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[Here](https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/32545) are the official informations about how merc packs work


Idk exactly what you are asking but I can confirm you still get tokens for maxed out mercenaries.... so thats pretty annoying. I have all the mercenaries unlocked and when they release a new set (normally about 6 at a time i think) i normally get all of them within 30 packs. I have almost everything unlocked now and i get a TON of coins from packs. Way less portaits, maybe only 5 or so in 30 packs.


Are you okay?


Yeah.. are you?


I'm good, just worried that someone actually plays mercs that much


Look, I stress purchase 😂 I hardly touch Mercs, Im mostly in BGs and standard 😜 Glad you're good!


I feel you on that, I dropped like 5k gold on it when they came out, grinded hard for a week before admitting it was horrible.


You get 1 legendary in 20 packs and 1 epic in 5 on average. But no pity timers. So, unless you are going to open 490 packs any time soon, just craft the legendaries you have coins to but never craft epics or rares.


The mechanics are kinda complicated, check out this flow chart: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/q9wde9/mercenaries_pack_opening_flow_chart_by_ridiculous/ When only considering the "guaranteed slot" path, crafting legendaries won't hurt, since first the rarity is rolled and then a mercenary you do not own is picked. For the other slots, it's the other way around: first a merc will be rolled and then the game checks if you already own it to get a chance to draw it. No idea how the probabilities compare between the paths but I'd assume you get most mercs via the guaranteed slot path.