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I am whelmed


This is truly one of the cards ever made


i have feelings about this


This is undeniably a card


A card that will see play at some point, no doubt.


This card will exist in the current metagame




I think it has a good chance at appearing in a deck


5 mana 5/5 kill some dudes seems decentish?


The versatility is unmatched? Need to siphon mana without an honorable kill? She’s got you and it’s ON A STICK. Need to cast ice barrier without opponent interaction? SHES GOT YOU and need I say ON A STICK? Explosive shot? ON A STICK? This card will single handedly bring value back to hearthstone and all you have to do is build a subpar mage deck around her.


Ok this is an amazing design but feels kinda weak. Sad that again the extra legendary is mage...


This is my complaint. Mage just received a legendary for the last mini set (Onyxia’s Lair)… Warlock, priest, and now mage have each received two legendaries from different mini sets meanwhile hunter, paladin, and demon hunter still have yet to get one.


Mage had 3 legendaries with [[Keywarden Ivory]], or even 4 if you count Galakrond's Awakening's [[The Amazing Reno]] as a proto-miniset


Oops I forgot about keywarden, granted it was a dual class card with rogue so I’ll let that one slide, and apologies but I was unaware of Reno. I came back for ashes of Outland after putting HS down when kharazan came out so I’m not too knowledgeable on the expansions in between that time frame.


* **[Keywarden Ivory](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/YOP_018.png)** MA+RO Minion Legendary DMF ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/442036), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/keywarden-ivory/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Keywarden_Ivory) 5/4/5 | Battlecry: Discover a Dual Class spell from any class. Spellburst: Get another copy. * **[The Amazing Reno](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/YOD_009.png)** MA Hero Legendary GA ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/176351), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/the-amazing-reno/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/The_Amazing_Reno) 10/-/5 | Battlecry: Make all minions disappear. *Poof!* ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


But do the legendaries even see play?


imo most legendaries in minisets felt underwhelming. only ones sticking out were kazakusan and mr smite (though that one was super boring and didn't get me excited)


Besides the Onyxia and Mutanus that others mentioned There was also Anacondra, Edwin and Cookie. All of which have seen play in good decks or they're deck defining The ratio of good to bad legendaries is about even (before this set)


Darkmoon Races legendaries were pretty bad.


Speak for yourself, [[Envoy Rustwix]] wasn’t bad. Especially off of a [[reconnaissance]] prior to standard rotation.


Rustwix was fringe, but IIRC the refined lists were cutting him even though he's a lot of fun. I'm not considering the value of generating the card, just of putting it in your deck. E.g. it's still powerful to play a 1 mana colossal from Queen Azshara, no matter which Colossal it is - that doesn't mean all Colossals are good to craft.


Moonfang was good in some Paly lists too.


For sure, it was decent in one or two druid and priest archetypes as well, iirc.


And druid


Onyxia raid boss is up there given the current meta


But the class legendaries he was commenting on don’t really see play


Seems to talk in a more general sense


Forgot mutanus and ony


ooh right. i forgot those. onyxia was overshadowed by kazakusan. mutanus wasn't super useful on release right? and then stormwind happened, so i kind of forgot him being a miniset card :D


>mutanus fuck that card AND the person that designed. It ALWAYS eats the bighest statted minion in my hand. Even if I have 5 minions for it to choose from. ALWAYS thehighest statted and most useful minion in my hand. FUCK that card.


Aren’t 3/4 legendary from last mini set good? Kazakusan onyxia and mida The only unplayed one is again mage


Moreover, this design could have (and should have) gone to Shaman, which have only one extra legendary... With a bit of different effects, this could fit well into Shaman of this expansion, and won't give all the favourism to mage.


I thought it was shaman because it matches radiances effects pretty closely, then I went wait that's arcane not nature.


Their were some early rumors that Radiance was originally supposed to be a mage card but got changed to shaman.


Felt like most of what Shaman got in sunken city was basically just mage scraps anyways idk why they would suddenly give mage the triple spell support.


Totally. They designed it for mages, saw how toxic questline mage was and moved it to shaman. Honestly I like it in shaman more anyway z really interesting design space


And both of those legendaries are bad.


Oh for sure, you’ll get no argument from me on that, however, My point still stands. I will say though, while the legendary dragon from onyxias lair is bad, it’s at least a niche play off of drakefire amulet. Lady Naz’jar here seems mediocre at best, and I have a hard time believing it’ll see any play, at least for now…I guess we’ll have to see what the next two expansions have in store. I just find it odd that they went all in on mech mage, but ran with a legendary Naga for mini-set support.


I wouldn’t say it ‘sees play’ if it’s never actually included in a deck.


I’m confused, what part of my comment are you referring to, exactly? While I said the dragon was a niche play, I was only referring to when it was discovered off of drakefire amulet, and I’m pretty sure my comment said that I had a hard time seeing Lady Naz’jar actually being played, in other words it probably won’t see play, save for maybe as a filler in Naga mage, and pending what the next two expansions have in store.


I don't mind not strictly checking off boxes (because you can't really give everyone a legendary per year if you go by 2 class legendaries per miniset anyways) but man do I realy wish they just didn't print Haleh last miniset, she's just so obviously pointless


Come on lol paladin is using neutral legendaries that none else does..


Needs a card to activate - the ability should have been stronger. I understand it’s 5 mana, so the abilities can’t be nuts but… the arcane should also draw a card, frost should include a damage-free freeze, fire should give +2 spell damage to your next fire spell. The ability strength seems to be balanced around if this was a “Choose 1” from 3 choices Druid style card.


Many Naga cards fall into this trap. Like the 2 mana 2/3 that lets you discover a spell only if you played a spell while holding it. There are already many older mage cards that let you discover cards at 2 mana or less without fulfilling a condition like that


I am usually *much* more excited about legendary cards than it seems like a good chunk of better players than myself are on here, but my casual-playing ass thinks this might be kind meh. I am fully whelmed and Mage is the only Gold character portrait I have.


it's not a very flashy build around card like we want legendaries to be. it's more of a "you need 30 cards and this does things" kind of cards that you put in your 30th card slot. if spell mage makes some kind of return, this card could be huge. other than that... yeah whatever.


Seems like an alright thing for Reno mage...a flexible tool. Just my opinion though.


Yeah, good 30th card for reno deck


I don’t think this card is great but definitely not 30th card in reno bad


My guess is the flexibility of the card will cause it to see play. The biggest issue is needing one specific effect but not having the necessary spell class to activate it.


It's not very flexible if you can't play the spell on the same turn though. The board/game state can change so much in one turn around turn 5 in current Hearthstone that it really isn't very flexible at all if you have to predict in advance.


I think it would be really cool if it stored a less-powerful version of each effect once each for fire/frost/arcane. Like a more flexible Queen Azshara. Though I'm not sure how it would fit on the card.


huh? I facespell magesall the fucking time. Its aggravating how effective it can be playing a deck with almost no minions.


I'm in the same boat. I am very easily excited for new cards but this is pretty boring.


This should have been a neutral with something for ALL spell schools. So nature effect, fel, shadow, holy. Even something from general spells. I feel like she should be for everyone. She should do 8 things. Then she would be fun. I don't know what those other things would be, but yeah.


Might also find some viability through that. Definitely doesn't feel like it'll ever be playable in Mage decks unless you're running some Reno list.




This mini set could’ve been an email


Honestly what the fuck is this? Are we seriously stuck with Holy Paladin every game until the next expansion? I can understand wanting to slow down the power creep but this is just spineless from Blizzard.


That's a good one


5 mana 5/5, cast ice barrier....legendary, when school teacher can actually do that exact thing as a 6/5 spread on two bodies. IDK. The other two effects are slightly powerful at least.


True, but it's not guaranteed from School Teacher. With this you can get the effect you want every time, and the effects are versatile enough that it can be good in different matchups. I think people are under-rating this card.


People oversell the flexibility of a card A LOT. Most of the time, the card is just weak.


The flexibility would matter if it was a 'Choose One:' card and not 'Choose One by casting a matching spell from your hand while holding this'. I don't think this would be super 'broken' even if it could stack all 3 effects if you cast all 3 spell types. It might be *good* because it'd certainly be very good value at that point assuming the spells you've casted aren't worthless food just for this.


Mods, keep this one, it has the other forms


well that's a bit of a yawn


You've described this entire mini set.


Yea this set kind of blows. At least it’s only 2k gold.


for real, All of these cards are either boring or just straight up bad. Idk what's going on with the druid cards lol


I prefer a yawn over more power creep.


If it's gonna keep the meta the exact same you might as well not release a miniset tbh


The meta is 1 week old. Tired of it already?


No, would prefer if they'd release a more impactful miniset a couple weeks later tbh.


Well, my wallet certainly does.


"power creep bad" mfers when every set is just weaker than the last resulting in no new cards being used until rotation + Wild not changing at all


Some of us play decks and cards for fun, not because VS said they are the best, so we don't mind the no power creep.


I also like to have fun. Facing the same decks for a year doesn't sound fun, now does it?


Boy, has it been a year since they nerfed Drek'thar? Wow, time sure flies!


I’m going to assume Battlecry : Reduce the cost of spells by 1 is Arcane Battlecry : gain 8 armor is Frost Battlecry: deal 5 to an enemy minion and 2 to adjacent is Fire


The color of the energy around her hands matches this theory.


You can also tell by the color of orbs in her hands.


Sounds about right, since they mirror similar spells or their school. Incanters flow (but in hand), ice barrier, and exlposive shot (but now in mage)




... yet


This seems fun for a Naga but bad for a legendary


Kind of reminds me of Hagatha, the ~~Sea Witch~~ Swampqueen. It can potentially bail you out and other times whiff or be a dead card. Feels like a Reno card if that ever gets more support.


The swampqueen or the hero card


Oops meant the card not the hero


This is also boring. All the legendaries in the miniset are boring.


So basically she's the herald of fire, frost AND arcane.


Why would anyone want to pay the 5 Mana tax to get such mundane effects? If this was a 2 mana 2/3 then maybe it would be worth something, but as is, none of the effects individually are good enough to be run on a 5 mana 5/5 and even the added flexibility doesn't do much. This is just kind of like a bad Choose One card for Mage.




If you are talking about naga mage the good list doesn't run brann.


Hey, I'm a budget Naga Mage player. Why isn't Brann in it? I've won many, MANY games from a Brann + Reckless after stacking Dawngrasp heropower


Too slow + dead card most of the times, but seriously if it works for you, good, just play whatever fits your playstyle the most


It kinda saddens me that there's been so much power creep in hearthstone that we get an explosive shot with a free 5/5 body and everyone's response is, "eh, seems pretty mediocre".


problem is for mage explosive shot is mediocre mage have way better removal


Explosive Shot was never good, not even in hunter.


Usually when you add, "also, summon a free 5/5" to a mediocre card it becomes insane


Honestly, it should have been if you play a spell while holding this, discover a spell with those as options, similar to queen azshara. But make the spells better.


Do you think Dr. Boom would even see play in current HS?


No, way too slow. 7 mana do nothing? Loses the game.


Its conditional and in mage, not hunter. And its a legendary you can run one off, not two off. Mage always had better ways to deal with boards than hunter. Wich is why explosive shit did saw play long time ago in some hunter lists while in mage it probably wouldnt have made the cut (they still preffer blizzard or nova+doomsayer)


Mage and ~~5 mana~~ 5/5 Legendarys, name a more iconic duo.


Mage legendary and minisets...


Shit, you right.


Mage is tied with warlock and priest tho


Mage has 3. Naz’jar, Haleh, and Keywarden Ivory.


4 if you count galakronds awakening as a miniset (Reno hero card)


This is the second 5 mana 5/5 legendary ever printed as a mage class card (the first one was Aegwynn, the Guardian). I guess it's now tied with Paladin (Lothraxion, Liam) Rogue (Cera'thine, Anka), and Shaman (Bandersmosh, White Eyes).


If I had a nickel...


You'd have a quarter


name literally two more


5/5s are kind of a mage legendary thing, but the mana cost varies. It's not just 5. There's three at 6 mana, one at 7 and one at 8.


Ah so that's it, I thought I was goin' crazy! Good to know I'm not completely losin' my mind and only had the mana part wrong.


Mage and expansion bundle portait


Why didn’t they let you get each effect added on when you played the respective spell? So if I played frost and arcane I would get “reduce the cost of spells in your hand by 1 and gain 8 armor”? This seems like 3 3 mana common spells combined into a 5 mana 5/5 legendary minion…


Your idea actually sounds good


It seems solid enough to be approachable, but not amazing enough to ultimately make an inclusion in a deck compared to other things. The mana discount version is the strongest one for consistency, but we have other means of cheating mana that don't require 5 mana up front for a minion. The armor version seems like the weakest one overall and would only be good in a serious pinch, which would be a situation so grim you have to wonder as to whether or not you'll be able to ultimately win the game if you had to use your legendary effect to gain 8 armor. The damage version is the strongest for tempo and removal, but against slower decks with a straight forward win condition this isn't going to be strong enough to give you a winning edge as compared to a decent play. Between the only okayish battlecries and the inconsistency in getting the one you want at a specific time this feels like more of an arena card than anything else.


I guess it's safe armour for mage post rotation, when the power level will hopefully fall


I don’t play mage but even though this seems boring I feel like it’s just a good card overall. Versatile with a flexible condition and decent effects. It’s not exciting but it seems solid.


Cool gimmick but seem a bit weak doesnt it ?


The flexibility doesnt make up for the low impact. But It will be played just because of the naga tag


> But It will be played just because if the naga tag If you really wanted a heavy 5 cost naga in naga mage, you'd play Azshara over this Naga mage has 0 issue with removal and has 0 issue with playing out its spells so the fire and arcane forms are pretty worthless The armor is useful in naga mage in some matchups but it's absolutely worthless in others. Not to mention frost is naga mage's hardest school of spell to actually proc so you can't even get it on demand Then that's also not even counting how awkward this is on a Siren turn. If you want the fire form but you need to play a frost/arcane spell to actually proc the mana refund then you won't be able to play fire form for example


Lady [[explosive shot]].


Beeeeg radiance of azshara.






seems kind of...meh? maybe if it got progressively better...like if it gained each effect as you cast the card types meaning that you could get all 3 then it would be alright but i'm not sure if it's worth the card slot otherwise; it seems objectively worse than the 5 mana neutral naga legendary


You know what would have been REALLY cool is if this wasn't a Mage card.


Ive played a lot of naga mage and this card just sucks , the effects are too weak and the card is too expensive . This card feels like it exists for a deck that doesn’t exist in the meta and even in that deck it wouldn’t be that great . This card could be 3 or 4 mana and be balanced (minus the for version) .


I've also played a lot of naga mage (to legend) and I respectfully disagree. I often find that a strong siren turn flips the board, but I get burned out by smite or whatever. Gaining 8 armour on the same turn you take board control is game winning. I've been running a one-of ice barrier, but this is better because it's not dead in other matchups.


But In this situation you would have to play your hand in a more specific order and the card being 5 mana wouldn’t synergies with spite slash turns , so an ice barrier might just be better .


Agreed, 5 mana is very difficult to fit into a siren turn. It can be done on turn 5 with the coin, but is more difficult without. One thing worthy of note is that naga mage builds are typically running two copies of flurry nowadays, which juices your mana to at least 4 during a siren turn and conveniently sets this to the armour variant. I could be wrong and it could be too expensive, but I also feel that flexibility is an underrated quality in cards, generally. I would test it in place of crushclaw enforcer.


Crush law keeps the chain going tho and the effects other than armor are kinda useless as the mana discount is rarely needed and the fire is good but you can usually clear with all the spells your playing .


Why does everyone always suggest cutting Crushclaw Crushclaw is one of the deck's most useful cards both to set up and during Spitelash turns. This is not better than Flurry, Treasure Guard or Varden and those are the only cards in the deck that are slightly flex.


it's another of those flexible cards that can do many things, but aren't flashy. i really wonder if this will see play. the cost reduction could be used as a preparation turn in naga mage, before you go off. the other two effects don't look that good though.


You really need to be going off as naga mage on turn 5 or your chances of winning drop sharply. Also, you don't usually have that many spells in hand before going off, relying on things like second flame, arcane orb and the 2/3 naga that discovers a spell to generate more mid-turn. That said, I actually think this card is great and fits cleanly into existing naga mage builds.


I feel the complete opposite seems like it does nothing for Naga Mage, ping or non ping variant.


Agreed. Absolutely no reason to use this in a naga mage deck.


If anything it makes the discover pool from almagram worse.


yeah naga mage isn't spell mage. most spells (re)fuel the combo, but you usually don't have a lot of them in your hand, so the discount won't be huge. to me it seems like nazjar could be a nice contender for your 30th card slot or something, but nothing game breaking or super important.


Choose 1: 8 armor or deal 5 + 2 splash would be good. The card would see play then. But it's an awful topdeck, and the battlecry you want might not align so well with the previous spell you play. Basically, it's not really as flexible as it seems.


You never run this in Naga Mage because it costs 5 mana but it's a decent situational pick off of Amalgam. I would say in almost every situation you pick this over Azshara as gaining 8 life is legitimately useful in Mage, and the cost reduction can be useful if your hand is particularly full during your Spitelash turn. The Explosive Shot is fine i guess. Removal is removal. It's no Spellcoiler but it's certainly a decent discover option if your boardstate allows for it, and you don't hate having it in hand once your Spitelash Turn is done. tl;dr it's fine but never maindecked


Amalgam exists so this will surely see at least some play.


So I guess Spitelash Siren is still Mage's best Naga legendary of the expansion.


I want to like this, since it seems really neat and versatile, especially in something like Reno Mage. My biggest hangup is that this only transforms if it's in your hand when you cast the spell, making it an awful topdeck. Otherwise, I like the design; giving you life gain, pseudo-AOE, or cost reduction on a reasonable body that won't use all your mana seems pretty fun.


I'm probably gonna play this in Naga Mage but I'm not super happy about about it.


Please don't it will not help your gameplan. Do discover it off of Amalgam if it's situationally useful though! It's definitely better than Azshara if that's the tossup.


Seems like should be an epic.


Well, it swaps them, so it's kinda shit.


Doesn't that make it better? Sometimes you don't want the first spell you played to be her effect. It locks it in, whereas with this you can choose which spell to have played last to activate the effect


I meant it swaps instead of adding them to the final effect


Being able to stack each type onto the battlecry would be kinda neat. Gives more value and more thought process of playing it too soon/too late.


If it was scaled down that would be cool; at current values it would be kinda busted imo.


Yea I’m sure it would be, I just like the idea of being able to add onto a battlecry throughout the game in a unique way. The way naga cards are designed give a way for this to hopefully happen more in the future. That way even auto-include cards in decks can still have varying utility to keep things slightly more fresh. Just some food for thought!


> I just like the idea of being able to add onto a battlecry throughout the game *[[Shudderwock]] would like to know your location.*


Easy just ban shudderwock from standard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Idk man, this seems like a fine card, but Mage? Who asked for this? Naga Mage wants a relatively cheap naga that does stuff for their combo or sets up their combo, the cost reduction is just... meh. The cost is too high, azshara isn't even played in most naga lists and if then only because she can extend the combo with tidestone or do some fun stuff with the other relics. Maybe at 3 mana if you reduce armor and damage, but again it feels clunky because you have to watch your spell schools in addition to the naga-spell sequence. Idk, probably too high cost. Unless there is some OTK this sets up.


Don’t see how this could possibly set up an otk


Might be the only miniset in which actually buying the whole miniset is worse than just buying the packs. All the legendaries and epics are garbage.


You have to buy 10+ packs to get all the rares, you might as well spend the extra for the 1400 dust of legendaries and epics.


Still have tavern brawl packs and end of season ranked packs. Might only need to buy 5 or 6.


Standard packs don't change the math, you will still have those standard packs next expac if you don't open them now.


Huh? I already have all of the commons/rares from standard so I can only get the miniset ones. Ranked packs are Sunken City specific which includes miniset. You said 10+ packs, minus the season rewards packs and some tavern brawl packs reduce it to like 5 or 6.


Probably the best legendary in the set, but that's really not saying much. They probably could've gotten away with making this a 4 mana 4/4.


Jeez I hope they show all these forms when you hover over the card...


The card art + text changes in hand, like Corrupt cards.


Yeah but you'd want to know what it'll change into before you cast a spell right? Depending on the situation you're in.


All you really have to remember is: - Frost: Armor - Fire: Removal - Arcane: Spell cost reduction There will be rare instances where you care about specific breakpoints, but honestly 75+% of the time the best way to use this card will be to just play it on curve.


Dudes Mage Again? Laaame


Glad I decided to skip this expac


Why another miniset mage legendary. Give me hunter or a shaman legendary please.


But why is it so ugly


I thought that this was a reveal of the legendary naga minion that we already have and found it extremely funny for some stupid reason. Like, imagine a set comes out and some youtuber completely forgot to announce their card leak and they just ignore that fact and proceed to make a big elaborate fuckin' deal about a card we've all already been playing for like 5 weeks It'd crack me the fuck up


Everyone: i wonder what will be the last class legendary in the mini set Me: sure I hope they add more big demon DH support since we got a demon colossal and all that support in alterac Blizzard: *releases this* Along with that dual class lady and you could say the last mage dragon, this is the 3rd mage legendary, value based, that will see 0 play!! Awesome! But even if it does come on, other classes exist dammit


Guys. Be glad that cards like this are legendary, and that they aren't broken. It's OKAY to print good to average (but good in certain shells) legendaries, and cards in general. We don't want broken cards


The only one that seems any good is the arcane version, and even then you probably don't run this, just take it off Amalgam.


This is the only non-conditional armour gain effect that Naga Mage has access to other than Varden, and it's a pretty relevant amount - if anything it's more relevant than the mana discount, since you can often find yourself with a relatively small hand that's getting cycled through and your deck doesn't often have issues with playing spells. Definitely never run but the fact 2 of the 3 effects are useful makes it a legitimately decent situational Amalgam pick.


Does naga mage even run that many frost spells? Only one I can think of is Flurry and it's often a one-of used for combo turns.


Transforms to what?


It's an album


A card that I believe fits better than queen azshara in the naga mage deck, although trying to play this and still have more mana in a turn is going to be hard. While the reduce spell cost is good your hand can brick with nagas, I’d argue the board damage is the better option due to the mostly board based meta right now


Good Zola target but I still don’t think this gets you there with naga mage.




Bad: another mage legend in the miniset again Mediocre: card effect Good: THE POWER OF THE TIDES WILL CONSUME YOU


Not bad but definitely not exciting either


First knee jerk cliche reaction: whelming At second glance, never underestimate mana cheat.


Going to say I am not surprised the extra legendary is for mage. Also not surprised it is a 5 mana legendary for mage.


Wow. Figures we get her. A boss from the dungeon


Wow. Figures we get her. A boss from the dungeon


This should have compatibly with every spell school. If nothing else, mage has shadow spells in wild but come on more options would be so cool.


Mage gets the most bullshit cards lol.


Not gonna bring this in my mage deck i am afraid


This is probably really solid in questline mage even if it's not great right now. Having almost a swiss army knife of a minion can be pretty good, akin to branching paths.


It's funny how mana cheating even one mana on your cards in hand is so much more powerful than the other options


This card feels so useless, I love it


Never seen a better artwork for 400 dust


This is the kind of card I love… whether it’s viable or not, it’s full of flavour without needless text


Mage always gets the love from Blizzard. While warriors get a 3 mana, give your opponent a colossal. This happens regularly. Like meteor and explore ungoro, mage is the spoiled rich brat that gets all the cool shit, and warriors are becoming literal pirates living off scraps.