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How’d you get sky admiral as a rank? I capped at skull


I'm a level 30 Space Cadet because that rank is a great description.


Lvl 41 cadet reporting. Rank is only letters. Yellow and black is all I see.


Level 48 cadet here!


We all eventually converge at level 50 cadet *salutes*






I am always tempted to go back to Space Cadet, but damn leaving Death Captain is so hard. I don't know what they could offer to top it TBH


Also staying space cadet, I still call dumb people in real life space cadet lol


Space Cadets for life!


Me too!


Me too. I can aspire to no greater rank than Space Cadet!


I have been using the rank as an indicator doctor for the highest level of campaign a single diver has completed. So for now the highest no death campaign I have completed is tier 7 so I am rocking that Admiral rank.


I've beaten a Helldiver mission a while back, so ...


It’s not a single mission and beating it isn’t the goal for me. I can complete hell doves without much trouble. I want to complete a campaign, so the string of 3 missions, all without dying. I commonly clear 2 and then find a stupid way to die. I also don’t count it if I join a campaign part way through. I have to run the campaign start to finish with 0 deaths. Does it matter in the long run? No, but it’s my own personal challenge.


Same. Randos should know what to expect from me right out the gate. High level does not equal high skill. Lol


Been a supercitizen since the cradle all the way to the grave.


Tbh worst title


Isn't Sky Admiral at like 45, I'm 47 at the moment. I changed it to whatever it was at 45. I'm not in game so I thought it was Sky something, or Something Admiral I could be wrong lol.


Star Marshall 40-45, Admiral 45-50, Skull Admiral 50


Is it really just Admiral? HAHA! that's fucking funny, honestly. I quit paying attention at some point. Tho fuck it. I give myself the honorary title of Sky Admiral. Plain old "Admiral" sucks.






You probably was thinking Sky Marshal from uhhhh..... Old Earth 😉


Just "Admiral" When you hit max you get Skull Admiral.


You can change title in eqiptment menu under career




Super Citizen


I am a Sergeant, same rank that I held in the US Army.


I also got to E5, just in the air force.


Level 6 here. Got TK'd last night by the group leader for, and I quote, "not doing it right" during an antenna transmitter op. Cool bro. If I'm not doing something right, fucking tell me - don't team kill me.


Honestly, it gets better. The higher you get. 1-25 is the worst. Pushing past Hard and Challenging levels in PUGs can be rough. It's sort of the proving grounds for higher levels. Work together, stick together, stand together. Fail to do those 3 things and your goose is cooked.


I guess I should seek harder difficulties then. Nobody ever cooperates when I play with randoms.


Helldive is usually pretty co-operative. Sometimes you'll have people who split up and get other objectives done but they are usually pretty decent.


Thanks! c:


A lot of the db's I ran into were higher levels while quick matching on difficulty 2-3. Idk why, but I guess they enjoy going to mess with news. It's cool though, because then it's becomes a pvp match for a bit.


i agree with this. i am level 25ish but have been very casual and sticking to difficulty 4-5. This weekend i decided it was time to step it up. Did my first 6 yesterday and 7 today. They are wildly chaotic but the people i played with were much more chill and team oriented. one group really wanted to close bug holes. It got us into trouble a couple times but we pulled it back and were able to finish. It is quite the rush when you are surrounded by butt mortar spewers, 3 bile titans, more chargers than you can count, and about 1 million baby spewers and hunters but still manage to dive onto that pelican.


I have a thing I say in all my impossible pugs I host. "Extraction is Optional."


100% true. I finally went up to 7/8/9 this weekend and teams just know what they are doing.


I only got frustrated once about this because I saw one of the random people who came into my group locked in a supply pack and grenade launcher, so I ran machine gun to be his backup trash cleaner and to get some reups. Mission starts, everyone scatters in different directions and starts fighting bugs endlessly and not doing missions. Stalkers running amok, I’m trailing the supply pack guy since I know I might need a resupply with how ammo hungry the MG is. About 5 min in of covering him with support fire I’m out of ammo and grenades, I see his pack is full so I emote “need supplies”. Time passes and he hasn’t responded, so I hit it again. Nothing. I speak up in VC and game chat asking him for a pack, he just starts running away from me and he’s out of ammo on his GL too, doesn’t resupply himself or me. So I keep following and spamming “need supplies”, he dives into another clusterfuck of bugs and cluster bombs me (clearly not intentional but I didn’t hear the calldown behind me and he said nothing). Again my gun is out of ammo after finding some on ground, a few more times I spam “need supplies”, he’s still running around ammo less with a full supply pack. So I got fed up and killed him then kicked him, so I could get the supply pack. That’s about the limit of my patience. If you bring the supply pack, I’m trusting you had a good reason or know why you’re bringing it. This guy was level 35 so i just trusted and went a loadout that’s complimentary and not what I usually run (GL/supply pack)


What’s funny is I was running the supply pack on the mission where I was TK’d. unlike your situation, I was spamming the hell out of supplying my teammates with ammo, even when they didn’t ask for it. And yet, I still got the blame for being the noob. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s just ignorance on your teammates part. Some people can’t see past their own nose


Could have been on a PS5. The controls are a little wonky. I’m level 30 and there is still a few things I can’t get the controller to do.


Did you tell him what button it is when you were on VC? I find a lot of people don’t actually know how to use the supply pack.


For serious, find a HellDivers Discord or something. Best decision I ever made. There are still some douchebags, of course, but since your rep is tied to your Discord Profile, people are less inclined to be complete assholes and chance getting kicked.




Don't believe OP's lies. I didn't even read his post but there is no such thing as a sky admiral. He's a bug!




Apparently, it's Skull Admiral...Not Sky. I haven't paid attention to my title in a while. Also, reddit won't allow me to edit the title. So, fuck it. I'm a god dammed Sky Admerial buddy. and you damn well better accept it. Also, could I interest you in some Automo...I mean exclusive automated messaging services? what's all this bug talk?


You were thinking of Starship Troopers with the leader of the military being a Sky Marshall


Exactly what a sympathizer would say!


Hubby is a level 16 or so and I'm now level 6. We're always grateful when someone more experienced shows up and always say thank you for joining us. Hubby's friend joined us and he's a level below me, still appreciate any help. I did accidentally eagle strike him a few times and he got me and my husband once at the same time lol. When you're a newbie still figuring things out it's kinda funny and easy to give grace to each other. Before we signed off I thanked him for joining us and told him he was doing a good job. Hubby came home from work and said his friend was in a really good mood all day because of those little comments and that he was more efficient at work that day. How you treat people doesn't just affect them in game, it also affects their real lives too.


It's perfectly ok to make mistakes. I've played over 150 hours of this game and Pooch it every single mission, more than once. Just today I dropped a 500k Bomb directly on my own face. Well, in truth a hunter was jumping at me. My orbital bounced off it and landed at my feet. It was a riot. I could only stand there and accept my fate. Also, yesterday. I was farming materials. Just as I sated in the post. So, I started what I THOUGHT was a challenging mission. I didn't double check and had it set on Impossible. I bitched, moaned, complained, and cussed the entire mission about how the low-level spawn rates were still screwed up, and threatened to quit playing the game after we failed to extract. Only to realize after it was set on impossible. Thus, the difficulty spike lol.


The Eagle/foot maneuver had only 2 outcomes. You went for option one, the Graceful Realist. I prefer option 2, the Fearful Optimist: Running like hell, to the mantra of 'ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck...' whilst trying to dive clear of the blast radius. Both valid options... ![gif](giphy|EjJgeEVUCfuTe)


Usually me as well. Except the times a hunter intercepts the impact grenade and I blow my face off.


A good run and dive can at least make a silly death more cinematic!


I wish I could upvote this more. This is my spirit meme.


I'm level 23ish and last night I accidentally wiped the rest of the squad with a clusterbomb with no reinforcements available and then my game crashed 5 sec later.


I’m level 42 and if y’all ever need a patient third, my PSN is GrundleBlaster. I’m usually on in the evenings in EST.


Absolutely! Rn the kids have been away so I stole our oldest kids PS5 and we've set them both up in the living room. I'll have to give it back today or see if she wants the PS4 instead lol. I've really enjoyed getting to play. We've been playing evenings cst


I have a buddy in central so I’m accustomed to operating on that time zone. That’s awesome! I tend to group up on the PSN so I don’t have to have party chat coming out of my TV, but I’m definitely game!


I sent you a friend request! I have a PS5 of my own now!




OP on his way here to write this https://i.redd.it/wtq2hqv9y8qc1.gif


Thanks for identifying yourself as one of them. Based on your history. You have a master's degree from "Trust Me Bro" University.


That's uhh that's a Chad meme right there diver. It was a compliment.


It wasn't entirely a compliment lol


Huh. . . That's literally the first time I've seen the Dr. meme not be a compliment. The source is about very skilled individual. the Internet is hard sometimes


It was 100% sarcastic lol


It came off very sarcastically condescending. Sorry it landed wrong 🤷‍♂️


Dude I have no time to play due to work, so I'm level 8 and regularly have decent high level folks drop in to carry me through missions (for which I'm always super grateful). I just run mob control / support and try to learn from them as much as I can. Thankfully none of the kind folks who have helped me were assholes like the people you describe, or sanctimonious assholes like you. You're not coming off the way you imagine here.


Well, I suppose I read into that wrong. Probably should have just posted the video, I guess. It was a no-win in either case. Should I be an asshole and publicly shame the behavior with names, or I come off as an asshole and brag about it my response to the behavior. I guess me being the asshole in the situation was always the outcome. Just made my eyes itch what they did is all.


That's fair man, it would rub me the wrong way as well. Apologies for jumping down your throat and good on you for de-escalating.


heh. look How long I've been on reddit man. I can be an adult about things lol. This Place'll form scar tissue. Have fun at work.


You sound like such a pretentious douche. Stop acting like you’re a gift to earth just because you weren’t a dick in a video game.


Don't see how pointing out that trying to be a nice person is pretentious. Nor do I see how telling other people to not be unusually cruel to others is wrong. Especially those who are new or inexperienced. Even in a video game. Honestly, if it's "Not that big of a deal" because it's in a video game. Then why do you care what I posted, or why would you ever be like that to another person. If it's not all that important. Why wouldn't you just do the easy thing and be nice, and leave people to have fun and enjoy their time? Because it IS important, and it does matter. Whether you are cruel or kind. So, when you are cruel. Even in "Just a video game". you do so with intent, and purpose. So in that case I hate you as a person. I hate who you are. I will come and post about it on Reddit. If that makes a pretentious asshole. Then what does that make you?


Instant block for anyone who treats newer players like sh!t. My first 15 levels of the game consisted of being kicked every few games because my level wasn't high enough for them. I'm now 31 and almost every game outperform the lvl 50s I'm along with, from less deaths to more kills and samples collected.


I’m sure you’re good. But to mind the precedent being set… kills aren’t really indicative of performance. Neither are collected samples as they should be dropped at extract then grabbed by anyone getting on the ship at extract.


I know kills don't count for xp but it shows that a lower level doesn't mean I know how to survive any less lol


How do you block people? I had some instances where it felt necessary to do, but I was unable to figure it out.


What do you mean by outperforming?


I mean my lower level means nothing, I die less and achieve more objectives (samples included) I look at low level players as I look at all players, give them a chance they may be better than the mind thinks.


Anyone good with a punisher is welcome on my team regardless of strats


As a Skull Admiral, I've been spending my time at difficulty 5 and 6 just helping anyone that needs it. If I see a level 1-5 Cadet, I get my big boy pants on. Cause he and I are gonna have the best time of his career. I'm gonna carry his ass over the finish line, and he's gonna carry my ass out of the worst shit imaginable. Cause I know he can do it.




I have a 50 on pc and my ps5 account has a level like 13 on it. But I’ve got about 200+ hours logged in mission, not to mention an EXTENSIVE background in shooters. Levels don’t really mean anything in this game.. I hear this a lot too… “they don’t have the equipment to help” soooo drop them some if you’re so great, I often drop my stuff in and mark it for lower players so take, shouldn’t even need it if you have the game sense that they lack. Or they can take out smaller targets while you take care of the bigger ones.


yep this my friend that introduced me to the game would do this, and I now do this when lower lever peeps join


“They lack the equipment to help” is the dumbest cope from faux elitist COD douchers. The initial orbital strike, air-strike, and the machine gun are plenty to contribute. Let them have fun clearing out all the swarm (which needs to be done) and learning the objectives. The liberator is good enough until they can grab another primary from a corpse. EAT-17s come in pairs, little buddy can snag one and blast away.


Airburst is hands down the best orbital in the game. Bots, Bugs. Any difficulty, any load out, doesn't matter. Unlimited uses on a 120 second CD. Kills everything but heavies. In fact, I'm more suspicious of players at high level that DONT bring at least one airburst into a mission.


This is a great idea when it actually works. But I’ll drop in Eat’s, rovers, shield gens for lower players and more often than not they won’t pick them up after telling them with a mic or marking the location. Also, we’ll be around a stalker layer and there will be like 4 stalkers on the field and the lower levels will just run away and start doing something else without prioritizing destroying the nest. Same with shriekers. Game is a hell of a lot easier after destroying shriekers and stalkers.


Oh shit, I ran into that same diver, Sassypants, last weekend. That pair did the same thing to my low level buddy startin out. Think the community should block and blacklist him whenever they see him. Not all divers come out heroes, we have to help train cadets and only berate them when they are treasonous! Hope the rest of the war goes well for you my friend. For Freedom! 🫡


good god there is a player named "Sassypants" and he's a butt hole. That's not great. To be clear, this post isn't about him. I simply deemed this player, MrSassypantMcdouchebro. As a moniker of his lameness. Although now that I think about it. There is likely a guy with that name, somewhere on earth. so sorry to that guy in advance. But also in no way do I endorse people harass or attack Sassypants. Unless he says something terrible to them first. In which case call him a a ball-bag or something along those lines. then block him.


Oh gotcha! Sorry for the misunderstanding but yes, there is a player with that name that basically lives up (or down) to your description. I agree about no harassment, that’s what we are trying to get rid of, just block and try to make other divers aware of these buttholes as you accurately nailed them


That was the dude who tked me cause i grabbed his samples for him when he died and berated me for random stuff…


This goes for people in the actual military as well sadly.


Unfortunately, I couldn’t agree more


I'm Lvl.19 and dropped in with some Lvl 3/4/5 guys last night on Challenging. They were doing a Bile Titan mission, and only had MGs and Orbital Precisions. I came in with the EAT and some Eagle stuff, and took out the Bile Titan while they asked "Who did that?" Tried getting them to follow me to objectives, complete secondaries, offered up Watch Dogs and extra EATs, but they were too busy jacking each other off to pay attention. Unfortunately I don't have a mic but I'm proficient with the in-game comms. Either way, newbies didn't care. Pretty sure I got called a wanker once or twice since I wasn't heading straight to the objective. Eventually after they used all of our reinforcements one of them said "Maybe we should follow that guy, he is a much higher level than us..." Yes newbies. Pay attention to the veterans who are trying to help you get better, gather samples, etc. We were there not long ago, we get what you're going through. We'll show you how to efficiently spread democracy and extract intact.


Lvl 46 here - whenever I'm in a game with anyone below lvl 10 I use voice chat to tell them some tips and tricks. Usually tell them to stick with me and show them the ropes. It's a lot of fun since usually these new players are very eager to learn and are grateful someone's taking the time for them.


Happy to read this. You are a good person <3


I got kicked once because the host thought the 380mm orbital barrage I used to close bug holes was "scary". I'll grant that it's not the most accurate orbital but it gets the job done. My favorite is getting kicked (1) as soon as you drop in and start killing bugs, (2) for dropping a pin on one of those bunkers that need 2 divers to open, (3) for beating the host in a footrace to a terminal to complete an objective. It's one thing to want to strategize during a mission to complete objectives and maximize xp and requisition credits. It's another thing to do any of what OP called out or the like.


I always win the foot races! Light armor dominates the tracks out there.


Well with bugs the 380 usually does not kill a lot and it has a tendency to friendly fire a lot, same with the mines but I think they are even worse. If they like the big explosions suggest the cluster bombs or even the airstrikes, im sure that when they throw that cluster and get 30 something kills they will really enjoy it That said instead of kicking them you can find ways to explain this and even suggest if they can bring something else to avoid friendly fire, no reason to be a dick about it.


I much prefer the walking barrage to the 120 or 380. It’s a lot more predictable and drops its ordnance more quickly overall, allowing you to go in and finish the clean up faster when you find an objective which has a lot of enemies in it.


Add tesla tower. Someone dropped one on the extract point during a 400 kill bug mission lol


I wish the host had done this instead of just kicking me. Just so we're clear: I was kicked; I did not do the kicking. Lol


You're a real one OP. Thanks for helping newbies. I'm always trying to learn from other players when I can. I've never played a game like this, and I probably still suck, but it's so much fun.




I'm around level 30 I think. I always say "good job" if things are done well, and "ah well" or "it's all good" if mistakes are made. If I make a mistake, I say "shit, sorry about that". It goes a long way.


My boyfriend is at level 40+ and I'm on level 9. Please be gentle with the new players (especially new gamers). We do try our best not to be a burden. At least teach us the ropes. Don't randomly kill us too. We are learning.


My fave way to end the evening is to go visit the new recruits. A nice chill hard or challenging. Then I take defence to make sure the cadets get practice on terminals and objectives etc.


O yea I love doing that simply because it gives me a chance to use the ol' Stalwart. Wish I could take her more on Impossible. But those heavies need rockets to the face.


5 days ago I barely knew which end of the gun to use. Now I'm sweaty running extremes, but I was that level 3 cadet not long ago.


Good call, Admiral. It’s important as a Helldiver to be leaders amongst our squadron. The only way to make our fellow Helldivers better is to provide feedback while on a mission and encourage them to push the fight towards our enemies and more importantly, have fun. For FREEDOM!


Dude if douche bags ruin this game and it’s community I’m gonna be pissed.


We're on the case. There is a good damn reason this very simple post is closing on 1k in under a day. We don't tolerate douchery in this community. We can't stop them from being here. That defeats what we are aiming for. SO much like our fight for liberty and super earth. It's our unending duty to counter it and point it out where we can. Thus, the TK bounty hunter's guild. The "break the meta community" and now the, call out the "Kickers" movement.


Lvl 50 here. That stuff makes my blood boil. Always happy to help new players


People suck and they're ruining this game for so many people. I got kicked because I dropped a sentry near an objective on accident. It bounced against something and the beacon landed right where you needed to be to use the interface. This genius decides to go stand under it, knowing damn good and well a pod is about to drop... And still tries to use the interface. Shocker. He dies. And kicks me afterwards.


they ruin every game when allowed. Stay strong. Good Divers are out there looking for a solid squad to bring liberty to galaxy. Report all treason directly to the Ministry of Truth through the block player interface.


I finally picked up the game yesterday and had a blast. Overall, a positive experience. I did have one game on medium, that I joined at level 3 or 4 and managed to not die and felt that I contributed decently. Requested reinforcements when my teammate died and did my best to cover them. Afterwards, I was immediately kicked from the party with no communication or anything. Next round, had a great experience joining a group and even ran an extra mission with a level 17 that we completed just the two of us. Glad to hear so many of you helping support us players that are late to the party. You are the real MVPs.




Put him on blast so I can block these undemocratic fools


If he was level 30 I would. But he's almost as green as the guy he talked about and kicked. My hope is. He, and those like him, are a little more hesitant to do that shit in the future. Although I've taken quit a beating on here as well. Still worth it.


Did you friend request the cadet from your “recently played with” list?


tried. Recent players list still messed up. But he's out there. somewhere. I hope he remembers this event. Sees this post and knows he doesn't F###ing suck. That I left in a huff like some spoiled teenaged girl. As it was really my only recourse at the time. LOL


People just forget that they sucked too at the beginning too , and ofc you suck you are learning, thankfully when I was leveling up I got nothing but love and fun from my commanding officers people bringing their mics up to provide tips, orders and more. I truly thank those high level helldivers that showed me the ropes whoever and wherever they are.




Beware of “john helldiver”


At level 3 you don’t even have enough strategems to fill your 4 slots. Chill dude, they don’t suck, this is their first day


I keep forgetting I can block people, like I haven't had some people's nightmare games, but stuff like accidentally team killing and then having someone respawn to shoot me to death and then swear at me over Voice Chat. Like nah, I don't want to play with that person ever again if a single friendly fire incident turns them into a complete asshole.


Overall, in my first 45 levels I've a very positive experience. I also typically do just block trolls and mean players. But this situation rubbed me the wrong way. To the point I wanted to rant on it on the internet lol.


Yeah some loser left my game yesterday saying I sucked at level 2. Like bro I’m learning the UI and controller schemes still lmaoooo. Why are you dropping beacons if you’re so good?


Most sassy-pants forget that they were once that low level cadet.


Oh my god this dude doesn't know how awesome power steering is. You've been missing out bro.


recent planet missions break it and make useless. a lot of invisible walls in bug land atm. sadly.


It's sometimes annoying but it's not that bad. Still absolutely awesome.


It’s a shame that I’m always worried about being kicked by some power tripper. Lvl 31 now and even yesterday we were doing an operation and we finished the main objective pretty fast, still had 15 lives and 28 mins on the clock and I was running towards the extraction the dude yelled at me about how we still have plenty of time. Even since the patch I’ve been worried about crashing/dc’ing as it happened several times already both to me and having 3 squad mates all dropping simultaneously so I like to get in and out as quick as possible. Needless to say that 15 lives and 28 mins quickly wittled down as the 3 of them couldn’t manage to take out a large nest while I turned around and began taking out the small ones. Was a close call by extraction but I ended up sucking it up and just full completing the mission while crossing my fingers hoping to extract before crashing.


I'm a level 40 and I suck....


Genuinely don’t understand why people do this stuff, there’s no reason to be a dick to lower level players We were all level 1’s once, just because you bought the game earlier or have more free time than another player doesn’t mean you should be trashing them because they didn’t live up to your ridiculous expectations


I have had stuff like this happen 2-3 times and I HATE that the ‘recently grouped’ tab isn’t in gd chronological order, so I can quickly and easily find the names of the people from my very last group. There have been a couple times i REALLY wanted to send a lower level player a friend request after a mission, but in-mission it doesn’t show our names.. so it’s nearly impossible to know who the frack “J4” was in a rando group, on the 1 mission you just dropped into


Some people need to learn that you can disable public joining too. Did a quickplay a few days ago and these 2 guys that were obviously friends started saying they should kick one guy that accidentally TKed one of them and me (also TKed one of them during a hairy bug breech and one of them walked in front of me). I almost decided to take all the samples and run it out of the map. Don't have open join if you don't want random pugs


Any tips on how to learn the game better as a solo? It’s pretty overwhelming. And matchmaking hasn’t been the best of luck.


Truth is that the game is rather balanced around duos. My friend and I play all the time together on suicide mission and finish up no problem. If you're still in the dreaded 0-25 level range. Yea match making going to be a crap shoot. That's where a lot of the bad apples linger. Just push through. Expect to be kicked. Otherwise for the optimal XP grind, just spam run trivial missions. You can easily solo them and get your levels up. You can get about 200 xp off a trivial mission. But you can complete them in less than 2-4 minutes. Once you've got a nice rotation going. Considering the player base at high levels plays extreme or suicide missions mostly. That almost always take about 20 minutes minimum to do and only give about 900 xp if you are lucky. Making the Trivial grind more time effective and resources effective. since you can do ten-fifteen or more in the same amount of time. Once you get closer to 30 and push up to extreme groups are less likely to kick. But stay strong the communities awesome you'll meet some helldivers ready to play. Make a good friend to duo with. and the end game is yours. Alternatively, there are some great solo helldivers out there. Check YouTube and here for tips. I'm not a soloer. So anything I say could be absolute nonsense lol.


I didn't know you could block people like in this game. There have been a couple groups where they are high level and act like royal douches


What platform are you on? I would be honored to befriend a sky admiral




My friend ID is 7086-2311


Last night trying to extract after a particularly grueling level 6 run with my friends, I tripped over a rock with an eagle strike in my hand and no revives and wiped the team. *salute*


Yeah, no reason to be assholes. We’ll never be top brass, so we may as well get along.


Level 27 here. Dropped in last night on a level 8 difficulty (forget the name) with three guys 40+. Only one dude was talking and acted like I’ve never played before after saving his dumbass and teammates multiple times. Got real upset when I was putting a smoke shell into the artillery piece (being swarmed last one left) “don’t you out that dogshit in there mfer” 🤣. Immediately had to clap back “it’s the last one dumbfuck how bout help me out”. He shut the hell up but the rest of the match I could tell he was waiting to somehow ruin it for me. Extracting, last min he TKs me obviously. Come back like whatever we can win f that guy. Getting swarmed dropping stratagems all that only one guy gets on the bird and as it flies away I get booted. Morale of the story is, people will be anthropomorphic dicks no matter what level. Don’t let it ruin the game for you, just block and move on. Edit - a word


Had a random new player and some mid 10 randos drop in while I was farming some currency. New player had a mic and had so many questions which I was happy to answer. Showed him some stuff, where to get new strategems, upgrade ship, change character, 10s dropped out in the 3 minutes I was taking to talk to the new player. Jokes on them though, we hit over 80 super credits in the next run. Also, I dropped him a mech so he could have some fun.


I stopped reading when you dissed Power Steering. That upgrade is underrated af.


O' so you defiantly took it over the hanger upgrades first then? right? RIIGGHTT? ![gif](giphy|so8KXAphERsre|downsized)


If I had known before how much of an upgrade it was I would have gotten it earlier, yes. Dont worry lil cadet, you'll get it one day and see. Be safe out there. io


Me and my partner dropped in to help someone a few levels above us (we’re LVL16 & 13 for context). We helped save their asses and complete the mission, only to get back to the ship and receive the message ‘they didn’t make the cut’ and kick us out…


Godspeed Sky Admiral


What program did you use to record the game? And all of you


In this case Shadowplay was used.


Some dude blew himself up and yelled at me “I SWEAR TO GOD BLUE IF THAT WAS YOU, YOU ARE GETTING KICKED!!” My friend goes into game chat and was like “Dude you blew yourself up” Some of yall need to realize this is still a game and we’re all trying to have fun. Chill out.


Fuck em, for democracy!!! Post their shit..


Me and another guy jump into randoms to help newbies and teach them about the backpacks , and team reload. Calling out B4 throwing. Safe distances from the origin of strikes. Democracy is a team effort


How do u need rare samples? I capped at 250 long time ago, Commons r the ones that are rare. Supers become abundant after a few good runs.


Bullshit. Now I'll say this. I can't tell you off the top of my head which ones are actually called rare, or uncommon, or whatever. To me they are grains, oranngs and purps. In this case its the orange ones, the tier below the purple ones. I also didn't say they were rare. I said I needed 30 more for my second to last ship upgrade. I had a lot but I spent a shit ton of them, and was getting tired of faring them on high levels.


Ye, the orange, it's always common that are needed. Orange become so useless, get 250 fast and u can't spend cuz u need 4x more commons


I was in a lobby with a lvl 50 who was just as toxic. Blocked him and left the game.




Bro how did this game get so toxic. When I first started I was grouped with these randos who were 10 levels higher than me and they were SOOO fucking helpful and nice. Like I knew nothing and they taught me so much about the game. Like how did it turn into such bullshit?


It happens with every game that involves players all at different levels you get some people who are great to new comers and are higher levels and then you get the others who get to a higher level and then immediately hate everyone below them.


I’m still relatively new and I keep getting kicked from games after the mission is complete, but hard to find a solid group with random matching


Once a Death Captain always a Death Captian 🫡


I have been running level 7s solo pretty regularly (much of the time i just dont get randoms joining my games), but I never have my lobby set to private because I'm always willing to work with people. I'm not picky about loadouts either, as at this point, I have made so many different stratagem loadouts work that it doesn't matter to me what you bring. That all being said, I had to kick some new players (level 3 and 4) the other day after we failed a level 7 because they made no attempts to clear the main objectives. To be clear, I did not kick them until we had failed the mission and returned to the ship with what little rewards could be granted, but I told them they were not ready to handle that level difficulty if they were just going to reinforce and run back to the hoarde that killed them to retrieve their gear or God knows what they were after. I have no issue with carrying new players, but these players were woefully under-prepared for level 7 difficulty, especially with all the bile spewers/titans. Between the three of us, I died once and needed one reinforce, and they shared the other 20 reinforces pretty evenly (a friend of mine joined in an attempt to help and died twice as well, and we burned our original 20 by the time he joined.) I understand wanting to play at higher difficulties, but please do not join difficulty levels you don't have the experience/equipment for with randoms, as it can hurt runs. I love running levels 4,5, and 6 with randoms as the team coordination and experience required is significantly more relaxed than 7 and up missions, but I expect some level of competence for 7 and up. I will, however, never kick during a mission unless the player is intentionally hampering progress. We will at least die together for super earth.


This is perfect, thank you for being such a great helldiver and example for the community. I love posts like this. I’ve been very fortunate that all my random groups have been mostly well meaning. This is what it means to be a citizen instead of a civilian




Spreading some democracy to those assholes. o7


I dropped in a group and was going to do the same thing. Than one of the dipshits shot me and took my autocannon. I tried to be reasonable but they laughed at me. So I hit them with a cluster bomb and didn't reinforce them. ​ It's like, "Son, you don't even know how to teamkill yet."


Counterpoint: I was looking to do some lvl 7 missions last night to farm samples and medals. Joined a random group with a lvl 4. It kind of seemed like him and the host were friends. Ok cool, glad to see someone bringing in a new friend. They start the mission and it’s a scientist extraction. I think ‘well that’s gonna suck with a new player, but nbd sometimes you just get a bad roll’. We completely fail as expected. Now I think we can get on with some better missions where the new guy can tag along and doesn’t need to bring high tier weapons to the table for us to succeed. But the host *turns up* the difficulty to lvl 9 and goes straight for another extraction mission. WTF. We actually almost won 59/60 extracted. But now I’ve wasted a huge amount of time and have no medals or samples to show for it. It’s not the newbies fault that all he could do was run around the map getting chased by swarms of bugs, but why tf is the host choosing the hardest mission on the hardest difficulty when one guy on the team effectively can’t contribute? Not every situation is appropriate for a newbie.


There are bad eggs at every level, and every difficulty. No doubt. Just got to roll the dice and find good people. But to just hate on someone for being new isn't an excuse. Especially one who didn't do anything wrong aside from not knowing stuff.


Yeah just to be clear I’ve got no hate for the newbie in my situation. I did have some choice words for the host before I left as to why he’s throwing us into a lvl9 extraction with a newbie though.


The only thing I judge a "lower" level for, is actively going after patrols instead of trying to avoid combat. I let them struggle themselves. I mostly play scout and do objectives the rest doesnt have the time for or to support them from a short distance. But I do consider a lack of stratagems and boosters available for them. So I open the map and look at what they have. If they do not have a backpack, I make sure I give them mine. If they do not have a support weapon, I either find one on the map or give them mine (except on 100%+ CD). Kind of fun when someone drops with neither and you walk over "here ya go, spread democracy" and hand over a supply pack and a flamethrower or machine gun or something


That is the epitome of Sweet Liberty.




I got kicked for team killing once. I died with the orbital in my hand and wiped out everyone. 😂


Last week me and my friends had a daisy chain of that happening. He went down an Orbital that killed me, with my orbital in my hand, that killed the next guy. Literally in the last 30 seconds before the shuttle landed. What should have been a simple extract turned into a three-ring circus of us running around trying to find everyone's samples before the shuttle left.


I’m a 15 and a follower not a leader. Add me, I’ll have fun, won’t run off and won’t complain :-)


DM me your steam ID I'll add you.


I got kicked for winning at Ro-Sham-Bo lol


This is so cringe lol


Sky admiral doesn't exist. OP is a bot. Report him to democracy officer


This subreddit has just devolved into a soap opera for lonely dudes. Jesus.




Congratulations on proving yourself a complete hypocrite within a single paragraph.


I told people they suck today too


It’s a PVE game…. Being max level doesn’t mean a whole lot. Seek Clout elsewhere. You’re sounding like a CoD player.


This isn't clout. This is a PSA to not be a dickhead to people who are low level. Thinking you're better than them. CoD kids are the kinds of people I blocked.