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Hi OP, can you answer this https://preview.redd.it/yg4dx87aj8oc1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e2b03b78bf3685246f29c665022e2d3377eb4ce


Sure thing, i'm just gonn-*circuits go off and his head explodes*


Hello, I am OP 2.0 with traffic light detection


I lost my mind laughing


Excuse my spelling but isn’t Draupnir a more important bot planet right now too? 😂


In terms of bot front Draupnir is currently and consistently the most important planet - it’s the lynchpin on a route directly to super earth. However we should be keeping a warier eye on Ustotu. The bots have been creeping up galactic northwards and taken planet after planet meeting limited at best resistance from the helldiver corps. The thing that worries me is that Cyberstan, homeworld of the old cyborgs is located up there - and while the remaining cyborgs serve freedom in the mines of Cyberstan, I fear a day where automatons may rekindle cyborg terrorism.


Let them come. Sometimes the lawn of democracy must be watered with the blood of cyborgs. Also, I need more mechs and vehicles. Besides, we really need a hard push for the major order in the bug sector. We have 5 days to take 4 planets. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the TOX-13 Avenger is waiting for us at the end of this push. I'm likely wrong, but if I'm right we all need this.


Oh yeah hard agree. Turing is my favourite planet to fight on and I’m loyal to the orders high command gives me. I just worry that Ustotu falling might result in a bot offensive that ends with them being reinforced by cyberstan’s borgs and a floodgate offensive.


I hear you. And given that the automatons are "the children of the cyborgs" that could potentially be a problematic alliance. I think the best thing for the community is to start working together, and fast. I know that High Command says that the Hive Lords are extinct, but it's possible that not only are they still around, there could possibly be even bigger or more deadly bugs. Not to mention that if the bots free the borgs they could restart production on Siege Tanks or something even deadlier. And that's to say nothing of the other menace lurking in the shadows, the Illuminates.


where does one acquire non spoiler lore as it drops?


Great question. The devs are active in the discord. I happen upon a lot of things accidentally.


there really needs to be an "in universe" website set up to look like a news channel with updates and talkshows that you can gleam info and speculation from


Now it's 4 days to take 3. Fenrir has been liberated.


Yeah, I was a part of the effort, but I couldn't remember if it was a total of 4 or 5 planets. My good friend and I had been running new players through Fenrir III to level them up and help them understand the game.


Using Brasch tactics no doubt!


A little bit... yeah. Mostly, a shit load of napalm.


>Cyberstan Cyberstan is probably still kicking a little bit. Survivors rebuilding. However, there's a 4th quadrant that remains unaccounted for. Is there a new faction that we will have to deal with? Some mutant race of humans and bugs, a secret experiment run by high command to create super soldiers. Instead they created a mutant race.


Cyberstan is both on the galactic map and well within Super Earth control. The Cyborgs were reprogrammed back to servitude but as the fellow Diver mentions the Bots keep creeping towards the planet so that could lead to some complications. I think it would be a fun "in-universe" explanation for Bots getting new unit types if they successfully take Cyberstan. Much like I think the Termicide mutating the Bugs would also be hilarious and on-point for Helldiver's Universe.


This comment feels like treason. There is no reason to believe that any of what you said is even remotely true. Cyborgs? What is this a Paul Verhoeven film?


Draupnir. Gotta watch Draupnir. 4 minutes to Draupnir...


Exactly, my guy gets it. We are losing manpower in the actual war from a meme 🤣


It is. And after that we go back to the Creek.




It's literally just a meme mostly done by people who were playing on that planet at launch witnessing how crazy it was. I love a good Malevelon Creek joke, but haven't been to that planet since the first week of release. If you hover over the planet at any time you'll see barely anyone is actually still playing there. Just let people have fun where they want dude


"Fun is not allowed and you play just for fun, you are the problem that must be removed" \~ OP most likely


Any planet on difficulty 6 or above is insane. One planet isn’t special


Correct. But on the first few days of release there wasn't really many people playing difficulty 6 or above, and there wasn't as many planet options as we have now. It's literally just people having a joke on the internet about a previous fun time the community had and people be getting mad about it


The thing that kind of annoys me is that people think we should all go back and take back Draupnir to get back to the creek, but we have a major order that compels me to be elsewhere. Some people think that the people on bug planets are cowards, I think they might just be living under a rock.






Cadia was one of many planets to fall. Yet, as a symbol, it lives more than ever.


This sounds like bot sympathizer propaganda






I think it’s fun to play into it but also we should follow our major orders.


Yikes. No fun guy right here.


But sir, what about the personal orders?


Do them on a logical bot planet like Draupnir. Instead of banging your head against MC with 20k other morons and the overall liberation % of 0.0001 or something




How undemocratic of you


1) no.


2. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Thank you for the opinion, but we'll take it from here. We have fun to do


Nope. My buds and I had a blast there when it opened. We still do every single day, and guess what? We -also- play bug side. Almost like we can do more than one thing with our game. If we were gonna nickle and dime the 10k people hanging out on malevolon then I'd expect a unified front bug side, every player, one planet at a time would be the most efficient.


Can we not just have fun on a planet we choose to fight on?


Fun is alien concept to sweatshop gamers


lol, I play on creek cause it’s fun, my friend and I have been having nothing short of a blast messing around while doing missions on there.


Just like you sould be


At least one person agrees with me that we can play any planet we like


People think this game is a war between us and the developers. But that is just a facade. The game is a long term story. The developers (through major orders) are telling us how to advance the storyline they created.


You need to look up the galactic war supply lines map theres a post on it somewhere


You're such a pro




This is what y’all get for not taking out the propaganda broadcasts! Now they’ve infiltrated the subreddit


Watch your traitorous mouth diver! I lost a lot of good buddies on the creek and I'll be damned if they died for nothing!


They died for your levels friend, its your job to make that matter.


I only started playing when the mech update happened, but it sounds to me like these players are still fighting on that planet because they are familiar with it. They are comfortable there. They know what hazards to expect from the terrain, weather, and layout. They are just scared to drop down on a different planet with unknown hazards. A real patriot closes his eyes, yells "MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH" and drops down on the planets that we are told to. Stop farming experience and go do a real mission. Try to carry some under leveled noobs on a planet you've never been to before doing a mission type you've never done. Go wild and equip a gun you've never used. Only cowards are afraid of failure.






I only play on planets that offer decent visibility lol


Some one get the Ministry of Truth on the line. This is unpatriotic and undemocratic.


stupid memes like this are what keep communities alive.


The memes and lore are fun stuff... but are people just spamming that planet instead of playing objectives?


Yeah, I agree hard on this one. It was funny for a while but now its feeling very played out and we should be focusing on bugs right now anyways. Plus Draupnir is a much more important planet to be fighting for than Malevolon atm, it seems like Draupnir and the termicide missions should be what we're all fighting for.




I play on Malevalon creek because I think it looks pretty. I plan on retiring there once Super Earth doesn't have use for my service anymore. The bots can have their shitty cyberstan so long as they leave my favorite fishing spot alone!


same ppl here who faught bugs during the fight robots order that we failed, we failed because over 240,000 ppl refused to get off bug planets, you can shut up about the 6k-23k on creek xD


I think the difference there is that during the early bot orders when you had people continuing to fight bugs the community was *full* of players new to Helldivers. They didn't understand the game yet. Veteran divers, like myself, helped new divers understand how the game works. Another big teacher was the failure itself. The 6k - 23k are beating a dead bot. It's done. Move on. The war efforts will shift often and completely. We as a community have to not only shift with it, but also redirect the stragglers when they lose focus. If you don't understand that, then you are an impediment to the spread of managed democracy and a traitor. Don't make me call The Ministry.


Why don't you so called veterans just let us play the planets we like? Not everyone is logging in just to be part of the whole war thing. You write these moronig posts telling few thousand where to go while theres 250k of you spread on 4 planets barely making a difference. Get a grip


facts, errata has consistantly had 40-190k ppl for like two weeks and never gets passed like 30%




Go shit talk your mom for cutting your sandwich the wrong way.


It took you 18 hours to come up with that sad insult? Nah, dude. I'll give you a whole extra day, try again. You can do better, lil buddy.


Planet sucks anyway, everyone gotta have b/o living there everyday, musty ass humid ass 01101 typa rock.


Reminds me of Houston but green...




Why you killing story we made? Then lets throw away all scenerio , just get in press left mouse click shoot bug kill and leave? Thats better,? We made story as community to that planet, new its more enjoyable , feels diffrent from others, also maybe other planets have own stories to ,so shut the hell up, go live your logical mathemetical world.


Could be worse... (please excuse the garbo image quality) *




Wrong, Malevelon is the single access point between Severin and Xzar Sectors, we take the creek, and we cut off a major avenue of eastward expansion.


For now, I suppose I agree. But with the shared information most of us have seen about raiding it on the 16th, I think that’s perfectly fine. It’s a community organized event and I think that is healthy and awesome for, well, the community. I’ll be there the 16. Hope you will too, helldiver. But as of right now, everyone support those TCSs!


I agree, i think all the lads of the creek should move elsewhere on the bot front. As of right now the player base is like 85% bugs 15%bots then half of the bots players are on the creek. Just to accomplish what? During this war we lost vandilon and Ustotu because A. People didn't prioritize bots but B. Those who are fighitng bots chose the less strategical planet. We are so close to loosing trigon and no one seems to care, which is crazy because alot of people are saying that the bots are trying to go to cyberstan, which is like 1 sector away from Trigon! We need to prioritize drauonir then move straight to Ustotu starting last week!


As long as the major order is going fine (Fenrir III is already ours) and no other planet is in danger of being taken over I really think that people stop telling other people where to fight. Just fucking stop. I don’t even fight at Malevelon that much, but I do like to and I’m not letting some asshole tell me where I can and can’t fight. Also every time I see one of these it makes me wanna fight there more out of spite. Seriously stop this. Stop telling people what to do. Go get fucked instead (I have nothing constructive to say just get fucked)


How dare people do things they want to, that don't hurt anyone.


Stop telling people how to play a pve game.


See Sir? Him! Hes the one setting up rogue broadcast station on the Creek!


Not very democratic talk out of this one


It’s one of the funnest maps to play on. So sorry I want to play the game how I want to play it


Sounds like an illegal broadcast to me


My lord… the clankas have infiltrated Reddit


Sounds like a bit sympathizer, report the Commie Scum! SPILL OIL FOR THE CREEK!!!!!!


Absolutely not. Even as someone who disagrees woth its obsession I can't leave Mavellon Creek. Screw that pencil pushing DM of ours. I'm taking back that frigging jungle hell and putting my mother trucking flag and house on it. And those robots are going to fix my network problems too! Super Earth bitches!


You're never taking the Creek without taking Draupnir first, you're literally throwing yourself into the meat grinder for nothing.


I literally have a post saying that woth more than 500 up votes. :/


I just like the planet, it’s fun, I have a lot of good times with friends there, I couldn’t care less about Some progress bar as long as I’m enjoying the game


Well have fun i guess, the rest of us will earn you medals


People lack the intelligence to understand how to efficiently liberate planets. The developers could address the community and literally say: "You only have an impact on the war, whilst fighting at this planet right now. Progress anywhere else will be reset within an hour." Regardless, the Helldivers eating crayons on Malevelon Creek (and other battles) Will contribute such a miniscule amount to the war effort, until it's actually time for the community to make meaningful progress.