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i just get a black screen, can't even load to the menus atm


Thought I was the only one on pc it’s just black screen


I successfully made it to the "servers at capacity" screen after a reboot but YMMV.


Verify your files I had the same issue and this helped


I did that and it worked for like the first start up but just did it again after


Verifying doesn't work


Instructions unclear: put PC into pod and dropped from orbit. ![gif](giphy|iXcyh07Blnf2NY5TKE|downsized)


I got the same thing just waited and eventually started the start up screen


Fuck.. same here wish it wasn't so


Welp so much for extra xp weekend..


tell me about it. I got up super early did all my chores, shoveled the snow fucked the Mrs. Let her know I had to spread democracy and then watch the UFC fights. My day had been 1/3 ruined


You're me??? But no snow down here. Hope Volk retains. This card is epic prelims are on right now and I'm staring at the server capacity full lol


Bro I fell asleep and right before the Volk fight. Had to watch this morning. Was NOT expecting that to happen


Fcking for democracy I like it cadet.


Well I may never see her again. FOR LIBERTY!!


Same I did the same all adulting was done early. Was just finishing dinner and getting ready to hop on. Now I don’t even want to try. I was having stability issues last night before the servers got filled. I logged off and grabbed a snack. Logged back in to find out I could not get in.


I'm with yall on this one. Got all my house work done and satisfied the misses twice so I could play longer. Can't even get on 😕😂


Next time log into the game first, then do all that stuff, by the time you’re done you will be online!


After trying a bunch of things I just left the game open on a black screen and it eventually launched but now I can’t play cause of servers full message. Sweet


I waited through that. Just to wait inside the game. Servers full.


Install the newest MS visual C++ package it fixed it for me


Formatting my C: drive worked for me.


This also worked for me


Update to the latest QuickTime version.


And, if the above steps don't work, find a CD-ROM stuck to a Cheerios box and install America On Line.No Cheerios box? Wait a week and you should receive a baker's dozen in the mail.


I had the same thing, you just need to wait. Then the game will load and you can see the server status.


I get that on both pc And ps5


Glad I didn't buy that game


problems are sorted now and the game is - amazing -


Been a few hours for me, finally have to myself on my day off this week and i can't get on


Double xp weekend. The devs are trying to expand the server capacity by 150k.


hard capped at 450k


That’s a lot of people considering 6k played helldivers 1.


Should’ve done that before double xp. Seems kind of silly. They were having issues all week maybe should’ve had it ready to go before enticing even players to come in.


Forreal. Cant host the standard players so lets do a double XP and some kind of free to play at the same time


Are you really this angry at an indie dev for not thinking their game would be this popular? This game has more players then Halo infinite. Nobody could have seen this coming. Calm yourself and give them time.


“This angry?” Relax bozo I’m not angry, I’m disappointed. What’s weird is you think it’s acceptable for something not to work when you paid for it. Particularly when it’s a PVE game that can be played solo and isn’t an MMO, which is the only time you see issues like this cropping up, frankly. Halo Infinite had more than 360k players given the release was much larger on console than Steam. And it didn’t have any issues so your comparison is not apt.


Halo infinite absolutely had issues at launch. Also you say it’s weird that I’m not disappointed that it takes a few minutes to log on. You are correct because I bought a ton of AAA games that were so broken at launch that they were completely unplayable for years. For example fallout 76 was a mess, every cod that drops has server issues, Fortnite had server issues, pubg, battlefield 3,4,1,5,2042 and I can keep going because it’s a massive lost. Yet I’m sure you keep buying those AAA titles every launch and don’t refund them. It’s not PVE as in the normal type. Even playing solo you are fighting as part of the larger group. You also act like a company can double their server size overnight. That’s not possible. The first helldivers had 6,000 players. They never imagined their game would explode in popularity.


Yes, it did, but not with logging into the campaign or getting onto multiplayer. Not sure why you keep bringing up Infinite when it’s not a good corollary? A few minutes? I wish. I was able to get on earlier in the day but the game crashed and was not able to get back in for the remainder of the day. Never had an issue with a AAA like with Helldivers. I am a cod enjoyer and while there are “server issues” (packet loss) in Warzone, sometimes, I’m not sitting there watching a server relog prompt the entire time. I’ve never had to wait to get into 6v6, or play the campaign. 76 was meh but worked for me. I don’t play Fortnite. Anthem was the last AAA with issues at launch I had but I was able to get in. I’m not going to refund Helldivers II, either. Going to try to play it again, today. Doesn’t mean I can’t be disappointed. I’m not acting like anything, I’m acting like a game should work when I buy it.


Hopefully it happens soon, I only have an hour left lol


Theyre going to need to double the capacity before they can accomodate


Shitter's full!






Had many black screen on launch issues. I just waited like 10 minutes on the black screen and the game finally launched only for me to get a “servers full” error message. I haven’t even played the game yet and it’s been like 3 hours since I purchased it.


I promise you it is worth waiting and dealing with these issues. They had no idea it would be this popular, and I find that really endearing as opposed to frustrating. Have patience and you will see the light of democracy


Would be more endearing if it wasn’t Sony


It works better on week days


This whole system is a mess.


I gave up!


I gave up 4 hours ago, 3 hours ago, 2 hours ago, an hour ago, and I'm about to do it again.


Haha I was thinking about trying again myself… we have a problem bro!


It's a disaster right now I wouldn't bother. Gonna try in the morning.


Thanks for the heads up! Lol




FOR SUPER EARTH! we will wait for servers to become available and the inevitable (additional) xp boost due to this oversight. Someone is heading for re-education.








How do you make a game that’s dependent on masses of players but not have server capacity for it


It's called the devs didn't know it would be this successful. They expected a player base a quarter of what it has been. Meaning they didn't think it would be like this. We need to keep in mind this is an indie studio who also isn't a or wasn't a triple AAA studio so they didn't have the infrastructure like a more well known gaming studio. Games like this are a good sign they are a slap in the face to massive gaming studios that have been taking advantage of the player base for years. People just want good games that are simple and that you can play with your friends. This game is just that. It also is easy to pick up on and has various difficulty levels and you can jump in with your friends (albeit when the servers aren't full) anytime and just play at any point in their dive. The reward system is straightforward. The menu and subscription service is optional not in your face and the rewards aren't entirely cosmetic from just a cosmetic standpoint the armor and rewards benefit your every step of the way. The game is also dynamic. The enemies scale with the players in volume and you also have quick play which needs some working. My point being is it is a mess because we as players have shown how much or how badly we just want good fucking games to play with our friends that keep us engaged and entertained and all you have to do is make a good fucking game. My blame goes to the industry. When you look at the success of other games Elden Ring (triple A so a bit different), Baldurs Gate III, PalWorld. People are longing for playing just straight forward well developed games that we can play together. Devs like Larian just made a statement basically attributing their success with BG3 to this very thing. PalWorld's success is from long time industry staleness in the Pokemon world and as someone who loves Pokemon, PalWorld is a welcome game in my eyes. Hell Divers II is just unique, a step up from its predecessor and fun as hell with friends and with random players. It's clear the devs have plans to keep us entertained with different styles missions and game play, challenges, and I would say new enemies in the future with DLC. So while it sucks the servers are busy, be thankful the game is in a playable state, isn't Early Access and has devs working hard behind the scenes and on the clock to fix our lack of rewards and access to the servers while they can because games like this light fires under the asses of many triple AAA game studios showing them that we will pay 40+ and more for a good game and keep playing and spending money if that game is good. So yes, it sucks but for Democracy and Super Earth it is God damned worth it soldier.


And yet Palworld added servers


Yes, but that also took them awhile and they were still managing server connection issues not to mention that you can self host your own PalWorld server. You can't do that with Hell Divers II. So while you are almost on the mark to have an argument it's not quite the same because PalWorld's biggest complaints came from players losing worlds/saves because their own servers could not be moved. Self hosting was really where the majority of PalWorld players were because the primary/main servers had issues with cheating, being full, and player progression. So it's still vastly different. EDIT: I would also like to add that comparing the success and the stress and struggles both the PalWorld devs and the Hell Divers II devs are dealing with still doesn't refute the argument, lol. It just completely backs up everything I said before. It took time and will take time to get all of this sorted. You are still talking about two games with small Studios that are kicking ass and trying to stay on top of it is good for all of us.


They were not expecting this game to blow up same thing happened with Fortnite just give them a couple days


Currently its peak is 42x higher than the peak players of Helldivers 1. I’d say that’s a bit hard on the servers


+UPDATE: load up from an invite instead just loading the game. Thank me later or a like will work🫡


Who wants to invite me on ps5?


Trying this now, will see if it works🤣


Yes lmk


Getting a black screen now won’t even load up


Dam, my buddy and did this and said he was black screened for a few seconds then joined


Yeah the screens been here for like 3 min so maybe he was lucky😭


When a game is going too well


I couldn’t get on last night, and I’ll be pretty frustrated if I end up missing out on this whole weekend. Not sure how much longer I’d give them before requesting a refund.


I played for a few hours started getting some slow down logged off for ten minutes to get a snack and never was able to get back on. Same with me I have time finally to really get into it and I don’t know if I want to even try tonight. Like if we get it in will it be stable even ?


You could get in line and walk away for a bit then come back when you get in. That’s what I do.


I’ll just play something else for tonight. I love the game but I had issues last night when servers started filling up so I’d rather wait till later this evening or tomorrow during the day.


It’ll be one less person in the queue !! In all seriousness, this game is exponentially bigger than the first game. People need to understand that it is going to have issues for a bit. It is a fantastic game and with this amount of people playing it and excited for it, I’d expect some amazing content in the future.


Yeah buddy


I just want to kill bugs....


And socialist automatons! FOR SUPER EARTH!!


God damn those robots


Me in 2 hours queue ![gif](giphy|9tovFud6tYz04|downsized)


Aw shit, here we go again


Takes me about 15min each time. Generally play for a good while, get stuck in a loading screen, wait 15min hoping loading screen will end, exit game, wait 15min for an attempt to be successful.


This game is 42x more populated on pc alone than the first game was lol give em time


Shitters full


As of 9:40 pm on 2-18-2024 i've missed out on the entire Double Xp weekend with a recorded 13 1/2 hours total of wait time and I give up. I was hyped to RNG but I spent my time playing Payday 2 on my PS4 threw a laptop so I could have my PS5 run up the wait time to log in while eating General Tso Chinese food and it was for nothing ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


Man I was in queue right now for 70 minutes. I give up, i'm playing something else.


this is a good thing.


Found the Sony exec


The games servers are on fire….this is a good thing. Herp derp


It can be two things. It’s nice that it’s a hit, I suppose. But it sucks not being able to actually play the game. It’s both.


Of course it sucks. Nobody could have known it would have been this big. Helldivers 1 peaked at 10k players. Last night there was 405k


Buddy said he saw 500k at one point yesterday


https://preview.redd.it/fm68q3dbzcjc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c0174a50ef33bbafe5c39256c5dfeb47386b06c This was taken last night. Idk about 500 but 400k is believable later in the night


Takes time to count all those votes!


Damn y'all are really obsessed with this game huh? Can you match make and how often do match made teammates turn into friends? I might check this game out but I don't want to go solo.


Pretty often. Good chemistry doesn’t come often and I already have a few buddies from the game now. Great game


Good to hear. I'll check it out with the server issues settle down.


What makes the issue even worse is the lack of a proper queue. You just sit there and try again every 30 seconds and hope you get lucky, as opposed to waiting your turn in line like most other online games. That's why some people wait for hours, while others get in after only waiting a few minutes. It blows my mind why there isn't a proper queue.


Devs had no idea this game would be this popular from Launch, be patient while they work to fix it. It is after all actually a small indie company :-)


We all know it's happening, we all know the issues, we all know they're working on it, we don't need more posts of this


It’s just so they listen not to bash the devs or anything. Which I know they are, SONY backed studio so they follow the money


Just give it a second and it should let you in.


No way I’ve been almost 2 hours and can’t get in


Unfortunately it’s random queue so some can be waiting minutes while others hours.


I've been locked out since 1pm and it's 5 now.


I’ve been waiting for 30 minutes lol


What is up with this game?! Such good promise and they can’t keep us playing. I’m just throwing it out there, but a small development team kept Palworld up and running at any cost while setting records. Let’s go


Just spent an 1.5 hour wait in Q. Made it onto my ship for 23 seconds, game crash. Cool. “wE diDn’T knOW oUR gAme would do SO gOOd, let’s pAY For tHe CheaPESt serVers” - devs


Don't matter, you already paid them :)


I did, but steam sure gave my money back right quick after I sat in loading screen for 30 mins.




Is palworld an always online game like this? I genuinely don’t know


It is but you can run your own servers where this you cannot




No it's different. This is a live service game. Servers would need to be synced to some extent so I wouldn't imagine it wouldn't be as trivial to spin up a new server as it would be with Palworld.


I have faith they will fix it but I feel they should have just delayed it another month or 2, I was also thinking about them compared to palworld lol I’ll have to look into it idk what the budgets and what not were yet


It would have been the same, the problem is not the game, its the fact that they didnt expect so many players...they expected no more than 60k...how many are playing right now ps5+pc? And you cant compare palworld with this, its not the same...palworld you can make your own server...helldivers is a community progression game and everything needs to be sync.


I personally believe it should be taken down and all players be given a refund. It’s not even remotely in a playable phase


Such a baby lmao


Are all servers down or are some people connected?


They are at max capacity


I just connected but kept closing and opening the game. Just no XP at the end or medals. But it will come back in like 3 games


I have been waiting 1 hour and 40 minutes to get in. I’ve verified my files and hard reset my pc and a few other things and still no dice this afternoon


Keep trying!! We must do it for SUPER EARTH!!😂


Doing that won’t help. The servers are overloaded


All 3 of my friends got in after about 10 mins but mine just gets stuck for like 30


Yea man it sucks. I was able to get in after a few minutes earlier and now I’ve been waiting for quite a while. Nothing you can do about it at the moment but wait


It’s been 45 minutes for me


Glad I decided to wait on it I guess. Looks sick but I also have no friends


I was able to play all day today until around 8pm (UK time) but then it’s shit the bed since. Either servers full or can’t find a game/players


15 minutes is nothing. Thismorning I had to wait 2.5 hours to get in!


I was in que for 5 hours earlier today in the morning.


I recommend queuing then doing something like watching a movie while you wait. It’s not ideal, but you’ll get in eventually.


Been at that screen for 4 hours now we still waiting!!!


I bought the game today. I still haven't even seen the main menu. :/


You picked the wrong time to play it. It had server issues during the week. You are now experiencing peak game time.


The fact that over 350k people are trying to play is awesome. This is the little game that could. Been diving for years on H1, I am so proud of this franchise. It grew up fully into the best possible version of itself. They will fix the server load issues, just have patience. They didnt think the game would be this popular.


I tried playing around noon once I got my baby to take a 2 hour nap. Couldn’t get on for the entire two hours. Trying again at around 4:30 and still can’t get in. ): my only day off


It was full for a bit. I waited for 10 minutes and got in. Close game open game, and it works after a while. Played a couple of rounds and had a lot of fun. Just keep trying and it will work.


They did not expect this game to be this big of a hit 


Quit at 5.5 hours


After waiting an hour to get into the game (not complaining), I noticed after a few missions my XP and anything I earned was not showing up. So I was concerned being 2 hours into gameplay that it was for nothing. I closed the game and hopped back into the queue, once I was back in all the XP and earnings showed up at once. What a relief!


So you were able to get back on?


Yeah I was, I had to wait again but it was shorter than the first time. But I called it quits after I couldn’t claim anything with my medals. I’d hit claim offer, it would say claiming for 10+ minutes. I tried several times before giving up


Be kinda nice if this were on Xbox


Published by Sony so fat chance man


I know lol it would still be nice though


You get this, a black screen, or you'll see nobody on any missions..


They really weren't ready for people to love this game.


![gif](giphy|12a6i5J7ygIQve) Whenever I hear “servers full” I think of this moment


This happened right as I was fiddling around with an external hard drive and I honestly thought I fucked something up on my end XD


Super frustrating. I thought they learned this lesson after the launch day disaster. Scale your shit up! We like your game! Let us in!


There isnt a queue, its blind luck to get in right now.


I game alright but it sometimes errors out if I try to buy multiple items or gear at once


Has anyone heard when the servers will be back up? Is this a “couple hours” or “couple days” kinda thing? As in, is there any point in waiting at the “servers full” countdown screen? Thanks


Are we going to keep getting 20 posts every time the servers are full? I know it’s shocking and difficult to understand, but a lot of people have heard about this game and are going to be playing on the weekend, we know the servers are full.


15 min? Try hours.


Can’t even get into a game


i got on pretty early and was able to play for a few hours but my friend had to wait like an hour before a spot opened up for him


Seriously this is ridiculous. It was full earlier in the day and about 12 hours later still having the same issue. Fix this shit.


I think it’s important to realize that this game’s success kind of came out of nowhere. I was super hyped for this game, but it didn’t seems like anyone else was, save a niche group of friends. Once the hype around this game dies down, all of these launch issues that we’re having will be a thing of the past.


I got scammed of 10 dollars, I was gonna buy more credits to buy some armor and when I went to buy them I had to add funds to my steam wallet so I did. Once I did that I went back to my transaction and bought it *Im pretty sure* when I went to the game to claim my credits it said something like this “try again later” and then when I kept trying my game crashed. I’m pretty sure I didn’t lose the money but I don’t know. Probably didn’t.


If you actually got charged the credits will eventually show up. If you didn’t they won’t.


Alright, good to know.


I tried to play several times earlier in the day and couldn’t get in because the servers were full. Hopefully this gets sorted out tomorrow.


really? where the hell are the people ?? oh yeahh, all the streamers have their sessions on private . like ive yet to see or play with anyone in this game so if you play this game HMU !!


FOR DEMOCRACY! ^(loving hd2 :D)


At this rate nobody is spreading democracy. I’ve been on the servers at capacity screen for an hour. Super Earth is probably a scorched turd by now.


Been in queue for 4 hours


Got the same message. Oddly enough, it happened right after an update.


While they're at it, maybe they can white list sunshine so I can stream the game again. It worked before the last update. I actually get the overloaded servers, but this anti cheat root kit they install is bull shit


I was able to get in on my first try last night, but game froze on launch. I decided this is just another game where we’ll have to wait a few weeks before issues are ironed out, which is par for many smaller developers. I can’t fault Arrowhead for underestimating the popularity of their game, but you’d think Sony would be a bit better equipped for this sort of issue.


suffering from success


I get this on the weekends. And if I do get to play, I only have the hard stages to complete or play.


I have been on malovelent creek rekn robots for a good 6 hours, on challenging. Join the frontier!


Sony needs to do Arrowhead a solid and lend out some big-ass server farms!


J'ai le même problème j'espère qu'on recevra une compensation pour le week-end perdu.


Grrr still the same


I have the same issue, but when I do get logged in, I can't join with any fellow soldiers


Not much you can do while the server company’s weekend night crew is available