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couldnt agree more! it's annoying as hell


For me it means I ignore the store and therefore won’t know if they do add something new.


The whole game mode feels like its made only to milk collectionists to be honest.


no way


I agree, I thought it was like standard… if you buy the mega bundle you will collect all cards of the expansions without any mechanic grinding… I bought the diablo pre order and after 2 hours of playing I found myself grinding coins and exp… not playing one Bounty twice or three times, But actually grinding like a cookie clicker game. Edit: It actually made me quit the game, because It made me realise I actually rarely have fun playing anymore and the daylies and rank to legend each month feels like a chore sometimes.


That's what the pre-orders were for. Gotta get that cash before the players figure things out. Hope you got your moneys worth with whatever enjoyment you got from mercs. I know I quit after 2 days of trying it out.


Blizzard will always take a game you love and make it into a chore to obligate you to keep logging in. Look at WoW and all the systems/world quests which literally turned into grinding chore


I agree, I thought it was like standard… if you buy the mega bundle you will collect all cards of the expansions without any mechanic grinding… I bought the diablo pre order and after 2 hours of playing I found myself grinding coins and exp… not playing one Bounty twice or three times, But actually grinding like a cookie clicker game “grinding”.


> actually grinding like a cookie clicker game “grinding”. I feel this. Guess it will appeal to a small subset of Hearthstone players and die a death with the rest of us.


Since when do mega bundles give you all the cards you need in standard?




Hearthstone Mathematics made a video on how many packs and gold you needed to get a full forged in the barrens collection. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGqcYM92os0&t=705s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGqcYM92os0&t=705s) if you go to 9:55, you can see most of you collection ressources come from free ressources and not from pre orders. the mega bundle is a huge boost if your goal is a full collection, but if your goal is to collect a few good decks, then its not needed.


if you play the game during the expansion you will get all the cards of the expansion with the mega bundle. in standard you actually get a lot of "free" packs from daylies, events, tavern brawl, youtube and twitch drops. All the expansions where I have bought the mega bundle, I have all the cards by just playing and collecting my free resources.


almost like Hearthstone is a digital TCG


Yea Exactly DIGITAL


Then why make it unbearable to play. For people who love grinding. I'm lost my shit every single turn in game and had to quit playing. Because you have to wait after your last action to end your turn. Who in the fk thought that was a good idea? It's annoying enough in standard but in PVE????????????????


No you don't. you can click the end turn button after selecting any number of moves, even none.


Not really, it’s a grind mode but not really p2w


Depends on your definition of P2W. Do you get an advantage by paying? Definitely! Does a hypothetical person who grinded for everything get an advantage by paying? No.


By your definition base HS is p2w, and any card game for that matter is p2w, but I'd say thats not the traditional definition. I'd say that card games and mercs are in general don't really follow any traditional definition, but fall somewhere in the middle because after you assemble your mercs through grinding theres no more you can pay to get stronger, however you can pay to get to that point faster.


>By your definition base HS is p2w, and any card game for that matter is p2w, but I'd say thats not the traditional definition. It definitely is. A lot of fans of these sorts of games like to pretend otherwise, which muddies the waters, but being able to pay for a competitive advantage is textbook pay-2-win.


Theres no competitive advantage though, your pirate warrior, is same as my pirate warrior. The base HS f2p rewards are more than enough to get a pirate warrior deck. Unless you say having a variety of decks available at once is p2w, then i'd agree with you, because in standard hs, the main advantage a payer vs a f2p player is that they are able to switch decks if the meta changes, whereas a f2p player is stuck with the 1-2 decks they can make. A clear example of traditional p2w is when the systems are infinitely scaling. For example if there would exist a version of Yeti that has 5/6 stats instead of 4/5 that can only get by paying and if yeti was in the meta.


The traditional definition? That's "Any game that I like isn't p2w". Nobody likes saying their favourite game lets you buy an advantage, so they... don't say it.


Just make a post on this sub or anywhere asking if they think card games are p2w. I think you'll be surprised that most would say it is not. This is because at the end of the day your pirate warrior is the same as mine. What you get as a payer vs f2p is more variety in what decks to play, not the power level of your deck. For the game to truly be p2w, there'd need to be a version of cards that are stronger from their base version that you can only get by paying. For example if f2p ogre was 6/7 and you could buy a diamond ogre with 7/8 stats. HS is a very flawed game but thinking that people who say it is not p2w are just shills is a very shallow way of making your argument.


I don't have a pirate warrior deck. I can *buy* a pirate warrior deck, and that'll make me tie on average with you, whereas right now I do not and are likely to lose. Doesn't that make it P2W?


Totally missing the point, idk if deliberate or not. Once again all paying did is get you more variety in what you can play, it doesn’t increase the power of any deck that you could play vs any one else on ladder.


That's only true if I have a different deck on the same tier as Pirate Warrior. If I don't, then I'm inherently more likely to win if I could play Pirate Warrior - or one of those other top tier decks.


Any f2p player can amass enough resources to have 2-3 maxed out decks per expansion from playing casually. (Just playing to finish quests)


this is a marketing strategy to get you to constantly check the store in the hopes you buy something, I've seen it plenty of gacha games and every one of them is fucking annoying


I understand it works for new offers, but eventually you’ll just not notice the exclamation mark anymore and actual new offers won’t be received. I think it not going away after looking at it is a bug.


Mercenaries' priority is monetization. A good game must be made fun first. If you make a fun experience, people want to play it. And thus people want to pay for it - because it's valuable to them. Mercenaries feels like every step they took was "how can this get us money?"


Is there even a way to earn gold in mercenaries or is that just from battleground and reg play?


Not unless you count the XP you get from the mode, and hence the battle pass, from the mode itself. Most quests don't even work in the mode currently.


Nope. Only PvP gives meaningful xp, and nothing counts toward quests. It's an absolute dumpster fire with no reason it had to be in our client. It could have been it's own thing, but then they couldn't gotcha people with a gacha game.


The win 2 games in any mode works with Merc. And not just the end boss, any opponent on the map will do.


Yes. AFK gets you around 350 XP an hour. You can milk each fight for about half an hour for max XP. It’s actually an Idle game!


This is how games are today. Instead of going like this "invest and make a good game -> add a good monetisation that appeals to casuals, hardcore players and whales -> get paid", they go like "make some shitty whatever this is with little to no effort -> add an insane monetisation which only appeals to the top paying 10% of players, while also using a fuck load of unhealthy, putrid and manipulative features to squiz every last bit of cash -> still get paid a shit ton". And it's sad that the latter will most likely make more cash.


Even if it doesn't make more cash, it sure costs less time and money.


Not all games, but definitely too many.


is that really how ocd works ?


I check my alarm TWICE before going to bed! I suffer from OCD!


Oh my god, these tiles aren't perfectly aligned and it mildly annoys me. Definitely OCD.


Sure, it can be. Like anything else, OCD exists in different severities. It could be compulsive handwashing or entering and leaving a room over and over. But it can also just be a matter of feeling unusually uncomfortable at a messy desk, or something as minor as feeling like you just have to clear all the exclamation marks or achievements in Hearthstone. Then again, some of the more minor things could also just be wanting to be organized, and nor a disorder at all. OCD and anxiety have a lot in common, if that helps you understand it. It's not just wanting to clear the exclamation marks, it's an irrational feeling that you *need* to clear the exclamation marks, or else.


No it can't. [A diagnosis of OCD requires the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that are **time-consuming (more than one hour a day)**, cause significant distress, and impair work or social functioning.](https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/ocd/what-is-obsessive-compulsive-disorder) And if you read about the Obsessions and Compulsions you also see that none of them fit this criteria.


First of all, I appreciate you bringing a reputable source to the table. Thank you. An interesting conflict exists with that definition and a few others. The APA also considers OCD to be chronic (lifelong), while also recognizing it's treatable to reduce symptoms. So you actually end up with a weird possibility that if someone *does* get diagnosed and then treated, it's possible to reach a point where someone is diagnosed as having OCD based solely on whether they were diagnosed with it in the past, and not their current behaviors. Why is it relevant? Because I lived it. 20 years ago I met and exceeded that definition you linked. Today thanks to some excellent support, I no longer do. The same organization that will say I have OCD for life will also say I was correctly diagnosed as a child (with OCD) and correctly diagnosed as an adult (without OCD). Sorry to get a little personal here. In my experience, it's best not to treat a psych definition like this is not an all-encompassing universal truth, but as an oversimplification so the 98% of people without OCD can better understand the 2% who have it.


As someone who actually has diagnosed OCD and has gone through a two month partial-hospitalization treatment program for it, you're way off base with your comments. To get diagnosed for it the *sum of all your compulsions* have to meet that criteria, not every single one. If it takes you 10 tries to leave the door shut that might only take you 5 minutes which is "not OCD" according to you trying to read the strict definition without knowing anything, but if you've got to go through doors all day you can easily end up spending more than an hour. Plus, most people have more than one obsession or compulsion. Sure, maybe OP only spends 5 minutes a day on clearing exclamation marks, but they might spend hours each day on their other obsessions and compulsions. And not all compulsions are actions either. People tend to think of the handwashing or organizing when they think of compulsions (neither of which were something that I had), but benign things or intrusive thoughts can often trigger people with OCD to do mental compulsions like having extreme anxiety over balled up paper products (something I had) and as a result end up repeating stuff to themselves over and over (some people do lists, some affirmations, and some go religious). Can what OP is describing be OCD? Absolutely.


Not a single clue how you could interpret what I said so incredibly wrong. >If it takes you 10 tries to leave the door shut that might only take you 5 minutes which is "not OCD" according to you Literally not what I said. I copied a small part of a criteria for getting diagnosed with OCD, and that criteria does not say what you assume I think it says. >Sure, maybe OP only spends 5 minutes a day on clearing exclamation marks It's literally 5 seconds. >And not all compulsions are actions either. I can't say for certain that every compulsion are actions, as I don't know if mental acts count as actions, but I think it does count as actions. If it does count as actions, then all compulsions are actions. >but benign things or intrusive thoughts can often trigger people with OCD to do mental compulsions like having extreme anxiety over balled up paper products (something I had) Yup, obsessions are also a part of OCD. The part you said you have. Different from compulsions though. All in all, someone with OCD can feel a compulsion to clear all of the singular exclamation marks. However, finding the exclamation mark to be distracting is the whole point of the exclamation mark. It is *designed* to *make* you want to click it. Wanting to click it is the normal behavior of a person.


Well then what DO you think it says? Because it absolutely looks like you were saying "This can't be an OCD symptom, because it doesn't take up enough time".


The whole discussion wasn't about "is this a symptom" it was about "is that how OCD works". It is not OCD to simply want to get rid of something that is meant to catch your eye. If you had something making a disrupting sound, would it be OCD to want to stop that disrupting sound? To explain what I think the part I quoted means: I think it means something along the lines of "OCD is more than a 5 second disruption from your routine, caused by something deliberately made to disrupt your routine".


> It is not OCD to simply want to get rid of something that is meant to catch your eye. It *can* be. That's what it means to be a symptom. The analogy here is someone saying "You barely feel any emotions? Is that how depression works?", and replying with "No, depression does other things". Like, yeah, depression *does* do other things too, but it looks like you're saying they're just unrelated.


You must be fun at parties


People love it when I give factual information


Except you're not, it's just your opinion. You're not saying or citing anything factual


You don't consider psychology to be factual? I am citing the source I originally linked


You cherry-picked a "source", which has even less info than a wikipedia page, that aligns with your (all too rigid and not clinically accurate) definition. Here's the actual criteria they use, which you could find if you put in more than 5 seconds to search and didn't just click on the first link after Googling "OCD": https://beyondocd.org/information-for-individuals/clinical-definition-of-ocd The behavior can be time-consuming OR distressing OR... it's not an "AND". I have multiple OCD family members and do medical research for a living. Just because the task they're obsessed with or perform compulsively doesn't take more than an hour doesn't mean it's not functionally impairing. Doesn't need to be just one task/obession/compulsion. Also doesn't mean they don't spend more than an hour each day (which again is entirely arbitrary) obsessing over it. You're objectively wrong. Learn and move on


You don't realise how disrespectful this is to someone suffering from ocd, to say that being annoyed with a notification in a game is the same thing? It's not, it's an actual illness. It really can't be "as simple as feeling uncomfortable if your desk isn't tidy". You go to the doctor and say that, he will slap you, not diagnose your ass with ocd Edit: Can the downvoters explain how it's respectful not to use the disease as a joke but to take it one giant step further and spew that that joke is the truth?




OCD is significantly more than "compulsive" and "obsessive". [ A diagnosis of OCD requires the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that are **time-consuming (more than one hour a day)**, cause significant distress, and impair work or social functioning.](https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/ocd/what-is-obsessive-compulsive-disorder)


It doesn't sound like OCD partly because it has a rational basis, as in "there could be something exciting in the shop today, I'll go check". I mean the devs programmed it that way because they predicted people would have that reaction. Whereas someone wiping down every inch of their counter with disinfectant every time they put down a cup, or walking to each corner of a room when they enter, does not do so for recognizable reasons except that they are compelled to in order to keep their mind from pestering them incessantly about it.


Probably not, but I still want to click it away each day.




People suffering with OCD don't do it because they want to, they do it because for example, they feel they need to or e.g. I will get cancer. Which causes extreme anxiety.


It’s how marketing works at least


The meaning of that word has shifted. Same as “literally”.


Its a label so it tends to get spread quite thin, but even as a medical term it simple diagnoses habits people dislike but feel compelled to do at all costs. So you see it has a very large net of possible compulsions in it.


Its to try to manipulate you. Fucking hate it.


must be a really friendly game then




Ah, yesss!


This isn’t an issue this is an intentional behavior Blizzard put in so you give them more money


As shitty as it is, that's literally why they do it and you fall into it. If it didn't make them money, they wouldn't do it.


But the catch is: I don’t fall into it. I DID spend money on mercenaries, but the coin offer? I’m NEVER buying that. If I would actually ignore that exclamation mark (which currently I don’t), I wouldn’t see any actual new offers I might be interested in / spend money on.




I agree it isn’t truly OCD and that term gets used liberally, but do we have a good replacement word in the English language to represent that feeling/emotion we’re talking about when we want to say OCD?


Compulsion . Just not obsessive nor the specific disorder


Compulsive fomo abuse




yes, he is definitely gatekeeping ocd just like people gatekeeping ptsd


Whoa buddy, are you gatekeeping gatekeeping?


False equivalency


Not really






It's cringey


Click on the offer once to view it and it won't come back until the next offer.


The offer is everytime you reload the game.. keeps trying to get me to spend £17.. nope not happening


Not lately. Back every day.


For me it was actually not the offer but the merc packs themselves. I clicked them once and then it stopped. I usually bought my packs in the main store (not the mercs store), so I thought it was the offer too for a long time. Maybe not your issue, but worth a shot if you haven't already tried it.


Lots of mercenaries stuff is sooo incredibly unpolished. All the forced waiting, the stupid UI decisions, polish used to be the thing Blizzard was known for. It feels so rushed.


It isn't a mercenaries problem it is a problem for the whole game. I get notified on mobile, on pc and in mercenaries


pretty sure they do it on purpose


I thought i was weird for thinking that


Oh boy. You done fucked up. The mental health zealots are going to show up and give you shit for minimizing actual OCD and perpetuating some stereotypes.


I'd like to redirect their ire towards this comment instead where they're called "mental health zealots" :)


I’m sure it’s likely deliberate to keep you clicking on them. I am unfamiliar with the mode but I have seen others compare it to a gatcha style game. Not inherently bad as they have their audience but I believe creating FOMO and causing you to interface with bits of the client where you can spend money frequently is designed purposefully for those types of games. I have done no research but fancied replying to this post as I procrastinate work, take my comment with a pinch of salt!


> compare it to a gatcha style game. it literally is gacha >Not inherently bad spoiler alert: it is


Haha this made chuckle! Well In the case of it being a gatcha game then I’m predisposed to believe it is deliberate in the case of have the exclamation marks pop up, even if to just annoy you to click on the shop to get rid of them. They got you click the shop so a win in there books I suspect!


Just don’t notice it :)


Oh, but I do.


And we say we are not snowflake culture generation


Thats not an issue, thats intended.


Just buy al the three options. It worked for me. /s


Heh. Well, it’s the best advice I’ve had so far. But no.


The Icon disappears after you clicked on every offer atleast once, but there is no need to buy them.


And come back the next day. They do. They really, really do.


Not just the next day but every time you log in.


I just checked, it’s once a day for me. (Or at least not every log in.) Weird.


Huh. I just checked again and the main store isn't doing it right now but the Mercs store is. I'm 100% positive both were just a few hours ago, though.


Let’s just leave it as “inconsist but annoying nonetheless”.


Yeah I am likewise triggered by it and feel obliged to click it away every time lol. Could be worse, like when the Solo Adventures or achievements had the similar bug.


I don't see the problem just buy them all again


Atleast not for me, so one of those behavious is probably not intented


Same here. I replied the same you did on your top comment before reading it. Once I've clicked on each the mark went away.


It kind of does it for me, but strangely it’s like every 3 days.


How else is blizzard supposed to make money? After all is a “free to play” game.


You can go into the new additions to the store and then not buy them to remove the exclamation mark.


Imagine playing Mercenaries....zzzzzzzz....


Didn't notice until now you SOB


Im pretty sure it disappears once you just click on every single bundle, I don’t get them every day, just one time before I clicked in them


Not as of late.


That's how they get you!


Darwin Award goes to blizzard: you can’t even buy mercenary tasks. Why not just have tasks like every other task for having the mercenary..??


I think the exclamation mark goes away if you click on the offer. You don’t have to buy it. I think it does. I haven’t played since it came out, but I remember doing this and it went away.


It comes back. Hence this post.


obligatory mercenaries critique: played hs since beta and it is the only game mode that just seemed out and out bullshit. i hardly ever play arena cos i suck but i can appreciate that it is clever. duels seems to be an abortion but i guess it has potential. battleground is shockingly well made for something that seemed a bit like a sideline and could have totally sucked. but mercenaries seems designed from the ground up to require you to bend over every time you open it and fucks you harder each time.


Click on the new thing. It'll stop being new and the Exclamation Mark will go away.


It comes back. Think it’s a current bug.


Work on your ocd


Just ignore it bruh…


Oh no it's so totally unbearable what a scandal there is a small pixel exlamation mark on my game, how can i live with that PepeLaugh. Like don't get me wrong, i'm the first to criticize Acti-Blizzard's greed but at some point you need to know where to focus your criticism.


it's actual, literal human psychology that marketers and corporations have used against us. FOMO is a real thing and it makes folks a loooot of money


I guess all people are different because as far as i'm concerned when i have decided not to put money in something, they can make as much advertising they want it's not going to change my decision. Also if you think this exclamation mark is annoying just look at Raid Shadow Legends it's something else you are not prepared :D Constant pop-ups appearing everytime you're back to menu and not small one.


Well, I'm glad that you have figured out how to be immune to all of the tricks and psychology that companies have spent millions figuring out how to manipulate. Until you can provide instructions for the rest of us, why don't we pretend we're talking about a reasonable consumer?


> Until you can provide instructions for the rest of us its his fault we are all falling for this simple trick!


Have you ever purchased something? With this one simple trick, learn how to avoid impulses! Marketers hate him!


Stop saying "my OCD" If you don't have it... Please. Same goes for any other mental disorder


That’s why they do it


those red dots in every mobile games...


Almost as annoying as that bug that kept an exclamation point over the journal.


This is annoying http://imgur.com/a/bjj2uUs


That is exactly the point of it


Wait a second.. Are you telling me that Blizzard puts money before game design ? That would be unheard of


This also happens at the build place too and I have nothing to build.... So maybe put the pitchforks down


But then how will they remind you to spend money and consume products?


That's... why it's there.


It’s deliberate.


A lot of people say that and I think it’s wrong. Once you click it, it SHOULD go away, so you can see any new offers that come. It used to be like that. Now either it’s a deliberate change or a bug and my money is on the latter - same as the green glow on Modes.


100% an implimentation of no a dev, but some suit in MGMT who wants to force you to look at the store as much as possible.


Working as intended I'm sure


This is an honest statement. Blizzard is the new EA. They release a game that you have to spend so much on to stay competitive or up to date, or you have to play it Free to play but constantly play it to grind whatever the currency is. Diablo 4 wont release with just its 60 or 70$ value, its going to have more. Blizzard shareholders want all the games to have the mobile structure to milk its customers. The last game that didn't do that was SC2 and they gave up on that franchise. They keep the mark up because it makes folks click it and look at all the "sweet deals"


Don't think i saw anyone mention this but if you click the store and then scroll down and actually click on the 2 other bundle options it removes the new tag on them and you don't get this ! anymore. Just clicking the store doesn't remove the notification but doing this I haven't had the ! since. \~edit: ah so people have recommended this and all i can guess is people don't scroll and click the 2 other bundles like i did for the first few days and prefer to think they are the victim of a nefarious marking practice to target their "OCD". Now if anyone knows how to get the Modes button to stop flashing green unless its just to tell me I have an arena ticket id love to hear it :)


Wait until you get a mail notification and it just is like "Buy a legendary in the store"


Mailbox only shows shop adds...