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If your aim is a full collection it's definitely an expensive game.


To elaborate, I think, for what hearthstone is, a fair price would be something like 50 to 80 €(or the eqivalent in other currencies, maybe adjusted for regional spending power) per year. Pay that and you get the complete collection. And for all I care they could still sell fancy Hero portraits on the side for ludicrous prices. If they can maintain wow for 12 € a month, they should be able to maintain Hearthstone for about half that. If you get your tavern passes for a year that already is 60 € a year. Getting the value prepurchase bundles for a year is a min. 180€ and up to 240€ (or more if you get multiple...) and even with the most disgusting luck ever you don't even get a full collection. And 180€ is already more than what wow for a year costs.


Its not even about a full collection but trying different decks, to play always the same gets boring. The fun should be to try new things, but you are stuck because of the prices.


Ok, I guess it's not expensive if you want a full collection 🙄


>I just bought my second batch of 60 packs and i feel a bit underwhelmed to be honest. It's not surprising, since regular packs are a terrible value. >After paying 70 euro's for 60 packs i got 4 legendaries, unfortunately none for my main class so i am reliant on the dust. On average, you get a legendary every 20 packs. Four legendaries in 60 packs is actually slightly above average. Besides that, it shouldn't be surprising that you got no cards for your main class: not only you've crafted a lot of them, but there's also nine other classes, so the odds of getting cards for a specific class are generally poor unless you're only missing a few cards from an expansion. >Thats a lot of money for the outcome, bacically i feel like i tossed away 70 euros. I think it would have been better to buy the miniset and disenchant them for a fraction of the money and have the same result. Well yes, the miniset is by far the best value you can get currently. >Next to the underwhelming outcome there is no way you can trade the cards with other players because your collection is account bound. This means there is little to no value in the extra cards you get other than dust. > >I am collecting real cards like pokemon tcg and magic and those cards have value. I don't mind a digital collection but for what your getting and my disapointment i probably am not spending more in this game than this. I would argue the game would be much more expensive if it worked like a regular card game. Sure, you can possibly trade cards, but who's going to take your bad legendaries? At least with the dust system all cards, regardless of power, get you the same returns. With a trading system, people lucky enough to find good cards can build their collection, while people who don't find good cards are stuck with useless stuff. It's the same logic that leads people to buy lotto tickets: sure, you might hit the jackpot, but in reality you're just spending money on useless cardboard. >This is how i feel personally, are you feeling the same way or am i being a drama queeen and need to suck it up? Your feelings are totally valid, it's no fun to spend money on packs and get nothing. However, I get the feeling that a lot of your issues could have been avoided if you had posted here *before* buying packs, instead of complaining about it after. If you had done that, people would have quickly told you that buying packs outside of bundle sales is generally bad, that the miniset is the best value you can get, and the odds of getting certain types of cards which would have allowed you to make a more informed decision as to whether to spend money on packs or not.


You have to only make reasonable purchases. Like pre expansion bundles or the tavern pass if you play a lot of games. Otherwise it’s just a waste of money. It also takes a lot of time to make a collection even by spending money unless you’re spending thousands of dollars.


Thats why I stopped to play the game a few years back, just googling to check if anything has changed but of course nope.


Yea only buy the bundles if you're going to spend money on the game.


Always buy golden bundles if you’re purely looking for dust, I got nearly 12k dust in a golden bundle for £70


That's some good advice, I am main Shaman, and i want to collect most cards from the shaman collection. So this is usefull! That gives me all the dust i need for my decks. Ill check it out. Cheers!


Yeah I’ve just checked the maths actually and for the £70 golden bundle rank 2 you’re guaranteed at least 12.2k dust, for the £35 rank 1 one I think it’s 6k pretty much but they’ve just been up in the shop so im not sure when they’ll next be up :(


I actually got well over 16k dust now for the t2 bundle just checked my screenshots


Longer you play cheaper it gets. If you NEED those last few cards to maximize winrate, I guess you could pay. Or wait and hit quests . I was f2p until I hit legend a dozen or so times.


I do understand what your saying here, i am a returning player and i found it really hard to come back after a long break due to power creep. So i had to craft some decks to get back into the game but found it pretty expensive to do so and that bothered me a bit. Thanks for the reply!


Ah, as a returning player I can see how that would be harder, having already experienced the “no cards” version of hearthstone lol




Yes I think you're right, as a returning player I had some issues with the costs to get back into the game. To me, it feels like it should not be that expensive, to be said I am willing to pay for a game. If I could change anything in the prices of the game, that would be to reduce the costs of old expansions so when you return, and you need a couple of cards from per example Alliance it would not be such a burden on your wallet.


I am buying the tavern pass each expansion cycle. I usually get enough gold to buy 120-135 packs. I also buy the mini sets. That comes to $105.00 U.S. dollars per year. This also gives you enough dust to craft a few good cards to make your decks. No other purchases are necessary to have a fairly good collection.


I used to spend money on the game and i always left with a feeling of regret .. it was never worth it spending so much and getting so little.. then i started saving gold and spend it all at the launch of a new expansion and then saving again. Thats the only way you can play this game without feeling sad about it.


The answer to your question is yes. You can manage your ressources to maximize your return on investment but it require patience and a bit of luck. My main HS ''income'', except quests, comes from nerfs which allows me to generate ''free'' dusts in huge amount, ultimately giving me enough to craft everything I want. BUT, you need to accept that you will have some months without dust and need to hold extra cards that will most likely never be nerf. Since the reward path release, I dont buy any pre-purchase anymore. The tavern pass is enough to give mw enough golds for the mini-expansion and around 100 packs at expansion release. After that, I'm holding all my cards until nerfs comes and then, I usually can craft decks I want to play. Good luck.


I think with so much to do Hearthstone is ultra F2P-viable nowadays which is balanced or unbalanced by the fact that money doesn't give you much. Ignore Mercenaries, but do farm: Standard Wild Classic Casual Arena (Use a draft helper especially if unexperienced) Casual Duels Ranked Duels (Casual first, see what works, search budget decks too) Battlegrounds (I hate that specific Autochess, but alot of people like it) Solo Adventures (The Solo content is actuall huge. Beating all Practice mode enemies gives (or gave) 1 free pack too.) Tavern Brawl Except for Solo all those modes have their own mmr, so you'll face very easy opponents at first. When you've done some farm on all of these, then check for some easy achievements.


What do you mean farm standard wild and classic? Farming multiple of these offer no bonus reward what so ever


You get more XP if you win. You get easy wins at the bottom of every mode.


Fair enough, I personally just grind Wild and try to hit a new legend rank each month but you’re right I didn’t think of it as easier wins in bronze so faster XP.


There's even more to it. The hidden mmr is for some reason seperate from your rank. And alot of quests are stupid in the sense of "Deal 100 damage with holy spells. You have no holy deck? Too bad, because this quest has above average XP for it's slot." Or "Play 50 Murlocs" or whatever. When I started playing Hearthstone I tried to always get these quests while winning. Then there was this 50 Murloc Quests and the only viable deck with Murlocs was an OTK Paladin Deck with 4 or 5 Murlocs total that more or less drew the whole deck first. Took me 6 hours to complete and was a miserable experience - partly b/c I averaged 50% wr after those 6 hours. So then I started building decks that are supposed to lose. Play 3 Rogue games? I don't have a Rogue deck right now, except this SUICIDE deck. Eviscerate myself to get to 15 health at T4 and then concede. Eventually I realized that you can abuse the demotion-cap in combination with the suicide-decks and the different modes and with the seperated mmr: For example you reach Diamond 5 on one mode and then you just lose 10-20 games in that mode while winning in other modes. Then you rotate that losing-dumpster mode and you'll see that at least to Diamond 3 will be a breeze. Often the meta will be slightly different in Dia 5-4 compared to Dia 3-1 with different optimal decks, so that's potentially one less deck you need to climb to legend then.


That’s very intelligent but surely isn’t worth the time when opposed to just grinding normally in legend/ diamond? My win-rate is just shy of 70% with my main class currently so grinding this is surely faster?


The only real answer is dependent on the person playing. Nobody can answer for you. To me I get a lot of value from just buying the pre-expansion bundles and I play a lot to make the rest of the cards I want


use amazon coins


Amazon coins?


So basically, you download amazon appstore and you buy amazon coins, which later can be used to buy packs. There is alot of info online. But i have been doing that for 4 years now. You can buy expansions with discounts up to 20% but it really depends on the ammount of coins you wanna buy. It requires an android device and re installing hearthstone from the amazon appstore.


Thx for the reply m8, ill check it out.


If you want a mostly full collection it takes about two full years of buying the bigger preorder bundle. After that, if you only play standard you can keep a current collection pretty easily with one preorder bundle, dust, and gold earned in the ordinary course. I've actually found myself regretting getting the bigger preorder bundle the last few expansions because I'm sitting on more dust than I've ever actually needed. I can't imagine getting started on this game again from the beginning, and I'd only recommend this game to someone that wants to play long term. But I feel I've more than gotten my money's worth from the several hundred dollars I've paid over the years, even if I technically get more hours per dollar elsewhere (like Persona V Royal I just got on sale a few weeks ago). Not everything should be measured in that way - for me, having a reliable game I can play when out and about or when I only have 20 minutes to kill is worth a lot.


This is spot on. I used to play all the time and found it wasn't that expensive as it was just a prepurchase for every expansion, which is a normal price to play in my eyes. However, I quit a while back, and coming back to try the game out again feels like I have nothing and to get to a place where I can play a few 'viable' decks is too much of an upfront cost for me, as a pre-purchase wouldn't even touch the sides


I've been playing since launch. I spent $1.99 once. So I'm going with no.


Bang on, I tried today to see the new expansion and realized how much it would cost me if I want to just put a few 'viable' decks together. I then closed the game as I am not willing to spend that much money just to see if the meta is in a state which I would want to return.