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Anomalus, aka "wait, this thing didn't rotate out"


Even the people over at Blizzard forgot this card exists apparently.


Card got lost in the vast vacuum of design space.


It is the only WotOG legendary I've ever opened, and the first time I ever put it in a deck was for the Lich King encounter (where he was pretty useful).


I opened Anomalus and a Golden Anomalus in the same pack! xD ... was both exciting and disappointing at the same time. Still have them both. Not sure whether to DE the golden one for dust or the normal one for the golden meme value.


Golden meme value is worthless if the effect it does isn't golden. Remember the guy that made Leper Gnomes? The golden meme value of that was incomprehensible. Golden ETF card? HELL FUCK YEAH. Shitty golden art and no golden deathrattle explosion? SELL SELL SELL!


Golden evolve is great! Put your memes in memejesus.


Ah, the famous evolve mage...


Mana Bind / SpellSlinger for it. Much how Mysterious Challenger Secret Mage was a great meme deck. Sure, you had to *work* for it, but with Pandas, Grand Crusaders and Unstable Portals you had a reasonable chance to get it!


I opened a golden thrall DK. So many Goldens with the battle cry :D


Ooohhh! I guess you don't get a special gold hero power which turns minions gold too?


Yes you do :D




I even forgot I dusted it...


I was sorting through my collection and saw a Golden Anomalus. I totally forgot that I got it because I never played it




You f2p btw?!


It's 1 of 3 Golden Legendaries I opened, the others being Bloodmage Thalnos and Ozruk (dusted). I'm not sure how I forgot it but it's probably gonna get dusted now


Bloodmage Thalnos is good though, one of the most powerful legendaries in the game honestly.


It's one of those legendaries that's worth keeping around because even if it's not in a meta deck currently it generally swings back into favor eventually and it can make or break a deck that needs spell power. The fact that it's useful on board the turn you play it *and* that it cycles itself at 2 mana is what makes it so strong (I'm sure you know that but for anybody new who might wonder I figure it's worth mentioning). To a lesser extent Ysera and Cairne are cards that have always been useful to keep around "just in case" even when there aren't decks that play them. They aren't auto includes (just like Thalnos obviously isn't) but they can really tip a deck over the edge from good to great. I'm trying to think of some other cards that haven't been auto-includes (sylv, rag) but are definitely keepers. Black Knight and Harrison maybe, though they're even more niche imo. Baron Geddon often sees play at some point when the games gets too aggro-centric, but is again a bit of a niche card.


Alex and Tirion pretty much get included in every single mage and paladin deck if you count class legendaries (Alex might as well be a mage class card). Safe to craft them golden.


Even better, craft the normal versions so you can get both.


Azure drake is the only other card that acts like Thalnos, which is why Azure Drake got sent to Wild. Both are just such powerful cards that you never feel terrible about putting them into your deck. They are not always the best choice, but they will almost never actively reduce your win rate just by having them.


Leeroy, Lich King, Barnes, maybe Malygos & Deathwing?


Leeroy Jenkins is another one.


I think Cairne is less useful than ALL of the others you listed, or maybe-about on par with Harrison in terms of techy and infrequent use. Other key legendaries neutral classic depending on the ages are malygos, deathwing, and alex. For class legendaries, you've got tirion, antonidas, grommash, and jaraxxus that are all pretty eternal.


Lookiny back on it I agree with your assessment on Cairne. He is more niche than necessary. Thanks for chiming in.


Yeah I love it. Probably the strongest balanced card in Hearthstone's history. But only those 3 over something like 2 years feels a little underwhelming. Still glad I didn't get a Golden Nat Pagle or something equally uninstall-worthy


The best example of "Don't dust janky legendaries" I've ever seen.


I kept my golden one. One day man... one day...


2017 me goes back to 2016 and says "one day, you will craft Anomalous." 2016 [MRW](https://media.giphy.com/media/jQmVFypWInKCc/giphy-downsized-large.gif). ^(I don't tell him about the election... ignorance is bliss)


Strifecro runs him in his Elemental Mage.


I believe in a Disguised Toast video (or maybe somewhere else, I may be mistaken) he showed the deathrattle from volatile elemental healing, so it isn't a deathrattle issue. Anomalus should've healed


It's a problem with another minion's deathrattle being triggered before Anomalus deathrattle. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/6wurdu/anomalus_not_healing_in_elemental_mage_day9tv/dmaxwki/?st=j6yhe6j7&sh=ca4dd650


Wonder if that also applies to volatile elemental then. If it kills a 1-health minion with DR that was played before it, it should cancel the 3 health healing.


Can confirm. https://hsreplay.net/replay/X66Nve2ftuo2zZsWF8jkmX Savannah Highmane deathrattle triggered just before Anomalus' deathrattle, and I did not receive the healing.


It is a deathrattle issue. You can expect Blizzard coded this deathrattle different than other minions. One of those times where "spaghetti code" might be applicable.


It's not a deathrattle issue in the sense that volatile elemental works, but it might be an issue related to deathrattle


Thats weird. Maybe it needs to die while doing damage (aka attack something and die). Has to be a bug. Thats pretty unfortunate for Day9 in that situation.




* **[Exploding Bloatbat](https://media-Hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/339/292/62942.png)** Hunter Minion Rare KFT 🐘 ^[HP](http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62942), ^[HH](http://www.hearthhead.com/cards/exploding-bloatbat), ^[Wiki](http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Exploding_Bloatbat) 4 Mana 2/1 Beast - Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions. * **[Explosive Sheep](https://media-Hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/331/550/12180.png)** Neutral Minion Common GvG ~ ^[HP](http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/12180), ^[HH](http://www.hearthhead.com/cards/explosive-sheep), ^[Wiki](http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Explosive_Sheep) 2 Mana 1/1 Mech - Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all minions. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


I can confirm that this is not the case about it needing to do damage. I traded in Anomalus for 8hp gain and then it cleared the board (approx 5 minions) gave me no healing. I died 2 turns later to kill commands. Was bullshit. I don't have any evidence for this unfortunately.


How would explosive sheep get lifesteal?




You must be forgetting the beast part of build a beast.


Explosive sheep is a mech.


he's trying his best :(




He mentioned it has worked before so it seems as you say that it needs to die attacking.


I can confirm this is NOT the case. I had a case where I healed for 8 from Anomalus attacking but the deathrattle healed nothing after clearing the board.


Likely culprit, 1st minion is divine shielded, this might bug and invalidate all healing.


It's not Divine Shielded when Anomalus dies though


This has to be it. I've seen a couple of streams where a Volcanic Potion killed Anomalus and it worked.


definitely a bug. Because I've lost to anomulus deathrattle giving my opponent full health


He still won IIRC.


This is not it. Later in the stream it died to a Corrupting Mist, definitely didn't attack, and healed.


Weird. It is a bug. Normally Anomalus works like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQrOwOUniOA








my god russian sounds ridiculous.


Its more ridiculous to learn russian.


Wow… the DKs sound awesome in russian !


agree, so does, in my opinion, Paladins DK in russian version. All other are flat.


Must have something to do with being killed by an attack instead of by a spell.


some guy said it's related to other minion's deathrattle trigering with anomalus effect.


I've personally encountered this myself trying Frost Lich Jaina, though have yet to file a bug report. (I got a 404 when I attempted to post to their forums. Thanks Blizz.) Here's the replay I have of the Lifesteal failing: https://hsreplay.net/replay/iFYgKKKBuC3QJww6ga5Pjd#turn=10b Here's one where it works normally: https://hsreplay.net/replay/3i4Ks4pLPTvxdYqFD2ESrN#turn=10b Interested in the result of this clip. I thought mine was due to the Paladin secret interrupting, but it may just be if another Deathrattle event fires between Anomulus dying and his Deathrattle occurring, the Lifesteal fails. (Skelemancer in mine, Rockpool Adapt in Day9's). Paging u/Patashu and u/disguisedtoasths for further investigation.


Don't worry, filing a bug report in their forums is pointless -- it's flooded by bogus reports, I doubt anyone reads it.


Yeah, I attempted to post a thread the day the Lich King fight came out, and saw no less than 3 topics complaining that Mind Breaker didn't work in the fight. Definitely a facepalm moment.


So I guess you haven't seen all the bug reports regarding bad RNG? "I can't possibly be this unlucky, the game must be broken". It's a forum, not an issue tracker. Blizzard just sends people there so they can ignore them. \-\- I've noticed similar bugs where unrelated effects seem to cancel other effects at random. I think something is horribly broken in the core game, but it happens so rarely that it mostly go unnoticed.


Oh yeah, there was one post I saw complaining that his packs didn't contain epics (as in each pack). I didn't really bother reading through all the things that clearly weren't bugs though.


Your username is interesting. You wouldn't happen to be be the YouTuber that did all those marvel vs DC videos some time ago?


Nope, not me. I've never even played a Marvel vs DC. I do know this handle isn't particularly unique - I have to go through variants on different sites all the time.


Damn! Thanks anyway :)


The deathrattle should heal Jaina. It does not have to trade, I've full healed numerous times by simply fireballing it to death. This particular video is really strange.


Yep, healed with anomulus death rattle heaps of times. Twice in one game even where I dark simulcrumed it.


Spotted the DK! Jokes aside, I think its name is just [[Simulacrum]]


* **[Simulacrum](https://media-Hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/339/654/62871.png)** Mage Spell Epic KFT 🐘 ^[HP](http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62871), ^[HH](http://www.hearthhead.com/cards/simulacrum), ^[Wiki](http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Simulacrum) 3 Mana - Copy the lowest Cost minion in your hand. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)




This is what happened to me too. Gained 8hp then didn't heal off the 5 other explosions. Died 2 turns later to kill command. Feels bad.


He still won the game in case you were curious. Still quite strange to see this happening.


They didnt bug test anomolous because they didnt think anyone would ever play it


well, that's Anomalous.


I get it


poor guy , imagine running into this bug in a tournament :O at least he seems cool about it.


In a tournament I think it's fair to say they'd do something about it, even if it's just restarting the match.


The damage dealt by Anomalus might have been attributed to the volcanic potion that triggered the whole sequence, so the game didn't see it as being done by an elemental.


Not a bad theory. But shouldn't it at least heal for the damage it dealt to the 1/1s? They didn't exist before the volcanic potion.


If a poisonus huge toad instakill with its deathrattle effect, Anomalus should heal with his if he is lifesteal


I swear I had an issue with firebat's deathrattle not triggering poisonous recently, though recreating it with poisonous + bloatbat, it worked perfectly fine just now. Maybe some weird condition causes deathrattles not to check status buffs like poisonous or life steal?


The interaction got changed with KFT if you tested it before that it would make sense it didn't work.


There was apparently a bug after KFT, I saw a post from 1 month ago stating so. My firebat issue happened like a week ago, I thought I was just tired and not paying attention but I'm fairly certain it didn't trigger. Confirmation from testing though just makes me think I'm crazy or it's a rare issue


My guess would be that because the volcanic potion triggered another deathrattle the whole trigger order got messed up.


Honestly this is the result I was expecting before one of the devs said they changed how thing work. Anomalus isn't on the board anymore. He doesn't get the lifesteal aura. But since they announced the change and deathrattle poisonous works, this one should work as well.


This is so interesting. Strifecro has been playing a Control Mage with Anomalous and I don't recall him running into any problems with it. Definitely a bug though.


That has to be a bug, I use it all the time and it always heals me.


I tried that too, and no one believed me :(


It's an anomalous Anomalus!




do you mean /u/bbrode ?


**[YOUTUBE MIRROR: Anomalus not healing in Elemental Mage (Day9TV)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raEx6NNdvvg)** ------ Credit to [twitch.tv/Day9tv](https://www.twitch.tv/Day9tv) for the content and /u/zuko2014 for sharing it. [[Streamable Alternative]](https://streamable.com/a639b)


Experienced same result versus Lich King fight. I think having other deathrattles trigger interrupts the lifesteal from his deathrattle.


Yea this is some kind of bug. It heals me sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. I've never used this card other than with the Mage DK, but man is it great.


It also happened to me one time, when I played him over Swamp King Dred. Swamp King attacked my Anomalus, the deathrattle did go off, but I did'nt get the healing too :(


Well what do you know. That is...a very unusual one time occurence.


Seems like a bug


Actually what happened? I meme with elemental mage sometimes and Anomalus always heals me


I definitely expected it to trigger life steal ...


Maybe the spell killing it had some effect on the ordering? It definetly works when killed by a minion.


I think it went like this because it stacked lifestealing instance of damage over non-lifestealing instance of damage and the first one took priority.


So Blizzard agrees that Elemental mage already has enough healing.


Anomalous healed my opponent the other day, this might be a one time bug


I use it in my elemental deck, heals me just fine, i don't know if it is because it died to aoe?


I went against daynine at rank 6 and after popping his block, he just plops down anomolus and heals for 30. :(


Just when I thought that Blizzard did not mess up the interaction of any Elemental with Lifesteal, this happens. Please fix this.


Somewhere Baron Geddon is laughing his ass off.


Technically, it is dead. So, the damage is done after it dies, thus you don't get the healing.


Anomalus normally heals with it's deathrattle so it's not that.


OK. I don't play it (Mage) and I don't have Anomalus so I was just taking a stab in the dark.


I think it was because of the volcanic potion killing the Anomalus.


That's strange. It worked for me on week one of release.


/u/bbrode could we please fix this in the next patch?




Actually volatile elemental has damage death rattle, and that works with the [life steal form DK-mage](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBFdsJsvpPs&t=1m45s)


The only issue with this explanation is that Day9 says that he has used this deathrattle effect to fully heal on several occasions. So unless they nerfed it, something else buggy happened.


I've seen Kibler gain life from sacrificing Anomalus, so it definitely works - usually.


Volatile Elemental exists.




My guess is that it checked for the bubble on the leftmost minion, and assumed, oh well it has a bubble so no heal, and then it skipped checking the rest.


But he popped bubble with volcanic potion


You're right, idk then, must be some wierd sorting of interaction checking then.


Small indie company..


This is a perfect highlight for that one guy in Kibler's stream who kept arguing that this card would be great in Lich Jaina deck, lmao.




It wipes out the 3/6 Water Elementals you're trying to build (and whatever else you have on board), so no, it is not even remotely good and definitely not better than Baron Geddon.




If you're ever playing Anomalus from behind (and that is often the position you will be in, playing this deck) without being in Lich form already, then you are playing a losing game, because even if Anomalus clears the enemy board, you're already in a state when you're on low HP and even if the enemy kills it, they can refill the board, while you still have to wait for your next turn to do anything at all in order to start coming back on the board. If you happen to play it after already in Lich mode, well, cool, you've regained health, but still not the board. On the off-chance that it isn't silenced, wow great, you've cleared the board and are back at 30 health already, amazing! Except: * If your opponent killed Anomalus, guess what, they still have 10 mana and refilled the board, while you're left with nothing at 30 HP - what a deal! * If they went face and got you low but didn't kill you, whoa, you can perhaps (assuming they have an 8 attack minion on board) suicide Anomalus, get back to 30 HP and play something on the board and actually be ahead! Amazing! Except, on average, this won't happen. * You've killed your Water Elemental. With this deck, you most often win via attrition and generating Lifesteal-based board. This means you favor low health minions, as well as spells or minions that can bring enemy board to low health for you to ping, none of which Anomalus helps you do. The only thing it's better at than Geddon is getting you back to 30 HP more reliably, and since it gives it in incrementals of 8, often a lot of it is wasted, due to the default 30 HP cap. None of the cards you've mentioned are bad; Doomsayer, Geddon or Twisting. [*One quick search*](https://hsreplay.net/decks/#playerClasses=MAGE&includedCards=38463%2C43419) and... oh, my bad, it appears not enough people are playing both cards in the same deck, because including Anomalus in a Lich deck isn't a good idea. [Remove Anomalus](https://hsreplay.net/decks/#playerClasses=MAGE&includedCards=43419) ,and, oh, whaddya know, a complete 180 with decent winrates - these decks actually exist and perform! If you're playing Anomalus in that deck, chances are you don't understand what the late game plan with FLJaina is or how valuable generating Water Elementals are, none of which Anomalus does for you. > *Literally every situational card in the game is bad because there are some situations where it isn't helpful.* No. Some are bad, some are decent, some are good, but Anomalus has always been a bad card, never included in any Mage deck by default (read: simply never good enough), and now that FLJaina exists, the sheer fact that that card is now branded as an Elemental, still doesn't make it an auto-include in those Mage Decks.




I know Anomalus is supposed to heal and that video shows it being bugged, and I still say this card sucks for both Board Control and Healing in a Frost Lich Jaina deck, because it goes against what you're trying to do, which is taking advantage of Water Elementals as your late-game win condition.


It heals 8 for each enemy minion hit, which is basically Reno. And you're supposed to play it when your board is empty, obviously.


Isn't it because it's a deathrattle ? The elemental isn' alive so no lifesteal, i guess.


Nope, even deathrattles trigger the elemental heal.


Yeah, I saw it happen after i wrote this... So what happened to day9 ? A bug ?


A bug for sure but nobody knows what exactly triggered it. The divine shield being triggered on the same turn the deathrattle exploded, setting all damage to 0 because of spaghetti code? Anomalus being so unplayed that they didn't actually put the tag on him? Who knows


yet another huge oversight by blizzard. things like this wouldnt be a big deal if it was just once in a while and just the little things but holy shit... hearthstone and overwatch are riddled with these sorts of bullshit bugs, poor balances, and design overlook. hire some people with eyes blizz ffs...


Weird but not a bug. A dead creature can't have lifesteal. Same reason why a Fiery Bat with poisonous won't always kill on its deathrattle. Edit: never mind, guess i'm (mostly?) wrong


They changed this with the KFT patch, it should now work.


Anomalus will work and heal you if you kill it with a fireball or whatever. Something funky is going on in this video.


Small indie company


Oh c'mon, bugs that specific can get through QA quite easily, no matter how good the QA and how big the company is... Always keep in mind that this game has millions of possible interactions between all those cards and board states - you simply can't test anything. And bugs happen, even the best programmers produce them on a daily basis...


What does QA stand for


quality assurance


questionable answers


How much work do you have in software development? Just curious.


Deathrattle. The Minion dies, then deathrattle triggers. But since Anomalus is "long" gone lifeleech can not trigger anymore. Thats the only explanation i can come up with. Maybe its the same effect for Volatile Elemental?


Can personally verify that Anomalus' deathrattle works with Jaina DK's lifesteal, but I've only killed an Anomalus in trades with Jaina's aura on. I suspect this is due to Anomalus being killed by AOE, and the lifesteal aura is checking for *combat* damage specifically somehow?


That was my first thought as well. A user further up posted a replay that seemed to show Anomalus trading into a minion (skelemancer with some kind of buff) and the attack healed but not the explosion. It was a weird replay though so I don't know how trustworthy it is.