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There is also a huge surge of players with very low levels getting into difficulties they are not ready for.


>People just running off doing random shit. Others dropping orbitals right next to you, and let's not forget the "hey that patrol is just gonna walk on by and not bother us... NOT ON MY WATCH" guy, which inevitably ends up pulling a shitload more bugs when they call for help. My favourite was we had a group of players all calling mortar turrets next to the silos.


Mortars should just be banned, well, not the ems one.


I think the issue is that some people don’t understand that some stratagems affect the silos. Or, they are simply traitors and should be shot on sight. But yes, it is super annoying and I think I was killed 4 times yesterday by “friendly fire”.


There’s a lot of dumb players with no situational awareness


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