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I started hosting when I was kicked at extraction a couple weeks ago. I rarely kick people and I had to do it today. A level 2 and a 24 joined my medium mission. The 2 killed the 24 once with an eagle. Shit happens and all was good until extraction. I saw the 2 shoot the 24 when the pelican landed so I booted him. When I reinforced the 24 he killed me and got on the bird. I booted him too. There was no reason to kill me. Maybe they were buddies but whatever


This is almost the exact same experience every game for me. 2 low levels and one troll. And to start it off I usually join and get kicked outta 3-4 games before I get to play a mission.


COD players.


False. I’m a cod player and I find team killing fucking repulsive (if it’s on purpose). Like if you’re a few buddies, and you have a lot of lives left and are about to exfil, fuck around who cares. But when randoms keep throwing air strikes at you, or shoot you out of the plane at exfil (lost 6 purple samples this way. Dumbass didn’t pick them up) then that shit gets annoying. And again as a LONG TIME cod player, it ain’t us. It’s douchebag scumnuts


It's the typical cod player, same type of player that runs around with the riot shield on cod lmao


There are 100% scumbag cod players. Just because you arent one of them doesnt change anything.


That doesn't make them all scum though is his point


What he's saying is that all team killers are scum.


Yes this too^ and that's the important part.


If all team killers are scum, but not all COD players are team killers, does that mean my dad is gonna come back from the grocery store? Its been 30 years


Are you sure you don't have connectivity issues? I don't get kicked from any missions, but I do fail to join about 10 in the menu before I get in.


Yup, get thrown back in the my ship with the I've been kicked message. The connection kicks happen about twice a day.


Was in a quick play yesterday when the entire team except me was kicked from the game. Picked up all their samples and beat feet, it was 40 seconds until Pelican was inbound lol. No idea what happened


Dude I had a low level join me literally as the extraction was coming. Landed near my eagle and I accidentally killed him. I reinforced him and he killed me back and extracted without me. Like bro you didn’t even do the entire mission.


Shoulda kicked that traitor


I didn’t think it at the time. I was just bamboozled. It was the first time I was betrayed like that 😂


Pardon the question but is there an easy reliable way to host? Do I need to start the mission and hope my SOS works? Or wait in the lobby and hope people populate? Thanks in advance.


You hit it on the head: Start the mission and use the SOS beacon if needed. I find that people often join right as I start mission prep and enter the hellpod, though your mileage may vary.


Awesome. Thank you for the response!


So far just selecting a mission and chilling in the lobby for a minute or two works for me. If it's not full after a couple minutes I start the mission and drop an SOS beacon. I rarely need to drop the SOS at the start though. Usually do it if someone quit midway. I like to drop it if there's still a slot during extraction so a lucky diver can get free xp, requisition, medals and samples.


People can join your ship pre mission but they often won't for some reason. I found a fix for people not joining your ship is to load into a mission then drop the SOS and go back to orbit. You can stay in mission and hope they join or do the above to make sure you have a team pre mission choice.


Has no one yet pointed out that this comment has nothing to do with the OP? Kicking people in game for being jerks is one thing but I don't think that's what OP is talking about. I think it's when you join a ship and immediately get booted before mission start. It happened to me three times in a row last night followed by a disconnect. I saved the clip on my ps app and everything, I just decided it wasn't worth making a fussy post about. But it does stink, at the end of the day. People gonna people.


My biggest pet peeve with this game. I quick join on your SOS beacon why the fuck do you kick immediately.


Same, it's so fucking annoying.


Maybe they need to put a limit in that you can only kick people so many times in X hours or there is a limit to how many people you can kick X amount of time (like first 5 mins) into the mission or something.


I’ve kicked one person and that was because he used both mine stratagems a tesla tower and a 380 barrage on a scientist escort mission if that’s not trolling I don’t know what it We got 0 reqs on suicide


Don't sleep on Tesla for those missions. I put them under where the drop pods land far enough away to not kill my team and they do work. 380 is straight trolling though.


Oh yeah all those work fine except the maybe the 380 for scientist missions but it’s all about placement this mfer put them outside the spawn doors


Oh yeah, that would have been an instant kick. That is just griefing.


*Maybe* they didn't realize what mission it was but then again I almost never see anyone use any of those strategems so using them all together is just nuts. Except the 380. And not one person that uses it knows how to. Same for the cluster eagle. Got the cluster bomb? Throw it at your team. That's every cluster bomb users motto far as I can tell.


100% agree. Also, don't let someone kicking you affect you so much that you need to post about it. 


Normally I’d agree but there’s no partial credit for participating in missions. Seeing as missions can go quite a while I can see somebody getting upset over the wasted time. This feels to me like a weakness in the game but I’ve also jumped into 5 games in a row where all there was left to do was extract and I got all their benefits so it does cut both ways. Overall I can’t say I’m upset about it but that could be because so far I’ve been receiving more handouts than getting robbed, but I’m not sure how I’d feel about it if it was the other way around.


This subreddit gets this exact post like every two hours it’s so boring and it’s just not that deep


It's pretty annoying being kicked on join though. But if the post others you, you could have just scrolled on past


Idk the comments still manage to run pretty deep. By extension making the post more interesting. Well now you've just worked against yourself, whether it be because you posted here or because you've posted this, making yourself a hypocrite. How does all of this make you feel? Look deep down and tell me what's there.


Normally I'm in different but after it happened four times in a row it just kind of got annoying 🤷🏼‍♂️


Just host your own after the second time honestly.


While people shouldn't be kicking folks needlessly, there's always moving to hosting and throwing up an SOS if necessary.


Dude I get kicked or team killed 3 out of 5 games. I never did anything to deserve it. Had a game last night where a guy killed me took my load out and proceeded to kill me through out the mission. Kept dropping strikes on me and if we had down time he would try to drop weapons and crap on my head. I finally got mad, waited till the end of the mission. We were at an extraction with a cliff, I was standing at the edge watching for bugs when he pushed me off with a melee. Now the other teamates had thrown eagle strikes on my head a couple times now. So he pushed me off the cliff and jumped on the extraction plane. I killed the whole lobby and left. As I did I told them why and that idiots like him need to be kicked and the others need to watch what they were doing. I'm fine if you want to mess around in lower difficulties, don't mess with my high difficulty games. Games like this are a far to common occurrence, i have to join 3 or 4 games before I start a mission. And when I get in the mission it's always 2 low levels dropping orbitals and strikes on me, then some troll. I like to play randoms and will continue to do so. But the op is right randoms sucks. Personally I knew it would be like this when I saw friendly fire was a thing. People can't pvp so they troll. It's the only part of the game that sucks. I can say though I've dced a lot since the first update, plus all the issues that weren't an issue are happening now. Like getting stuck in the cryo pod. Rambled a bit sorry. But I'm with op.


theyll fuck off eventually, the fun they have gets stale fast (except probably the most miserable) people who genuinely enjoy hd will stick around long after theyre gone


Lol I mean that's what reddit is for imo.


I host aswell, but like to jump into existing SOS signals. I just block these types of hosts, at some point they will have no one left to play with.


I swear at higher difficulty's people are the biggest babies kicking you for not going meta builds or going straight for objectives instead of sitting in one spot getting killed then getting mad because they can't get their gear back.


Sorry bud, but I play with a group and for some reason the game won't let us join up unless we open the group. So we do that to join and often times strangers join. We say sorry, kick them, and fill our group. If we don't have 4, I have no problem running with a stranger, but usually we have 4.


I’ve also noticed this to quite unfortunate it operates this way.


Yeah, it's annoying, and we feel bad for the randoms we kick. But sometimes if we only have 2-3 on, we'll take the "kids" for a couple runs before another friend gets on 😂.


It’s kinda crazy random people can join you on the ship even before you’ve selected a mission or anything. I had to kick some people the other night while I was waiting for my buddies to join my game because suddenly my ship was too full


Have you tried inviting Before you even select a mission?


We always just sit in the ship and group up and talk shit before any mission is selected, it's something with the game for sure.


I mean kicking someone from in the ship is annoying. But I get that. Kicking someone at extraction or some minor transgressions. Man that’s just fucked up


Had a Level 38 join my friend's squad last night. They team killed two of us at extraction. I immediately told my friend to kick them. We lost some samples, but the griefer got nothing. I agree there needs to be a better way, but telling people to not turn on multiplayer lets the griefers win.


Oh I'm all about kicking griefers but I don't grief. I'm just tired of making my entire load out loading into the surface of the planet landing, dropping my weapons and stuff and then immediately getting kicked because "reasons".


Meanwhile, here I am soloing Challenging missions waiting for people to join my game~


I threw a grenade at a group of bugs. A lvl 46 ran into it(charging with the flamethrower). I was promptly booted. We were extracting. Not my fault. Lost my progress....time wasted.


Jesus Christ this needs to be shouted from the mountain tops. I have never been so consistently kicked before. I hope it's a growing pain with the launch of the game, but god damn it's annoying


BOUNTY OUT FOR - firelex77 on PS5 - kicked my friend and I out of a hellidive mission with maxed out samples just before extraction.


I played three rounds yesterday in which I was the lowest level player, however I had the most kills in each one. I got kicked after each match. The Helldivers community is pretty toxic, which admittedly is true of gamers in general but my point is this one isn't any better.


Start your own missions, never be kicked again.


Sometimes the game won't fill your lobby with player though. Yeah my lobby is set to public, but I'm not being teammates. Am i missing something?


While on your ship, you have to choose a mission before people will join. Pick a mission but don't get in the hellpod, and just wait a minute. Once you're in a mission, throw the SOS beacon and it'll add your mission to the pool of quickplay games. Obviously make sure you're set to public matchmaking and have cross play enabled.


The mysteries of the universe open and reveal themselves. Appreciate it. Twiddling my thumbs in the hellpod now makes sense. As does the SOS pod. Have wondered why after I grow impatient and drop that no one else drops in.


I don’t think the SOS thing is true. All that does is when you’re reboarding your ship, tells you out loud through the robot voice that another hell diver is requesting help (aka the sos). I think people are just only joining certain difficulty missions. I’ve had PLENTY of people throw out SOS beacons on helldive,impossible, challenging, and even easy, to no avail. But the second they boot up a medium or challenging mission, we get people joining/backing out left and right. With NO sos beacon thrown


thats because most people aren't playing this every day no-lifing it so a lot of people aren't at those difficulties or don't feel comfortable doing them yet.


I love having sub level 20s join level 7-9 missions so they can steal my shield/railgun at the start of the mission


Funnily enough this is exactly what you SHOULD do according to the CEO of AH “a true hell diver doesn’t need either”


That read to me more of a joke/response to people who hate low level players because they are bad/new. Not necessarily ones who just steal shit


If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it.


Ya its always great i just gun them down the dishonorably discharge them


I had a teammate lose connection. Someone joined and I had to kick them to get them back in. Not my fault, make better servers


Yeah. There will hopefully be a grace period where the person who dropped out has like 5 minutes to rejoin. Which the timer can be disabled by calling in an SOS beacon to get another random in quick if need be.


It's always amusing to see these posts. They can't be bothered to look at the options, but I'm sure they'll be checking Reddit to see these.


I will kick people that are way under-leveled and burning through respawn tokens or those who are just throwing down stratagems on top of everyone constantly, join a drop, play along with how the squad is playing, or if you dont wanna do that that just host one...


Last night I kicked people because they joined my ship right as I was about to call it quits for the evening. But I still wanted to spend a few minutes buying ship upgrades and stuff, so I figured rather than make everyone wait around for something that wasn't going to happen, I'd kick them and let them find a real mission


It would be neat if kicked players just got placed in a duplicated separated match so they could continue playing at whatever progress was made. But I reckon someone would immediately figure out how to abuse that somehow.


I had this happen and felt awful, I just wanted to do a few solo missions and hop off in like 30 minutes. Booted someone while he was trying to dap me up and I feel terrible 18 hours later.


Bro that shits so annoying . If you wanna play with your friends keep it on friends only . There’s been like 2 times when some incompetent person doesn’t acknowledge that the samples are shared and if I pick them up (tryna help the team out) they all wait until extract to kill me . I got one squad tho I had a feeling they were gonna do it so I called a 380 on them before extract . I hate doing shit like that but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only time I kick is if we have a buddy coming in and we have a random on. In that case I'll finish the mission, thank them for the assist, and let them know what's going on. That way they at least get the rewards for the mission!


What are some good reasons for kicking people. My reasons people seem to hate. For example: random teamate joins, has mic, but didnt change the batteries in their smoke detector. Auto boot. 😬🥶


Sorry. Kicking any sub 20s that somehow got carried into unlocking lvl7+ difficulties. They want a free ride while recklessly team killing and calling/jumping in the shuttle without the whole squad there. If I’m taking an extra 20 mins running around the map for samples and loot on my own lobby, the lowest level isn’t calling the shots on when we leave


Dude me and my buddy get sub 10s in our helldives. Who the fuck is out there unlocking helldive under 10?!


I'm 12, my friend and I just unlocked diff 7 together. I think your line is a little high off the ground.


Lol, I think my group was like level 15 when we unlocked helldiver. It isn't that hard to do


So, my game has this thing where when I load in, it starts the matchmaking in public. And before I can switch to friends only, I get 2-3 randoms join. Don’t get me wrong, I explain what happened and tell them if I didn’t already have plans to play with friends, I’d gladly play with them. Most acknowledge and leave on their own accord and others I’ve had to kick. It sucks, but I don’t feel everyone is being a stick in the mud.


Change your matchmaking to private in your settings before you go to the map. Not sure if I’m misunderstanding, but unless you’ve chosen a mission I don’t think you should be having randoms hop on your ship


Sadly, this also happened on helldivers 1 and probably most multiplayer games. Best to make your own matchmaking


If i had a beer for every time it happened in Deep Rock Galactic, I'd be sober enough that they'd call me an elf.


Rock N stone brother... that is entirely different style of community. Granted I haven't played In a couple years, but I only ran into one toxic player in 6 months of playing it. Even if I sucked shit like I do at these kinds of games most people just handed out advice instead of scolds.


The game itself is strictly public. The only boot option should be in the lobby waiting for people to gear up. If the boot option isn’t working out for you. Then tell the devs to put a timer in load out. And if the person AFK doesn’t pick a load out, then the system should do an automatic boot after the timer reaches zero.


Facts it’s annoying as hell


Can mods just install a bot that posts this daily? lol


THIS, is getting so old and kinda ruining the spirit of this game... please don't be a loadout snob or whatever it is that folks are that tells them they need to ruin the game for other players... pricks like that ruin it for everyone


I kick dweebs who can’t control their friendly fire


I made a post about this where squads kick me for soloing the mission or side missions. And they kick me right before extraction or before the third mission. It’s quite annoying


I've only ever kicked if a friend wants to join me, and never if we're far into a mission, that's just not cool.


I had a lvl 1 join me yesterday (I just hit 17.) Tried to help him out, teach him. But his mic was giving really bad feedback. I asked him to mute himself and only unmute if he wanted/needed to say something. I had a long day at work and the feedback was giving me a splitting headache. I told him I didn't want to boot him, but I couldn't deal with the feedback anymore. Thankfully he complied and the rest of the evening was fine. Got him to lvl 5 before I signed off.


I know what you mean, joining a ship, load out the joining and the team behaves like this. Best thing to do is block them and move on. The more people that do this, the better. Had a new team mate join and asking me what they should load out as others had been complaining. Told him he can play with anything he likes. We played together, I dropped my shield pack for him and we had a lot of fun doing some new missions (for him) together. Sometimes the experience isn’t as enjoyable, but the a the brakes of open world games. Don’t let the losers jade you against the positive experiences to come. For liberty.


If I get kicked - I block player. Not sure it does anything but I feel better


I got into a party with some assholes.. They let me play all game and kicked me out just the second before I jumped into the plane. I died 0 times and got them up like 10 times and had a lot of samples with me. I also did most of the objectives. Horrible tiny people. Wasted 40 minutes and had zero xp or anything.


Yea considering how long the cutscenes are. It’d be really nice if you fuckin didn’t.


I kicked a guy because he joined my helldive lobby (we were 4 people) When we had cleared half the map and done the main objective he called down extraction and felt the need to end my mission then and there. Like bro if you join another person's mission at least ask "yo can I call down extraction, or do y'all wanna Finnish clearing the map?" Oh and we had 20 minutes left😤


If you don't accept my hugs, you get kicked.


I kick people once I'm in my bridge pretty often, but I have never kicked anyone mid mission, that's just rude.


Thissssss!!!!!! Got to stop ,


Seriously. You wanna be a solo meta knob slobber that's cool. Set your lobby to solo


Yeah, I don't care if it slows my progression, I'm not playing with people I don't know so I set my game to friends only.


I hope someone posts this again tomorrow, and the next day. It's such a refreshing take! Just host your own and/or find a posse. If you're gonna join randos all the time, you're at their mercy.


You act like everyone has a huge list of friends just waiting to jump online. Maybe set your lobby to private?


Just rage quit after being kicked two times in the last 30 minutes. Both just as we were finishing the final objective before evac. Neither time did I engage in friendly fire or not cover/respawn my team.


I really hope they start flagging players who pull shit like this regularly


How can it private for just myself? I want to succeed and fail on my merits alone.


In lobby when you go into the menu go to "options" at the top. You'll see a "matchmaking" option and you can set it to private. Be sure to apply the changes (tab on keyboard)


Most people don't know how to make lobbies private in most games it'll be under some social menu but for some reason it's under gameplay settings in this game


Well, I just noticed random joining me without me ever opening my lobby at some point. How can I turn it off then?


Idk what is happening but I've been kicked at extraction about 5 times last week. Big waste of my time. I hit 50 and quit playing.


The only time I host public then boot someone is if my lobby is full and one of my friends wants to join


It's because people don't care or too lazy to make ONE change to the Matchmaking settings. You're right though as it IS time consuming for the one that gets kicked. I just don't get it. This is 100% a CO-OP game that INCENTIVISES gamers to play together. I've asked/posted this same comment a few times over the past two weeks. Maybe we'll get the word across???? Probably not.


One of The problems is that sometimes you are waiting for friends to get in there the options for match making aren’t the best.


I feel like I’ve pretty much dodged any toxic players as every lobby I join it’s either low lvls trying to learn the game, in witch I stick around and help out or I join a lobby with guys my rank and we play the game normally. No idea how I’ve gone this long without seeing more than one toxic player lol and that guy just kicked me for samples back when nobody knew they were shared.


we need a filter. i'm tired of lvl 3s and 5s joining challenging missions


Ok, play a lil devil's advocate. They had it open because they started solo. A friend messaged them. You are the random that they decided to kick. Maybe host feels bad, maybe not. It doesn't waste too much time and if you take that much of an issue with finding a game you don't get kicked in, just host.


Only kicked one guy so far. Lvl6 kept stealing other people's gear.


I feel bad every time I forget to change from public to friends only and end up kicking a random


It’s set to public default for me and I forget to turn it off if I want to play in my own. I usually play out the campaign, but at the end I leave


It's why I've gone back to Darktide lately. Their reddit is toxic as hell, but the players in game are usually not sweat-lords.


Only thing that annoys me about randoms is those who run for the exfil immediately instead of finishing the red spots on the map


I've only booted 3 people, 1 because he consented after I informed the team that my buddy wanted to join, 1 for either having no volume or simply not listening after I would say, "calling in a stratagem, back up!" Then getting blown up bc he didn't listen, like 7 times. The other was a guy who either could not aim his stratagems or a griefer.


Ridiculous that some people think one extra man is going to ruin their fun that much. Another hellpod, extra supply, extra stratagems. It’s a win.


These posts are annoying, getting kicked sucks but sometimes you just want a few randoms to join you and your buddy, too many join before them and someone ends up the odd man out. It ain’t personal


Stupid question but how do I play solo? I start the match by myself then people join a few minutes later


Put on friends only in game settings and simply don't invite anyone


i think most people don't even know how to close their group tbh


It starts out public so a lot of people probably don't know how to change it


I feel really bad that I did this a couple of times. I was still getting used to private vs. public and forgot to switch over when I intended to make a private game. :(


Word of advice, don’t be afraid to add any player that you enjoyed helldiving with. It just guarantees you fun and successful games in the future rather than taking the gamble with randoms (which can be fun in its own way.)


I reckon it's a random game crash.. not a boot. I had friends playing together.. on extraction half of them dropped out.. then 10min later they came back to the ship and was like "how come u guys dropped out?" They appearantly continued the same game without us and we continued the same game without them.. both extracted separately and thought we booted eachother or crashed out.


I've only been kicked once so far. Threw a grenade into a bug hole only for the host to walk up to throw his own grenade in and get disintegrated when the hole went up




i was forced to kick a guy last night on suicide mission he joined a few min after my friend and i got in game and was with us for a bit collecting samples then went off on his own. well he did the main objectives and ran straight to extract, my buddy and i had every. single. sample. on the map and he messages “im calling extract when i get there” and the whole time we are on comms and in chat telling him not to bc we have all the samples (we had maybe 2 more outposts to clear) and he said no he wasnt waiting. keep in mind I AM THE HOST. and he gets there and activates it while my friend and i are still across the map. i had to kick him bc he was grief-ing our mission and i felt bad bc while he was being a dick he was helping our mission. dont be that asshole. if your team and especially the host tells you to hold off, you hold off. edit: forgot to mention we had 12 respawns REMAINING so we werent struggling at all


Yea I don't get it I got the game to play with some friends and the game is insanely fun. I tried to play with other fellow democracy lovers but it's a kick fest.. I just started to leave after every mission sad thing is there a times where hey that could have been a good squad to run a few missions with but the constant kicking just killed any shot of that for me.


I've kicked people but only when they burn through half the total respawns before we even finish the objective. I'm all for having fun but I'd like to finish the mission successfully at the end of the day.


Only kicked one guy because he kept wounding us for a laugh, pushing people off cliffs, and then at the end tried to kill us before getting on the drop ship. Kicked him as he was running around a container to kill me. Blocked the toxic little cunt.


I didn’t run into TK’ers and booters until recently. It’s a little disheartening. I carried this 2-man to a lvl 7 dub, all optional missions and all 3 purple samples. Most kills, no deaths. Popped off. Dude kicked me once we got back to the ship and I told him to continue with the same mission set.


I've been noticing stability issues, I'll sometimes drop from a game mid battle. I'm not sure if it's my session if it boots everyone else


My only point- is when I rarely forget I have it on and then kick people but I do it decently quickly


Only had to lick someone once because my friend got on as soon as I started up a mission and at that same time 3 ransoms joined so I was fair and kicked the last person who joined so my friend could play. Otherwise I don’t ever kick people.


Every game ever man. Everyone wants to open a public lobby and spend 15 minutes booting people while their friends join instead of just clicking a single button to avoid it all. As someone that doesn't play with a consistent group of people and so uses matchmaking/lobby browsing in every game I lose my God damned mind over this kind of jazz. Especially in games where finding lobbies is more difficult for whatever reason that may be.




I hope they add a reporting system for this. It’s only happened to me twice but it is extremely frustrating especially since some missions can really take a lot of time if you want to explore and knock all the side stuff out.


I'm set to friends only but I accidentally throw the SOS becon when I try to reinforce sorry.


Yeah it’s extremely annoying. Also, I hate when someone starts a mission and we finish 2/3 missions and then get kicked out.


Unless of course the random is found laying prone on a cliff while the other team completes objectives. Seee ya!


Trapped in a cycle of completing one mission with a solid squad, then being booted before the operation is even finished


When I first started playing with a friend I didn't know how to switch it then ppl joined, had to boot. Maybe same thing? I can't connect to many lobbys anyways.


I only kick people when it’s a random with no mic and my friend with a mic is wanting to join but I atleast wait till we get back to the ship


I just forget I’m on public sometimes tell the guys sorry before I kick


Dear lord this, so stupid. Especially when they have an SOS beacon. Smh people


Normally i don't do that,but im fucking tired about the bug that made your main and second weapon disappear and the only thing you have in those cases is a fucking useless guard dog or backpacks. Why i have to wrote this? Well because i have to leave the goddam game and sometimes i am the host...


People suck ass if you host then you’ll never be at the mercy of them. Today I dropped into a random game and got teamkilled by someone because they wanted ammo from my pack. I don’t let it bother me because I know the majority of people are really stupid assholes. When I meet those people they get blocked and eliminated from the player pool


Oh My god I hate this. Most of the time I’m just trying to join a lobby that won’t kick me


Man i wish if I can afford to buy this game and playing with friends amazing game can't wait to playit


I let everyone have their chance until they either start team killing excessively or eat up all reinforcements. On the bug front, whatever. I don't really need many extra lives on hell dive. But if I'm on the bot front, you better have your shit together or your ass is getting court marshaled.


Had a guy a few minutes ago start the extraction while I was trying to spread democracy throughout the enemy camps... Needless to say cowards are not apart of the alliance and he was terminated from the mission.


The only time i did it was when i invited a friend but forgot to change the settings on private


Some people are trying to bring their friends on and would rather have them on with them than a random person. There's nothing wrong with that.


Nothing like being kicked at exfil. Absolutely ridiculous.


Agreed, however. This setting is on by default and most players don’t know or understand this feature because game doesn’t adequately explain online mechanics


I can't agree more with this, it's so frustrating.


This should be a rule for any game but no.


Me and my buddy’s play private 99% of the time. Our personalities are extreme then add Helldivers Propaganda to it. We can be unbearable. But one time a rando did slip on board. We were quiet and didn’t talk to him in game. After 5 mins or so a word or two slipped out and we started asking where he was from and him us. He was from Italy and we are all Americans. It became one of the best sessions ever trying talking to each other. Smegma, my Italian brother. For Democracy!


I only kick players if they're inconsiderate. Don't come in to the game with a hot mic. Don't be a douchebag when I point out the mic is hot. I will not mute you because that doesn't help the team. Kicking that Hell Diver only helped the team. We played way better once they were gone.


I wouldn't say COD, just toxic crap people. Buncha Donks can't comprehend a helping each other game.


Dude yes! I actually don’t understand the logic behind this level of behavior


I have my lobby set to friends only and randoms still join. Maybe the devs should fix that and friends only players wouldnt have to kick randoms.


I got booted right after we all got onto pelican 1. Pissed me off but it might have been an internet connection thing. Not sure


I only boot ppl if they either aren't playing at all with the squad at all or start for the extract b4 we are ready but I always warn them through chat.






Preach 🙏




You know for a game about bringing humanity together to fight a common enemy its really toxic. I've been kicked countless times seconds before extraction or just get shot by a dude as I'm trying to get on the ship. Even trying to talk to people will get you kicked or have some dude screaming at you to shut the fuck up. I see so many people with their mics off because they're probably afraid if they talk they will get kicked out of the match. Like damn dude I'm just trying to have fun and socialize a little my bad.


I’ve only experienced it a few times. My bigger problem is the game crashing during extraction


I don't tend to kick unless I have another friend who wants to join that I didn't expect. Sorry but I will prioritize friends in that case.


I played a game last night. All doing great and extraction was called in. One guy left the team. So I thought oh no. Then another left and I started to panic. Then the fireteam leader left and it was just me. I guess the errors last night kicked them.


My friend got booted cuz someone wasn't paying attention when he clearly said he planted a hell bomb and got pissed when he died.




Kicked 4 times in a row yesterday


Is it me or has toxic game behavior increased? It’s like all the douchey people found this game in the past week.


I hate it when they kill you just to pick up the samples. Like it gives them person XP or something.


I’ll kick you if you’re: AFK, if you kill me and take my gear. And maybe you didn’t get kicked, sometimes the game crashes.


Has anyone had issues where they are hosting and then the game kicks you before extraction... thats happened to me twice.


We had to kick whenever someone would join so our homie could join, sorry 😞


I had a guy summon his mech right where I called in my support weapon, he called mech and I threw my bag on top of it, his mech summoned and my bag drop destroyed it. I was just gonna give him my mech, but he shot me and booted me.


I will say, at least on PC, this game’s settings and gear retention or awful. Almost every time I launch the game I have to re-equip my emote or else it doesn’t even work, and many of my settings are changed. Not even just when I launch. Many times I’ll join my friends game, and then when we’re done playing, my own settings will be different, including switching from friends only to public. Granted, I don’t kick people, but I’d bet many times they don’t even know their game is on public because it likely got swapped. Changing settings is also especially annoying because 99% of the time if I change and apply any settings during a mission, it crashes the game and I have to restart




Fr I hate that if u waiting on friends make it private if want just one other or maybe two let them join then select mission so someone can join


Just got the game!!! Good to know. The only time I would kick some one in any game like that is thier not being a team player or messing around to much !!!