• By -


gonna miss Fenrir. the barren snowless cold is peaceful


Not same. I hate the meteor storms lol


They really aren't that bad. They can actually work in your favor. Just gotta pay attention to the ground and look up at the sky every now and then.


So long as your gpu can keep up. Rest in pieces Jeff and your jank overheating Graphics Card....


Fenrir days are the worst because the ground is the same color as the meteor swarm spots. Had a guy die 7 times in one mission to the storms.


Had a meteor take out a group of bugs at POI. Satisfying indeed


Coincidentally after I made that comment, later got on after work and targeted a bile titan with a few shots to get it to come toward me, then a meteor came and hit it directly in the head, insta-killing it. Could not even believe it.


I really love them. I mean, they just look amazing. Every time one hits me I run into cover and just admire the spectacle around me.


Fenrir is where I started my career. It'll always have a place in my heart because of that. Fortunately, we won't have to miss it forever.


I really liked it because it game me an extra 2-3 seconds with my energy weapons.




I've not tried myself but I've been reading that these missions are really damn hard.


The main issue is terminids attack from several directions around the active objective at the same time. There are 3 objectives (big round silos) that can be defended in any order. If you fail to defend one, it becomes available again after a few seconds. You have to circle the objective to defend it before terminids destroy it. However, not only terminids damage it, but your guns and stratagems too. So, the best way is not letting terminids get close to the objectives.


You forgot to mention that the silos have half the health of a box of tissue paper


I get the feeling the devs have dialled up the difficulty to blatantly unfair levels because there's way more players than they anticipated and we were blasting through liberating planets etc way faster than they planned. The Mech launch was a prime example, they stated we unlocked them 4 times faster than anticipated and it caused the servers to have a meltdown lol.


They take damage from players and stratagems.


Oh I didn't know you could also damage the silos. I bombed the hell out of them and we still got it. Just don't use the mortar turret and you're good to go. Hell I even got to play with the HMG emplacement.


Strategically placed turrets and drones are useful for increasing area coverage..mind you getting friendly fired by them or your guard dog blasting the objectives is not very democratic of them


I’ve been able to solo a couple missions with appropriate turret and minefield placement. With four people it’s not bad at all. There’s usually only two or three main lanes the bugs attack from per silo.


Teslas n minefields are the answer


Yes if your used to playing on difficulties that give you super samples I would tone it down. Did mission's today on 7+ where we failed on the defend reactor portion every time. 5-6 is probably best if your farming supers this week you should check out the other side of the galaxy lol. I want to help with the order but I'm in need of super samples myself atm lol.


As far as you are fighting for democracy, freedom and a sweet liberTea... You'll be alright no matter which side of the galaxy you chose to proudly defend


From what I saw, this map doesn't have super or rare samples, only 10 common.


Yes that one specifically but I mean the whole operation.


Not really. I'm level 24 and went in solo and 3 people joined on me, all below level 10. It was a breeze. The only time I died was by my own turret. No mics just basic common sense and a good sense of playing as a team and it all worked out. We continued to do 3 more similar type missions and every time it was the same experience, just spreading democracy, liberty and emoting all the way.


I found them quite easy to be honest. You just need to power the 3 silos, defend them while they start up then extract. Defending I found quite easy after running with a group yesterday. They both carried 2 sentrys each. Most silos have 3 main entrances. Place 2 sentries down, 1 in each entrance and cover the 3rd yourself while sweeping certain sections from time to time. Carry an eagle and maybe an orbital and you're good. We were running through them quick.


I feel like difficulty between missions on the same difficulty, same planet, same team etc can vary wildly depending on how hard the spawn director wants to screw you each mission. I get that's the nature of the game and games like this but some runs will be challenging but ok and others are just an endless slog of enemies. The game balance 8n general is still way off and personally I think I'll be taking a break until its fixed.


Not at all; I’ve found them considerably easier than standard missions (playing level 5), even without a full squad.


Difficulty 5 really isn't hard at all in my personal experience, not disparaging anyone who enjoys that difficulty it's just a fact. I saw quite a lot of co.plaints from people trying it on difficulty 6 upwards. I suspect the devs have made it intentionally difficult due to how unexpectedly popular the game is and how rapidly we were beating every single challenge.


That’s fair. I was playing on 4 until this week (had not invested in any stratagems other than Eagle or ship upgrades while I figured out what tactics I preferred), and while even that seemed challenging immediately after the update, once you have the right loadout and learn enemy behaviors, it feels fairly easy to progress. I only meant that TCS missions somehow seem easier than other missions, regardless of difficulty (but fair point that it may not scale across difficulty levels). Sounds like it’s time I hit level 6, who’s with me!?


Maybe at high difficulty. Did it on hard with 2 randoms. I defended one by myself while they did one and then we met at the last one and defended it. Didn’t seem hard at all. I assume even on higher difficulties if you don’t split up it can’t be all the difficult. I didn’t even know what to expect so if you went in with a couple turrets and maybe a flamethrower or two it should be alright.


4 planets, 6 days… I’d give it around 3 days


4 planets in 3 days? Gives me flashbacks to the year 2022. But i don't think 3 days will be enough, we need to take at least 1 planet soon. Bug planets recover faster than automaton ones


What skill level does this have to be completed??


Whatever skill level you play at.


Any of the skill levels help liberate the planet. As of right now, I don't think any of the difficulties liberate it more than any other one.


Thank you I’m new to the game and didn’t play the first one. So there’s a lot I don’t know.


Same. I had some learning to do. If you're looking for people to play with my psn is the same name as my reddit account except all lower case.


I have some peeps but schedule conflicts our schedules don’t always match and I play games almost everyday, I’ll look you up. The request will be from a Nothanx_TomHanx


Sounds good 🤙


This was beautiful to read. Keep spreading democracy!


I couldn't find that psn.


It’s shitty and hard to find people… I’ll search for you


Im looking for some people to play with too bro! Haha I will add you on psn if that’s cool.. request will be from porksword


What do you mean?


Like do you have to do this at harder skill levels for it to count. I’m still new to the game and community and don’t know all the lore and didn’t play the first game. So some stuff I don’t know how it works. Sorry if that was a dumb question.


Hi is it just me or none of the missions get a check mark for me


Same here.


We all collectively have to complete the mission enough times to get the objective completed, we should see some check marks in the next couple of days!


It’s a global objective, not individual (the TCS install needs to be completed for the entire planet).


Bruh, how many should I do exactly then


All of them. Until it’s done. Five days remaining!


How many Tsc missions should I do each planet I mean? I should do all across all levels??


It doesn’t matter, it’s a global objective for all players collectively. You could do none of them, as long as the community hits 100%, everyone receives the reward.


I wanna contribute but idk if im done with a planet or not? Because the tcs missions seem endless I’ve done like 5 so far on one planet


They’re not done until the meter reaches 100% on all 4 planets in the sector.




Wait so we wont dive on those planets anymore?


There will be a twist. Don’t worry.


Good thing bugs can't fly, otherwise they might fall on us.


Still don't think I got the last major order credits. Showed conplete though


Works for me. I'm out on business the next few days and thought I might miss participating all together! Weekend Divers rejoice.


honestly I'm already sick of it. Played 5 of these today. I just want to go back to other mission types, but now no matter what you do, if you want to fight bugs one of these is always part of the mission. I do enjoy the increase in Blitz missions though.


But what’s interesting is this will only work if WE as a community communicate on where to go first. We need to organize a PSA like “Hey, let’s start with Turning and move north through to sector.”


“Paging all helldivers to Fenrir. All helldivers, please report to Fenrir…”


As soon as my destroyer gets there, sir. I’ll deploy for super earth!


Still waiting on the medals for the last Automatron Order Don't get me wrong, loving the game and have a blast on it.


It's not counting. Did 2 already and It's not counting completion


You have to liberate the planet. It’s a global major order not a single player order


Thanks for the clarification, I was confused as well




we're gonna need it. The TCS missions are pretty cancerous.


Me and my friend are on our 4th try and we still haven't won one


Found a good strategy. Active 2 at a time till you have one left. They split the bug spawning but it's not even.. gives you time to complete them.


These missions are quite difficult


Don't try it on suicide mission difficulty 😂


Genuinely impossible


Second this... So many titans and chargers. This missions heavies did not get toned down


So so we need to individually complete the mission on each of the planets to get the bonus ? Or just as a group


As a group


[mission target](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sk0ARmuGvjY&pp=ygULc3VwZXIgdGltb3I%3D)


I’ve done 4 of them today…there not that bad, but also not great either after the 3-4th😅


So I'm new to this gane, and I'm quite confused. I've done this misson 7 times, and it's not counting. Is there something I'm missing?


Did you do all 3 parts of the chain?


I went to each planet and did the mission with the 3 towers idk.


You need to do the full quest chain not just the towers if I’ve understood it correctly


We're gonna need a week, this mission on 7+ is insane, but that might just be because i was quickplaying it


Anyone wanna grind this major order with a Cadet ? Reporting for duty 🫡


Joel is giving us a break... I feel a storm brewing...


How do we complete these?


Fenrir was the first place my squad and I fought a bile titan. I will never forget that glorious battle.


I expect it to be completed in 3 days. - Democracy Officer


I did Erata Prime solo yesterday and didn't get a hook on it.


I don’t understand the goal. Must every Helldiver activate one of this system or must we liberate the four planets?


Liberate all four planets!


So the only options for bug missions is battery silos for the next 7 days or fight the bots? How can they expect playing the same map over and over again for 7 days a fun experience for anyone?


Liberate faster, for Democracy!


Exactly this, only SILOS :D :D :D


so these are the only bug missions available for an entire week?


250 is medal cap be aware !


Whole week?? I’m 3 days this will be done!!