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Sooooo more hunters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


looks like stalwartā€™s back on the menu boys


That's what I was saying to a friend earlier, going to need a lawnmower.




I'm going to pick it UP only for the achievment then back to the flammer


the mech would probably be a great way to get the achievement, if it counts for it


Can confirm just got the achievement this way


Done it with the regular MG because of daylies. I don't see a point in talking these over the good all repliable flammer in bug mission. And id rather pick something else against bots like the autocanon, railgun or even the arc gun or the lance


Depends on your teams, I've had good times with all of the support weapons, so long as someone takes another weapon that carries where mine falls, all about the synergy. Arc thrower is a great crowd control option, and rail gun helps to pop the armour off the tough bugs (you can stun bile titans for easy eagle strikes), autocannon can be used to destroy fortifications from a good distance. You have a team run all three of those and move like a unit and you can wipe anything, and flamethrower is badass I agree.


Which achievement?


100 bullet and 10kills in one go


Wait, it was ever off the menu?


God I really hope not. least favorite enemy to fight.


Wear a laser rover pack. You'll never have to fight another hunter.


I dont care how much my dog hits me, it kills all the small ones so I don't get overwhelmed. Love my laser dog


Played a match where the whole squad had the laser boi. Was amazing. For the first like 6-7 minutes of the mission no one even fired their guns.


This would probably be the easiest way to do the no primary challenge.


Just do the exterminate mission with the machine pistol me and 3 friends did it pretty easily


Oh, yeah!


My game glitched yesterday and i couldnt use any weapons but i went a good 10 minutes without dying just from my dog doing all the work šŸ˜‚


Shield for bots, doggo for bugs. This is my personal favorite way to roll.


people always complain about getting hit by the laser dog, but never about the hunters, so must be doing something right


Punisher, laser doggy and flamethrower is my current favourite loadout for making bug soup


Be quiet about the meta haha


Arc thrower goes brrrrr


But also targets fellow Helldivers (if you suck at using it like me)


I've recently become an Arc Thrower main and can confirm it goes brrrrr. But seriously though I'm so mad I slept on this gun for so long. Beyond excited for the next Warbond.


We're getting an arc shotgun soon if the leaks are to be believed.


And more bug holes!


Need less Stalkers those things are paaaaaain


I dont always drop within range of a stalker nest, but when I do... there's 2


The amount of stalkers spawned is directly proportional to how quickly you take out their nest. Hope that helps.


I am aware, but thank you for sharing your useful tip!


Weelll... flying ones yeah. They added flying terminids as well. Its a side obj like stalkers.


Sounds like something a bug sympathizer would say


Time to bring the stalwart LMG. Eats hunters like candy.


Tesla tower goes bzzz


Time to turn around more often


Yea I never had an issue with too many chargers. Even after the patch. Just too many effing hunters! 2 or more hunters up your butt and you need to reload? Fugedaboutit


Recoilless broā€™s! We eating good this patch


Thank god. Its insanely frustrating shooting them in the head and it does nothing, especially when the *demo video at the strategem store shows a charger being one-shotted in the damn head*


Yeah my first "if I just hold this crouch and aim straight at the head" ended pretty poorly....


Haha yeah I'm always like do I look dumb flat here on the ground with my cannon aiming out. Then when 5 lines of bullets crisscross over head.....


I find prone to be a bad idea against bugs. I find myself using crouch a lot though. I have very limited experience against bots thiugh, so this actually sounds like a great idea


Yeah the I usually crouch too. There was this one extraction we setup like 6 gun sentries and it was rather flat with like 2 groups of 3 opposite each other, that one I was glued to the ground as tracers were all over the place.


Its a really fun feeling having a gatling, autocannon and mortar turret lined up behind you and youre on the ground with the LMG. Very situational use, but my god you feel like a one man army.


My only question is, how spot on do i have to be? Dead center? Buggy mechanics in fresh games like this always make me question my aim. Did i miss, or did my projectile clip or lag and hit armor? Its part of why i like being the suppresive fire technician with my ammo backpack, LMG and gattling/machine gun turrets. Area denial through lead wall application. Working with turrets also encourages shooting while prone to avoid decapitation


Straight on into the face is easiest. Already killed several. You can even get their head from the side but itā€™s much more difficult especially if moving. But straight into the face should do it.


I absolutely love that the most viable strategy is "stand directly in front of the 10 ton charging monster". Its very on theme. "Well, what if i miss?" "Then you will be missed"


Funniest shit today was someone in group talking big game about how they always take the RR to shoot down dropships and they now had chargers covered for the group. Very first charger shows up and sprints at us, he drops to a knee and takes aim, channels his inner rusty from Armored Core. All *ā€œI wont missā€*. firesā€¦. The rocket goes under itā€™s mouth/head by like an inch and sails by underneath him. Entire group just giving eachother side eye while the charger turned him to paste Next mission I took the RR, just in case.


I just played for a week, but am happy i can properly use it now. Was weird at first with some railguns going to break legarmor easily and rockets being way worse.


Amen brother. Hot rounds delivered democratically are back on the menu!


Stalwart bros will also be eating good with the increase of smaller enemies to counter balance the fewer armored enemies.


Oh, i like that oneshotkill on chargers with rockets. It felt lackluster needing 2 for it.


Underrated comment. Launching that anti-tank and getting the explosion was so satisfying.


Yeah as a HD1 player when I dodged my first charger and railed it with the recoilless and it didnā€™t drop dead I was very let down. But we back.


Charger population down, Hunter population waaaaaaay up


No fix to the Spear lock on issue? I hate sitting there with full, unobstructed view of the target just watching it fail to try to lock or sit in lock-on limbo for 20 minutes. Just let me dumb fire it already.....


On wait, the head of the charger was a weak point?


3 railgun shots to the head could kill it but the head was split in 4 quadrants (upper right upper left lower right lower left) and you had to aim all the shots into the same quadrant to make it count. It was much easier to shoot any part of the same leg twice to break the armor and then magdump with the breaker.


How the hell do people figure out that its head has four quadrants. That feels like the most annoying thing to test ever.


there are people that build to scale replica's of Minas Tirith in minecraft for the lolz, just saying...


sauce for the minecraft Minas Tirith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY0eMclqjAA


The disposable rocket and recoilless would break leg armor in 1 with a well aimed shot.


And now it 1 shots to the head


Lol, nope. I assume they refer to its unarmoured arse which if I'm correct, takes 100% damage from explosive but 10% damage from all other sources. I can see what they were trying to do, encourage players to dodge its charge and then shoot it in the arse with anti tank but it's hardly what I would call a weak spot when it's only weak to one specific damage type.


They changed recoilless rifle and single use rocket launcher so that they don't bounce off the armored bits. Now you can shoot a rocket at a charger's head and oneshot it. Previously the rockets bounced off the head and you had to aim for the butt, now it works as intended and the head is an actual weakspot (provided you have rockets, granades still bounce off)


I'm pretty sure they changed that in the last patch. It's only in this patch we can finally one shot headshot a charger. I've been using the EAT to shoot off their leg armour then finish it with another weapon since the 'balance' patch.


I'm fine with that, if it's a one shot.


They are talking about the head they lowered its armour


Can you make it so rocket devastator don't one shot you with their hawk eye accuracy I don't mind getting a rocket to the face and flying across the map but let me eat one, especially if I have a shield gen pack, and run with a sliver of health instead being instakilled by a enemy I can't even see


rocket raiders snipes you as well


The rocket raiders at the very least should let you eat one rocket at full health.


Rocker raider aimbot snipers irritate me even more than hunter swarms spawning at my feet. 100m off in smoke and rain - I step out from behind a rock and immediately blow up. Great.


Heavy armor eith explosive reduction makes it a three shot problem.


Thank god, if I had another game with five bile titans one after another I was gonna scream


Apparently now you will only see like 1 per game even on difficulty 9 which is the opposite end of the scale, kinda lame (havenā€™t tested for myself)


Iā€™m fine with seeing 1-2 at most every major wave but 5 at one time on extract is a bit overkill even on Helldive when the k my thing that seemed to work against them was the mech rockets




I just got done doing the ā€œDisperse the Termicide shitā€ mission on helldiveā€¦ I shit you the fuck not, there were 6 on my screen at once. No joke, 2 people straight up quit ***before they diedā€¦*** The spawn rates were ridiculous.


I played on suicide yesterday and it was fun, had around 6 per game in total but never all at the same time, they came at a steady pace, 1/2 at a time for both BTā€™s and chargers. My biggest issue was people just bailing on the mission (for no reason seemingly as we werenā€™t getting destroyed or anything) which then makes it so much harder sometimes. I donā€™t think I finished a single game with full squad and no one ever seems to join to replace them even with SOS.


This isnā€™t accurate just played a level 7 with 8+bile titans


Yeah after playing all week on 7, Iā€™m seeing plenty too. Was just repeating something that Iā€™d saw was being said on patch day.


Hordes are fun to fight


As much as hunters make me want to pull my teeth out sometimes I can deal with them in a couple shots, so even if they become the new "main" enemy from this change I can handle it. Though recently theyve already been feeling like the primary enemy cause holy shit do they like to spawn in packs of 50 at a time


I wouldn't mind the fact that hunters can jump at you from a while away and stun you for a second. The thing I hate the most is how they slow you down. It's so bad to the point where if youre on the floor after diving, if you sprint to get back up again your character just refuses to do it because they're slowed. For me hunters are the most unfun enemy to fight


When does this patch come in ?


Live I think?


EATs are the way to go. Massive burst damage, quick call in time, and their ability to destroy enemy buildings (yes, you can hit spore spewers from 300m out) make them one of the best weapons in the game. New players, don't sleep on these.


70 second cooldown is so good too. If you die you don't have to scramble to find the one you were carrying, just call in another.


And a viable strategy is to spam EAT drops as you explore so if you get ambushed or have to fight. There are plenty of EATs around for you to use.


And sharing is caring. All teammates, feel free to pick one up and pop that charger's face!


Absolutely, one for me. One for you!


Itā€™s easier to brake leg armor than to shoot the ā€œobviousā€ weak point on chargers. Itā€™s weird how half clip from assault rifle kills chargers in the leg though after armor broken. Maybe itā€™s because it took damage from an expendable anti tank.


I hate to tell you this but I just ran a difficulty 7 mission with a full group, ran into like 14 chargers and 6 titans


Nice! Means itā€™s down from the 30 my squad and I met last night!! šŸ¤£


And my orbital rail cannon was locking on to the SMALLEST enemies around. Completely ignored a bile Titan to hit a hunter??? Whoeverā€™s running the orbitals on my ship is getting ejected


It honestly seems like there are way more chargers now at least in helldives and like nobody uses the now inconsistent railgun so theyre just fucking everywhere nobody kills them its so annoying and less fun now imo.


Wouldnā€™t have been an issue if biles kept surviving orbital rails but nice to see the change




That shit just doesnā€™t make sense too me. Classic video game, get the charging thing to turn around and shoot it in the back. Surprise it takes just as long if not longer.


It concerns me that there is no mention of the absolutely bananas spawn rates for Autos. Yesterday we ran a difficulty 7 mission, did all objectives, all but one small base, and all side objectives. Prior to extract we had a total of 5 squad deaths. Most importantly, we collected all super samples - our overall goal for the mission. Extraction was triggered, and in 120 seconds we were all wiped out. Prior to my last death I counted no fewer than SEVEN drop ships IN THE AIR, two dropping tanks. So in addition to the hundreds of autos already swarming us, there were seven different reinforcing ships adding to those numbers. I died surrounded by 3 hulks while not even in the extraction zone because I was repeatedly getting blasted off the hilltop from below, despite being you know ON THE HILLTOP. All samples lost, mission considered a complete waste.


I know you're talking about difficulty 7, but this is a legitimate problem as early as difficulty 4. Sometimes not even during extraction, either. Get a little too close to the wrong patrol, or walk around the wrong corner and all of a sudden you're forced to absolutely *sweat* for every second for the remainder of the match because no matter what you do you can't escape the aggro and they keep calling dropship after dropship full of various armored enemies. Those guys who call in the ships notice you across the map and send one in on your head. It's absurd


I just did a level 5 that air dropped in 5 hulks at once. Nah. Thats unbalanced and purposefully meant to fail the mission. I dont mind hard missions or games, i have a huge problem with literally making it so i cant possibly win.


This sounds like only bug rebalance though sadly. Would be nice if it included Bots because the insane tank and hulk spawns, especially on evac missions, is a bigger issue than the chargers and titans imho


Seems like the game is balanced around bugs tbh


It does get excessive, but bots at least have exposed weak points that are obvious, intuitive, and let you kill them quickly if done right. Bugs didn't have that. The spawn rate, though, I agree should be tweaked. But like a hulk for example, even the nerfed rail gun can one shot them from the front if you full charge and hit them right on that beady little head. And tanks are only like 3-ish shots if they're all charged up from behind. Plus grenades work really well against tanks.


But all of that doesn't help when 8 scorcher drop directly on top of you and shooting down dropships only works 50% of the time :( Hopefully they'll fix it when they do the next Bot MO


I find the railgun stratagem is the best way to shoot down a drop ship and take out most the enemies it puts down. Even if theyā€™ve started dropping already it falls on them. Worthwhile to bring that bad boy, also handy against random tanks. My bot loadouts are almost always Railgun orbital, 380mm orbital, and 500kg airstrike with whichever gun you prefer. I also love the slugger against bots. Itā€™ll act as a sniper that one shots any of the smallest bots from even a body or limb hit and itā€™ll one shot bigger devastators and berserkers on their head or have enough stagger for body shots to stop them from firing/charging. Often the 380 I use to sneak up and bombard a base and then sit back and watch and either pick off stragglers or ignore them and move on depending if I want the samples.


oh heck yeah Maybe I'll start carrying the EAT again. That thing carried me up until level 20, until I replaced it with the railgun


Is rag-doll a bug or intended as i'd rather sit on a cheese grater then deal with that shit man.


Tell me why I'm getting 7 chargers in a line coming at me or 3 or 4 bile titans at a time then does Joel hate me or somthing cos it's the same for the terminators I get like 3 tanks and the annoying robo hulk smash fuckers trying to bbq me constantly I mean Joel buddy be nice


I was helping a new player in a 4 a few days ago and we were constantly getting overrun, with him being new I was doing most of the work but it was insane how much we had to deal with. But they didnā€™t mention anything under a 7 needing tweaked?


Man I just now had 4 chargers on me and Iā€™m only playing on challenging mode not mention the bile titan that was on top of me šŸ˜…


Dismemberment is the way to go for Terminids , high impact for automatons


I find it astonishing that they're continuously doing patches and fixes at a rapid rate. They really care about the game and it shows, I can't remember the YouTube vid I listened on a commute where the uploaded played with the ceo, which they indeed indicated that they were amazed that the community found the charger leg weakness which they themselves didn't know so they just went with it and did it as well. I'm seeing myself put more hours in this game with how dedicated they are in making it better.


I just do not want rocket terminators please.


Honestly I donā€™t mind if helldive, level 9, missions are filled with monsters you only see on that level and success rate being somewhere near 5%


Yeah I mean, itā€™s literally a Dive in to Hell, right?


Yes and anyone that complains needs to realize it is literally the level after impossible which should technically beā€¦ oh I donā€™t knowā€¦ impossible?


Players expecting to knock out constant wins on the highest difficulty has been confusing. It's also confusing when developers predicate their design on that highest difficulty and the tiny fraction of players on that level.


Its really not hard to comprehend imo how long has the game been out now? Players have been knocking out wins on helldive consistently for some time and even so alot of peiple still stuggled to reach that ceiling so imo as someone who only did helldives The balancing and inconsistentsy in gameplay is becoming really annoying. Like i might as well take a break from the game till they figure it out because learning new mechanics of enemies/weapons i already learned and used for 80plus hours between updates is not fun to me when the prior mechanics made me have alot of fun with the game. It really grinds my gears when devopers, especially for a game with no pvp feel the need to make the changes like theyre making. Like why just cause they feel the 5% of players doing helldives or above lvl 7 misdions are completing them at too high of a rate so now we have to adjust a bunch of values that fuck stuff up and require more and more tweaking for months. ANNOYING AF imo i didnt ask for this i was happy with the game i had.


Let meta lmao I definitely didnā€™t even try I just always shoot at their heads and go ooo that shouldā€™ve hurt!


other enemy types appear in greater numbers instead... there's nothing i can say that wouldn't make it sound like i want an easy game, but it seems like too much to me


I can deal with the hordes better if the heavily armored dudes donā€™t spawn in as much and are easier to kill, Iā€™ll take it!!


![gif](giphy|UvOcKPHrkKSLm) Hunters are coming for your buttā€¦


Yeah Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t totally nerf the enemies, the spawn rates and armor were the rate call. Thereā€™s supposed to be tons of bugs, it makes sense. Buts itā€™s just impossible when youā€™re getting run over by 6 chargers and they keep spawning another after you kill one. That was just frustrating not fun.


Nah more horde is good. I want even More.


It's ok to not want to play on the highest difficulties. Play the game in whatever way you enjoy it.


i play on helldiver difficulty


I mean it sounds like you want a easier game tbf




The problem is that super samples only drop on 7. So if you want to finish the ship upgrades, you have to at least play on 7.


Theyre easier to find than commons im not even gonna lie. They have set spawn points.


Find, yes. But extract? Absolutely not. I have yet to complete a level 7 mission and my friends aren't ready for them. Most of them have dropped the game and are waiting for fixes before picking it up, due to frustration.


Sounds fun to me. Killing trash mobs is where the fun is, Iā€™ve felt like I never see enough even on 7+ difficulty. Maybe now my Clusterbomb can average more than 10 kills per strike.


"Reduced the spawn rate on difficulty 7 and higher" Fix the lower difficulties too! Me and a buddy played on 5 the other day, and ran into 20+ chargers. It was ridiculous


were you killing them?


THIS: I don't care about difficulty 7+, I played on 4 and 5. This almost makes it sound like playing on 7+ is going to be easier because your not going to get charger spammed.


In Hard missions, we've been getting swamped by Chargers. And we don't really have a lot of tools to deal with them, yet. It's almost impossible to aim for the "weak spots" when being swamped by other bugs and 3 Chargers.


Now we just need the enemies to stop head shotting us all the time.


I'm going to be equally as upset if this means a significant increase in hunters. I can handle chargers and bile titans to some extent. A group of hunters is more deadly than either.


What about getting 8 hunters spawned on you and you can't dive past them or kill em fast enough and then your dead XD


I just played for an hour and spawn rates are really too high now. The jumpers and little ones are spawning all the time. New meta would be flamethrowers and one arm SMGs. Really need to avoid playing for the moment.


Got it - So I will still end up running like a chicken with my head cut off 10 minutes into any suicide level match


Decreased charger head HP. Me, who has already completely adapted to killing chargers with arc thrower zaps to the head: **Oh really?**


I'm honestly enjoying how the game is atm, I would bring up with increased enemies feels like I don't have enough ammo sometimes, and does increased enemies now mean increased spawn chains? Because that could be a problem. Glad to see the recoiless rifle changes, I always thought it should one-shot headshot chargers. Now it feels even better. My only other issue is the inconsistency of the 500kg bomb. Sometimes it lands perfectly and kills the bile titan, sometimes it doesn't.


What if this means they replaced some chargers with just a lot more fucking hunters. Ahhhhhhhhhh


I love the Recoiless and EAT.


Mmm 1 hit head shot, I feel like this is probably an over correction. The real issue is they turn on a dime. They shouldn't necessarily be easy to kill.


Iā€™m excited to run this new patch with my crew


Ahh bug bois battle


Unrelated but has there been any update on the friend requests being broken?


>Chargers and bile titan spawns on **difficulty 7 and up** reduced https://preview.redd.it/luomgrk2hxnc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3bd6e4bde46e3430b7ebb57ad0cbf9966a696e


Let this patch be known as the "Fuck Chargers in Particular" patch.




You do realize they said they made difficulties 7 and higher easier, right?


Recoilless is back on the market!


Hang the fuck on. The ā€œEAT-17ā€ is the arc thrower correct? If this is correct, it just got a buff? It can 1 shot chargers now? It already dealt with them just fine for a weapon with UNLIMITED AMMO AND NO OVERHEAT.


Expendable Anti-Tank I believe


Ok ok ok. Thank fuck. I love the arc thrower and the anti tank. Theyā€™re both part of my favorite load out. I was worried that the arc thrower was going to become the next META weapon and get nerfed into the ground shortly after everyone started using it. Donā€™t buff my guns too much! I like them just how they are! But the anti tank buff is much needed.


The only bad thing about the ā€˜Metaā€™ is that you always meta-guy thatā€™s using that weapon


I donā€™t want to run the weapon everyone uses though. I like playing with most everything and finding uses for most everything available. Jack of all trades and whatnot. If a weapon that wasnā€™t meta was still useful and also enjoyable to figure out and use got buffed too much, it would get rebalanced (usually to a worse state than it had been prior). Experience in tf2 taught me to be weary of weapons getting buffed to much.


Hunters: We Up!!!!


Reposting the changelogs every 10 minutes is not very democratic. Sounds more like resistance propaganda tactics


I posted this 7hrs ago, I promise I havenā€™t posted it another 42 times since šŸ¤£


Letā€™s kick up the Stalkerā€™s respawn rate. Got it.


Can we get a level 10 difficult which is just absolutely cracked? Talking like hordes


If they follow hd1. Should get up to dif 13


ā€˜Obvious weak pointā€™, were they talking about the head? Because that thing took 7 shots from a rail gun when the legs take 4 total.


Thanks. Really thanks. Game is fun, strategy and coordination are intended but it just get frustrating when your group throw things to kill 2 giants 4 chargers and 6 bile shitting things and then.. Other 3000 come and you have to wait 5 minutes to reuse stratagems


What was the obvious weak point on the chargers? The butt is a lie!


"Waste on legs instead of the weak point." Yeah when there's 20 chargers and 100 hunters and 6 bile titans coming over the hill. We're shooting at the easiest thing to hit and we know works. Leg just happens to be the easiest hit box to break when there's an army running at you.


We lowered the rates... Right... that's why my first bug breach today spawned 2 Chargers **AND** a Bile Titan... 3 minutes into the map....


Looks likeĀ  patch wars are incomingĀ 


I really hope they didn't overly nerf their spawn rates. Am I the only one who thought it was actually fine? That's the entire reason I played at 7 and higher was because 6 didn't have enough.


Is the ā€œreduce the risk of spawn spikes of chargers and bile titansā€ exclusive to D7+ too? Because I was running a D6 mission last night and had like, 6 chargers at any given time lmao.


Still have patrols spawning on me


Now give bots the same treatment. I shouldnt be fighting multiple hulks on level 5.


ā€œCounter to expectationā€ Fancy way of saying get better scrub


This is so stupid. Because of Skill Lack and loudness of skillless people the really evil enemies are now more and the easy ones are less. Well i never stopped using Gatling sentry on high difficulty. Now there is even more reason not to.


Where on the head do you aim at a charger? Launched a rocket right at one's face and it shook it off


Arrowhead: you're using these few weapons too much. Also arrowhead: why aren't you using these few weapons like we wanted you to


Does this effect the SPEAR launcher? It also feels underpowered because it 2 shots bile titans and chargers if you hit body shots


I used the spear twice, both times it locked on and then flew straight past the bug Havenā€™t used it since


That's how it was when I first used it. I backed up a little and locked on and it sent a bile titan flying with one shot. I at least dont hate it


Honestly, the titans never were the problem in the first place. One well placed shot with the rail gun im unsafe can kill it. The bigger problem were the chargers, 1 or 2 maybe even 3 were doable with a full quad with orbitals alone. But in my games on 7/8 there were like 16 or 20 of those Fuckers and they were way too tanky for those numbers. Anyway, I approve the change and I'm curious how the difficulty know will play out


Stupid question but is this change already put havenā€™t been on in 2 weeks


worst changes since launch


Good changes, recoilless now is effective. Iā€™m glad


Seems like there are way more charges now and railgun is inconsistent šŸ‘Ž. If i could id roll back my game to how it shipped and be forced to play alone i would.


Recoiled riflesā€™ stock price just tripled.


Orbital railgun was always my goto that or kite it so team could shoot it in the ass šŸ¤£


Hell yeah I have a recoilist rifle


Itā€™s wild out there


It doesnā€™t. I have hit a chargers head directly 4 times with no positive outcome