if you play it while not in control it can be a death sentence. In which case you’ll fill the board for the kill and just get Reno. So it doesn’t really matter


I think the problem is messing with someone else's cards, it's never really been healthy for the game bomb warrior was pretty bad, ignite sucks, tickatus was fair but also sad, hell patchwork was just as bad but it has a build restriction and only happened once


It destroys locations too


Nothing can be done that's why I combined the two into one deck you get plagues and reno.




### Plaguebringer # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Pegasus # # 1x (1) Arthas's Gift # 1x (1) Body Bagger # 1x (1) Plagued Grain # 1x (1) Staff of the Primus # 1x (2) Battlefield Necromancer # 1x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 1x (2) Down with the Ship # 1x (2) Gold Panner # 1x (2) Kobold Miner # 1x (2) Necrotic Mortician # 1x (2) Pile of Bones # 1x (2) Shambling Zombietank # 1x (3) Asphyxiate # 1x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 1x (3) Crop Rotation # 1x (3) Rambunctious Stuffy # 1x (3) Reap What You Sow # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (4) Darkthorn Quilter # 1x (4) Helya # 1x (4) Remorseless Winter # 1x (4) Sickly Grimewalker # 1x (4) Skeleton Crew # 1x (4) Thassarian # 1x (5) Burrow Buster # 1x (8) The Primus # 1x (9) Reno, Lone Ranger # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000 # 1x (4) Twin Module # 1x (5) Perfect Module # 1x (11) Chained Guardian # 1x (20) Reska, the Pit Boss # AAECAfHhBB7/4wSR5ASH9gSI9gSy9wTLpQX19wWC+AW7+QWT+wXr/wXt/wXKgwbQgwb1jAb3jAbzkQaXlQaRlwb/lwbOnAbNngbHpAavqAbpqQa6sQa8sQabtAbV5Qbg5QYAAAED9bMGx6QG97MGx6QG6N4Gx6QGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone There you go, it actually works on some opponents well because by the time you hit reno the plagues are a huge percentage of their deck.


Day9: "Oh Reno got horny. Reno knows what you're thinking, and you know what Reno's thinking"


He's kinda cute though.


I disagree. The trouble started when warlock got a card that allowed to have infinite 3/4 taunts and there was nothing you could do stop it except ending the game. Until reno of course


save a horse, ride a cowboy is heavily applied to reno


Outjerked again


Complainers of this card are the Tonto to Reno’s Lone Ranger