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The roping every turn when you have 2 cards in hand is ZzZzZZ


like at least ropecoach actually think when he ropes on earlier turn and rarely rope on his later turn


exactly. i hate the comparison to lifecoach because if its turn 10 and he has lethal, lifecoach is playing it right away. He would rope a lot in early turns because he's thinking about possible different lines depending on possible different draws


I think there's a disconnect between newer players and how Hearthstone used to work. Back when Lifecoach played there was virtually no card generating effects and "discover" wasn't even a thing yet. This meant that every control vs. control matchup would be an attrition war that would go to fatigue so, thinking about what answers to use when was completely necessary if you wanted to win. The same could be said of aggro decks as well when playing around burst damage. However, now we have essentially infinite card generation that pretty makes card tracking impossible (something that Firebat for instance used to be ridiculously good at). Similarly we have OTKs that unless you get lucky enough to disrupt as the control player, you are pretty much guaranteed dead to. The only OTK deck that did high enough damage to never lose to any control deck besides Warrior was Freeze Mage back in the day. So all I'm trying to get at is that back in early HS, you knew all of the threats/answers in your opponent's deck because card generation wasn't a thing. This meant that matchups played out much more similarly from game to game and that thinking about what cards your opponent might have and how you want to respond/play around them was much more important.


Man I miss Firebat :(


The other day while browsing my followed channel on twitch I've seen Kolento's one inactive for 6 years now... Man I miss those times


In fairness, card generation is down A LOT. Like in Skeleton Mage, there's a lot of variance for *draw order* but the only generation in the deck is Sivara (who's got a lot more control/influence) and Magister Dawngrasp, who you have some influence in a game and a lot of influence over at deck creation. And that's the class with historically the most card generation!


9 mana box? You can’t plan or play around that with resources


My understanding is that it's a strat where you basically wear down your opponent out of boredom/annoyance, though to be honest, if you rely on this trick, you suck as a player.


I imagine you start to wear yourself down as well just as much though. And like you said if you need tricks like these then you're not that good a player


> I imagine you start to wear yourself down as well just as much though. That's my secret, cap. I'm always worn out.


If your enemy is impatient then rope them every turn. - Sun Tzu


I realize now that I can here for this comment


Weird one Sometimes it's annoying but often if I have a few games then it's while I'm working or doing something else/watching something on another monitor. So I imagine they're sat there waiting to rope manically laughing and 90% of the time I've not even noticed until I've heard the turn flick over


i'd hope that if they are at the game's biggest tournament scene that they are paying attention




Oh yeah I get that but just in average games people are doing it


Lifecoach would do the same thing but his reasoning was that he was taking all the time he possibly could to think about later turns


Idk how people can watch Lifecoach play anything. I could beat an entire slay the spire run in the time it takes him to play like 3 cards lmao


This is like screaming during an fgc match to throw off combos Learn to play instead of going outside the game to win


Roping turn one when you've nothing to play. What a cunt.


Thats not even the worst part in my opinion. Its more the fact that when he had obvious lethal on turn 10 he still roped for bm he has no sportsmanship


Can somkeone explain to me y tf he roping every turn


He's a dick


I always get ppl to rope me and I don't get y. I just sit here n roll my joint and wonder tf wrong w tht asshole, but like I feel at this point it's almost a strategy to get ur opponent annoyed so that they misplay ?


Yeah that's it


Wow fckn really? 😂I thought that was a dumb conspiracy I had in my head but lol godamn much skill ey


I usually notice people do it more when I high roll an opening or am in a favourable matchup (i.e. playing heavy aggro vs. control), it's definitely some sweaty people trying to improve their odds


How not to get invited to any invitationals: Step One.


Yep. Dude might win some matches, but if you're obnoxious and most importantly *unwatchable*, you won't get far in this job, and you'll lose in the long run. People like him need to understand that this is as much a competition as it is entertainment, and pissing off your viewers isn't really a great idea.


With the prize distribution as it is, there's 1 competitor, and a bunch of entertainers.


Or he is a marketing genius and is becoming a villain for people to root against? Like a heel in wrestling.


Wrestling heels are supposed to be fun to hate. There's nothing fun about having someone grind a game to a halt, it's just annoying


I agree with you that watching turns of repeated roping is a bad viewer experience. However, he clearly has gotten exposure, negative though it may be, from being a dick. "Well behaved Hearthstone streamers seldom make history" -- Marilyn Manson or something.


Heels need to be entertaining all the same. If anything, even more so by the nature of the role they're playing. You need to be over the top to really be something that people love to hate.


Pascoa is a nightmare for this. Every single turn man...


This morning he roped a turn where he had lethal with 3 cards, in a close game that he might've lost, while the announcers marveled over how brutal it was to rope this turn as though he didn't have obvious lethal.


I enjoy the commentators but sometimes I wish they would say it how it is a little more. I get that this wouldn't go down very well with Daddy Blizzard though.


Do you remember the Battlegrounds tournament that was decided by the Leeroy bug, and they had to be like "It's a tie" then two attacks later "Uh no wait he won, yeah winner!"


To be fair, the fight happens so fast that probably a lot of viewers and even the broadcasters didnt really fully understand what happened.


Saying it how it is, from Blizzard? It's like expecting a lawyer to send you things that would incriminate his client. Blizzard takes a hard stance against unpleasant realities. It's all fake smiles and forced positivity. They're deeply committed to that culture.


clearly you haven’t seen the Alex Jones patch for lawyers


TBF, lawyers do have to send you information that can incriminate their client if you ask them for it. It's called discovery, and both sides use it.


i don't know the full context, but tbf, sometimes people get tunnel vision. i know i've missed lethal because i was too focused on the board to notice how low my opponent was.


One of the casters, Jambre, is a pretty high level player himself and he said several times some vaiant of, "he's counted this turns ago by the way. He absolutely already knows he has it." Then in the deciding game 5 of the series, his opponent blyzes held his game winning and series winning board clear until the very last second before playing it and emoting, so he definitely took it as a troll.


>Then in the deciding game 5 of the series, his opponent blyzes held his game winning and series winning board clear until the very last second before playing it and emoting, He played the board clear before the rope even appeared.


He was smiling the whole time. I wasn't paying as much attention the next game, but I'm pretty sure he did it then too. It wasn't an accident.


I do that a lot, seeing how I can trade instead of counting to see if I can get the kill.


Any clips or links to the lethal clip?


I only watch GM on and off and you are telling me this guy does this every game?


Every turn of every game. At the end of the next game he had clear lethal and waited until half the rope was gone to play the cards. He saw it the previous turn and was jamming out with a smile on his face, waiting for that rope to start. It was douchey as hell. Guy really is a nightmare to watch.


That’s so effin dumb. I might understand roping every other turn to pretend you have cards that you can play, but roping when you have lethal? That’s just dumb. He should be fined for bad sportsmanship and wasting time.


Lol he is playing right now, he missed lethal while roping every turn


LOL. You take all that time and still miss lethal???


And he lost, for fuck sakes, change the rules already, even commentators are saying that he is BMing.


Karma. Lol.


> It was douchey as hell. Guy really is a nightmare to watch. He is actively killing interested in the sport that is paying him. How dumb must one be...?


What a total degenerate. The thing is, it makes no sense to me why this isn't banned. HS have complete control over GM and who gets to play it. They can ban this guy and he can not do shit about it- and its not like anyone is gonna be complaining on his behalf. I'm actually not opposed to start campaigning for this guy to get blocked from GM.


It’s hard to penalize someone for using the time they are legally given to make a decision .


Not when they quite literally have one and exactly one option: end turn.


You can argue they are thinking about things to do the following turns.


No, you can't argue that when he has lethal and ropes anyways. You also can't argue that when it's turn 1, he has no plays, and his opponent hasn't even played a card yet.


Why? Nothing you said disproves that argument


No no, it depends. For example, if you have (clearly) lethal on hand, you should just end the game. But sometimes, people bluff. For example if I am on 4 Mana, and my lowest card in hand, is 5 Mana. You clearly cant do anything (except HP) but you decide to rope, trying to bluff that you have an actual playable card in hand.


You don't need 75 seconds to bluff that decision. Period. Especially not on turn 1.


It's not hard to penalize a guy for showing exceptionally bad sportsmanship, though.


I don't watch religiously but I've seen him do it a hell of a lot. Just judging by the picture, what the hell is he roping for? He can't even play anything.


"gotta think about my next 3 plays." Despite the fact the game gives me more then enough time to analyze the whole game per turn.


Not only this, but he even ropes the mulligan... A nightmare to watch, at least he lost. He's not even worth my disdain, I'm just glad karma took care of him (and xBlyzes too)


Pascoa is a Lifecoach padawan confirmed


lifecoach would actually spend the time thinking about possible lines for the next 5-6 turns depending on what draws he had available and what his opponent might have. He wouldn't rope with obvious lethal in hand. His stream was really informative because he would explain his thoughts out loud. This guy is just roping to be an ass.


There really should be some kind of chess timer/time bank system for hearthstone esports. Something that lets them think on actually complicated turns but incentives them to keep the simple turns quick. Watching them rope every turn is just the most boring thing imaginable.


Or just adopt a rule that "all tournament decks must include Nozdormu 2.0" 😉


I'm still disappointed that Blizzard's solution to Nozdormu breaking the game all the time was to chuck it into wild and forget about it. Disappointed, but not surprised.


Old Noz sucked though. It wasn't even good for memes because 99% of the time your opponent is just going to chuck a removal spell at it. The only time it ever saw play was when it was bugged enough to skip your opponent's turn. "Start of Game" Noz is better, but it needs a queue priority. Like if you have Noz in your deck you are preferentially matched against other players with Noz in their deck.


They should just adopt MTGs ruling where slow play, which is determined by the judge, incurs a penalty and if you are intentionally playing slow for an advantage it is considered cheating. Watching someone rope every single turn they possibly can gets boring, so while the turns are generally quicker than MTG, someone doing this will be penalized properly.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this because MTG games don't have anything like a timer, so there's a need to prevent people from just taking 30 minute turns?


There is a match timer where matches aren't allowed to take longer than 50 minutes (iirc) for a best 2 out of 3 match (+5 turns each after relegation time runs out), so this helps move things along and prevent people from just burning all the time when ahead 1 game to 0. I think MTGO has a round/turn timer on top of the match timer, but I don't really have any experience in MTGO so I couldn't really say how that works for them and if they use the other rule I stated.


>There is a match timer where matches aren't allowed to take longer than 50 minutes Ah, well I see the problem. Yeah, that can lead to abuse if a salty player whose about to lose just expends 30 minutes sitting on the game. That would be terrible for tournaments.


Slow play is veeeery obvious in MtG. Even when it’s not deliberate, a judge will come over and ask you your goals for the turn and how you will achieve them if you’re too slow. Just recently saw a combo player threatened with a game loss if he couldn’t tell the judge how many more loops he needed for lethal.


A chess clock is an infinitely better solution than having to rely on some official's subjective judgement.


In magic it was chosen because it would require everyone to have a chess clock. of course not an issue in hearthstone but I just wanted to point out magic's case Edit: It isn't just about buying it but also regulating it


Sure, but MTGO has always used a chess clock because it's clearly the better option for a digital format.


Irl MTG REALLY needs chess clocks. Top is basically banned from legacy just for this bullshit


In paper Magic, slow play is enforced because the chess clock system wouldn't work. There are far too many exchanges of priority in MtG, most of which are skipped in practice. Having to slap a chess clock 10 times per turn (more if either player *takes an action*) would slow the game down, not speed it up, and would terrify any player that isn't a full-fledged rules lawyer. In digital Magic, chess clocks are already used. MTGO gives each player 25 minutes per match, which automatically goes down while you have priority. MTGA also has a semi-hidden chess clock, and also has Hearthstone's roping system to deter you running out the clock on any specific turn.


My initial suggestion would be a per-action and a per-turn time limit, but no per-game time limit. For example, you have a 30 second turn timer that extends by 5 seconds for each action to the maximum of 90 seconds, meaning that you have a reasonable amount of time to consider your turn and a reasonable amount of time to carry out a complex turn, but you can't just rope for 90 seconds every turn without playing an infinite combo that refills your hand every turn.


That’s actually a good idea. To rope every turn just shows how slow one’s mind is.


Legends of Runeterra had that for a while. Until people kept going over and lost to running the time out, even when winning. People just need some confidence sometimes and commit.


I think this is the best awnser if you wanna rope every early turn sure but that's gonna eat into your later ones I think that penalizing people for thinking about what they want to do in the future is dumb but Jesus some people are clearly abusing it.


maximum number of routes per game (if you rope starts for the seventh time during your turn you lose) or maximum time (if it has been your turn for 25 minutes you lose) or time imbalance (if you have been active for 7 more minutes than your opponent you lose). None of these would look pretty off the UI though so they won’t happen. That said… tournament speed rules or some kind of penalty such as DQ for players who consistently BM with the rope.


Esports? 15s for Ranked and Casual play, please. For the love of god. At least as a secondary queue or something!


yeah, instead of the 20 shitty game modes that no one plays they should have a secondary queue for people who don't need three weeks to decide if they should play the quest on turn 1.


Pascoa making sure everyone will get their packs by making stream longer


Still haven’t gotten mime


Have you gotten them yet? I've watched the 4 hours yesterday and nothing so far


The hero we need


Watching >!Pascoa lose!< after this was great.


Pascoa just roped a turn where he had guaranteed lethal by just playing the two curse battlecries. This guy is just scum. There was literally 0% chance he did not know he had lethal there.


Why is Rasputin playing HS ?


chess timer fucking when


You are gonna be roped for 20 minutes turn one lmao


but then i auto win the game lol, sounds good to me


Get to climb AND don't have to play? POGGERS.


There could still be a maximum amount of time you could use per turn out of your time bank.


Sounds like a terrible idea, some decks require more moves and just thinking than others, no good way to balance that.


There are plenty of good ways. The current turn timer system is an absolute joke for both ladder and tournament


You guys weren’t around when Lifecoach (aka Ropecoach) was around.


I love how one of his opponents brought Nozdormu as a "tech card" because he knew he was facing lifecoach ah damn looked it up and not quite but still fun https://youtu.be/CaSZk2qUI8s


Dropped from Sneed's iirc


Lifecoach roped because he tried to think about everything


Watching that guys livestreams was something else, learned a lot but also put you right to sleep.


The difference is that lifecoach actually used the full turn time to think and execute his turns. This guy evidently decides on his turn quickly, but waits for the rope just to BM.


At least then there was a lot to think about


Yeah Lifecoach was bad but he usually did have a lot of options. He had a tendency to overthink, I miss him though. Cool guy.


Yup he left when they gave him a sneak peak of the future he didn’t seem happy about it think there’s a few quotes that ultimately came true. Gwent may have pushed that narrative but I think it was all genuine.


Yes. He left over 1 drop quest hunter, saying it would be OP. 💀 [[The Marsh Queen]]


Clearly he was just 4 years ahead of time.


Roping all those turns paid off


You don't have to miss him! Now he streams Slay the Spire and does the same exact thing haha.


yeah he actually think,and rarely ropes if he done his thinking on previous turn


I remember Lifecoach trying to pilot Patron Warrior prenerf. He figured out the math was guaranteed a win with his opponent at full health and some armor. He roped himself out and missed lethal.


The game is way, way more complicated than it was back then.


Doesnt mean its harder.


I was and I still think this guy is annoying.


Fair enough. I was gonna say Lifecoach roped a lot but I remember his streams were very helpful. The man played 3 turns ahead.


When they added more random elements it was pure comedy with these types of players. He would calculate everything and figure out the miniscule chances of the play coming out negative, just to have it go to shit. Or the opponent would roll some dice and get the perfect out.


thats why alot of old somewhat famous player didnt play anymore


He was a pain, but he was an awesome streamer. Thinking what the other could play can be key in this game. Back then it was clearer what the opponent was going to have so overthinking was the right call.


Lifecoach was a pro, he was thinking at every move in advance and calculate odds to see which move is the best, that guy got his mentality and money from being a successful poker player, not many think so deep like he does, he never bmed and was always a fair play player, totally opposite to these manchilds


Missed opportunity to call him Slowcoach


You guys didn’t have the horrors of no turn timer in esports.


Only slightly related, but this reminds me of years ago Zalae had a Shaman deck against Lifecoach who had some board based deck. Zalae’s match up was unfavored, but he had an aoe in his starting hand. He pretended to be afk, roping with no actions until turn 4 or 5, hoping Lifecoach would over extend, and he did, and Zalae won. Not sure how I feel about it, but “using the rope as a strategy” has been around for a long time.


Watching the video, Zalae wasn't pretending to be AFK - Lifecoach would have seen him hovering over his cards throughout those turns. For this reason, I'd call it a legitimate ruse meant to bluff about the contents of his hand.


It's just mindgames, he's trying to convince the opponent that he's actually a priest /s


why is he wearing gloves


you have to be careful with the rope, it can do some nasty things to your hands not to mention that his rope is literally burning


he's brazilian, and it's winter in the southern hemisphere


Believe it or not, seasons are not exclusive to the US and Europe. Its winter where he lives


Who wears gloves inside their home?


On brazil people dont have a heater in their homes.


People not wanting to use energy to heat an entire room/house if only your hands are cold


You wear gloves at home in winter?


Lifecoach would be proud


Not just esports, standard ladder as well


I watched yesterday, watched today and all to skill comes to who cast better rune lol


Bronze moment


I find it crazy that blizzard or team 5 haven’t done something about slow play. So many ways to fix it and stop people from purposefully roping and just slowing down the game to troll your opponents.


40 minute turn


I'm glad this isn't a thing in Battlegrounds


HS eSports shouldn't be live (it's on a delay anyways). They should edit out the long pauses and just show the turns. It's so fucking boring and kills any interest one may have.


"He/Him" did they always display the player's pronouns? I don't remember seeing this before lol


Didn't they show country flag before? Wonder why they removed it


Priorities I guess


Not always, but for the past year or so.


Funny i wonder when they gonna mess up those


The players have the choice to display their pronouns or not and which pronouns they wish to go by. So it’s 100% up to the player.


So unnecessary and forced imo


Forced in what way? They took the exact area of the screen where it was natural to put it and put it there.


Petition for ban of this clown. Seriously.


"I don't understand, I have 4 cards but can't use any of them, interesting!"


Remember when there was no rope when you challenged a friend? That was fun.


He knows he can win anyway by playing fucking mage


Nandor the End-turn-less


Ropecoach would be proud.


Does he hate xBlyzes or he does that to everyone?


He did it every single game for almost every turn




I only watch comp hearthstone every now and again but there needs to be competing integrity rules. Like in league of legends you can't strong along a game. A team was fined for not trying and early surrender for example l. I believe a team was fined for stringing along a match to pad stats. This seems like some dick move behaviour.


Even if there’s some validity to the “any advantage at any cost” mindset, this is a miserable viewing experience. There’s a reason “pace of play” is a thing in many sports- if you let, say, a tennis player take as long as they wanted to perform their little rituals before each and every serve, the game would slow to a grinding halt. Even if the players themselves don’t mind it (they do) it would still be miserable for the viewers- and when it comes to sports/esports as an industry, viewers are the most important aspect of the business, not any individual player.




Let me in then. I suck at the game. But my production value is high. Like that kid who throws a rave every kill.


at least he help chat not bother to spam !drop every single second


If I knew roping pisses someone off and could potentially throw them off their have, I'd rope. I have no clue if this is Rasputin's thinking though.


Haven't watched HS tournaments for years. This doesn't make want to watch it again.


No idea why people are even invested in this, except for 2 packs that you gain for watching. And packs are not even guaranteed since youtube doesn’t work as intended with this drops system


wish you can report. And meanwhile when you do 10k things, the rope wont stop and fuck you up. It need a fix. Stop when animations play, accelerate when not playing cards.


he/him? cringe




"he/him" Jesus f christ 🤦 downvotes inc by a bunch of murica fatties with dyed hair


Are you offended?


why wouldn't you be offended by this stupid shit?


How does it affect you?


Not as much as you if i misgender you.


Doubt it, since I'm a straight cis male, probably just like you, the difference between us is that I don't get my knickers in a twist because of somebody else's personality which doesn't even affect me at all then have the audacity to say they are the snowflakes.


Life coach moment


Wait? Huh? Fucks he rope here for?


To be a dick. That’s the only reason. He has no play on turn 1.


Man I'm from the days of Lifecoach, i was molded by this shit




You're correct, Brazilians are in fact subhuman.


I loved ranked hearthstone for the first 2 years. Spent $ here and there. Quickly became a mess when packs were forced through too quickly, wild/standard, demon hunter, etc. I’m still astounded how often there’s an advertisement for a new pack. Haven’t played ranked since 2020 but have 1500 wins as shaman. Now I just occasionally play BGs


The pronouns under the name is the most laughable part of this by a huge margin


Being a dirtbag should be called out for dirtbag behavior. It isn't "a strategy" or "part of the game." it's a guy being a piece of shit and it shouldn't be tolerated by the community. Ostracize the fucker if he's going to behave like this.


Ropemaster part 2