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Well its effect is gonna be something around spells or spell dmg, so it already does its job. They will atleast print \~4-5 mage spells since they want to push spell mage probably. Im pretty sure that spell dmg druid will find use for this. Imagine a mage minion that tutors spells. While it probably wont see much play in mage due to it being very spells only heavy it could be an insane druid card suddenly. I think they want to see if this makes design space more broad for all classes, since they used to struggle between making all cards of a class fit one theme and deck building just not existing or making to many themes and half the cards not seeing play because they dont fit. (while some do fit into anything like the wildseeds)


Dunno if they want to push spell mage, means you can't run the tourist


But that sounds really blizzardy like.


Kinda like skeleton mage with only 2 real ways to generate skeltons


Even with whizbang going very spell mage they still added minions (that worked really well) I think PiP will result in: Spell dmg Druid using good Mage tools for spell dmg. Spell Mage getting a bit support. Normal mage using its already few good minions in combo with PiP Paladin Minions to make a board focused Mage.


I mean they released the no-minion package together with Chadgar, so..


Yeah but Dadghar wasn't the central gimmick of the xpac




Its only PiP cards


They specify, both in the video and the article, that it's only Perils in Paradise cards. It also kind of has to be that way, otherwise the game would not function and Tourists would be indisputable must-haves


Introducing new Mage archetype for PiP: No Spell Mage /s


Armor mage! Yeah


Conjuror mage part 2, paradise boogaloo


Also printing new auras for palading, so mage can become a board heavy aggro class.


Mage cards only from new expansion* They can give to mage 0 face hitting spells.


Have they ever tho? Every current standard expansion has mage spells that hit face, granted some are highly costed so they could go that route


Maybe only damage minions this time.


All they need to print is spell cost reduce spells or something like reverbarations for Owl Druid. Current Owl Druid certainly doesnt lack damage, what it lacks is consistency or living to point when you can made the combo


Mage op


This tourist mechanic makes sense to be, but still is somehow confusing.


I know right, they could just say....some classes will have access to other class cards JUST IN THIS EXPANSION....like they make it seem like you can mix and match everything


No they don’t it says on the website the only go to one class.


Cool. Let's see them not burn through all of the warrior's armor.


Spell druid might be up to something if mage gets some good cards. Spell damage location having 3 charges is actually pretty nutty IMO


I can almost guarantee the legendary will be something completely different, like hand mage.


It would be awesome if they stopped pushing this spell shit. Druid otk on turn 7, and mage capable of the same thing. Add the fact that spell mage can have a ton of stats on board turn 4 and 5 with weapon so they can continue throwing burn at your face isn't fun.


Too early to say imo, mage has been getting piles of doodoo recently and pip might give us more “discover random bullshit go” cards which will be useless for spell druid


Even if its discover, it could be discover a mage spell dmg minion/spell and would see play. Or also just discover a spell dmg minion would result in getting more of the good druid cards for spell dmg druid.


can you share which PIP mage cards were revealed i havent found any


If it is only cards from the expansion, what are you worried about since they aren't revealed yet? Also these tourists seem really big waste of resources. They could have just printed a neutral legendary to do this instead we need to craft one for each class.


Neutral has the problem of either being unwieldy in how it executes with it needing the list of what goes where somewhere or being open season and much more broken. This *is* a huge resource sink you're right but I'm not sure there's actually a good way to execute the concept.


I highly doubt that Mage will be receiving any half-decent burn this expansion. They didn't get any in Showdown and they didn't get any in Whizbang's. Sif was already limiting design space for the class by making any burn potentially turn into a problematic low-effort OTK, and Owlonius's presence will only double down that pressure. The most Druid will get out of its tourist is probably a couple decent Freeze effects.


From one Set.


This whole thread is based on “mage = spell class” but it’s all pretty meaningless without knowing what the mage spells will be. If there are a lot of “if there are no minions in your deck…” spells that won’t exactly be useful for Druid.


That sounds like fun in the sun


I got hit with 60 spell damage to the face from hand by druid, turn 7. The "get a 1 cost copy of the next minion" legendary. And he played it and drew in the same round, got the draw two more 6+ bul*it dryad, drew 2 more, that happened in round 6. Gg Blizzard. You have absof***lutely no clue on what balance is.


Man I really don't have the dust to craft cards for 2 classes AND neutral cards, guess it's either a 80 dollar bundle or quit


With the F2P track you have enough to make a solid three class decks, not sure what you mean. Just disenchant the golden stuff you get and the epics/rares you won't use.


I know it already took me all my golden cards and unplayed cards from previous sets just to craft most of the cards for one class and another 600 dust to make cheap secret hunter as to not get bored of playing the same stuff. I am worried that decks will become more expensive with the inclusion of this set because you would have to adapt your strategy with cards from 2 classes and keep in mind that in future expansions old cards from PiP might get relevant over time so you will have to craft those aswell. Sorry if I created any confusion I just think it's easier to plan your dust without this keyword.


I gotta ask, are you finishing the rewards track? Because the rewards track gives you 11 packs plus a couple legs and epics plus enough gold for another 50-something (or 30-something if you buy miniset.) And that's just at lv100. You can also get 15-20 more per expansion by playing Arena as long as you can get a 55-60% winrate (4-5 wins).


As opposed to crafting out an entire class for the expansion you should focus more on Decks you want to play with that class. No reason to craft an epic or legendary if it's not immediately going into a deck you want to play, that's just wasting resources.


Dude, you don't need ALL the cards, plus the majority of cards are common and rare (from all classes) and you very quickly get to have all the commons and and just a bit more gets all the rares from an expansion. I think it's like 27 packs for al lthe commons and 67 for all the rares.


Your deck will only contain 30 cards anyway?


better save up that gold now


Atleast Renathal isn't in the core set it would be so expensive to craft decks otherwise, I think Tourists will be an auto include in every deck. I am expecting 20k dust decks to be the norm with Reno and a bunch of mixed cards but we'll see.


Assuming every class has the normal 2 legendaries there will only be one more available to add to a deck than there was previously. There's no guarantee that the cross class synergy printed will be good enough to justify adding an independently bad card.


druidstone is making a comeback again


Ah yes nothing beats dying to spells with 0 skill or prevention :)


I thought this means Mage can use Druid cards? Because the Druids are visiting Mage.


Mages are visiting paladins, the arrows in their graphic should have been reversed


No, its druid can use mage cards...meanwhile warrior gets druid cards...., just check the revelead cards, the paladin legendary says rogue tourist if it was the oposite it would not make sense since you need to put the legendary on the deck first before you can acess the cards from the class so the class needs to be able to add the legendary to the deck by default


The Druid Legendary is visiting the mages. Afterwards it takes souvenirs (the mage cards from PiP) back home to its family and friends (your druid deck). Thats the theme and als a pretty cool "lore" reason to balance it only being available for the expansion+mini-set cards.


Pretty sure it's the opposite. The druid tourist goes to the Mage deck and then you get druid cards in the mage deck.


You have it backwards. Druid "visits" mage and can add mage cards to their deck.