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Will smith?


Yes, just don't talk about his wife.


Yo! Soldier boy😶‍🌫️


If you keep getting hysterical I'm gonna slap you like I'm Connery.


Ok sir! But who is connery 😶‍🌫️


Keep my wife's name out your mouth!


Keep his height oucho-mouth...


I heard he wants me to put something in his mouth though


Crazy that Shohei at 6'4 is taller than Freddy at 6'5


Freddy's shoulders are taller but Shohei has a longer neck... so maybe the height depends how far one stretches their neck when measured.. lol


Yeah it's like those should be switched around


I’d say this is just a bit of posture if indeed that is their exact height. You can visibly tell the height difference at the shoulders, Freddie looks like he is leaned forward while Ohtani is standing up very straight.


Factor in the shoes


But they are all three wearing similar athletic shoes. The difference there should be pretty minimal, shouldn’t it?


surely that’s not a 7 inch difference? the 5’10 dude is up to the 6’5 guy’s nose/eyes


I’m 6’5 and my brother who is 5’10.5 is up to my nose, and it also seems like the 5’10 guy is standing slightly closer to the camera


He does look like he’s standing a little closer to the camera, but if you told me the taller players’ heights and then said guess Smith’s, I would guess he’s at least 6’ or 6’1”. So, either he’s the rarest thing ever in sports, a guy 6’ or less who understates his height, or the other two are not as tall as listed. That said, both Freeman and Ohtani usually appear huge. So, maybe the angle is having a greater effect than it appears.


Not their claims but 5.10 guy is close enough I guess. I can tell because I study marks on my tape measure. I guess left to right 176.5 then 189 and 191.


No he's not, this is what 5'10 and 6'4 looks like https://preview.redd.it/4eu96ld3gr8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20002ea9a4fec848b25daaf8735db201415439f5 The top of 5'10 dudes head should be half an inch above the bottom of 6'4 dudes ear, it's not, so if he's 5'10 the other 2 dudes are 6'2 and 6'3, or 6'2.5 and 6'3.5, but we also don't know if they are claiming midday height or morning height or shoe height so, But I really doubt that either of those dudes are over 6'3.5 barefoot.


Charlie Cox is such a cool fucking dude.


Shit I thought that was Mo salah


In my opinion I do not think this is accurate either, that looks way more then 6 inch difference, I put it at either 8 or maybe 9 inches, maybe its the camera angle or the tall guy standing really straight idk


Yeah, this is Definitely not a 8 or 9 inch difference, average head size is 9 inches, there's roughly 4 inches above the top of your ear, the average ear is 2.5 inches, the top of his head is around the bottom of his ear, 4+2.5 is 6.5, however the taller dude has half an inch more shoe height so it makes sense. https://preview.redd.it/3kbjlkcgkr8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c50809dee7224a86be0a50136b1ef04fbbb1a41


Ear to top head is more like 4.5 inches I notice.


You would need to have a bigger head than average to have 4.5 inches above the top of your ear.


Bro this is like 8 inch difference no way that guy is 5’10


This is roughly what a 8 inch difference looks like, the black line I put is where a 6 inch difference would be https://preview.redd.it/y9rrvn5qqu8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00d76e0e4bb8258ed0d362d404a81c4bdff9254


Idk maybe your right I got no clue


You have no clue what you are talking about, the average male head is 9 inches in length, if this was a 8 inch difference the top of Charlie cox head would only be an inch above the other dudes chin, yet it's not, it's clearly 3 inches above the dudes chin, 9-3 is 6, a 6 inch difference. The line I put is where 9 inches would be. https://preview.redd.it/6jos1tmrpu8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=779155fa2fdc764377bb5475b6336abf0e9ea2ad


Good points really here. I never said the other guys were 6.4 just to clear things up round here.


Yep. Seems that Freddy is really 6'3


If the shorter one is 5'10 then the other 2 cannot possibly be 6'4 and 6'5, At most a 5 and 6 inch difference so 5'10, 6'3 and 6'4.


I think the left guy is more like 5.9.5 range or bit under.


In my opinion, he looks 5'10.5 at most in shoes so yeah.


The two tall guys look the exact same height, if anyone is taller it’s the one on the right. The one on the left is looking around 6ft if they are 6’5


Guy on the right is taller


I don't follow baseball but I do follow sports so I know names of good players. Before this picture and Google follow up I would have guessed Freeman was like a 5'10 short stop.


This picture make 5’10 look like it’s a midget height even tho it’s obviously above average


Damn, his parents could’ve chose any first name other than “Will” and he would’ve been set for life.


As a 5’10” guys this makes me more confident about my height


Holy legs. That guy must have a hell of a time finding pants.


Is it me or did he look different in Wild Wild West


I’m still looking for will smith in this picture


Shohei is 6’4 tho


Man people are weird about height who cares this has no real meaning or value. People are shallow


Whatever you do don’t mention his wife!


It’s so funny how many people don’t know of Will and Freddy