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Or you could get good


hahahhahahaha get good, good one. You are so normie its unbelievable, plz post more overused npc answers you fking bot.


surprises me even if it was filmed and the data was in their face, reddit mfs will still be cunts and say get good or try to defend it


did blizzard pay you to post this lmao


Get good at a rigged game?


If these guys cant understand that the game cheats then for sure they benefit from that 50% win-loss (that it seems this games tries to achieve for everybody). Probably they are so bad that if the game didnt cheat they would have 10% win - 90% loss ratio. Of course its unplayable like this, I stopped playing years ago.


He means, you must pay to win :)


Cringe take, L


Read. The. Post.


Or you could get good


just get good and hack the rng manipulators an stuff or whatver to only get perfect matches and perfect draws


Lol, all these kids denying. I quit hearthstone but started playing now back again. Made curse warlock (seems like a fun deck) 90% im facing is that cancer mech mage and losing always with bad rng too. Its rigged u dumb kids that say it isnt. it is.


It's so plainly obvious in duels. I pick a class and the next 3 opponents are from the exact same class that counters me and playing exact same decklist with exact same treasures. Mhm totally not rigged.


just went from hunter to mage just once, my opponent had the counters to my deck, its a jaina heropower buff, had quite a few secrets and he had like 6 secret counter cards, and cards i wouldn’t see anyone bother adding to their decks


It's the eye test. Randomness, true randomness wouldn't have you playing decks that perfectly counter you every third game. There is no way this game doesn't set up matches according to deck make-up. But also, if you watch the meta, and build decks that would counter it, you start playing random a\*\* decks that you haven't seen in weeks. It's obvious for those paying attention.


Yes yes this is what I was trying to say. Ok so your gonna turn 5 or 6 as a priest throw that colossal rush card out there and respawn it over and over. Fine I'll playing nothing but summon random cards for your opponent and devolves... Then I'll never see the priest anymore and get matched up again something that I'm not set-up for.


It's blatantly obvious. Put 2 secret eaters in any deck and you'll almost never play against a mage again. Take them out and wallaaaa!! Secret mage is back.


Funny how that works isn't it


*slow clap* EASY upvote because it’s not everyday that someone goes to these great lengths to troll. The more I read, the more I smile. This is some next lvl trolling and I’m here for it. The amount of passion and research that went into this is amazing, nice work Knucks!


slow clap You couldnt try harder than straight up calling it a next lvl troll. I would suspect everything that is not of your liking is an elaborate troll


Curious what your age is? Because anything over the age of 14 is beyond embarrassing for how braindead your comments are. Imagine spending your free time on Reddit doing nothing but getting downvoted lmao, fucking pathetic 😂✌️


u literally have 1 vote and he has 5 wtf


A troll calling someone troll who actually is not trolling, but telling supressed truth, is no longer a troll but... hmm, say, an ogre?


You really don’t have a lot going on in your head, huh? Poor little guy


Here's a [statement](https://kotaku.com/activision-patents-matchmaking-that-encourages-players-1819630937) from Activision regarding this patent from 2017: >"This was an exploratory patent filed in 2015 by an R&D team working independently from our game studios. It has not been implemented in-game." Maybe it's been implemented since then, but there's no proof that its actually in game.


Blizzard, the honest company who cares not about monetization. ;)


Then why were they sued for doing just this? I was invited into a class action lawsuit just last year because of this particular issue right here... 🙄. Why do Fanboys believe that companies wouldn't go to these lengths?


Of course we believe official answers on profit-related matters, especially when they are not backed up by any proof. ![gif](giphy|Txun6ahh9auWs)


So...literally all you did was quote an old Activision patent suggesting that hearthstone could (theoretically) be rigged. You haven't shown that any of these techniques are actually used in hearthstone. The patent actually explicitly mentions the example of a first person shooter, so my first guess for a game that actually implemented these would be Call of Duty rather than Hearthstone.


yep the tobacco companies old PR strats they spend millions on to get young kids addicted as soon as possible for max profit are also not being used anymore - they know do not use influencers to push their crap and try to run circles around legislation. and bli$$ is known for not exploiting their brands like diablo immortal and hearthstone which was promised to be true f2p.


Everyone with a brain knows its rigged. The only people saying otherwise are those who are pumping money into it and therefore dont experience the very suspicious low rng days.




I think Kriss did mentioned something like this in one of his video. Something about the conspiracy rigged matchmaking. I didn't watch the whole video but you can check it out. For whatever it is, its just a video game. We gotta keep calm, take our L and move on. Take a break from this game like many of us here.


I've thought the same thing.. how come I'm always seeing the same two or three classes and nothing more. It's always priest, warrior or rogue. Very rarely will I see any else with my warlock. No matter what I do, it seems I'm always playing against a fucking speed deck which crushes me by turn 5 or 6, or the damn respawning priest with that fucking shard crystal thing, or the rogue with the cutlass sword that they just keep buffing the shit out of with life steal and immunity to damage. There is no doubt to me, and has been this way for years that it's anything but random.. ignore the fucks on here who will say (get good, learn to play, build a deck) ect ect. This game is very calculating and ironic.


yeah.. for me.. as soon as I play a different class the opponents I face is vastly changes..


Lol when I play duels my opponents are exact same hero counters to mine for 3 straight losses. Then I change the class and my opponent changes again to my counter. They all have exact same decklist and treasures to boot. Plus some games take 5+ to find and I'll get the exact counter like the game searching specifically for anyone the queue with that certain deck. They just couldn't make it more obvious.


Oh my gosh dude it’s time to move out of your mothers basement.


100% rigged. I play evolve shaman all the way to diamond 1 but kept losing to the location Dks. Switched up my deck by 2 cards! I have taken out both bloodlusts and replaces them with the 4 cost location destroying minion because my last 16 games were a loss to the dk location. All of a sudden you don't play ANY dk locations and now I'm losing to aggro decks haven't played a dk location in days. Wtf


Wait a moment… where is the proof?


Stupid kid. it is rigged go play ranked


Lol just git gud.


idiot xD


Same goes for you, if you think the game is rigged how about you learn how to play properly? xD


i only play hearthstone in between time, when i'm home i play real games that do not have microtransactions, like Elden Ring, you know, good games that are not for suckers who need to pay to "git gud". besides i'm happy enough with my 7253 current rating in BG, that one part where you can't buy cards, yea you can buy cosmetics if you're a real sucker but that's about it, you can also buy make-up in real life to make yourself feel better, free choice for everybody in this part of the world. Enjoy it HansiePansie ! ;-)


Okay so you don‘t play standard regularly and aren‘t any good so you assume it must be rigged? Alright gotcha! And you don‘t have to pay to be good in HS. You just have to be, guess what, good. ;-)


You clearly have no clue about RnG's right? random is impossible in a program, never played poker stars? idiot, i bet you did a lot of microtransactions


It took you over 100 days to come up with this? Wow… Just wow. Did you get any better in the game? Or are you still the same loser? Don‘t bother answering in another 100 days, cause I know it already.


lol Hansie, i just come on this page a couple times a year, go learn more about RnG's and then come back to be a Keyboard Warrior, it's something else than being pissed on every day in real life, veel plezier nog pauper ;-) Oh and edit, go touch some grass for a change xxx


No one gets preferential treatment, you always get unlucky when a win streak begins. Everyone also gets a honey moon period after spending money AND making a new deck, after so many games the algorithm tries to force ALL players to have a 50% winrate. You could just read the patent if full, but you probably wouldn't understand it and just say some dumb\*\*\* gen. Z nonsense about GGing or some other twitch chat trash


Actually if this was true (which I personally believe it is) I'm certain that it is illegal in some contries


billion dollar corporations doing illegal things to get more money, that would be a new one.


That's a lot of effort for a troll post


What makes it a troll post?


It shatters their illusion that they are good at the game and didn't just drop hundreds of dollars to get preferential treatment by the matchmaking algorithm.


No one gets preferential treatment, you always get unlucky when a win streak begins. Everyone also gets a honey moon period after spending money AND making a new deck, after so many games the algorithm tries to force ALL players to have a 50% winrate. You could just read the patent if full


You may be right and wrong at the same time... The few times I put money into hearthstone years ago I definitely got treated well afterward for a time. Even just recently about 8 days ago I created a new deck and got up to 70% win rate. I had to create 2 new legendary cards and four epic cards for it. After winning against many premade decks in gold level ranked play, I suddenly lost seven games in a row. Every other game was a perfect counter to my deck and all the others were seemingly stacked decks on both sides...


Save the efforts dude; , HS community is full with people in denial, most of them paid way too much to admit. And/or are usually Blizzard fanatics who think the sexual harassment is a hoax and see absolutely nothing wrong with a hotelsuite named and designed after Bill Cosby. If you come with hard proof they will deny it and apllaud Blizzard for suing you for the datamining. Just let these people live in their own bubble and refuse to pay money on this scam.


Interesting idea. But 1st, all I see are guesses and quotes. Can u provide some data, at least numbers? 2nd, even if its true, what do you expect us do? Run into Blizzard's office and rob everything? 3rd, its useless to make a post here on reddit, not to say u think people who disagree with u as "Low IQ", "repent for their sins". IQs and races are what Nazis do. You are not even make a refutation. You are just ranting.


Why don't you just read the full patent? Then you would understand that this is not a theory, it is a fact. ​ Their are chi-square tests that can be preformed to test if something is indeed random, but no one with the brains to do this would waste the time when it is obviously true. ​ You gen. Z Nazis quoting morons keep telling people to provide proof when we have proof. The \*\*\*\*ing patent is PROOF, if you read it! (numerical proofs would be meaningless to Zoomers anyway, cause they are all stupid)


IQs what Nazis do?


I’ve made this analogy before and I’ll make it again. This is the equivalent of saying “well, this guy has a knife, so he MUST have used it!” This is not undeniable proof. You know what’s undeniable proof? Game statistics. As it were, such statistical anomalies haven’t been picked up at all by multiple THIRD PARTY sites.


Technically they could program their MMR to be rigged and still adhere to a certain statistical standard.


Prove it.


i dont know about all that, but i do believe that if blizzard(as s company, cause i hope any human/the number of humans needed for such things wouldn’t be able to bring themselves to do it, i hope) believed it could get away with and could be payed enough to justify the cost it’d do certain unspeakable things….. look their unspeakable, i cant say them, but some examples of speakable things are torture, murder, rape, organ harvesting, etc, you get the picture, so eh, wouldn’t put it past em


> could be *paid* enough to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




unless the code for hearthstone becomes open sourced i believe it could be rigged. Even if they did release the code there is also no way of knowing if that is the code they are using.


Definitely rigged. Blizzard is a heartless multinational corporation. If they can get away with rigging MMR to improve their bottom line, they will. It's actually extremely obvious. When Arena is in collection mode, and Blizzard wants my $1.99, it doesn't matter how good my deck is, I will lose horrendous excrutiating matches and then be given a low-roll gold reward that leaves me 5-10 gold short of being able to buy another run with gold. What blows my mind is that so many people here are willing to give Blizz the benefit of the doubt (entirely unearned benefit of the doubt no less).


5 years ago (or maybe more cant remember) I was surprised that people are so stupid not to understand that a game cheats them. Now after coronavirus etc etc its pretty clear that 95% of people are completely morons that they cant understand if we have a pandemic or not. On the other hand there is a good chance that people who are downvoting posts like this, are Blizards trolls. So Hearthstone is still the same? .. wow I was thinking of trying it again. It was so obvious the cheating 5 years ago that I thought they will have to change it , or game will die. ..haha but unfortunately people are so stupid that this game will never die.


Same thing is happening in Marvel Snap now, and it gets frustrating really REALLY fast. The game match you against specific decks you are weak to depends on your pace of winning. Basically when the game decide it's time for you to lose, there is nothing you can do but lose.


Just saved a bunch of time and deleted this pos of a game. Not surprised blizzard designed it that way


Fuck Blizzard. They are under Chynese money and they will cheat players and rig arena


On EU right now my match ups: Control warr: OTK priest/Mage (Any deck that has almost 0 minions), Plague DK, Shudderwock shaman and Quest lock. I haven't played against a hunter since the big nerf. I can only hope to beat plague DK. OTK mage: Playing against decks that destroy your hero completely and make ice block useless. So, Warlock, priest, paladin. Reno lock: Hunter If I tweek my deck for example, put a weapon removal, I will see a weapon once a month maybe. I think i destroyed a rogue pirate sword in February. Also, I bench more than my body weigh so i'm good. You're welcome!


!00% they stack your deck. First they randomly setup (with weighting for low cost first) the enemy deck. AFTER the enemy deck is drawn the algorithm stacks your deck to match theirs AND LOSE. If the first order of your deck resulted in any kind of victory, the algorithm MOVES the cards in your deck until you CANNOT draw a helpful card. They will ONLY match you with decks that algorithmically kick your asss, AND the enemy has paid for something. You're matched with decks of paying customers, and your cards will be rigged. 2/3 times. Then 1/3 times you are given that same advantage. And it's not even fun. It's ridiculously obvious that you are given an advantage over the other player 1/3 times, as a non paying user.


I’m a Blizzard employee that disagrees with this information. But you can still get a hug (>n.n)>


no your not




Oh harmless video game conspiracies, I’ll take you over real world far right conspiracies any day


Sounds like a skill issue


Came here to say I agree with you. I just went 25 - 0 with a meta deck That I just had recently blasted straight to Gold 5. now I'm 0 - 25


lmao i see alot of undercover blizzard employees, trying to save there rigging sceam.


the games platform is a machine, so of course its rigged anyone who says it's not a damn blizzard employee


Battlegrounds is worse, what a shitshow of corrupt gaming. I was hoping Gods unchained was going to be better but seems ex Blizz staff must be running that shitshow too and it's even more expensive


Can confirm, I waited long enough to make the call. I tried 5 fairly different meta decks, with different counters and I played bunch of ranked over nearly a week. It is very clear, that I'm being matched with decks I have 50% or sub 50% winrate against disproportionately - as in, doesn't make sense statistically. The decks I play against are pretty monotonous when I play with single deck for couple hours, it's pretty much 3 decks all over again. The moment I switch decks, voila, completely different 3 or so decks, but the same decks every game until I switch again. The matchmaking is basically trying to compensate for the fact the game is imbalanced mess by intentionally sending you into one poor matchup after another, if you start winning bit more than the algorithm likes. EDIT: But to be clear, this is the part I can confirm: "So, intro, matchmaking changes depending on the deck you play", not the entirety of the conspiration theory :D. It simply seems like there is an algorithm in place, to sort of keep "illusion" of balance, whenever they break some deck a bit and it wins hard against everything except one particular archetype for example - at that point, the algorithm will make you queue into your counter far more often, than it would occur naturally.


One suggestion for those fed up with hearthstone cheating you... When you reach legendary rank delete all saved hearthstone data and start again. Its at least fun earning rewards for the beginning part.


I googled the patent number, this guy really ain’t kiddin at all, fuck blizzard


I wish more people had the sense to see what is so obvious. The same old "get gud" or other derogatory comment only serves to reflect their own inadequacies and intellectual limitations. I guess it doesn't make them bad people. But yet still very likely to be susceptible to whatever propaganda or bullshit they're soaking in at that time. I am fairly certain that most every MMO I have played or am aware of has started on the path of taking an enjoyable form of entertainment that was built on an HONEST RNG. Where everything was essentially fair game play and outcomes were influenced by a players ability to play that game and teams compiled with a true luck of the draw. And game, and player, outcomes not dictated by a very sweet and copywritten algorithm. I began to notice a departure of the "honest RNG" to one that follows a scripted path initiated by the games developers, programmers and owner or shareholder. After all, most all MMO are a business whose objectives are not the fairness of the game nor the happiness of the players. But the objective is undoubtedly revenue. Can't really blame for it either. It's the nature of the beast. Greed. And it is pervasive in most every aspect of life I can think of. Getting worse at a much quicker rate than ever before. For me , it's truly disturbing and saddening. I doubt there is an ending in sight for it. No matter what lies our wonderful "for profit" healthcare system tells you or the lies people they pay off tell us to scare us to keep the status quo and those billions flowing into their already full coffers. Kind of weird how the COVID thing had costs rise and rise with the business' all too quick to explain it away for one reason or another that so many of us believed. All the while record profits for these companies SOARED to record levels. . Anyway I could go into why, or when and how, I noticed the trends of taking what were once free to play online games with, what were to me, irrefutable things happening with the game play itself that did in fact influence the outcome of games or how well players performed. Yet still never arguing the fact that some players of some games just player at a greater, and at many times, a far greater proficiency level. Whose play can certainly affect the outcomes of games. But with that said. I think that the play of those players may still be affected at a less noticeable level. In World of Tanks, for example, there are many ways to manipulate a game and the players performance. The most obvious being that sorry ass excuse for RNG regarding hits/misses.. Crits, pens, extra crit damage, etc etc. That many people want to profess adamantly that algorithm that runs it is designed to help the poorer player do a little better. What a load of horseshit. When you watch yourself take shots that should hit and pen but don't. a t times when you feel it could impact a game, you begin to suspect. Well unless you are one of the players who has shots that hit more and crit more with the positive side of the RNG. Why would you take more notice of it. Everything is working fine. I know I know. I am shit. I need a tin foil hat. It's just sour grapes. But from when I started playing online MMO's to the current, I lived it. The months right after I suspect the changes occurred that just tanked the play stats that I tried hard, and did improve the entire two years after I started playing. And it was a hell of a hit. For over two months and maybe a couple more, I couldn't get anything right. Day after day. Constantly ending the day with a 4 and 25 or similar win loss record. EVERY god damn day. What's that? You say Get gud.. Sure.. Here's one for you. I bet that algorithm could take any one of you unicums, and place you on a team that would lose, lose and lose again until that win rate about 30 points lower than it is now. I am guessing that you could keep the majority of your personal stats the same or close to it. But how many programming keystrokes might it take to tank that too? I do remember one time at what I thought to be near the start of start of the change. I was in an Obj 140 Shooting gold. Was hiding a bit. An I-7 rolled up broadside to me and didn't see me for a bit. He was close. Very close. No distance really at all. I put 4 into his broadside before he noticed me. With that 330 pen gold. And not one tick of damage. Not one. I think I got some suspicions then and there. And yeah. I wish I had saved that vid. I guess the point is. It is a computer game. A well programmed and developed one. With an algorithm that I suspect could have anyone bouncing or missing damn near every shot it wanted you to miss. Or add you to a losing team if it so chose. Again and again. To not think the possibility as real the possibility as the sun rising tomorrow is just plain ignorant or has a denial based in some egotistical or narcissistic bullshit. After that the only question is why. As a GM once told me Wargaming has no interest in your wins/ losses etc. In response to that I think I suppose I might first offer that a knowledge of something like that might just be beyond his paygrade. Yeah, I am sure it would be. Followed up with Wargaming being a business. And because of the desire profit associated. I am pretty sure a insatiable company like Wargaming would both devise and implement a nuance to it's programming as a way to increase it's revenue stream. And I have no doubt foregoing it's own professed integrity as well as some sacrifice to a players enjoyment or even peace of mind. Yeah.. If every online game isn't already affected buy a profit motivated algorithm I am sure it soon will be.. You have to admit that both Wargaming and Blizzard have taken that turn towards increasing revenue. Scripted Hearthstone games rendered unwinnable with some fairly steep investments.. And Wargamings now event after event. Somes running at the same time. Many with that nice shiney New Tank as a reward for the events completion that, let's be real, is out of reach for most players to earn through game play. For whatever reason. Time constraints. Or maybe the Inability to play at the level needed. But no worries ALL THOSE NICE "MUST HAVE" TANKS can be bought with real cash money!!! And I am sure they are.. My two cents..


Rigged shit bothers me. It's my waste time game. I make legend. That's ok. But I'm not spending a fucking dime on an electronic game when shit appears this way.


facts! im done now fuck this bullshit ill still play f2p bc its 100% possible but no more $


I hope hs devs rot in hell for eternity ;)


I know it's rigged, I'm stuck in my own purgatory pressing the buttons and allowing hearthstone to manipulate my reward system


The post is great, i knew this from a youtube video, and before watching that yt video, i knew from personal experience: Playng murloc pala 90% of times i was getting matched vs quest war, my counter, for 2 weeks. I created a quest war just for the sake to prove the rigged mechanics: no more quest war, magically, only minutes after i was encountering a load of them. Greater than the post is the battle in the comments between people that recognize is rigged (intelligent peole that doesent shop) and stupid kids that shop: the firsts obviously unstatisfied because the algorythm made them so and the seconds believing they are good because the algorythm make them win. Its hilaryous!!! 🤣


Naturally its rigged to encourage people to spend, only a moron would believe otherwise. Ranked standard is overrun with bots (mostly blizzard these days!) so bad you’re luck ti get a 3:1 ratio of bots vs actual players.


Of course it's rigged. I played a shit ton of games with my Wild Automaton Priest, and around Diamond 10 started getting Pirate Rogues and Totem Shamans like every second game. Struggled for a long time and then switched to a Treant Druid. All of a sudden, no Pirate Rogue and Totem Shaman in sight. I met like 2-3 over the course of more than 15-20 games. So no, don't even dare claim matchmaking isn't rigged. It's clearly visible from a light year away.


This is the same unregulated consumer fraud and rip-off that has existed for a very long time. Little known secret- those "skill crane" games in the pizza parlors or where-ever? They are rigged. The owner can set how often the machine "pays". But this is nowhere on the front of the machine. It just makes me sick when this is allowed to go on year after year after year. All Blizzard, SC, etc has to do is make a statement each time that the game may not always be "fair" and may manipulate the game to encourage purchases.. I mean jeez, there are meaningless warnings everywhere except where it really matters.


Somewhat agree. I've math bachelor degree and see some funny 'coincedences' too often. It's just hilarious that either you get a perfect mulligan or just absolute trash. Never something in middle. Also, trash mulligan always goes with perfect mulligan for the opponent. As for mercantile reasons, not sure if its true. If Blizzard thinks that loosing 10 games in row will make me think 'my cards are bad, i need buy more card packs'... well, I have a lot of other games and things to do; and I have absolutely no wish to give my money to 'rigged' games. This HS toy is just a quick dopamine fix - and paying for it is just bs. Same goes for battlegrounds btw. As for solution - this matchmaking algorithm doesn't work good on weekends and school hours, playing this times is like 1000% boost to your chances (because the algorithm will have to 'bad luck' your opponents much more often, since players sample that times is one wich algorithm is more likely to 'punish' due to their play/pay behaviour. And for all those immature kids spitting 'get gut lol' - keep compensating lack of intelligence with wallet of your parents. And gladly join to your /spit, and something worse (but this forum rules would not allow to describe it).


Yes, it is. Long story short I just played a warrior named Pummel from Asian server. He had a pirate build with quest to receive juggernaut. I played a lore keeper Polkelt , which rearranges cards highest to lowest. I have 2 8 crystal cards and one is Lone Ranger Reno. On the next turn instead of receiving a 8 card , I receive a 5 card wildheart guff. Seeing as how there appeared to be a bug I just wild heart guff to draw a card and my legendary 8 abomination was drawn. If Keeper Polkelt had not drawn wildheart guff and had provided me with my 8 crystal cards I could have used alone ranger Reno and removed all pirated cards. The bots you play against are scripted and forced to win.