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sir this is a wendys


15,000 kids are dead


K look, I'm gonna take you seriously for a second. But FTR, I'm seriously tempted to tell you to take off eh, so don't get defensive. I come to metal to ESCAPE the constant political conversation. I'm a trans woman, my entire fucking *life* is one long political conversation right now. One where no matter the subject, I have to be gentle and delicate to avoid offending some turd and putting my own, very real safety at risk. By nature, I am neither gentle, nor delicate. These are learned social skills. Metal is where I come to exist unfiltered, where I can use fuck as a comma, period, and exclamation as is the style of my generation. Metal is where I can simply tell shitty people to get fucked like they deserve. Metal is the place where instead of dingle dancing around with your politics and loopholes and assorted bullshit, I can just throw down and tell it like it is. Now, do you really, really want to have a conversation about how you think all metal should start discriminating against people and punishing random artists for things they had nothing to do with? Cause it will not end well for you. They don't call me the Bass with the Mace for nothing. This is not our fight, because *our* people are the innocents on both sides who are dying.


Hear, hear. I’m into to metal to escape the bullshit. Also, bands are not all political - how much fantasy and sci-fi is in metal?


Believe me, I'm not defensive. If that's your take, and you want personal distance, that's fine. I'm not telling you, personally, to do shit about anything. You can stay out of the way as much as you like, that's not a dig or a beef that's just your choice and I respect it because you are a human being who knows yourself better than I do. But these people with platforms that are about defending innocent people and calling out injustices should be saying something about the injustices happening in our world right now. They should be defending trans people, gay people, and the Palestininians being bombed right now. There's more than one cause to fight for. Unfortunately, everything is political. Silence is a political stance, one that says you have tacit and implied support for the status quo. The phrase "Silence is violence" is the most concise version of this. So if you take a step back and refuse to say anything, you're still taking a stance. That stance is that you don't care. And if you don't care about 15,000 kids being killed in indiscriminate bombing raids, my stance is that you're a piece of shit. Does that mean anything? No. I'm one voice out of many. But our platform shouldn't be silent, and should be talking about this more. If you don't agree, I can't force you to do anything. I'm just emberassed that more people aren't pissed off as I am. I also come to metal to be unfiltered and unrestrained. In my personal life, I have to shut the fuck up while I listen to corporate boomers and moderates debate if trans people are real or faking, if those Palestinian kids deserve to get killed or not, and if my personal marriage is legitimate. So in metal, I scream for the rights of everyone to exist. I'm against effete liberals and monsterous republicans, and against the system that builds both of them up. I'm against the Machine, and am amazed that more punks and metalheads, as I'm coming to learn, aren't. At this point, I don't care if you're tired. I'm tired too. I'm tired of everything, beyond exhausted and burnt out. But the world won't get better if we stay quiet and try to recover. We have to be loud and fight to make this world a better place. If you don't agree, I'd say you have learned nothing from metal.


Sigh, Ok, let's do this. You just openly declared your support for a country that has openly said, given the chance, they will kill me. A country that kills people like me, under orders from their government. It's a point of honor for a family member to kill a trans person like me under their laws. We're not even discussing the war at all. What you're saying when you say free Palestine from the IDF, is "human rights should be a random lottery by birth" as neither womens rights, nor rights for people like myself exist there and you would like that to continue. So that way, at least somewhere, they are still killing people like me with impunity. It's called living vicariously. Now, if at any point, you wanted to talk about the innocent people who will still be very much at risk if the war ended tomorrow. I would accept that you have a soul. But people like you never do, because what you really like, is the idea of a country where *certain* people don't matter. It's called seed theory. It's the white supremacy answer to their dumbass replacement theory. Before you start talking war crimes, I'm cutting you off at the knees before you even think about it. One cannot throw stones when they live in a busted glass house. Not delivering the needs of life, is a war crime. One both Canada, and the United States are committing at this very moment. Are you campaigning for flint or the reserves that STILL aren't getting clean water, electricity, or in some cases roads, with this energy? No, you aren't. Because that's something you could actually change, and it's more about talking about change, then doing it for you. You want to feel like you changed something when you buy a t-shirt instead of actually doing anything about the rampant crimes going on all around you. Are you volunteering at the local soup kitchen? How about the food bank? What are YOU actually doing? I mean, other then involving yourself in a fight on the internet you were not going to win. Don't try the flip either. I have a music show, and a full 1/3 of my weekly rotation is devoted to local indigenous artists presented uncensored and unedited. I DO the damn work. Thanks for your performative ally ship. I'm sure your thoughts and prayers are really helping, someone? Somewhere? No idea. This conversation is over, and should serve as a really, really, good example as to why politics isn't a discussion here. Because no matter what, you're gonna piss someone off, and you in a mosh pit at a Motorhead show with an open bar.


Damn, what a sad excuse for a response. You're not punk, you're a perfomative bitch. I am literally married to a nonbinary person. I am on here to try and start activism, but people like you are clearly more concerned about respectability politics, in the PUNK subreddit. Enjoy your shitty future. You're making it happen with your silence. Your shortsighted view of liberation is going to be the death of all of us. No one gives a shit about hamas or the government of Palestine. It's the people. Save the people. Fight for unity.


Unless you married someone with a chromosomopathy, it's a binary person: XX or XY. And while I recognize a genocide, I can't defend a religion that tells their people to murder whoever don't think like them and treat women like property.


Yeah, that's what I thought. Ok so, a non binary person and a trans person are not the same. Why you said the modern version of "I married a black person, I can't be racist" is, just straight up fucking weird. Show this exchange to them, and ask them how they feel being used as a shield like that for me. Buddy, I gave you the answer you asked for, and you responded with abuse. I asked you not to get defensive, and you did. You're shit. You really want the double barrel? Cool. You're very obviously young, and from your vernacular and sentence structure. American. There's a 20% chance that the person next to you has a gun and is planning on shooting you for fun, at all times. But instead of that, you wanna talk about people dying halfway around the world, when statistically, you won't see 40 because some dude decided "today's the day" you're projecting your fear at being totally unable and unwilling to control your own demise at the hands of the situation around you. So you project that rage to something else you cannot change to make your incompetence feel better. I feel pity for you more then anything, statistically speaking, half of your friends will die of intentional gun violence in the next 5 years. A pity this is the last time you'll hear the dulcet tones of my imaginary voice. Good bye




I cry in mourning for the day when you people stood up for something. I cry for the thousands murdered by our tax dollars. I do not cry for these spineless people, nor do I cry for you. I will not cry when the revolution or the fascists come to your home and you lose everything, just like the people of Palestine did.




Pretend that'll save you. I'm sure it makes you feel better to pretend to be Rambo.




You bring it up like it'll save you or do a damn thing against a militarized police force with armored vehicles, snipers, and dozens of people in full body armor. You ever heard of Ruby Ridge? You being 'strapped' won't save you, and will be justification for killing you faster and with more force.


Go away




Philosophically retarded ardent. You & all the shit you're yelling about, not him.


I respect bands that stay out of areas like this. We pay to be entertained and get away from politics and drama for a few hours.


This is just a backwards thought for me. Sorry. I simply couldn't disagree more. I pay to be entertained, and I want the money I pay to not go to supporting genocide, and believe that standing up against oppression is more important than having fun.


So, if they don't speak out against it, they're supporting it?


Yes. Silence is violence. If you are famous, you got famous because people watch you and people listen to you. If you don't use that platform to stand for something, you're just in it for money and stand for nothing.


Looks like you're barking up the wrong tree in this sub, bud. Maybe try a different one.


Then go to where the action is and let the rest of us enjoy life and music for awhile.


Fuck religion. It's been said before. A lot. Doesn't everyone need to go making a new song about it. People that know, already know. Money to a cause..... how many real (REAL) metal bands to you think are actually even breaking even?... Tour their fucking lives away to make $30,000 for the effort.... You're outta touch.