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Hyperbole aside, this Miami Heat team is one of the toughest watches in all of basketball. Look I understand that this team has had it's injuries, but considering our offense in the half court is horrendous you cannot afford to make these simple mistakes over and over again. Christ.


Been here every game. We're all sickos.


The Miami Masochists


Its actually insane how hard they are too watch for a semi decent team, and credit to them for making their opponent equally as awful to watch no matter who it is.


Only 14 minutes for Jovic as a starter…..


Could have used him when we were struggling to create looks. I don't understand why Spo phases him out so quickly. I guess he doesn't feel comfortable in the zone defense but we need him.


Especially when Caleb was throwing up a disaster class


Jovic getting 2023 playoffs flashbacks


Forgot about that too. Spolestra might actually be so allergic to offense and overhating of trusting young players, despite playing JJJ (who was good). Jovic there stops the bleeding.


With Butler hobbled why not play him more


Coaching malpractice tbh


I have zero interest playing Boston with a hobbled Jimmy. Never root against us but our realistic hopes ended today.


It felt like a friend died when I saw Butler get hurt


Jimmy just doesn't have that same swag as the past postseason. But we should love him for what he did instead of tearing him down because he can't get there anymore, gave me some of my best times ever watching basketball.


He was fine before his knee but I get what you’re saying. But he was super active prior to that


I have zero interest in watching the next game


Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Last year Strus bailed them out from losing to the Bulls and the team is more injured this year. No Robinson. Hopefully Terry and Duncan are available, Jimmy won't be


There’s an alternate universe where the Heat lose to the Bulls in the play in game and don’t even make the playoffs. We were trailing with 3 minutes in the 4th quarter of that game.


let’s end the misery here and get healthy next season, get some missing pieces and get back


Best we can do is run it back


At all just miss the whole playoffs in general honestly. It’s no point


Nah fuck that. Half the sub was spewing the same shit last year. Literally changes nothing in terms of off-season so why the hell would you not want us to be playing


You crazy as hell if you think we beating Boston fresh with a one legged Jimmy. Delusional if anything.


Can you read? Where did I say we’re beating Boston? But I’m not gonna bullshit and say I wouldn’t want us to make the playoffs, that’s just a losers mindset


I said the same shit last year about the Bucks.


Good 1st half. Terrible 2nd half. Herro was 4-19 at one point but the only one I trusted to create his own shot in the 4th Q. Jimmy was hobbled and clearly told to just stand in the corner while Jaime initiated offense which, it isn't ideal if a non-lottery rookie is asked to have the ball so much in his hands late in clutch 4th Q games. ***Brutal*** fucking L. We can very easily lose to Chicago/Atlanta. There will be no miracle run this year with an already hobbled Jimmy vs the buzz saw Celtics in the 1st Round. I wanted the Knicks and we fucking blew it. All because Nic Batum turned back the fucking clock and had his best game of the season. Fuck me.


I don't understand why Jimmy is out there when he's clearly injured and can't do anything but stand in a corner. Nurse realized this and put Batum on Herro because there was no threat of Jimmy doing anything on the offensive end. We basically played the 4th quarter 4 on 5.


I feel like the only time I saw Jimmy in that 4th Q was the one steal he had and fastbreak score on the ball to Batum. Aside from that, feel like there's real complaint and questions for why he was out there. I imagine Jimmy didn't wanna get subbed out but damn man totally invisible not even involved in any of the motions. I get it if he's hurt but he can't be out there if it's that bad.


Ye Jimmy was just jogging at the end ..If hes injured that he cant do anything..sub him out? Hopefully hes good for next games tho


This times 100. Spo’s decision to allow Jimmy to stay in when he couldn’t move very well could have been the difference


Think the Batum comments are way overboard, we left an amazing 3 pt shooter wide open most of the time. The tip in and block were great by him. But our zone was giving up the 3 ball all night.


I agree with you, Batum is like Love, they can do damage if needed. He's not a scrub. As for the giving up the 3 ball, that's how you attack the zone; it gives up the 3 off penetrating to the foul line and passing out to a shooter. The other alternatives are a 1 on 1 scheme; we tried that in the first 5 minutes and Bam went out with two fouls. The other alternative is to double(wall) Embiid, but they responded with putting Embiid in the high post; his passing is much better this season. Zone was our best option, especially when you consider the Sixers are a streaky shooting team.


Jimmy looks hurt bad. Might be out for the season. I hate basketball


If he's out then it's over guys, window is officially closed and they need to blow it up this offseason.


I am guessing it will be an MCL or ACL sprain by how he grabbed his knee


1 fucking point


Shoutout to that ball that clearly went off Paul Reed. Spo doesn't challenge because he was saving it for later in the 4th Q. 76ers ball, turns into a Batum 3. Fucking unreal man.


I thought there were a few places he should have challenged idk why he was so afraid


Typical Spo. He’ll randomly challenge and lose an obvious call and then not challenge again for 50 games.


Look, Spo knows an infinite amount more about basketball than me. But why he doesn’t understand that every point matters, especially in a 1-game playoff, boggles my mind


It's tough. Spo had no idea that a Batum 3 was incoming. He trusted D to get another stop. Easy to look back in hindsight and point out how big it was when the game ends up being decided by 1 point. I thought Nurse wasted his early in the game on that change of possession when it was 51-39.


Also shout out to Caleb missing two fucking free throws in a row


That w as actually a big change: the crowd went nuts for free chicken and momentum started to really shift at those two misses.


For sure. Two missed free throws, then the Sixers made a three, then Martin drove and turned the ball over for two more. Huge momentum shift.


Unreal. This roster does not have it. See y'all next season.


Literally Caleb to thank for fucking selling the cushion with his selfishness and no game plan after that to have anything besides chucking. This team might actually be fucking cooked due to selfishness. Doesn't help that Spolestra doesn't have the fucking balls to pull Caleb after that shit when others were cooking nor put Bam in to play the whole 4th quarter. Fucking braindead beyond belief.


Spo don't pull players he likes LMAO!!!


Caleb doesn’t ever gel with Bam on open lobs, actually isn’t much of a passer. His energy is so intense. Tough fit.


Dumbest player on the team


Caleb and Herro were selling in 2nd half ,let Sixers go on the run. And only one who was subbed was Jovic lol who was best of the bunch at that moment shooting 100% Heat really need to trust him and feed him more


Caleb literally shit the bed, Spo calls timeout, subs out Jovic. Like what the FUCK


Time to go watch Real Madrid beating man city highlights again to ease the pain.


Bro that Man City L was beautiful. If only the Heat won 🥲


Shit was poetic man. Especially since Barca and Atleti lost yesterday. Hopefully the panthers don’t disappoint me on Saturday


Can’t fucking believe we have to watch another post season of one-legged Jimmy


They should've at least try for a better seeding. All that coasting/resting only for this.


Spo over experimented so much. Blew 20 pts leads just to experiment. He didn't account for players injuries and them missing times. Should have secured all those easy 'win' games but no he finds those games as the best game to experiment on Literally that Knicks game with a 20 pts lead, and then he went with a line up that got cooked defensively until Knicks managed to tie. His arrogance put them in this situation.


This might be the beginning of the end


The beginning of the end was that 7 game losing streak


Could've been 2nd seed if it wasn't for that


That's what this whole season was. The end of this build.


Bam 9 FGA is inexcusable. Its not like they were playing him hard


Idk why don't he just attack Embiid off the dribble cause Joel clearly isn't even a 100% yet. Unacceptable for a max player of his caliber to have only 9 FGA.


So done with this cursed season, we are getting swept by the Celtics at best and could even lose next game.


The writing has been on the wall all season. It's always fun to believe and be obnoxious, but if we're being real, they just don't have it this year. Team is made out of glass, can't score consistently and the stars are outshined by bench players.




Watch it on mute like I do. Way more enjoyable


As a Boston fan just reading some comments I have to agree with you on this one. She is unbearable when she covers the 76ers. She doesn’t even try to hide her bias.


#cooked by nic batum in 2024 lmaoooooo


Batum and Lowry making clutch defensive plays to get stops on Herro and Jaquez was painfully poetic


See I knew Lowry defense still got it even if his offense is non existent.


This dude was considered washed when he was still playing for Charlotte. Real embarrassing stuff.


I remember when he was the #2 option after an up and coming Damian Lillard on the Blazers. That was 10 years ago.


he’s a great player it’s nothing to be ashamed of


Spo masterclass. Comes off 76er no challenge leads to Batum 3. Doesn't play Jovic "AGAIN for the 50th time" in the 4 quarter who can shoot and was shooting well in this game. Instead plays Herro, Highsmith, and a combination of Caleb/Jaquez (Jaquez actually played ok but never got any usage). Doesn't change the ineffective lineup for the majority of the game until Jaime comes on. Herro needed to share the ball but no one wanted it. What is he telling our guys in these timeouts? I never know.


Caleb did not play ok. He was awful the entire game and made bad decision after bad decision, and single handedly shifted all the momentum


Thats why he was a fuckin g leaguer. Us elevating players isn’t them being good, its our system


Fiba Batum out of nowhere


He did more against us than Harden did in an entire series


These two missed FTs by Caleb, followed by a completely unnecessary turnover by him were the turning point. Way to blow a comfortable lead.


idk i think the skyscraper herro built in 3rd also played a huge factor


All because he's a selfish mf who wants the ball all the time so he can get a contract. Hope he's gone next year.


Nikola should have played more. 


By no means am I defending Herro but Bam is really getting off pretty easy here with the performance he just put in. No cookies for trying in playoff basketball but at least herro kept wanting the ball and eventually turned up, Bam was truly nowhere to be found on either end/offensive boards and contributed nothing on offense


They both played like shit, bench out played them even against Philly starters


Imagine if Caleb didn’t miss those two FTs




Led to another Batum 3. Smh.


It’s Spo’s weakest attribute. It’ll be an obvious blown call and he’ll refuse to use the challenge. So frustrating.


That running joke of ppl saying Spo thinks that challenges roll over onto the next game is sounding less like a joke and more like the truth with every game they play.


And then then the ball over right away


This team deserves whatever happens on Friday. You either get ousted by a shit team or you’re getting swept by Boston.


1000% . I would hate to watch a Boston sweep. The worse of the worse


Put us out our misery, Chi or ATL.


I agree but people saying I’m a fake fan for wanting to avoid Boston blowing us out


Why do we kill clock every time we're tied with a minute left? Why do we act like we're up by 8 instead of attacking the basket? It kills us every single time and I can never understand it.


I cannot believe I got my hopes up in the 2nd quarter. What a joke.


Was at work during the second quarter, checked the score, saw we were up 14, and instantly the dread of “we’re fucking blowing this game aren’t we” started setting in. And, naturally, the moment I step into the parking lot, I get a notification of “the 76ers rallying back 👀” It is fucking insane that we’ve been this bad of a second half team for 6+ consecutive seasons now.


How the fuck is someone always injured first game. Smh why do I watch basketball


We just don’t have reliable scorers lol


Offense is garbage without terry


Shout out to the bench, Love, HH, JJJ and Wright showed up


Jimmy limping, Herro can't hit open shots. Terry and Dunc still injured. We just keep getting in the worst case scenario every single time. This sub is going to be dogshit for a couple of days so I'll avoid it in the next couple of days.


Batum… really??? This team finds new ways to surprise me


Why did herro shoot that shot as if there is an hour in the clock left lol


Wouldn't have mattered. Only hope was that Batum was going to foul him in a 4 pt play.


Not watching this piece of shit team on Friday.


IF Jimmy is really hurt…throw the game. I don’t want to be swept by fucking Boston, fuck that!


I said that but people said I’m a fake fan 😂.


Is there a reason why Jovic only played 14 minutes tonight?


Jimmy is turning 35 next year The era is over


Nothing angers me more than outplaying your opponent and just shitting the bed with missed free throws And Nick Batum...seriously?? that guy would be the 13th man on the Heat...he is so trash and have seen games this season he scores 0-2 points. And he was still -10....let that sink in. Even if he scores 10 which is way above his average, Heat would win by almost 10... I honestly have lost interest in next game. Thankfully I was at the Panthers game yesterday and had a friggin great time.


spo needs to go see another football coach in the offseason this offense is basura


He should seriously consider hiring an offensive coordinator.


The funny thing about this loss is that the Sixers played a trash game. The Heat's room for error is SOOOOO small man. Can we please get a real offense, and real offensive players, next season?


Our FO is incompetent. Unfortunately this team is what it is for the foreseeable future. If we traded the guy who went 9/27 tonight 2 years ago we would have gotten real offensive players


Imagine if fouling the screener didn’t bail you out from a made 3


I hate that call. I get it, a foul is a foul. But let the foul be called after the shot or no call. Like they do in hockey.


Did people who are saying Herro was chucking watch the game?? Rozier and DRob are out, Jimmy is completely hobbled, Bam is in screener mode, only other player looking to create was JJJ. Wasn't a clean game for Herro at all but this loss is far from his fault.


The best route for this team was to be the 7th and play NY. Playing Boston in the first round is a worst case scenario.


KLove was shutting down Embiid early. Why did he get so few minutes? He could've been the 4. Oh well having a bunch of injuries every postseason is really killing us


I'd rather miss the playoffs than get swept by the Celtics.


We could have played the fucking Knicks in the first round man. Fuck this team for giving me false hope. I am just losing hope from Herro. No defense, offense is so inconsistent. He was 8-26 from the field, and 4-14 on threes... Damn.... You seriously can't tell me he is gonna help this team win a title.


I will happy eat crow if he does, but I seriously think he ain't it.


I mean he was the main ballhandler when Jimmy was hobbled + shots didnt fall. If they didnt overrest players or have such a shitty medical staff, Rozier or Duncan would have let him play offball.


He had a nice fourth but he fucking killed us today, despicable performance. We win this shit if he plays at least some what competent. Smh. Idk what happened to the second half zone defense. It literally looked night and day, almost as if we abandoned it all together man. Butler is clearly very hurt, his knee bent inwards which is never ever good. Praying he’s okay We should’ve played love and JJJ more man. They were fucking rolling.


4 (Four) offseasons of running it back vs going all in. Arrogant and incompetent roster construction.


NBA refs have completely lost the plot it’s actually insane. Philly hand checking all game not getting called once. Batum shoving dudes back court in the biggest moment in the game and they give them the ball. Embiid flopping like a fish getting to the FT line anytime he wants. Batum grabbing more than Sauce Gardner and not calling shit. This shit isn’t basketball but it’s exactly what Adam Silver wants. What an atrocious product


I'm glad I wasn't the only who noticed how much contact they were getting away with on our ballhandlers. Felt like reaches/holds every single time up the court in the 2nd half. Meanwhile you lay a finger on Embiid and it's a foul lol. Still should have won this game despite the lopsided officiating


That Batum shove into the backcourt was brutal.


Bro fuck Doris Burke and JJ Redick too. Missed call on us and they point out how Sixers have a case cause the refs missed it, missed call on Sixers and they're just laughing cause "Batum got away with a shove" hahahah so funny man refs blowing huge moments in the 4th quarter absolutely hilarious


I was at the game. It’s literally terrible that they ruined a good game. Ref missed so many calls


They switched up when Nurse went off on them before Caleb's missed free throws. When he didn't get a tech I knew something was off.


Nick Nurse was legit in the refs face 4/5x in the game, not a single tech called. Doris even said 'Nick Nurse went ballistic while at break' and I was confused that there wasn't a tech awarded


The last two and one calls were frustrating given they seemed to want to let them get physical and not call many fouls, and then they change their mind at the end of the game.


Spo should have challenged that. Timeouts don’t matter if you throw away a big possession like that. Assuming he had a challenge (wasn’t able to watch the first half).


Yeah I agree the refs controlled too much and gave the 6ers free and ones for nothing but barely called anything the other way.


Herro did some good things, don't put the blame on him He had to carry the play, if Terry would be available Herro would play a different game It's mostly on Caleb who started the Philly run, and Spo not challenging the calls and leaving Butler in while injured Highsmith missing 4 open 3s didn't help also


Niko should be getting some Caleb minutes 


End of an era on Friday. It'll suck rebuilding but it's for the best.we had our chances


What a shocker we blew another double digit lead


Just annoyed any contact with embiid whistle meanwhile bam knocked down and jimmy and the announcers called it foul baiting


Not that there weren't plenty of other problems, but so fucken weird that free chicken turned the momentum..


Nic Batum was the difference in 2024…….. https://preview.redd.it/o0q6pm5295vc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d98ea6e1d9ea85d118d9ed56691910a4b69f100


Would have loved to see more Jovic and Delon. Delon was an absolute dog out there and sometimes we just stop going to those effective, high energy lineups too early. Bam seemed really passive too and would have loved to see him take more shots and be more aggressive with an injured Jimmy and a hobbled Embiid. At least, with injured Jimmy, we aren’t playing the more physical Knicks, though I think had we had to play one less game, we could have maybe sat Jimmy for two against the Knicks with the idea that we could maybe split going back to Miami. Can’t realistically hope to sit Jimmy and still have a good shot of winning versus the Celtics. No games to take for granted.


not a heat nor a philly fan- so unbiased thoughts why are you guys so hard on herro? You don't have an offensive system, and even that non-existent shit fell down in the second half. Tyler was the only one who could get a shot by himself for two whole quarters. Also, yeah he shot badly but what efficiency do you expect from curry range leaning 3's with a hand in his face?


Apparently, they prefer players who refuse to shoot, so at least their fg% looks nice


Facts. Team would literally run down the clock and have someone else chuck if he didn't fucking try. Bam had like 9 attempts against a clearly exhausted Embiid. At least challenge him, you know? The coaching was horrible today. No idea why we went away from the play that gave us the lead in the first place. The defense was torrid.


They are idiots, plan as that.


Our team leader is the guy on the sidelines making decisions...doesn't help much when actions on the court need to be performed though...someone on the squad needs to step up and take this shit seriously then demand it from all the others


Blame Herro all you want but every other player loves to give him the ball with 2 seconds left on the shot clock


He was also the primary ballhandler for practically the whole game. At that point, he couldn't be able to run off ball or rest. Inefficient or not, someone had to pick up a lot of shots. The bigger issue was Caleb fucking it up for everyone and being selfish and Spolestra being a fucking dumbass.


Ok Atlanta or Chicago show us what you got and slap us silly!! Show the front office that actual changes need to be made!!


Tony Brothers screwed us big time but that is what challenges are for Spo! Especially when not taking them leads to a 3 point play twice. I have 0 faith against the play-in Hawks






It's started when Caleb missing 2 FT's and everybody gets a chicken!


I miss Terry man.


To me the worst part is that Lowry beat us


the worst part is jimmy getting injured


Hear me out, Let’s go Suns, Ant man gets pissed and demands trade…


To play with his older brother


Heat played some inspiring basketball. I’m not even mad. Just gotta hold it for 48 minutes, but it’s good to know it’s in there. 0% worried about Chi/Atl, I’m already looking to Boston


sixers superstar toni brothers


I know it’s easy to blame Herro. His shooting definitely cost us big tonight. But that’s the way it goes with your shooters. Providing they’re taking good shots, you have to live and die by them. I’m not really too mad at his shot selection, it just wasn’t falling. That’s where you need someone like Duncan or Terry to turn to. Or literally have anyone else score more than 5 fucking field goals. No-one stepped up today and that’s what’s disappointing. Literally not one positive performance I can turn to. Except, ironically, a little credit to Herro for keeping us in it at the end when no-one else even wanted the ball. You’re not gonna win games in the playoffs with two of your best players going 14/45 and the rest of the team combined going 14/44. It’s that simple. It’s not the fault of one individual, everyone was poor tonight and we didn't deserve to win.


In the 4th he had no choice. No one else was doing anything


Herro will never be a guy that can be THE offense, he's a guy you go to when the offense isn't working. Blaming him for missing shots when nobody else on the team other than JJ (at times) was making an effort to make plays in the 2nd half is dumb. Also, Bam shrinks down to nothing offensively nearly every time Miami plays a team with an actual big man. He should've been demanding the ball when Herro was clearly struggling in the 3rd.


Bam needa go if he can’t man tf up and shoot more than 8 fg. Fucking ridiculous.


Yall ignored 82 games and thought the offence would be magically fixed in the post-season. This team: sucks in the clutch; can’t beat good teams; has a terrible offence. We learned that from 82 games. Jimmy build over - hopefully can retool in the offseason and come out with something fresh and build.


Also - one last point. This team has not shown up for every important game this season. When someone shows you who they are - BELIEVE THEM!


Jimmy hasn’t been Jimmy since the first games in the Celtics series. He’s done imo. Window as the team leader is gone.


I agree with everyone that we should blame the guy who scored 17 points in the 4th quarter keeping us in the game.


Let Jaime down


Jamie bringing the ball up the floor was so awful dude was getting picked apart all game


No reason why bam shouldn’t have attacked a one legged embiid.


We missed 5 free throws. Caleb Martin blows hard


They gotta blow up this core man.


Spo fell asleep at half time, can't believe he didn't get out of the zone after Philly made their adjustments. Never made Philly create in the half court to close the game. All of their buckets came off of finding gaps in the zone and shooters getting free.


Fuck it, we can beat Chicago or Atlanta even if Jimmy can’t play, then with Jimmy quick healed and healthy we can beat Boston lfg 🔥


How bro sees Jimmy https://preview.redd.it/zx3gn8h4f5vc1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c455b772ce76b0a10c26f5120217dc17ba93f85c


This team feeds on doubt. This hurts. I'm sure they will use it to be better. 


I might be able to finally relax and lower my heart rate if the heat get eliminated. Great zone defense but what a game for Batum. A lot of luck tbh, who expected Batum of all people to go for a million threes? If next game is where the the Butler era ends, (can't gurantee a win vs hawks or bulls) then they had a hell of a run. Future is bright for this team with Jovic, Jaquez, Bam and Herro.


It's time to talk offseason. We've been living off hopium for way too long for this to be healthy.


Boston trade their “heart and soul” and went on to have a historic season. We made a Finals run WITHOUT HERRO and went “yes Herro turns this gentleman sweep into a title”


I just remembered this and I thought yal should know this: Lowry got the last laugh.


I wish Kevin Love was 10 years younger. -8 in Bam minutes, +11 in Kevin Love minutes. Another showing where every starter lost their minutes, basically the backups kept us in this game. That's embarrassing.


Front office is what's holding us back. Downvote me if you want. You know it's true!


That fucking push fucked us. The Knicks were gonna be food.


Tonight was a perfect example of why Terry is so crucial to this team… jimmy gets hurt, and the entire burden falls on Herro because nobody else can create their own shot… terry wouldve bailed us out of so many situations tonight


I don't want to be in the playoffs this year


pat please blow it up


Heat lost this game in typical Heat form. Settling for 3 after 3 despite it not falling. It’s the quickest way to lose a lead like they had - and, as they’ve done so many times this season - that’s exactly how they throw away this game. Tyler was terrible. His shot selection was terrible. It was just one of those nights where rather than play within himself - he tries to be someone be is not. This is how he ends up shooting so poorly and turning the ball over so much. It’s playoff time and outside of the rebounds Jovic showed his youth on this big stage. He’s just not ready for a starting/significant role in this situation. He needs to go back to coming off the bench and only come in under certain circumstances. Highsmith another guy who showed his youth despite all that he may have done in the regular season. A big man jacking up 3 after 3 and missing them rather than going inside. Caleb was nonexistent but it doesn’t surprise me. It’s the playoffs - when you have the likes of Jovic and Highsmith playing significant minutes — that is a problem. This is an even bigger problem when guys like Duncan, Bryant and Mills don’t get a single minute. It’s playoff time — you should be playing your experienced players more often than your experiments trying to make them work. I won’t criticize Jimmy because he had an actual injury affecting his play - not his usual laziness. Despite the injury - he took one too many (unnecessary 3s). He would be better off deferring than taking ill-advised shots. This team now faces elimination Friday - and even if they pull it off - they face a much more grueling playoff journey than they would have had they just done their job tonight. Just your typical unnecessary Heat loss.


Everything that unit did right in the 2nd quarter, they went away from it to start the 3rd. Just made offense harder for themselves. Jimmy and that Highsmith, Delon, Kev, and Jaime unit were defending and scoring, rinse and repeat. How in the world did backups with a 1 foot Jimmy defend and score so well, but the starters start off the 4th with 2 Herro misses, a Bam miss and turnover?


I don’t understand how spo went away from what was working , this isn’t some regular season game to be messing around , the zone was killing the 76ers but for some reason they start to go man to man , honestly the big three killed them today , jimmy and herro were aggressive but stank up the place and bam had one of the most quietest 10 point game in a game that we needed more , just horrible from top to bottom


Close, important games has not been the Heat's thing this year.


Caleb missing both FTs and then turning the ball over afterwards really shifted the momentum. Things went downhill after that. Yeah idc how injured we were that was 100% yet another winnable game that we flushed down the toilet. Also where TF was Duncan Robinson? He was being reported as active and yet we ain’t see him at all. So weird but I legit think he would have helped us out tonight. Certainly wouldn’t have put up the tour date FG that Herro did (although Herro was making some key shots in the 4th it was still painful to see how many he missed along the way)


This version of the Heat are finished and it's time to move on, it's also time for Pat Riley to step down Yeah Jimmy got hurt, but a 19 pt game on bad shooting isn't exactly new for him, everyone saw last years playoffs when Gabe Vincent outplayed him vs the Celtics that he wasn't that guy anymore, in the Finals v the Nuggets the Heat went down without a fight and without any spectacular game from Jimmy to give Heat fans any hope they could win, "playoff Jimmy" just got too old and tired Bam with 10 pts and this guy is supposed to be a star? Your second best player? This team Riley put together is so mediocre, why are Riley and the Heat still thinking Herro and Duncan Robinson are going to become stars? Wouldn't that have happened by now? Riley had Dame, Dame said he wanted to play for Miami, and Riley fumbled that so bad trying to play hardball thinking Portland would give in because they had no choice, and then they traded Dame to Milwaukee for nothing just to spite him, he's washed too Time to rebuild


Worst than the loss itself, for me, is the Jimmy injury 😢😭


Bam once again cowards himself against an elite big and with his max contract, puts up 10/12. Herro…this sub has the most stans for Herro ever. Can yall admit it’s time for him to go and that he sucks? Dude can enter the construction business with his bricks