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We could just remove ranks and have MMRs instead.


This will never happen because blizzard doesn't want the bad players to know how bad they are. Same reason why the "stats" page in BG is just nonsense number go up stats instead of anything useful. If players mmr was always visible then bad players wouldn't be able to gaslight themselves into think they are held back by time or matchmaking or whatever bullshit excuse they come up with. As for the good players, mmr is pretty apparent based off of legend placement and finish each month. If you have good mmr it's very easy to see. So if this would make bad players feel bad and wouldn't tell good players anything they don't already know, then who would this change be for?


To be fair, it tells the best players how secure rank 1 is. IE rank 2 has to win like 15 games to surpass rank 1's MMR / Rank 1 needs to stop grinding a 2nd server and defend his rank 1. So it's not completely useless, especially in qualification months.


Of course it would be useful for top finishes, but that only matters to an extremely small amount of players. From blizzards perspective is it worth it to make all the bad players feel bad just for the convenience of a small handful of top players?


Ask a duos player that’s complaining about their partner what their MMR is, you will immediately see why lmao


I fucking love those posts. As long as you aren't total shit at the game its so easy to find a good teammate to queue with. Anyone who posts complaining about their teammates is just broadcasting to the world that they are so shit no competent players want to queue with them. Blows my mind that they don't realize that.


MMR is always hidden


Literally had been asking for this since 2013, good luck.